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Messages - Scruff McGruff

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The first one. It was his... third message to me that he offered me an alliance. Still, he has proved that he's willing to commit to G.O.B.

Okay, yep, I see what Leon is saying about Hannah having very short replies. She is definitely who I'm going to push for if/when we do end up going to tribal council. Something about her just... doesn't really come off as genuine, and it's hard making a connection when everything is just positivity and no actual opinion on anything.

Also, the forum is saying that positivity isn't an actual word. What in the world. Go home, game, you're drunk.

Here are my revised trust rankings for the tribe with a short tidbit on each of them, in order from most to least trusted.

Leon - Really nice guy and my first official ally that I feel like I can trust. We click super well together.
Lennie - I had doubts initially, but he seems genuine about wanting to work together. I still should watch my back for him later down the line.
Jake - Is great to talk to. Potentially has too much power over the tribe. That's the only reason he's this low.
Paul - I personally don't have a problem with him. However, a strong commitment to allying with him would only harm my game, since others dislike him.
Ace - Quirky. That's really all there is to say. Really quiet otherwise.
Hannah - ...Boring? I feel like we really haven't connected much, and Leon explicitly stated that he'd want to see her be the first to go if we lost.

By the way, in a continued response to Scooby's post in the main confessional thread-- I feel confident that I can have Leon as my second in command now. Even if he is lying about being a newbie, he's the one who I feel the most solid about that didn't breach the topic of an alliance with me within the first three messages or so-- and I don't have to worry about him discarding me later down the line since he doesn't have as much power over the tribe as someone, like, say, Jake.

Scruff McGruff / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 28, 2020, 03:29:30 am »
Hang on a second, this is the wrong channel! By jove, you've jebaited me into responding in my moderator confessional instead of the designated thread for confessionals!

Scruff McGruff / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 28, 2020, 03:24:51 am »
Oh hi, Scooby Doo. Nice to see a fellow crime-fighting dog out here. Come to think of it, there are three in this game alone.

Anyways, I feel like I've been able to narrow down my potential 'second in command' to three options at this point, and my opinions have majorly changed since the game first began. I'll just give a list with my top three and explain why the other three aren't on the top.

Top Three (In no particular order):
Pros: Lennie seems really eager to open up and establish an alliance. He's the person I've had the most game talk with by a bit of a long shot, and as far as I can tell, he seems honest about his intentions?
Cons: As far as I can tell, he's a bit quick to the draw with giving away information and alliance proposals. I'll have to watch what I say carefully around him, because there's no telling if he could leak it or not.

Pros: Excellent conversationalist. I really feel like I can connect with him and share my thoughts on the state of the game and my opinions on others, which is really nice!
Cons: He's doing the same thing with pretty much everyone else on the tribe, almost guaranteed. His first opening message to everyone was the same, so I've been watching his back a bit and making sure that he's not unintentionally targeted for potentially saying something he shouldn't, and have been putting in a good word for him to earn myself some goodwill with someone who has a lot of power over this tribe already. Minor con-- he seems reluctant to actually cement anything game-related, which can be a tad frustrating when the game is going by at a mile a minute. Like, we can at least pretend to agree that we want to work together, right? (Which I do.)

Pros: New to the game (apparently), and with that, should maybe be inexperienced? I want to help show him the ropes and make his first experience a good one-- not to mention that he's open and super easy to talk to. I've already broached the topic of working together, and I feel like he's really into it!
Cons: He could totally be lying and I'd look like an idiot. Also has the same problem as Lennie where he leaks information, intentionally or unintentionally, but I haven't heard anything of that nature yet.


My other three will just have a summary of why they're not in my top three.
Hannah - Sort of boring to talk to. We haven't really gotten to know each other beyond initial first impressions, and if this was a contest for who has engaged me the least, it would probably be her as my first choice to go. Still, people seem to like her, so she might be sticking around.
Paul - Actually a funny and decent dude. However, his pros are nowhere near as good as that of the top three, and on top of that, people seem to find him sort of bland and passive? He might be a candidate for first boot from our tribe if nobody decides that they want to stick their neck out for him.
Ace - A total wild card. Sends what are easily the shortest messages, and I have no idea what his opinions on people are nor what other people think of him. Could also be a potential first boot from our tribe if people don't think that they can trust him going forwards.


That said, there's been discussion between Lennie and I about a 'Good Old Boys' alliance between ourselves and Jake-- us three make up the core. Then, we drag two more people (Leon and... Hannah???) in to make a majority no matter what. Then, when we get down to five, the initial core will have control and we can potentially take out Hannah to protect ourselves. Hopefully it doesn't actually come to that, but I have faith that this could potentially work out to be a good thing! I'm also hoping that this isn't an elaborate ruse and I've actually made a good first impression on people.

Hope that answers your questions, Scoob!

Hmm, that's a really good question. I usually try to play the 'sneaky bastard who will backstab you' role, but this time, I've been trying to switch it up and act as the 'Noble Wingman' to people that I care about, such as Jake. Not sure how long that'll last, but I'll try to keep up my noble appearance for as long as possible.

Anyway, out of everyone so far, I get the impression that... Lennie might be the first to go from our tribe, with Hannah shortly after? Not sure what people's general opinion of me is, so I think anything can happen.

Well, you can't vote, so I don't think you'd be my most valuable ally. That said, if I'm able to bounce my opinions off of you, I'd be more than happy to not vote you off for now.

Hmm. Not yet, but I have a feeling that will change in the future. Luckily, this doesn't seem like a crazy tribe, so I think I'll be fitting in well.

That said, my primary goal in finding allies is someone that I can bounce ideas off of. So far, my list looks a bit like this:

Nothing personal to Hannah or Lennie, our conversations just haven't been as interesting, and I'm prioritizing Leon over them because he claims he's new.

Hmm. I think the only thing that's making me hesitant to be an ally of his is his general PM title 'Scruff and Jake' and the fact that I've spent less than an hour with him. Otherwise, he seems to be a nice guy in general!

Here are my first impressions of everyone so far:
Ace - Seems to be short-winded, but it's not a bad thing since he responds quickly.
Jake - Very long-winded, easily the best conversations so far. Hopefully I can establish a secure relationship with him in the future
Paul - Hasn't played in a while-- and neither have I. I can respect a meme pick, so I'm looking forward to getting along with him as well.
The Law and Order dude - Seems to be the older type, which isn't a bad thing. Isn't at the top of my potential ally list, but we can see how that changes.
Leon - Says he's a newbie, which I don't entirely trust. If it's true, though, I want to help him through and make his first experience a good one!

Well, I actually do have a solid impression of two of my castmates! Ace seems nice enough, but he's nowhere near as talkative as I'd like him to be. Jake is better about keeping up conversation, of course, but I'm not sure if I can trust him as an ally just yet.

That said, I'm actually feeling confident about this challenge! Only one team is going, so the odds of winning or placing second to avoid tribal are high.

Scruff McGruff / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 27, 2020, 09:06:31 am »
Still very much up to join the force!

Hey there, everyone! Very stoked to get to play in these games again. Never played in this forum format, so I'm excited to see what the differences are. Will specs still ask questions as usual?

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