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Messages - Nick Wilde

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Spectator Station / Re: Episode 12
« on: July 25, 2020, 02:05:52 am »
Just want to make a point of how excellent the challenge design has been this game. I'm a big fan of this challenge as well! Asymmetrical pair challenges are something that isn't done anywhere bear enough.

And I like the locking off the jury boards. Does mean I gotta make some time today to catch up on Pika's conf, but I think that's a fine exchange for a more exciting finale.

Oh and Pika noooooo :'(

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 11
« on: July 23, 2020, 11:49:17 am »
We talked a bit about her perception as gamebot and I said I hate that word/concept (which I do, I think it's dumb lazy shorthand for bad social play but the phrasing just demonizes strategic play and they're two completely different things).

I'm fairly sure this was a reference to my describing Judy as something of a gamebot on the other tribe... Am I the only person who doesn't view gamebot as a bad thing? I've always classed myself as one and I usually just see it as meaning 'is a very strategically-focused player' - you can absolutely be a gamebot and still have a good social game, you'll just be talking more about in-game plans than you will about what everyone's favourite cereal is or whatever.

Or maybe my own perception of a gamebot is off, idk. I know Judy came to me going:

On a personal basis, I do really like you, so I was sad when the narrative in my ear was that you were the one calling me a gamebot first.

and I was just kinda confused about why she was annoyed. She's clearly someone willing to take the lead on votes and who isn't averse to talking strategy a whole bunch.

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 11
« on: July 22, 2020, 04:59:42 pm »
Not wanting to spam up the form for y'all mods - what's the flash game?

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 11
« on: July 22, 2020, 12:21:52 pm »
Just want to make a quick note of how much I appreciate Lucifer's audio confessional. I've only listened to the most recent one, but it's pretty interesting to hear his detailed thoughts on everything and I feel like it gets across where he was at really well.

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 10: Mr. Nick's Wild Ride
« on: July 21, 2020, 05:35:18 pm »
That was worth just for Jake's reaction.

I'm always so bad at figuring out what people will do. I thought for sure Jake would try to save Lennie or someone in that group would wonder why I went from strongly pushing to just rolling over to die for no reason...

I guess MS meta is just to treat idols as an act of god that takes someone out of the game and hope that person isnt you. It feels so weird to me, I'd be panicky as hell if someone knew they were getting all the votes *and* was suddenly not trying to stop that.

Off The Case / Re: Leaving The Department
« on: July 21, 2020, 05:04:54 pm »
Do members of 12th not get their own threads :D

I wanna spec, gimme spec pls

Nick Wilde / Re: TC1
« on: July 21, 2020, 04:51:05 pm »
It's so frustrating not messaging people. Like, I know it's my best chance of survival but it almost feels like I'm actually giving up.
I know I'm not, and trying to convince people will just weaken my actual plan. But it's a difficult feeling to shift.

Nick Wilde / Re: TC1
« on: July 21, 2020, 04:49:05 pm »
They had someone idolled out on their previous tribe, according to what they said. Surely that's got to up the paranoia?

Nick Wilde / Re: Voting Thread
« on: July 21, 2020, 04:36:47 pm »
Vote Lucifer

ARREST: Rita Laboudit

This is a weird vote. My hope is that SVU split onto you and this vote saves me 4-3.

Why oh why can't people be better at leaking?

Nick Wilde / Re: TC1
« on: July 21, 2020, 04:34:26 pm »
Hm. Am I voting for the right person? If they split the votes I might need to vote correctly here to survive, otherwise it ties and I get sent home.

I don't like Lennie at all, but they're not going to vote for him. Jake, Lennie would probably veto. So... Penelope? Or Lucifer? Agh; it really could be either. I feel like it's more likely to be Lucifer because people do like Penelope. So I should really put my vote there.

Nick Wilde / Re: TC1
« on: July 21, 2020, 04:29:11 pm »
Maybe nobody messaging me is a good thing? These people seem nice for the most part, I feel like at least Poirot would've reached out and said he was sorry I felt that way or something. Maybe the fact he didn't shows he doesn't believe it? But that might be wishful thinking.

Nick Wilde / Re: TC1
« on: July 21, 2020, 04:26:14 pm »
I kinda want to get an early night and see how things went in the morning but I really want to send Judy that gif right before deadline

Nick Wilde / Re: TC1
« on: July 21, 2020, 03:58:57 pm »
Mission report

Literally nobody sent me messages while I was away except Jake and Penelope calling my plan genius. If only they knew I didn't actually have an idol.

was I too convincing in that message I felt like it was so ridiculously over the top the other side would be sure to switch
this is insane and I still can't message anyone because this whole plan relies on paranoia and messaging would reduce paranoia

I'm really hoping that I've read the room correctly and they'll try to split. For once I need a scheme to actually work

Nick Wilde / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: July 21, 2020, 03:53:47 pm »
HITCHCOCK: Thank you so much for saving Mable.
SCULLY: Mable is what he calls his favorite toilet seat.  Thank you so much for rescuing Gloria.
HITCHCOCK: Gloria is Scully's girl.  And by girl I mean toilet seat.  She's in the stall right next door to Mable.
SCULLY: Anyway, sorry you haven't seen us lately.  We've been getting... reacquainted.
HITCHCOCK: We're here now though!  So can you please catch us up on your game so far?  Give us the full debriefing!
SCULLY: Well, maybe not the full debriefing.  Maybe just a few sentences.
HITCHCOCK: Three sentences or less, please!

My friends! It appears you started paying attention to this game at the same time I did.

Long story short:
I attempted to rally the 4 BAUs against the 3 SVUs, voting for Judy (SVU)
Jake (BAU) wanted to go after Lucifer (also BAU) so I tried to continue to push Judy but make allowances for it being Lucifer by making it clear to people that I wouldn't be entirely against voting for him.
I went to sleep for the night and someone tipped off Lucifer that I'd put his name out there. And suddenly it's 4-3 at best, with me going home. Jake and Penelope are allies but I don't get the feeling that Jake at the very least (and probably Penelope too) are so locked into being my friend that they'd risk their games to save me.
So I tried to go to Judy and tell her I was being forced to Tiger her out, but it turned out she already had the tiger. But we had an open discussion about options and she seemed willing to go after Jake or Penelope. I tried to make out that I was this extremely loyal person by standing by Penelope and going after Jake.
Then I talked to Poirot and it was pretty clear he was after a unanimous vote. Lucifer wouldn't talk to me. And Lennie told me my messages were terrible and that it didn't make sense for him to keep me.

So then I made a fake idol and told Jake I was idolling out Lennie, because Jake/Lennie were (I thought) super close and he'd leak it and they'd change the target. But Jake was on board and didn't leak >.>
So then I had to fill in Penelope too because otherwise that looks suspicious and suddenly they're both in for a 6*-1 on me. Which obviously is just going to be a 6-1 on me but I can't tell them that because this fake idol is my last chance.
So then I overact to get the paranoia to set in everywhere in the hope that that will make people split votes, and hopefully *that* will make my team split votes. But now I've got to sign off for a bit for the whole overacting bit. I also can't message anyone on the other side because then they'll know I'm looking for options and that doesn't look like I have an idol.

So yeah I'm going home. But maybe not! Please paranoia god do your work
SCULLY: Did you know Hitchcock can sleep while standing up?  Don't take it too hard, I found this update very enjoyable.  But after three sentences, Hitchcock's attention span gives out, and then he thinks about eating a lot of wings, and eating a lot of wings always makes him tired...  Mmm, wings...

If you wish for three sentences or fewer, go ask someone who isn't insane.

Nick Wilde / Re: TC1
« on: July 21, 2020, 02:20:20 pm »
This is what happens when you keep a gamebot cooped up for 9 TCs instead of letting them go to tribals mods

I have actually gone insane

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