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Messages - Rust Cohle

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It's been 72 hours since Lucifer messaged me.  This is Survivor all right.  Here's hoping this isn't my last confessional post as an active player.

I wonder if we'll even see Lucifer online before deadline tomorrow, let alone exchange messages with him.  Frustrating.

This game was the best I've ever done in challenges.  Still not good enough.  I will never be a Challenge Beast.

That is just heartbreaking

Hello final jury seat my old friend

With a challenge submission like that I better hope both of these guys want to take me to the finals because I don't think I'm taking myself

Rust Cohle / Re: Challenge Submissions Thread
« on: August 09, 2020, 04:49:16 pm »
Final immunity

Col. Mustard, with the Knife, at 5 in the Conservatory
Mrs. Peacock, with the Lead Pipe, at 6 in the Study
Miss Scarlett, with the Candlestick, at 7 in the Lounge
Mr. Green, with the Rope, at 8 in the Billiard Room

Now with more rules comprehension

Rust Cohle / Re: Challenge Submissions Thread
« on: August 09, 2020, 04:42:39 pm »
Final Immunity Challenge

Official selections in ITALIC BOLD

Here are the suspects:
Miss Scarlett
Col. Mustard
Mr. Green
Mrs. Peacock

Here are the rooms in which they claim to have been:
Billiard Room

Here are the weapons the suspects were seen with:
Lead Pipe

And here are the times in which they were seen by somebody else in the room:

I never needed a shower so badly in my life

Yes, every drop of that is sweat

Day two of ???? in my deep cleaning adventures.  I just wanted to share a picture to demonstrate the levels of utter physical and mental fatigue I will be operating under if I even get an opportunity to do this final immunity challenge before deadline.  This whole thread has a warning about IDable info so go away if you don't want to see it.


Pretty lame that both of the other players have decided PMs are no longer something we're doing

Oh, great.  Puzzles.

Adventures in working for a small multi city startup headquartered in my own home city.

Last night the CEO got an email from one of our client vendors complaining about the kitchen.  This vendor will come to regret complaining because he set off an epic shit storm that is going to cause him as many problems as it does me.  The CEO came to our location to do a spot inspection, determined to be pissed off about everything.  He kept a running list of what pissed him off, then he called me and gave me a list of cleaning supplies to purchase first thing in the morning.  I met him here at 7AM with cleaning supplies in hand, where I have been ever since, personally deep cleaning the entire goddamn place.  I would hazard a guess that 90% of what I have cleaned was the vendors' responsibility to keep clean, and boy oh boy are they going to know which of their peers set this process off when I announce the new financial penalties that will be assessed every time me or my staff has to clean something that was their responsibility.  Anyway I'm greasy, nasty and sweaty and the CEO is still here sipping a beer at the bar watching me work my ass off.  I had to beg a dinner break so I could come write this and finish my torchwalks before deadline.  Wheeeeeeeeeee

Lucifer is obviously upset by this turn of events.  Hopefully not enough so to throw the whole thing to Hercule, but you never know.  Winning final immunity is still the only sure ticket to the FTC.

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