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Topics - Joss Carter

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Spectator Station / Episode 16: Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow
« on: August 01, 2020, 05:03:55 pm »

Working The Beat / Challenge 16: Working The Beat
« on: August 01, 2020, 05:02:21 pm »

Today we're going to be sending you out into the roughest part of town. I'm not gonna lie to you all, it's not a nice place.  The residents there are shady as hell. It's a cesspool of crime and depravity, and today it's your job to find anything that could be evidence of a crime.

That's right, we're sending you uptown to where all the rich folks live.

Once you fill out THIS FORM you will be given an image, as well as a bank of items that are all hidden somewhere in the image.  Using Paint or some other sort of graphic editor, mark where all of the hidden items are and upload a screenshot to your confessional.

Whoever finds the most items will win. In the event of a tie, whoever has the fastest submission will win immunity.

Times up!

PDT5:00 PM, Sun 2 Aug
EDT8:00 PM, Sun 2 Aug
BST1:00 AM, Mon 3 Aug
ACST9:30 AM, Mon 3 Aug
AEST10:00 AM, Mon 3 Aug

Spectator Station / Episode 15: Tell Us About The Rabbits
« on: July 30, 2020, 05:27:55 pm »
Leon is on the loose and I am here for it.

Working The Beat / Challenge 15: On The Trail
« on: July 30, 2020, 05:02:19 pm »

Good news, gumshoes.  We've received a valuable tip that a man who has been committing a ton of burglaries in town has been sighted at a Mexican restaurant downtown.  I need you all to head down there, wait for him to leave, and then follow him back to his hideout so we can reclaim the stolen goods.

Tailing a suspect can be tricky business, of course.  You need to stay close enough to him that you don't lose the suspect, but you can't get close enough that your target notices that he's being followed.  It's a delicate balancing act that only the best detectives can pull off.

Originally we wanted to do this challenge live but after observing all of your schedules this game ahahahahaha fuck that. Instead we will do this in a few stages, sort of.

We will post a list of letters and you will name a word starting with each letter in your confessional.  Whoever submits the LONGEST word in the round will have gotten too close to the target.  They will have to sit out of the next round in order to let the suspects suspicions go back down.  Whoever posts the SECOND longest word will get a point for having gotten closest to the target without attracting attention.  We will then move on to the next letter and this will repeat until somebody manages to score 5 points.


The letter given is "A".

Joss says "Apple"
Holly says "Aqueduct"
Sherlock says "Auburn"
The Chief says "Antidisestablishmentarianism."

Holly gets a point for the second longest word.  The next letter is "B".

Joss says "Blunderbuss"
Holly says "Banquet
Sherlock says "Brickyard"
The Chief can't participate this round.

Sherlock gets a point for the second longest word. The next letter is C

Joss can't participate this round.
Holly says "Catamaran"
Sherlock says "Conquistador"
The Chief is allowed to participate again and says "Cat".

And so on and so forth.

Multiple players are allowed to score points on the same round if there is a tie, and multiple players can be forced to sit out if they both submit the longest word.  In the event that two players reach 5 points at the same time, we will keep playing until somebody reaches 6 points. If that's a tie we play until somebody gets 7, and so on and so forth.

Please submit A list of some sort ASAP.  We will post all of the letters, but only the first ten will be revealed in 8 hours. After that we will tally scores and you have the option of either keeping your list as it is or resubmitting it for strategic purposes.  8 hours later we will reveal the next ten letters and scores.  Assuming nobody was won you will have another chance to recalibrate your list if you want. Then the last letters will be revealed at the end.

Here are the rounds and letters:

1) A
2) M
3) R
4) E
5) B
6) P
7) Q
8) S
9) K
10) N
11) T
12) I
13) W
14) R
15) J
16) H
17) O
18) F
19) G
20) C
21) D
22) Y
23) L
24) A
25) N
26) S
27) M
28) W
29) I
30) U

MafiaScum's Finest / Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 4
« on: July 29, 2020, 05:00:48 pm »

Hercule Poirot
Jake Peralta
Judy Hopps

Lennie Briscoe
Leon Kennedy
Lucifer Morningstar

Penelope Garcia
Rust Cohle

Judy Hopps has immunity!

Welcome to your Tribal Council. You must each vote for one coworker to be fired from the Survivor PD.

Please answer the following questions in this thread:

1) We had a split vote last time.  Did you see that coming?
2) How well do your short-term goals align with your long-term goals?
3) We have had three dramatic merge TCs. Will this one be dramatic too?
4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

5) Is the person you are voting for going to be the same person you were planning on voting for at the start of TC?

Time to reveal the votes

PDT5:00 PM, Thu 30 Jul
EDT8:00 PM, Thu 30 Jul
BST1:00 AM, Fri 31 Jul
ACST9:30 AM, Fri 31 Jul
AEST10:00 AM, Fri 31 Jul

Spectator Station / Episode 14: Title Of Your Snuff Tape
« on: July 28, 2020, 05:03:59 pm »
Now to sit back and watch the aftermath!

Working The Beat / Challenge 14: In A Jam
« on: July 28, 2020, 05:03:02 pm »

Alright, listen up, officers.  Remember when you voted out Ace Ventura all the way back in the first stage of the game? It turns out they're cousins with the deputy commissioner, and now all the higher-ups are pissed.  We aren't rehiring them, but the deputy commish is demanding that somebody be punished.

To get him off my back, I'm busting you all down to traffic duty.  If you all spend a round directing cars through intersections hopefully he'll feel that you all have been suitably reprimanded and then we can get back to the real business of solving crimes.

Here's how this will work. When you are ready to start the challenge, you will be given a link to a Flash game.  Your goal is to click and drag the car to the exit position.  In the way will be a bunch of other cars that can only move forward and backwards.  You will need to slide the cars in both directions until you have cleared a path for the car.  When the car is in the exit position you'll get some points and move onto the next level.

You will have 1 hour to complete as many levels as possible and get as many stars as possible. When you've finished the challenge, screenshot the car select screen so that it shows how many stars you have gotten.

The officer who gets the most stars within the hour will win immunity, in the event of a tie whoever got those stars in the fastest time will win.

Keep in mind that you only have 1 hour to complete, if you send in your results even 1 second after your own deadline, it will not count.

Click here to start the challenge

Vroom Vroom

PDT5:00 PM, Wed 29 Jul
EDT8:00 PM, Wed 29 Jul
BST1:00 AM, Thu 30 Jul
ACST9:30 AM, Thu 30 Jul
AEST10:00 AM, Thu 30 Jul

MafiaScum's Finest / Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 3
« on: July 27, 2020, 05:00:50 pm »

Grouch Cop
Hercule Poirot
Jake Peralta

Judy Hopps
Lennie Briscoe
Leon Kennedy

Lucifer Morningstar
Penelope Garcia
Rust Cohle

Lennie Briscoe has immunity!

Welcome to your Tribal Council. You must each vote for one coworker to be fired from the Survivor PD.

Please answer the following questions in this thread:

1) Last round certainly seemed to be an explosive one! How well are you navigating the fallout?
2) Lennie won immunity this round. Did he need it?
3) How does Jury Management start to affect your decisions now?
4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

5) Is the person you are voting for going to be the same person you were planning on voting for at the start of TC?

Time to reveal the votes

PDT5:00 PM, Tue 28 Jul
EDT8:00 PM, Tue 28 Jul
BST1:00 AM, Wed 29 Jul
ACST9:30 AM, Wed 29 Jul
AEST10:00 AM, Wed 29 Jul

All-Points Bulletins / Group PMs
« on: July 26, 2020, 05:22:27 pm »

I hope you all have been enjoying the group PM feature on these boards.  In the past when players got voted out us mods didn't care if you continued to use group PMs that had eliminated players attached because, Oh No An ElImInAtEd PlAyEr GoT a Pm! and yeah, didn't care about that.

Now that players are being sent to the jury, we actually do care.  When a player is sent to the jury, any groupchats with that player in it can no longer be used.

Spectator Station / Episode 13: Brought To You By The Letter F
« on: July 26, 2020, 05:10:03 pm »
This merge has been anything but boring.


Well she sneaks around the world from Fiji to Nicaragua,
She's a sticky-fingered filcher from Gabon to Koah Rong,
She'll take you on a ride on a slow boat to China, tell me
Where in the world is the immunity necklace?

Hello, gumshoes.  Today INTERPOL has asked for our assistance tracking down the notorious international criminal Carmen Sandiego.  12 hours ago she stole the very first immunity necklace ever used in Survivor: Borneo and now she's fled to another country. 

Of course, Carmen being Carmen, she's left a lot of geographical clues that can put us hot on her trail.  Therefore, we are going to let each of you try your best to track her down.  Whoever does the best job will win this game's immunity necklace, which thankfully was not stolen.

Here's how it will work.  When you fill out THIS FORM, you will see a list of sentences.  The name of a country, a world capital, or both, or two countries, or two capitals may be hidden somewhere in the sentence.  All you have to do is list the geographic location(s) in each sentence.  Whoever gets the most will win immunity, or in the event of a tie, the player who submits faster will win immunity.

Why yes, we do have an example!

Example sentence: "The ninja panicked which made for a mad ridiculous scene."

Answer: Japan, Madrid
Explanation: "The ninja panicked which made for a mad ridiculous scene."

Outside resources are not allowed during the challenge, although if you want to study a list of countries and capitals beforehand you may do so.  You may not consult the list during the challenge.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Desk Duty / Scruff McGruff - Second Juror
« on: July 26, 2020, 05:05:12 pm »
I would love to hear more details about what was apparently a crazy round!

MafiaScum's Finest / Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 2
« on: July 25, 2020, 05:25:05 pm »

Grouch Cop
Hercule Poirot
Judy Hopps

Lucifer Morningstar
Penelope Garcia
Rust Cohle

Jake Peralta
Lennie Briscoe
Leon Kennedy

Scruff McGruff

Hercule Poirot and Penelope Garcia have immunity!

Welcome to your Tribal Council. You must each vote for one coworker to be fired from the Survivor PD.

Please answer the following questions in this thread:

1) How do you feel the merge TC went, are there lines now drawn? Who is on the bottom and who is on the top?
2) This challenge tested your communication skills, do you feel like the results reflect the commuication skills shown in game
3) We saw an idol played last TC, how does this factor in to this vote?
4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

5) There, it's not 3-18 anymore. Are you happy? ARE YOU HAPPY?!?

6) What is the number two factor influencing how you vote tonight?

Time to reveal the votes

PDT5:00 PM, Sun 26 Jul
EDT8:00 PM, Sun 26 Jul
BST1:00 AM, Mon 27 Jul
ACST9:30 AM, Mon 27 Jul
AEST10:00 AM, Mon 27 Jul

Spectator Station / Episode 12: A Ruff Ending
« on: July 24, 2020, 05:05:34 pm »
That was a fantastic round. More of that, please.

Desk Duty / Detective Pikachu - First Juror
« on: July 24, 2020, 05:04:17 pm »
Wow, what a way to go.

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