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Topics - Penelope Garcia

Pages: 1 [2]
Penelope / Paul Blart - Unlucky Swap
« on: August 14, 2020, 04:33:12 pm »
15th Paul Blart

I'm irrationally mad at you for wasting your idol to send Kate home and then going home immediately after. We never got to interact, so I have nothing to go off except for the fact that you idol'ed out my friend >:(

Penelope / Kate Macer - Robbed Goddess
« on: August 11, 2020, 05:46:21 pm »
16th - Kate Macer

I was absolutely floored when I saw that you went home because back on 12th, I definitely felt like you came to play. You were making connections left and right, and while people saw you as very straightforward and brash, I saw someone who could become a polarizing figure and forge a path forward. I was devastated to find out it took an idol to get you out and knew that there was no other way you could go. I want you to know that I genuinely wanted to ally with you and wish we had been swapped together in order to make it happen. I hope we get the chance to talk in the future and maybe work together ;)

Penelope / Chan Ka-Kui - First Fallen 12th
« on: August 11, 2020, 04:56:58 pm »
17th - Chan Ka-Kui

I wish I could say that your exit surprised me, but back on 12th, I figured that that was the way things were going. I'm not sure if you'll read through this or if you'll play again, but I enjoyed the time we spent together! If playing again, I'd only recommend just talking a bit more in the first few days and responding with similar content levels to those first intro PMs. Great first impressions can be what propels you to the merge in games like this.

Penelope / Pre-Swap Arrests - Ace Ventura/Officer Jenny/Hannah Wells
« on: August 11, 2020, 04:50:22 pm »
20th - Ace Ventura

19th - Officer Jenny

18th - Hannah Wells

Unfortunately, I did not have the pleasure of meeting either of you or did I hear much about your tribals except the typical, "First few tribals are hard :( " Though, because everyone has the ability to work on a torchwalk, there are others who have some thoughts on y'all! I hope y'all enjoyed your time in the game and that we may cross paths in the future.

Penelope Garcia / sad - chaallenge 17 submission
« on: August 05, 2020, 06:51:47 pm »
A - Both made the merge, but they were never on a pre-merge tribe together
B - Made a post with the word “Congratulations”, in the “Congratulations!” thread
C - Answered Question 1 correctly in Challenge 7: A Mob Has Formed
D - Voted out in the second tribal council they attended
E - Made identical posts in Challenge 2: Target Practice, except for the capitalization of one letter
F - Voted out in a Tribal Council at which an item was played
G - Made more than one post in the Challenge 1: Fresh Prints thread
H - Highest scorer for their tribe in Challenge 2: Target Practice
Paul Blart
I - Described themselves as “Reliable” in Challenge 3: Profiler? I Hardly Know 'Er!
J - Were paired together in Challenge 12: Bomb Squad
K - Attended 7 pre-merge tribal councils
L - The character is a dog
M - Posted in the All-Points Bulletin Board
N - Voted out in the first tribal council they attended
O - Did not make any posts in the “Working the Beat” board
P - Lowest Scorer for their Tribe in Challenge 2: Target Practice
Q - Sat out in a tribe immunity challenge
R - Won immunity (tribal or individual) at least 8 times
S - Has posted an image or gif in a Mafiascum’s Finest tribal council thread
T - Their first name is four letters long
U - Participated as a witness in Challenge 8: Can I Get A Witness

Penelope Garcia / challenge 16 submission
« on: August 02, 2020, 02:34:44 pm »

Penelope Garcia / challenge 15 submission
« on: July 30, 2020, 06:37:45 pm »
A - actors[/size]2) M - monsters3) R - really4) E - eager5) B - blinking6) P - pretty7) Q - quails S - suspenseful9) K - kitchen10) N - nightly[/color]

Penelope Garcia / challenge 14 submission
« on: July 28, 2020, 07:23:51 pm »

Penelope Garcia / challenge 13 submission
« on: July 27, 2020, 04:18:18 pm »
1) "The larger of the two dinos may have had feathers," said one paleontologist before a smart-alec had rudely interrupted him by singing the theme to Jurassic Park.


2)  In the 90s we denuclearized the Korean peninsula but if some people have their way the region could be on a speedy track to another fight between two UN member nations.


3) A diet of bacon, steak, and bananas sauteed in butter is extremely unhealthy; to stop heart issues and liver disease it is vital you take these pills and exercise twice a week.


4) Would you prefer to see your Pa risk having his credit card info stolen by or if you had to choose?


5)  I tried to tell my son "Monte, 'Video Game Streamer' is not a reasonable career choice," but how can a dad get through to a teen who doesn't want to listen?


6)  Each summer wizards get a list of school supplies telling them to go bring their wand and broomstick to Hogwarts.


7)  Those wizards and witches wave their wands and abracadabra, zillions of monkeys are loose in the halls making stones and sticks fly everywhere!


8)  According to the policeman, a guard can take out the sniper but he first must lure him into the path of the hidden marksmen on the balcony above us.


9) A good sci-fi movie is "Metropolis", "Bone People" is a well-written tale, but the short story "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" by Ursula K. LeGuin easily is my favorite work of science-fiction.


10) When I want to arrest Carmen I always ask a tourist and/or random stranger if they saw a red hat.


11) In Soviet times Vladimir and Olga Bondarov were noted for their fancy clothes and bedchamber linens.


12) If an iron pipe rusts, all I'm allowed to do is call a plumber.


13) "Beware the false religion of Islam," a bad man decided to rant on Gabriel's morning bus commute.


14) Newlyweds love Niagara Falls because they can walk through the plaza then step into a horse-drawn carriage that will take them to a gorgeous view of the river.

15) Don't quit on me now, man; my brother fought long and hard and in the end he made it through a nasty divorce so I know you can too.


16) The guitar man said in order to help an amateur he would need new strings and new music sheets for his time and training this month; the piano man continued to work for free.


17) Nurse Goodacre loved visiting regional geriatric care centers to discuss the health benefits of semi-annual enemas or a bath in pasteurized milk.

Penelope Garcia / challenge 11 submission
« on: July 21, 2020, 08:12:16 pm »
the site is like, not moving or pausing between each movement :(

Penelope Garcia / Challenge 3 Submission Thread: Profiles
« on: July 03, 2020, 03:26:31 pm »
Here are some positive traits to apply:[/size]Affectionate, Artistic, Charismatic, Courageous, Joyful, ReliableHere are some negative ones to apply:Aggressive, Bad-Tempered, Bossy, Devious, Egotistical, SelfishAnd here are some roles people might serve if they were planning a heist:The Brains, The Muscle, The Wheelman, The Guy Behind The Scenes Who Commissioned The Heist, The Inside Man, The Safecracker[/color]

Penelope Garcia: Joyful
Kate: Reliable
Detective Pikachu: Charismatic
Rust Cohle: Courageous
Nick Wilde: Artistic
Chase: Affectionate


Penelope Garcia: Selfish
Kate: Bossy
Detective Pikachu: Devious
Rust Cohle: Bad-Tempered
Nick Wilde: Egotistical
Chase: Aggressive


Penelope Garcia: The Safecracker
Kate: The Guy Behind the Scenes Who Commissioned the Heist
Detective Pikachu: The Inside Man
Rust Cohle: The Brains
Nick Wilde: The Muscle
Chase: The Wheelman

Penelope Garcia / Challenge 2 Submission Thread
« on: July 01, 2020, 11:32:42 am »

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