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Topics - Detective Pikachu

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Ok. I see you, You're making us think that it isn't going to be 3 tribes of 5 by having this round, but suddenly all the dead players are on right now. I find that highly suspicious. I see the 3 tribes of 5 coming after his TC from a mile away

Detective Pikachu / Episode 5: No time to question my moves
« on: July 10, 2020, 10:03:06 pm »
Fuck. I didn't want to see Kate be eliminated but it ultimately did not surprise me though when it came to her being eliminated, I know that she was a weaker player when it came to communication and just social skills in a nut shell.

Now Chase is the lone 12th district player remaining on the other tribe. I can't in good conscious let them eat a possible bullet that would be coming their way. I think Nick knowing is possibly someone who shouldn't know but they know and in fact they were all for the plan. I was the one who carried it out. I had the control of whether or not to do it.

As you can already tell, I took my leisurely time while doing the puzzle and I purposely threw the challenge, I know people don't really look at stuff like that kindly but I couldn't risk it at all.

Detective Pikachu / Episode 4: Time to test my skills
« on: July 07, 2020, 04:32:41 pm »
1. I wonder if anyone has caught on to what I am doing with the titles of my confessional.

2. Well Swap happened, and I am happy to have been sepearated from Chan and Kate. I would have felt bad for having to vote out Kate if that is the case but I am hoping that she will be holding her own until I can meet her again, as I was starting to grow on her in the game.

Let's get to the very important part. This tribe scares the hell out of me. Everyone seems very scary with their communication skills. I have seemed to make a really good impression on the lot of them but I feel like that is only going to carry me so far in this game. I know that in the unfortunate case that we go to TC we do have a scapegoat to vote out, which would give 12th a 4-2-2 lead in the tribe. Which Ultimately can be seen as a good thing I believe.

This is going to be a stressful phase

Well, I've made it to Top 19. There really isn't much to elaborate about the game right now. Messages have been pretty quiet, but I think that is just how the game is going to be. I am almost 100% sure that Nick is Klick, but I am beginning to waiver on my opinion of Penelope being Xof. I think if it was Xof they would have been around more than they have been.

Heiji I am about to respond to your questions! I haven't ignored them!

Detective Pikachu / Challenge Submissions
« on: June 30, 2020, 07:24:46 pm »

Detective Pikachu / Episode 2: Do you have the Skills to be number 1
« on: June 30, 2020, 06:49:02 pm »
Right now I don't know. Everyone has been really quiet so far when it's been coming to the game. Which a message here and there, but it's not not being over burdened with messages and having to respond to everyone right now.

A brief update: There might be an alliance between Me, Nick, Chase, and Rust forming. We all recognize that we are the 4 most active players that we have, with Kate being close but Kate isn't the best messenger at all.

Speaking of Kate, I did talk to her about concerns that other people on the tribe were having with her in regards to her messages being lack luster, because I know that she is a newer player and could use that to help her progress further in the game. She has seemed to have taken well to the feedback and I have suddenly seen an improvement when it's come to her messages.

Detective Pikachu / Episode 1: I want to be the very best.
« on: June 27, 2020, 09:06:38 am »
Like the title says, I plan on being the very best that no one ever was.

I do have a strange sensation to go get a cup of coffee... Even though I hate coffee.

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