Survivor PD

Confessionals of the Fallen => Grouch Cop => Topic started by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 10:32:55 am

Title: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 10:32:55 am
This absolutely will be the trashiest confessional there is, so don't worry about bothering to read it. Confessionals are gross anyways. But whenever I decide to take the time out of my busy day wallowing in garbage, maybe some treasures will be left here for you to peruse. Just don't touch anything. I like the mess just how it is.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 11:09:34 am
I do wish people would stop calling me rude. We've only known each other for five minutes, that is far too intimate a remark. You reserve that kind of talk for your closest enemies, not your friends. As we all know in Grouchland, friends are illegal.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 11:35:55 am
I gotta ask, is this the Fresh Prints of Bel Air?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Joss Carter on June 27, 2020, 11:37:17 am
Now this is the challenge all about how
Cops don't have to worry 'bout leaving the seat down
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 11:39:43 am
Also, much like a fungus, Poirot is growing on me. Quite likely heading towards real nemesis territory. Officer Jenny doesn't seem to get my whole deal. And Mr. Morningstar has not responded past our first encounter. He promised to fill all my desires, and yet, my inbox is empty. Today you're barely even the Peon of Darkness, sir, do shape up. No one else has checked in yet.

Also, as my chocolate wrapper has just told me "Your vibe attracts your tribe." it seems I too must step it up.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 12:01:26 pm
Now Grouch, you must remember, we're trying to keep this schtick up for at least the first day. Yes most schticks get dropped real fast the moment actual game talk starts happening, but unless it's hindering communication, gotta keep your grumpy facade up. You got this.

But actually though, this tribe is really slow to start. I don't think it's just me, or at least, I hope not.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on June 27, 2020, 01:13:01 pm
I do wish people would stop calling me rude. We've only known each other for five minutes, that is far too intimate a remark. You reserve that kind of talk for your closest enemies, not your friends. As we all know in Grouchland, friends are illegal.

I don't think you're rude. Your confessional is simply amazing. I would love you to give us more specifics about what's going on behind the scenes. Also, what are your thoughts on the game? Have you started to develop a strategy thusfar?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 01:23:33 pm
Oh no, you misunderstand. Rude is a compliment! Just quite a familiar and intimate one. Oh, it's amazing? Oh dear. I need to ruin that immediately.

But so far, it's been pretty nothing. I have spoken to everyone who has been online at least once, however, the only ones who have made a solid impression have been Poirot, Lucifer, and Cheddar. I may have made a hasty move though, because I did indicate to Lucifer that I would be quite interested in becoming closer enemies if he was so inclined.

Gamewise so far, there's nothing happening quite at the moment. I may have to make things happen. Do I want to have a core alliance before I sleep? No, that's ridiculous. Do I want to plant seeds that could lead to friends? Absolutely. The first rule of survivor for me is never close any door, always leave communication lines open in some capacity. So I'm trying to at least be able to talk to everybody and see how I feel about them. However, I am not someone who runs with the idea that the first people I meet MUST be the ones I go everywhere with. You are only useful to me while you are with me, and when we meet up again to further open doors for me. I suppose you could say my strategy will be a lot more cutthroat and brutal than usual. Do I want to make friends from this? Always. Will I let friendship and feelings interfere when it comes to what is actually the best move for me? No. I struggle with this a lot, but I fully intend to always do what is best for me, and if a move doesn't actually benefit me, I'm not going to do it. Let's see what happens if I play a selfish game.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on June 27, 2020, 02:33:22 pm
This speaks from experience. Was there a time when you did not play a selfish game? If so, then what happened? If not, what makes a selfish game more enticing for you?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 02:54:14 pm
Yes, I have played many times. I've even won before, but it has been a long time since then. And I haven't quite been up to my usual standards. But I quite often play too much for my allies and they get credited for moves I had a large hand in. And often how I feel about someone has meant I've kept them around or done what they've wanted me to do, even when it was detrimental to my own game. Loyal to a fault has been a problem in the past, and one I don't want to repeat here.

It's less that I find a selfish game more appealing, but rather, it's not something I've done, and watching the past few games I've noticed a tendency of the vast majority of players to only play safe and do what can't possibly backfire and upset other people. And sure that may be technically correct and optimal, but where's the fun in that? Where's the fun in a game that can't possibly explode in your face and you won't go home in a blaze of glory? Mistakes happen, and can make for interesting games. What matters is how you recover from those mistakes, no? Perfection is boring, optimization is boring, being a selfless ally is boring too. So I want to not be boring.

I suppose you can say my strategy is to be entertaining. And don't count me out just because I'm from a children's movie, I'm here to play and play hard and not to be forgotten.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 03:09:59 pm
Also, no promises to keep up this level of interaction here. I know damn well that I often tend to slide on confessional posting. I just don't have many PMs atm, and the ones I have been getting have largely taken me seconds to reply to.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 04:01:07 pm
Have game starts slowed down a lot since the last time I've played, cuz man people are barely around on this tribe. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving talking to Lucifer, and we're just exchanging music at this point, but one person does not a strong alliance make.

Calling it now, 11 PM is going to see most people log off the forum for the night again with extensive "I'm gonna sleep now" posts.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 04:50:54 pm
Quentin Lance sure is a man who is here. So far I've only managed to get a single line in response to any PM I've sent. Hoping I can get more from him.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 05:54:32 pm
Okay, let's see if we can't give this man some pointers. He may be new to this whole thing. And hopefully he'll open up more so his PMs are more than just "good, just trying to talk to people. how are you?" Let's have a conversation and build some bonds. Let's do this.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Joss Carter on June 27, 2020, 05:55:55 pm
That sounds suspiciously like a nice thing to do.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 06:00:23 pm
Oh no! I'm breaking the law! Please don't arrest me. I promise I'll stop immediately. I'll let the hard to engage with PMer fail to connect with anyone and die in peace.

Except, I won't do that! I'll respond to his single line about trying to talk to everybody by telling him which people are more talkative, and the fact that if it's slow, it's not because he's late to the party or anything like that, everyone is just slow. Take that! I'm a rulebreaker!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on June 27, 2020, 06:03:07 pm
Also, no promises to keep up this level of interaction here. I know damn well that I often tend to slide on confessional posting. I just don't have many PMs atm, and the ones I have been getting have largely taken me seconds to reply to.

Regardless of whether you post a lot or not in confessional, I'm rooting for you. I want to see the challenge of you rising up to your standards and putting on a phenomenal performance. If you can give us a glimpse into your genius, then I would be more than happy. If not, I'm happy to be along for the ride.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 06:09:03 pm
Well thank you, it's nice to have a fan. I will say, if you want more of what I am thinking more often, make your questions be like a conversation and you'll get a lot more out of me that way. I don't really like generic question walls. Sure they might answer those specific questions, but those aren't in the context of where you are in the game or what you're planning. And I am much more of a conversation and theorizing Grouch than I am direct answers.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 06:31:44 pm
And Poirot has asked if I might be inclined to work with him as I'm the one giving the most effort thus far. Excellent, that puts me in the graces of two people officially so far and we haven't even done a challenge. Not bad for a day's work.

I will say something underneath all of Poirot's persona worries me, but this is just a gut read, not something I intend to act upon. I feel I can work with him, but do not trust him, certainly not with anything important.

And reminder to myself, do not tell anybody any information they shouldn't already have. Do not make people distrust you or others by being too loose with information. Keep it here in your confessional, and share only when needed. Trust only yourself truly.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on June 27, 2020, 06:40:34 pm
You can also trust us spectators. Our lips are sealed.

You said you found a gut read below Poirot's persona. What do you mean? Is it something sinister?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 06:48:14 pm
They'd better be >:(

But what I mean is, I have this impression about the type of player that is behind Poirot. Just my instinct to what they're giving off, it makes me wary. It's nothing specific I can point to. But it's just this general feel of "Oh yes, this person will be trouble if you are not careful.  You need to stab this person in the face before they stab you." Like, seeing the wolf underneath the sheep costume, even though you too are a wolf, they're just a bigger wolf.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 27, 2020, 07:33:42 pm
Finally getting to talk to Judy, and that's a very good bunny.

From what it sounds like, Jenny has asked Poirot not to talk in French at her so much, and our conversations haven't really taken off. She's really hard to respond to.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 28, 2020, 09:30:26 am
You can't solve this all by yourself, with out a raggy who would be your second in command?
So this is probably Lucifer. He at least feels much more like a solid partner than somebody I need to worry about.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 28, 2020, 10:00:16 am
Officer Jenny is going right in, huh? Her first actual game content PM to me was asking just what I thought about Poirot's gimmick. But she phrased it like "Everyone is lovely, but there is one player I want to talk about. Hercule, what do you think of his gimmick?". Do you mean the gimmick he stopped using at you when you asked him to? That one? It's just French, we make a lot of people have to constantly use English when it's not their first language, I think we can all deal.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on June 28, 2020, 10:11:44 am
Officer Jenny is going right in, huh? Her first actual game content PM to me was asking just what I thought about Poirot's gimmick. But she phrased it like "Everyone is lovely, but there is one player I want to talk about. Hercule, what do you think of his gimmick?". Do you mean the gimmick he stopped using at you when you asked him to? That one? It's just French, we make a lot of people have to constantly use English when it's not their first language, I think we can all deal.

Thank you, I definitely appreciate this sentiment. I've had a tough time in a couple social games myself since English isn't my first language and I'm not too hip on pop culture. This comment of yours makes me think there's something nice underneath that grouchy exterior.

Now that you've had some good interactions with your tribemates, have you started to map out where you think you'd like to make alliances? How would you rank them?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 28, 2020, 10:33:56 am
Oh no, niceness? Gross. Don't worry, I'll soon ruin that notion of yours.

She did respond back by saying that it's slightly annoying, but only slightly. And he's amazing aside from that. But I see you Jenny, you're probably the type that plants suspicions in people brains and then acts all surprised when people feel badly towards people. I see you girl.

I've already made an alliance with Lucifer. And I have one with Poirot. I don't think I want to combine the two and have all my eggs in the same basket, but it may just happen. I'd be interested in working with Judy as well. Cheddar I like, but we'll see if that turns into something. Jenny and Quentin are here allegedly. Jenny I don't think I like, but I'll keep that to myself. And Quentin I want to like, but he's making it incredibly difficult. But I will try.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 28, 2020, 11:34:37 am
Oh, if you want an actual ranking.

1) Lucifer
2) Poirot
3) Judy
4) Cheddar
5) Quentin
6) Jenny

With Judy and Cheddar being interchangeable really. I like them both a lot, Judy isn't here a lot cuz timezones, and then Cheddar doesn't say a lot, but makes up for it in enthusiasm.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 28, 2020, 02:36:37 pm
So if we lose, I want it to be Jenny. Sure she was helpful during the challenge, and had a really good suggestion, but she's actually interacted in a way that I know a few of us have remarked on. In talking to her, she's killed conversation chains, and given a bit of a negative vibe, which I know is rich coming from me, but in a first TC you gotta come up with some reason, no? And while sure Quentin isn't connecting to anybody much yet, he's at least trying how he can, and I'd like to give him a chance to come into his own. For me, I much rather vote for somebody who has acted in a way I'd like to send them home, than someone I can't connect to. Maybe the lack of connection is on my end, and maybe I can fix it if given time. But someone's actions could spell disaster going forward if they act against what I want. I suppose you can say I'd rather snipe the middle early. Bottom you can use to topple the top a lot easier than those 3rd or 4th on a list. And everyone is looking at the clear tops and clear bottoms, it's that middle you gotta worry about.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on June 28, 2020, 05:00:57 pm
This remarkably sounds a lot like downsizing. It's not the people on top or bottom that get the boot, you shove out all the middlemen.  >:(

Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 28, 2020, 05:11:56 pm
See, I told you to not expect me to be a positive force in this game. I warned you.

Also, ugh, Jenny one-lined me again. Why do people keep doing that? I write up really nice paragraphs with conversational hooks, and they ignore all of them, and give a one-liner that is impossible to continue a conversation with.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on June 28, 2020, 05:16:36 pm
I like one-liners.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 28, 2020, 07:15:51 pm

Also... Jenny.. please don't challenge the teams in public like that. Come on.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 28, 2020, 07:22:32 pm
According to Judy though, Jenny has called me cool, so good on me?

I'm hoping this won't turn into one of those situations where everyone has good things to say about me, and that makes them all consider murder because if everyone likes me, then clearly nobody can be my favourite and only friend. Oh well, what's a Grouch to do? Not be fuzzy on the inside too?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 28, 2020, 08:51:59 pm
Lucifer: Also, just for your information, Jenny told me earlier today that you were at the top of her trust list. She may have already mentioned that to you, but I just thought I'd let you know.

She has absolutely *NOT* told me this. How did this happen? I need to scour over our entire PM exchange to find how I've managed this because uh, what?

No really, look, explain this to me
PM Title: Sorry I'm not a pokemon
Grouch: I know I probably look like I could be one, but I'm not. How are you on this horrible day? I bet you're awful :).

Jenny: Oh, stop being a Negative Nancy!  I'm doing just fine.  You definitely don't look like a Pokémon to me, either.

Grouch: Oh! You know my cousin Negative Nancy? Last I heard she had moved out of Grouchland and was having a terrible time fitting in. People didn't seem to want to let her just live in her trashcan, while being happily miserable and grumpy. It's a really sad story full of miscommunications and misunderstandings. As much as hope is illegal in Grouchland, I hope that we won't repeat that kind of story here.

Jenny: Oh, Negative Nancy?  I wasn't talking about *that* NN, but I've heard of her.  Last time I looked, though, Nancy wasn't in a trashcan at all.  What's up with that?

Grouch: Oh, there's more than one Nancy? Huh. Are you telling me Nancy has moved into a house? Oh no, she's really gone local, hasn't she?

Jenny: Wait, no, I was thinking of a different Nancy.  That Nancy is indeed in a house.

Grouch: How many Nancys are there? Why does Nancy no longer look like an actual name?

Jenny: I can only think of one Nancy off of the top of my head, but I'm sure there's hundreds more of them out there.

Grouch: Quite probably. Is that kind of like how there's tons of Nurse Joys?

Jenny: Hmm, I suppose so.  There's also tons of Officer Jennys too.  Not sure why we had to all be named the same though.

Grouch: Do you have to be named Jenny to apply to the job? Or can you have a different name, and Officer Jenny is just the title of the job?

Jenny: Yup, you have to be named Jenny to apply.  I wasn't named that to begin with, so I had to get my name changed, which is just a whole other story that I don't really feel like talking about.

Grouch: Oh! That's very smart of you. You must have really wanted to be a Pokemon cop then. Is it everything you hoped it would be? Are you going to be the best there ever was?

Speaking of being the best, how are you liking our tribe?

Jenny: Uh, I think that's Ash's line.  :P

I think our tribe is a lovely bunch.  One player I'd like to talk about is Hercules-what do you think of their posting gimmick?

Grouch: Well yes, it is. But it's thematic, no?

Oh I like the gimmick actually. It fits the character, cuz that's how he speaks. I don't mind it. It doesn't bother me if I have to pop a few words into Gurgle if I can't parse what they mean. It's fine aside from that. Why, does it bother you a lot?

Jenny: It's slightly annoying, but only slightly.  The rest of his character is amazing.

Grouch: I take it gimmicks aren't your scene then. :P

Jenny: Not necessarily.  If you can pull off a gimmick without it being annoying / cryptic, it's fine by me.  Of course, actually doing that is rather hard to do.

Grouch: That is a very valid point. There's a balance between them I suppose.

Also, I gotta commend you on suggesting using phone for the challenge. That made it so much easier to check. My phone also forces all things to go to a dark/black theme, which meant I had a black background behind the images which only made it that much easier. I really hope that we'll have done well :)

Jenny: You're welcome  ;)

Also, can she please not tell this to people before she you know, tells me???
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Raymond Holt on June 28, 2020, 10:09:06 pm
Now this is the challenge all about how
Cops don't have to worry 'bout leaving the seat down
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on June 29, 2020, 07:59:39 am
Now that you know that Jenny thinks about you a lot. Are you going to let her know that you know? The cat is out of the bag if she's telling other people, you know.

In addition, let's talk about the people you rated favorably. Why are Lucifer and Hercule at the top of your list? What endearing interactions have you had with them?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Dr. David Q Dawson on June 29, 2020, 09:07:48 am
Hi, trash friend  :D

Do you think Lucifer is lying or exaggerating or do you think Jenny really did say that?

So if we lose, I want it to be Jenny.
And do you still want the same result if you go to tribal in light of this information?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 29, 2020, 01:50:14 pm
Now that you know that Jenny thinks about you a lot. Are you going to let her know that you know? The cat is out of the bag if she's telling other people, you know.

In addition, let's talk about the people you rated favorably. Why are Lucifer and Hercule at the top of your list? What endearing interactions have you had with them?
Yes, I straight up told her, because her PM to me was "I wonder who you like most." which is awfully confrontational, but whatever. I think that's just her brand. It's very confusing. Judy also said Jenny said she likes her, so that's something. Jenny reminds me of a particular player's playstyle, and I'm hoping I'm wrong about what to predict there, because I do not want that brand of chaos.

Lucifer is very charming, and we've just been exchanging music a lot. I think he's a very trustworthy kind of person, though he's laying out the way he plays and views these games almost too openly, which could be a bad choice on his part, but I'll take it and keep that information. I think it's a sign he trusts me a lot.

Hercule writes these walls that no one else does, and yet I don't hate that they're walls. It's just natural conversation progression. Sure there's a ton of French tossed throughout, but I read French fairly well so I rarely have to Gurgle anything. Our conversations have led to me getting to subject him to parts of Elmo in Grouchland, so that's a huge plus. He's just very good on the social front. I think that's what concerns me about him, he is very good, but is he better than I am? Possibly. He's also who most people like and look at, so I like him for that meatshield role.

Hi, trash friend  :D

Do you think Lucifer is lying or exaggerating or do you think Jenny really did say that?

So if we lose, I want it to be Jenny.
And do you still want the same result if you go to tribal in light of this information?
Hello mouse pal <3

Well I'm gonna find out! But I don't think he's exaggerating, he's much more of an underseller kind of guy from what I've seen.

I do still want it to be Jenny, even if she trusts me, I don't trust her. She has given me nothing to work with, and I feel she's the type of player who is going to do what she wants to do and be a bit of a maverick, and not care how it reflects on her or anybody else. I think she's the kind of ally who is a liability, and not an asset. The kind you don't want to like you best, because they'll tell everyone that and bring attention on you. Because they're brutally honest, and in ways they shouldn't be. They're not the kind you can tell to sit on their hands and have them do it. Tact thy name is not Jenny. Admittedly, this could just be my own personal experience with these kinds of playstyles talking and I am misreading Jenny horribly. But, I don't trust her farther than I can throw her, and look at these puppet arms, I probably can't even throw a pokeball.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 29, 2020, 05:00:10 pm
Okay so Jenny told me that she trusts Lucifer the most and I am second or third on the list. Thanks for that amount of honesty I guess? And then Poirot just told me that Judy told him that I'm her favourite with him right after. I have several concerns but you know what, that's fine.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 29, 2020, 05:16:53 pm
Jenny, I'm supposed to rain on everybody's parade. Please stop stealing my bit.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on June 29, 2020, 05:51:39 pm
Congratulations on immunity and making it to the top 20. What's your agenda for the next 24 hours?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on June 29, 2020, 06:31:07 pm
Thank you! My plan is to uh... well. Just maintain the communication and get closer to the people I like I suppose?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 03:11:09 pm
Hoping my score doesn't sink our tribe, cuz precision in flash games? Yeah no. Look at these puppet hands, they are not made for this.

But in other news, solidifying a trio with Poirot and Judy. Judy did mention to Poirot that I was her favourite which, okay sure, but come on. Quentin checked in today! Said he should be done with whatever work has been keeping him busy by this weekend if all goes to plan. Jenny and my conversation are over an avatar bet we are making. Cuz yeah that happened. It is just between her and I what we are betting on specifically, but it'll be a month for whomever wins. Wish me luck?
Lucifer is still my bae, but we've almost fallen into a pattern of conversation? Which isn't the most exciting, but it's not bad either? The music he sends me is nice, if largely the same genre. And then Cheddar our chats are.. I don't know how to describe them really. Like, yeah we're talking about some really important stuff on personal levels a little, but it's also somehow superficial at best? Like we're both doing the check in do the friendship things, and leave not friendship stuff elsewhere. Probably cuz we're just at the we know where the bottom is here, so no need to rock the boat in any way place.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 05:24:14 pm
Well fuck. The worst part about this is, Quentin was gone for 2 days and PM'd nobody, and it's not gonna be something anybody is gonna fight, I am sure. And if you do try to fight it, it'll have that perspective of clearly someone is trying to protect their pocket number, right? Even though for me it's like, I wanna give him a shot and he hasn't really done anything more offensive than not be here or send a PM longer than a line.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 05:49:07 pm
Oh good, Poirot at least wouldn't be against voting for Jenny should that be what we as a trio decide. Now just gotta cool my jets a little and not try to push too hard for anything.

But I did notice that I did worst in this challenge out of the entire game. That doesn't bode well for me I don't think. Though, hey, living up to my name as trash puppet I suppose.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 05:53:08 pm
Also, man I'm antsy for no good reason. I know everyone has other people to PM, but I want them to be answering me >:(
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on July 01, 2020, 05:57:25 pm
It was a close call and looks like there is a tough decision ahead of you. Prior to the vote, could you give me an update ranking of the favorability of your tribemates?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 05:58:48 pm
1) Lucifer
2) Judy
3) Poirot
4) Cheddar
5) Quentin
6) Jenny
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 06:11:42 pm
Oh dear, Poirot says Judy has said Jenny puts in effort with her, and also points out that Jenny has been a challenge asset. Which okay fair, but, negative utility is something I worry about much more so with Jenny than I do Quentin.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 07:03:43 pm
Lucifer has just told me some really juicy information. He told me that Jenny asked him to be an alliance with him and Judy, but he does not know if Judy is aware of that request, and how Judy feels about it. I did not tell him about the trio I have with Judy already in it, but I'm definitely concerned now as I had a conversation with Judy where I spelled out my concerns re Jenny. He's also asked me not to tell anyone, and I won't. He considers me his main person to work with, but he thinks it would be foolish to say no, and I agree, it would be foolish for him to say no to. And also, this is kind of how I prefer it. I much prefer having the person I trust most have an alliance that I am not direct a part of, so we can compare notes and have much more information across the game.

Let's see how this plays out though.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 07:06:44 pm
Oh and also, Cheddar mentioned that he has loved our conversations and wants to do stuff with me. But also is for weighing whether or not Jenny or Quentin, not just straight up say only Quentin.
And Jenny has only said it's Quentin, nothing else.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 08:07:09 pm
Jenny is making groupchats, made one with Lucifer and Judy. Lucifer does not think Judy has seen it and may just be roped into it much like he is. And he thinks that Jenny has no idea how the tribe views her, which really is fair. None of us have been so bold as to tell her to her face that she's really making people not trust her.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 08:47:00 pm
And Judy up and told me about the groupchat and that for her she at least feels she will have some sway over Jenny. I'm less concerned than I was about that then. Do I trust Jenny? Absolutely not, but if she trusts Lucifer and Judy enough to make a groupchat with them, and they trust me enough to tell me about it, I'm less concerned about fallout. Though I'm still concerned Jenny is a spill all she knows rogue element. This may also just be some [REDACTED] PTSD where the person I felt this way about and let stay, exploded in ways I did not foresee or like.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 09:11:28 pm
Alright, cool, nobody really feels super strongly either way about how this vote plays out. We're all on the same page that if Quentin shows up and puts in a good faith effort during this TC, then that's all we need from him and Jenny can go for actively reading negatively. If Quentin doesn't make an appearance, no one is going to fight for him to stay in spite of it and he can go.

I also had the thought that, if my concern about Jenny is that in a potential swap or something of the sort, she'll be the kind of person who will straight up say what she's doing and not keep information to herself, I'm not her favourite and any leaks which happen will be about Judy or Lucifer instead. And that may just be something that keeping around isn't the worst thought. She becomes someone else's liability, not mine. I can get behind that.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 09:37:25 pm
Poirot has concerns that this could happen in a way where it looks like Jenny going home was something we 100% pushed for, or at least me specifically. And that is.... very fair. I don't think it would look that way, but it is something to be concerned about. However, the fact that Cheddar isn't tied up with alliances with anybody, means if we wanted to imply this, we could make the push on Jenny look more like something he did more of. And wouldn't you know it? Cheddar just asked me if making a groupchat might be a good idea on keeping all 5 of us on the same page. And I am all for someone else making that happen, where it masks what I may have been doing. I love a good smokescreen. Also, I do really like Cheddar, he's very solid, and a very good boy.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 09:47:59 pm
The mad lad did it, he created the groupchat. Amazing. Best dog, best friend.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 09:56:52 pm
Well, Quentin is here, and saying that he will largely be free from Friday on. But he's doing a lot of "look, tell me what to do, I'll do anything." which god it's so tempting to be like "push Jenny, just do it." but I can't trust that it won't explode in my face, or anything like that. Yes I did tell him that largely what he has to do is just be here and show he'll give effort, but I can't help him further than that. I'm not trying to pocket him.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 10:08:22 pm

I literally just told you that your crime is one-liners and inactivity, that's *it*. Come on man, work with me here. Let me justify your survival outside of wanting someone specific to go.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 01, 2020, 10:28:43 pm
Jenny sent a PM saying she hopes that things pick up after this because we don't have a backup vote after this.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 12:58:10 am
Well, if he keeps up the effort into tomorrow, I think it will turn out to be Jenny who goes instead of Quentin. And thankfully someone else told him that Jenny was at fault for him being the only obvious target, so he's more than willing to point that direction. Great. I get what I went into this TC wanting, and I don't think anyone is going to be pissy about it, nor are they going to see me as insisting upon something I want that benefits only me.

This may also have something to do with the fact in talking to Lucifer and Judy, I made it explicitly clear that if they had strong opinions about keeping the person who just offered them an alliance, I am all for allowing them to keep that, all they have to do is say. I'm not the kind of player who kills off someone's friends just so I'm their only one. I may be a monster, but I'm not that kind.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 01:02:02 am
Oh, I should probably tell Lucifer that Hercule knows about the Jenny alliance that was made because Judy told him. So clearly I've only heard about this from Judy, and Judy outting a thing without asking Lucifer may give him more pause in trusting Judy with everything. And no I'm not just telling him this because he told me that he gets irritated when people tell everybody everything.

To keep track. What Lucifer tells me, I tell no one. What Judy tells me, I've told Poirot and Lucifer. What Poirot tells me, I tell Lucifer. What Cheddar tells me, I've told Judy and Poirot, and indirectly Lucifer but not that my source was Cheddar.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Sherlock Holmes on July 02, 2020, 01:55:37 am
To keep track. What Lucifer tells me, I tell no one. What Judy tells me, I've told Poirot and Lucifer. What Poirot tells me, I tell Lucifer. What Cheddar tells me, I've told Judy and Poirot, and indirectly Lucifer but not that my source was Cheddar.

Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 02:08:18 am

Okay, so I'm not intending to pocket him, but I can't help it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 02:26:22 am
Okay, Quentin is actually useful, but he doesn't fully realize in what way he is. He mentioned to me just now that the reason he thought Lucifer and Judy might be having a tiff was that Lucifer told him that Judy may be the hardest to sway if he wanted to stay around. But Judy didn't tell him anything about talking Lucifer if he wanted to stay. He's got a good eye to notice the indirect weird vibe there. It's distancing on Judy's part, so Quentin would absolutely notice that sort of thing in the future.

He did say he was going to be around for another hour, and he'd keep his eye out for anything else that might mean something to me.

I told y'all killing Jenny was ideal for me. Provided Quentin doesn't like make it out like I was the driving force behind saving his ass. Then we'll have some issues, but hey, whatever.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 02:31:10 am
Oh hey, what's this? Information that shows I'm fucking right about my concerns?

Lucifer: Speaking of Jenny, she brought up Hercule's name to me :/ She said she feel's like she's least connected with him and he's a threat and she's suspicious of him basically. I did push back against that as best I could and indicated I didn't think he had been acting suspicious, but still- you should know.

Bless him for mentioning it, but also told y'all, told all y'all.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 01:41:35 pm
Am I still talking to Jenny like I'm planning on doing things with her in the future? Yes. Am I actually doing this to eke out every last bit of information she might feed me before she leaves? Also yes. Do I feel bad about it? Jury is still out on that, but maybe, why do you ask?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 01:45:16 pm
But also Jenny, you shouldn't tell Lucifer things when you're not sure how he feels about you. He's been quoting them at Hercule and me and he was one of your few supports at the start of this round.

And yes, I do realize that I need to remember if Lucifer will quote Jenny at people, nothing says he won't quote me at people either. Even if he keeps telling me he trusts me, and he's giving me information that I could easily sink him with if I so tried. This is why I'm tracking who I've told what, and where I've heard info from as much as possible. So hey, maybe this confessional will get used a lot more if only for that.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 03:04:20 pm
I don't think Jenny is going to tell me what lines she sees forming in this tribe :( I just want her to tell me that she has an alliance elsewhere, or what she thinks Poirot is doing that is so shady. I like information. I like to hold on to it and remember it and use it at the opportune moment.

I also have no intentions of telling her she is going home, I'm not going to be that person. If it means there's a returnee twist and she hates me for that, oh well, I was only third trusted out of six anyways, what do I care? Is it largely my fault she went? Probably, it is what I wanted from this TC. I don't trust her and there really isn't anything she can say to change that impression. I don't even trust that information she gives me can be trusted, but I'd much rather have it in my backpacker as insurance. We love a good insurance buffer.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 03:09:29 pm
Oh Quentin is in a timezone where it's morning/early afternoon right now. That explains a lot about him not meshing nearly so much. Mods did you purposefully put me in a tribe that I don't actually get my post 11pm everyone is offline so I can PM everybody all at once without getting responses I should address quiet hours?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 03:52:08 pm
Jenny's reason to watch out for Poirot is, and I quote "He's put the most amount of effort so far into his posts, and I think that might translate into being a future power player." So first you dislike his gimmick for being hard to read, but now the gimmick is bad because it means he's putting effort in? It's a valid point though, but wouldn't it be better to have that on your side for a time and not do something about that the first TC in the first tribe? If you're going to make a move on that big power player, you have to make sure you have support in doing something about that. Yes he is someone I'm looking at in the same way, but I want his skills around for swap situations. Let's meet some more people before we kill off people we can use, yeah?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 04:46:41 pm
Judy is going to off-vote on Lance as insurance for Jenny having an idol. AND she did the smart thing and told all of us before reveal happened. We won't have to play that stupid who off-voted game, and it's a sign of smart thinking. So if it hits a tie due to some play, then at least we can all agree on Lance and won't lose someone like Poirot.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 05:02:25 pm
You're a loose cannon, Officer Jenny. Turn in your badge and your gun; you're off the case.

Oh my god, please tell me this is the standard phrasing and not specific to Jenny, because this is SAVAGE if not.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 05:10:51 pm
Also the avatars for eliminated players being bars, and their group being called Off the Force has me thinking perhaps they could be reinstated in the future.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 05:18:58 pm
Both Judy and now Quentin have asked me if I follow any sports. What kind of puppet do people think I am? Team Loyalty, I don't even know 'er.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on July 02, 2020, 05:59:52 pm
Both Judy and now Quentin have asked me if I follow any sports. What kind of puppet do people think I am? Team Loyalty, I don't even know 'er.

There are individual sports. Like equestrian.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 06:06:01 pm
True enough. But Quentin asked because he's a Chelsea fan. And he likes teams.

Sports stats can be fascinating, but I more care about individual moves or players, and even then maybe. I appreciate how cool it is human bodies can do those things, but that's about the only interest I have. I do know a lot more about sports than I used to, much against my will.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on July 02, 2020, 06:36:25 pm
What's your thought process going into this challenge? Are you optimistic about your chances of doing well?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 02, 2020, 07:04:25 pm
I mean, I don't know if I will get everyone correctly here, but I do know for a fact that everyone will get my negative role correct. Because it is the obvious choice there, so for maximum points I'm going for it. Bad-Tempered=Grouch, it is known.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 03, 2020, 05:17:06 pm
I forgot to say that Inside Man was supposed to be because you know, puppet, there's literally a man inside of me.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 03, 2020, 05:47:20 pm
Hey Sherlock, this is for you:
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on July 04, 2020, 09:16:19 am
I forgot to say that Inside Man was supposed to be because you know, puppet, there's literally a man inside of me.

I wouldn't say a man, just a fist.

Congratulations on immunity - can you explain your challenge answers and how you matched up people's personalities? If you can also come up with a humorous short story, I will give you spectator points.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 04, 2020, 02:27:56 pm
Actually no, I don't think I'm one of the ones that is just hand operated. Probably sit on somebody's head. Or multiple people's arms. It really all depends. Puppets take a lot of work.

Thank you! I explained a lot of my reasoning in my tribal forum actually. I did associations with the characters and personalities a bit. Like Devious=Devil=Lucifer, that sort of thing. May give more of a rundown on that later, and maybe a story.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 05, 2020, 05:09:35 pm
Hmm... Having Lance may be a plus? Lucifer staying with me is good but also bad. I rather wanted to limit how close I look to him, but he's actually competent so I can't pretend nearly so much. Ah well.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 05, 2020, 05:28:10 pm
Sending out a group PM to make it easier for Lance and Luci and I to all be on the same page on what information we give out about our tribe. Do we say it was always Jenny and not make Quentin look like he could be an easy vote at all, or do we give the truth completely and actually use that to our advantage. Either way, I'm hoping that we will stay 3 strong here.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 05, 2020, 05:30:41 pm
Also already heard from Penelope and Jake. Penelope I'm really happy to meet, cuz she's the best Criminal Minds character. Jake seems to be doing the approach of ice breaker time.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Joss Carter on July 05, 2020, 05:32:02 pm
Penelope I'm really happy to meet, cuz she's the best Criminal Minds character.
I absolutely have a celebrity crush on Kristen Vangsness.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 05, 2020, 05:51:56 pm
Oh mood.

Though okay, Reid is also fantastic. But like, if neither of them were on the show, I wouldn't watch. They save it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 05, 2020, 06:39:30 pm
Okay, Lance wants the honesty route. If you wanna gamble with people seeing you as disposable, that's on you buddy. I figured I'd at least let you decide whether or not that's the approach we took. Cuz like, dude, you do realize if we lost again you were going home, right? You are aware of that, correct? I suppose you may want to use that as a way to get other information and maybe use it to your own advantage, but okay dude, if that's the narrative you want, so be it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 05, 2020, 08:32:31 pm
Jake is probably the best at easing into communication. He's got a lot of energy to him though, but he has instantly liked Lucifer too, which is very promising. Pikachu largely went into asking about game stuff, so I told him and he also told me that it was a little stagnant since they didn't go to TC. Luci told me that Pikachu told him that we got the more active members of the 12th, and that Kate and Chan said very little. Scruff told me that the game has been rough for him, but his tribe was incredibly close-knit so votes were hard.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 05, 2020, 08:39:40 pm
For my own sanity:
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 05, 2020, 08:54:10 pm
Okay, so Scruff is also decent. And if what Scruff told me holds true, those two are probably pretty tight. Scruff says he already has a good feeling about me(score) and Lucifer is someone else he already likes, AND Jake said the same thing. From a numbers perspective, we could easily team up 99th with 12th and have a majority ez pz. As it is, Nick and Rust haven't spoken to me yet. I may be planning too much in advance here, but I'm liking this idea a lot. The 2 and 3 vs the 4? Works for me.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 05, 2020, 10:42:10 pm
Lol Pikachu is concerned that coming in with a majority will make it so that people might hold that against his tribe. Darling, if you don't want people to think about the numbers but rather meet you on an equal personal playing field, you know how you make that happen? Don't mention the numbers.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 05, 2020, 10:45:39 pm
To be fair though, he's not bad. He is very probing and I think sitting on a tribe that didn't have to do anything has him jonesing for gameplay, cuz he's telling me what he's heard from Lucifer without saying he heard it from Lucifer in this very subtle "let me compare notes and have you tell me if I'm being lied to." way. It's most impressive.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 06, 2020, 01:21:11 am
Lucifer says that Rust is someone who only answers PM chains other people start, so he's only been talking to him and Jake and his former tribe. So that's.. what's the opposite of promising? Yeah, it's that. I'll have to start something up eventually, but not yet.
Nick had a strong opening PM so I do like him a little.

I think this might be an incredibly difficult tribe. Everyone seems decent and nice and also active. And then there's Quentin. God I hope he's present.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 06, 2020, 02:05:34 am
I'm a little proud of this segment of a PM I sent to Nick just now. He said he got to complain a little about having an off timezone, which he totally does, can't blame the guy, but I said this:

"Nope, no complaints for you. You need to fill out the proper paperwork, in crayon, and then take it to the nearest papershredder, and give the pile of mess to the nearest Grouch Receptionist, who will then light it on fire. If the fire smells terrible, then you are allowed to complain. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them."
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 06, 2020, 01:14:21 pm
Pikachu, I can tell when you're fishing for information, you are none to subtle about it. Sure I'll talk about what happened in my TCs and how they went down, but if you think I'm going to purposefully set it up so Quentin is a viable vote option immediately, you are wildly mistaken. Do I like him as a vote option? Yes. Do I like him as a vote option from the group who has never gone to a TC? Absolutely the fuck not. I'm not having that sir, no way. You've only given information on people not on this tribe, why would I offer info on the ones here that you can immediately use if you aren't offering me anything up that I don't already know? Talking about Nick having a different timezone, when he said it in public before you mentioned it, really doesn't count. And it sounds like you're the one who has the issue with the timezone, not this nebulous everybody else.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 06, 2020, 02:47:50 pm
Jake also seems to have some good vibes re Rust. I suppose I ought to talk to the guy, see what the fuss is about, but that sounds like effort. And it is trash day here. Got to go Scrooge McDuck that shit.

But, it sounds like me, Scruff, Jake, and Luci are all looking at this idea group of us that could happen. We all legitimately like each other for starters, but gosh aren't those numbers pretty? Maybe we pick up one of the 12s, maybe we don't, but Quentin for insurance purposes probably. It isn't official yet, but like, nah, that 4 is definitely going to happen.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 06, 2020, 11:58:36 pm
Rundown on other people on other tribes so it's in a single place:

From Pikachu
"I know that with Nick he lives in a really weird timezone."
"That's kind of how Kate was when I was in a tribe with her. She messaged the tribe forum more than us herself, but she is also apparently new to the game, so none of us really took too much offense with it. I did try giving her pointers to help her game out, because I like seeing new people excel especially in their first game you know?"
"I think Chan also was in the same time frame[as Nick] but they were really bad about messaging in general."
"With Kate we were working for her and luckily had we even gone to TC she wasn't even at risk. She really did work super hard on picking it up when it came to messaging. So I'm hoping she'll be fine on the other tribe."
"I think Chan will most likely be the first boot over there unless he ends up changing it up a lot from when he was on the 12th district."

From Scruff
"that was basically our first tribal except we didn't have a Jenny to blow up-- rather, Ace was sending one or two lines to people who talked to him and just causing every conversation to drag on, which caused him to go unanimously with Hannah being his vote. Then, it was on Hannah since she was troubling to connect with-- but she gunned for Blart in return and a couple of people actually considered it before swinging back onto her and making it unanimous again, 5-1 with the 1 being Blart."
"Leon is a person who's new to the game and in a completely different time zone. He was regarded with a bit of suspicion at the start, and I think he would have been a minor target had we gone a third time, but he wasn't really in much danger over the course of the tribe. Paul is a pretty fun but slightly less active guy who received a vote last round because Hannah tried flipping it on him. Lennie is VERY smart, and I think the 'Devious' descriptor that he chose for himself is sort of fitting-- but I don't really distrust or dislike him at all."

From Penelope
"Kate - She's a super straightforward gal. She's also pretty new to the game and is a great PMer.
Jackie - Probably our version of Quentin. Pretty inactive (though I believe it was a time zone difference) and sparse messages.
Chase - We got to talking a lot about board games which was exciting! Super sweet and I think he was voted most affectionate in the touchy subjects challenge :P"
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 07, 2020, 03:29:08 am
I've had praise from both Nick and Rust for my work on the challenge via PMs. The way I figured it, those other tribes are likely to look at how much effort you put into a challenge as part of "do we like this guy?" arguments, and I wanna have the best multi-faceted one I can have.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on July 07, 2020, 05:29:23 am
New friends? New enemies? How would you rank your new tribemates in terms of favorability?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 07, 2020, 12:50:08 pm
New friends definitely scruff and Jake. I think the only one I have any negative vibes from is pikachu and that is only because he wanted info real fast and wasn't too subtle about it and it rubbed me wrong.

1) Scruff
2) Jake
3) Nick
4) Penelope
5) Rust
6) Pikachu
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 07, 2020, 03:00:35 pm
More important info re other people on other tribes:

"Like, if I had to pick, I think Leon will be the biggest 'Fish out of water' type, since he didn't even know what a swap was prior to round two of this game, but I think he has the conversational skills to not die over someone like Chan, who apparently was very inactive and didn't talk much even when he was around. Lennie is the one I see doing the best over there-- but either way, if we make it far, I can put in a good word for you and Lucifer to the 27th members who do end up surviving there."

"Idk how to explain it. Like he was there and would sometimes message but the messages that I was getting from him were very less than stellar. Probably about the same quality of messages in compared to the ones I have gotten from Lance. Lance hasn't really been the best at communicating." Re Chan
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 07, 2020, 03:47:26 pm
I'm trying to be fair, but man, I just don't like Pikachu. And it's not even anything he's really done? He's just very very strategically minded and that's all he's contributing to our conversations. Everyone else has fluff in there too, and actually seeming like they want to have conversations, not just gamebot through this. I'm happy you're here for your people chess, sir, but I'm not here to play that side.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 07, 2020, 04:27:26 pm
Ahhhhh, Pikachu is one of those who is constantly worried about perception and lets that paranoia drive how he interacts with everybody. I get it now.

This revelation comes from him saying that he doesn't want to be seen as the guy who pushes for the inactive or less communicative person to leave at a TC. And after one of his first PMs to me being about being worried that he'll be treated differently based on his previous tribe doing so well and having 4 of them. I get him now. I don't exactly like him any more, but I understand it. He needs to chill. If he doesn't, it'll explode in his face. I think he's the type who will keep touching things because he's worried about stuff happening, and in the process of his touching, he causes things to happen.

Also, having it pointed out twice that we voted out the person with the best score in the game that round is a whoops, didn't notice that. Oh well.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 07, 2020, 04:31:15 pm
Also Pikachu had a visceral reaction to being asked if he wouldn't want to drive the ship forward, but he also knew how that challenge was won. Which just made me think:
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 07, 2020, 05:00:11 pm
Quentin, I'm happy you're making some headway with one person, that's great progress. Now step it up with everybody else. You get one shot, and if we lose, it's going to be real fucking hard to get anything not you to happen.

Which speaking of, I don't want to lose because I do not like the look of this tribe yet. Sure there's that group with Jake and Scruff and Luci, but idk. I think I might be okay because I contributed a lot to this challenge and that showed for a few people, but I do not feel nearly so confident about any of my new friends.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 07, 2020, 05:16:10 pm
Aww, Quentin mentioned that a lot of people have mentioned they like me. Good, I've put in the effort for that, I'd like it to pay off thank you very much.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 07, 2020, 05:27:22 pm
Am I less than subtly telling Quentin that the bet on who leaves on the other tribe is Chan because he only PMs a couple lines and isn't around much to try to get him to improve here? What kind of puppet do you think I am? Because you'd be correct.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 07, 2020, 05:29:18 pm
Okay so if it's not going to be like Jaipur, is it going to be like Codenames in Civ?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 07, 2020, 06:13:28 pm
Okay Jake's PM to me today is making me laugh a lot. I think he thinks I need to be sold on an idea that I've not only agreed to, I want and I've been pushing for, just not at him yet. It's a good PM with a lot of good info though, so I wanna keep it around.

Yikes, that challenge was rough! I'm glad we devoted so much time to it. Communications have broken down all over the tribe while we worked on this, but it bought us a day or two of respite.

Scruff and I have been talking, and I'll level with you - I think the best way for us to walk out of this tribe not only alive but prosperous is to assemble a coalition. We're still getting to know one another, but I quite like you and Lucifer, particularly you. If our stint in the BAU carries us all to the merge, perhaps we can make it more permanent, bring in any surviving allies from our original precincts.

Quentin will likely tag along until and unless we need to stake out a goat. I'm not keen to trust him, and I'd prefer if we had numbers on our side without him. Still, keeping him around until we need an easy vote is just good business.

Rust has approached me about working together. I get the strong sense that he wasn't the most popular in his original precinct, and would be happy to be a free agent. He and I get along quite well, and I'm starting to get to a point where I can trust him. According to him, Chan is akin to our Ace and your Quentin, while Kate reminded him of Jenny or Hannah. With any luck, that's who gets eliminated this round and our friends on the other side stick around.

Pikachu we've discussed a bit more, and also seems keen on making connections outside his tribe. His loyalties are unclear to me as yet, though I have high hopes.

Penelope is cagey. She seems to be playing a tight, challenge-based game, and playing it well. If anyone's likely to play mother hen and rally the former 12thers, I think it's her. She seems very comfortable and assured, and I can't say I blame her. Given how much of an asset she was in this challenge, it appears earned. Moving against her would be difficult.

Nick is savvy and social, nice to talk to, but so far it's all flash and no substance. I like him, but I'm not sure if I trust him yet. You said you were getting along with him - I'm willing to give him a fair shake. Is there a better approach to him?

I mean, yes please to free reads on the whole tribe, I'm in. But you don't have to convince me, you really don't.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Heiji Hattori on July 08, 2020, 03:01:53 pm
Okay so if it's not going to be like Jaipur, is it going to be like Codenames in Civ?

Sorry, can you explain the context of this?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 08, 2020, 10:53:03 pm
Oh, so in Survivor: Civilization, another game Haschel modded, there was a codenames challenge, and it was NOT live at the start. Which meant essentially there was potential for it to last for days. Instead I think it ended up being a 6 hour challenge? I do not recall specifics, but I do remember it was one of those challenges that became an entire day's worth of effort.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Joss Carter on July 08, 2020, 11:04:11 pm
Oh, so in Survivor: Civilization, another game Haschel modded, there was a codenames challenge, and it was NOT live at the start. Which meant essentially there was potential for it to last for days. Instead I think it ended up being a 6 hour challenge? I do not recall specifics, but I do remember it was one of those challenges that became an entire day's worth of effort.
And then he learned from the experience and the next time he did a Codenames challenge in Equestria it was perfect.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 08, 2020, 11:29:59 pm
You can teach an old dog new tricks ;)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 01:16:09 am
Ooo, Lucifer just told me that he got asked to be in an alliance with Nick and Pikachu today. That's awfully interesting. He hasn't told anyone else, and I doubt he will. And I'm certainly not. The way he sees it, it's good for informational purposes, so he agreed.

We're all looking at Penelope with a lot of hmmm. Cuz she's going to be a pain in the ass to remove down the line. Well when I say we, I mean that 4some I talked about before. Penelope may be the glue holding people together.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 02:18:21 pm
Why do people double pm especially if one or both is a wall? Do you like to make me scroll as I answer, is that it? Thanks a lot Jake and Penelope.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 05:19:17 pm
Sergeant's Exam, I see you. Will poke at you in a bit, cuz god I hope that's an idol and I can figure it out enough to have it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 05:25:04 pm
Okay so, I am going to be puzzling out how this works as I go. But if you click the application button on MS,  you get a brand new thing. And the challenge said something about reapply, so duh, I see you. I feel like this is going to be a case of who is the most correct, not just fastest. Since you can only submit the form once.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 06:02:08 pm
My worksheet before I start testing:
1) The answers to questions 6 and 7 are the same.
2) Question 1 is false.
3) Questions 4 and 20 have different answers.
4) Questions 3 and 20 have different answers.
5) The answer to this question is different than the answer to Question 19. T(So if DV's boss wasn't Scott, this can be true. And I think it has to be true because this is a false statement if both are true, and it can't be false if it IS different. Yeah)
6) Question 2 is true.
7) Question 15 is true.
8) Questions 11 and 19 have the same answer. F(Could be either? I do know by logicing out 19 has to be false, but we'll see if things change with 11)
9) Question 10 is true.
10) Question 13 is false.
11) Haschel Cedricson won the last board game he played with his family. T(odds are very high here)
12) Question 16 is true.
13) Question 12 is true.
14) This question and Question 11 have the same answer. T(This could be either)
15) At least half of the questions in this exam are false.
16) At least half of the questions in this exam are true.
17) Questions 4 and 9 have the same answer.
18) Question 7 is true.
19) DV's first boss's first name was Scott. F(No idea either way, but 5 says this HAS to be this way.)
20) Questions 3 and 4 have different answers.

19 informs 5, and has to be F for 19 and True for 5.
19 is false. If 8 is true, 11 is also false. If 8 is false, 11 is true. If 11 is true, 14 is true. If 11 is false, then same rules as 19/5 interactions, so 11 is true and 14 is true, which makes 8 false. Base count of 2 false, 3 true, count so as not to make 15/16 impossibilities while testing.

If 1 is true, 2 is false, 6 and 7 can not be the same. If 1 is false, 2 is true, 6 and 7 have to be the same. If 2 is true, 6 is true. If 2 is false, 6 is false. If 7 is true, then 15 and 18 are true. If 7 is false, 15 and 18 are false.
If 20 is true, 3 and 4 have to be different and 3 and 4 can't both be true OR false. If 20 is false, both of 3 and 4 are true.
If 9 is true, 10 is true. If 9 is false, 10 is false. If 10 is true, 13 is false. If 10 is false, 13 is true. If 13 is true, 12 is true. If 13 is false, 12 is false. If 12 is true, 16 is true. If 12 is false, 16 is false.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 06:17:01 pm
Let's test the chain of influences against each other.

9: T, 10: T, 13: F, 12: F, 16: F. Count: 5 F, 5 T. At least half ARE true, so let's try if 15 is true too and it's a split. 15: T, 7: T, 18: T. 5 F, 8 T, need 5 False and only 2 T. So let's set 6 to be F. 6: F, 2: F, 1: T. Count: 7 F, 9 T. And that doesn't work cuz of how 20>3/4 work. Step back to, 6: T, 2: T, 1: F. Count is 10 T, 7 F. 20 is F, 3 and 4 are F. This works. As long as it works that's good enough, so that's what I'm gonna send in.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 06:18:04 pm
Haha nope, I'm an idiot. This does NOT work cuz 16 is about half being true and that was set to false so lol.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 06:20:19 pm
But hey, I have the back-half of how I have 15 being true, so there's.... that.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 06:33:00 pm
Okay so lol, let's... try that again. 9: T, 10: T, 13: F, 12: F, 16: F, 15: T, 7: T, 18: T. 5 F, 8 T, need more F. 6 F, 2: F, 1: T. 7 F, 9 T. doesn't work if 15 is T... so none of this works! That's good actually!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 06:57:09 pm
9: F, 10: F, 13: T, 12: T, 16: T. HAS to be. Count: 3 False, 6 True. Can we set 15 to be true? 15: T, 7: T, 18: T. 3 False, 9 true. ah, no we can't. okay, so 15 HAS to be False. 15: F, 7: F, 18: F. 5 False, 9 True. Let's set 6 True. 6: T, 1: T, 2: F. 6 False, 11 True. Uh.. I could go either way with 20>3/4. Let's set 20 F, 3 T, 4 T, Count 7 False, 13 True. Sure.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 07:01:48 pm
Haha nope, that's not working near the middle again. Thanks 6, you suck.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 07:04:59 pm
Nope, I'm just bad at reading my own notes. We good.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 07:06:52 pm
"I have taken the Sergeant's Exam."
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Joss Carter on July 09, 2020, 07:08:26 pm
I'm sorry, you did not pass the Exam.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 07:09:00 pm
It's haaaaaaard.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 09, 2020, 07:19:01 pm
It's fine, I didn't want an idol for babies anyways.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 10, 2020, 01:19:39 am
Hi specs, I miss you. Please come say hi to your least favourite confessionalist sometime soon. Thanks <3. I'm sure there's things I can update you on, but as things are largely stagnant, it's harder to think of what I can say that I haven't already. So please ask for elaborations, yeah?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 10, 2020, 04:43:27 am
Nick: I'm also kinda aware that there's this whole 4-3-2 dynamic, right? Which I hope isn't a thing, because sticking to tribal lines sucks, but if I was in your position and saw 4 members of 12th coming into the tribe together I'd be worried about what would happen if one of the 3 or 2 are taken out and the 4 just decides to stick together and try to take control. My feeling on it is that as long as we can talk something out and come to a consensus as a tribe, we'll be alright, but I do want to make clear I'm okay to talk about stuff like that.

Oh, are you fishing today now too? You're a little late to the scene, Pikachu and Penelope did this days ago. And I already know you and Pikachu are pals and with Luci. But you know what, it's cute you tried it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Alexandra Cabot on July 10, 2020, 07:08:10 am
the only reason i don't post is because i never know what to ask but i am here and loving it
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 10, 2020, 07:50:27 am
Well thank you for saying hi <3 And an excellent character choice too.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 10, 2020, 03:24:03 pm
Penelope: Also Nick brought something up that threw me for a loop. He used she/her pronouns for you but I was going off the character and using he/him! Which do you prefer?

Thank you. I have been waiting all game for someone to ask me. I've not had any place in which anyone directly used a pronoun marker for me to address this either. But, for Grouch Cop specifically, my answer is they/them. But I am very pleased Penelope asked me, it definitely raises my opinion of her.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 11, 2020, 06:37:28 am
Yeah, I really have grown to legitimately like Penelope. She may focus more of her effort into challenges than she does PMs, but what she gives, I like a lot. I also kinda like the idea of most of us have our own 12 person we like best and get info from, and she would definitely be my choice for that for me. Luci has his deal, let me have my sidechick. Also at this point Quentin is drawing dead enough I don't even think the 4 alliance fully wants him. Some people haven't heard from him in 4 days. That's far too long my dude.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 11, 2020, 06:39:13 am
So new rating of tribe mates:

1) Lucifer
2) Scruff
3) Jake
4) Penelope
5) Rust
6) Pikachu
7) Nick
8) Quentin
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 11, 2020, 05:10:57 pm
Damn, I was fully expecting to be at tc. Good luck friends on the other side.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 13, 2020, 11:09:38 pm
I feel really bad for that other tribe. This has got to be an awful feeling, truly.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 14, 2020, 05:10:40 pm
Oh god, all my real actual friends are on the other tribe. This is gonna be sucky. But whatever, I did want friends.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 14, 2020, 05:13:41 pm
Plus side, all the long PMs I had sitting in my inbox that I hadn't answered are all over on the other tribe.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 14, 2020, 06:05:38 pm
Cheddar gave me some tea:
R1) Chan is inactive. Kate kind of tries to put votes on Paul instead, but it doesn’t work. - Bye Chan

R2) Paul wants Kate out and Kate wants Paul out. Everybody sides with Kate because nobody wanted a “picking off the reds” narrative to develop. - Unianimous vote on Paul. Paul plays an idol, Kate goes home.

R3) Chase makes an alliance with Hercule, Judy, and I. Easy vote on Paul, but in his desperation he targets Chase. He makes up a rumor that Chase and I are unbreakable based solely in the two of us being dogs. Tells me the vote is Leon based on that, ends up voting Leon, while we all vote for him. - Paul goes.

Last motherfucking round) So last round at the beginning Hercule, Judy, and I are talking about our options and both of them just immediately tell me “it can’t be Chase cause he trusts us”. And I wasn’t sure about that plan yet but I was like “Yeah” cause why push it if they’re not down. And lo and behold THEY LEFT ME OUT OF THE CHASE VOTE. They told ya boi to vote Leon.

I wish I was with one of them to hear from them ya know cause I don’t wanna day “dead to me” but also WTF.  I’m assuming they bought into the rumor that Paul started or something because I legitimately wasn’t tied to Chase outside of his ties with all of us.

Leon also included in his first message that Hercule put in a good word for me. So maybe this is less bad than concerned. But actually though, it might be. Cuz Leon was with Scruff and Jake, and I have Scruff. Cheddar and I are definitely still buds. Quentin will do whatever I tell him to probably, or can be an easy vote to burn. Pikachu and Rust aren't hella tight, but they're okay. And Pika is separated from his boo Nick, which I like a lot. Rust I might make some headway with so that's something. I know Rust and Scruff were likely to be buds. So maybe make a thing with Scruff and Cheddar with our pocket Quentin, we can do what we like?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 14, 2020, 06:09:09 pm
Quentin: cool, also sorry about not being active, I basically lost all wim to play from not going to tribal. A new tribe seems good though. Hopefully this goes well.

Babe, this isn't good enough. In no realm is this enough. The game is not just TCs. You gotta give more than that or you won't get to play any part of the TCs. I'm sorry it's killed your will, but even with you in my pocket, I want more from you.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 14, 2020, 11:36:14 pm
Pikachu: I guess we really need to stick together if that is ok with you?

I mean... I'm not gonna say no to that even remotely, but buddy, I ain't trust you.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 14, 2020, 11:59:09 pm
Rust feels lukewarm about this swap, which mood, and was asking if I was happy to see Cheddar and tips on how to talk more with him. Which is promising. I do wish people would actually be here, I'm around and ready for game chatter, why is nobody else here to feed my need for love and attention? :(

Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 15, 2020, 01:06:19 am
I wonder if I can get Quentin to burn his clues for me.....
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 15, 2020, 02:02:02 am
Hercule, you can't just tell somebody you feel best with me, and that they should try to work with me, what if they take that to mean something it doesn't? But, thank you for the new friend I suppose. But Leon is slowly growing on me.

Initial read:
1) Cheddar
2) Scruff
3) Leon
4) Rust
5) Pikachu
6) Quentin
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 15, 2020, 03:55:06 am
Pikachu: I know that something that concerned you and the others back on BAU was the fact that 12 almost was already the majority out of the gate and if we had gone to TC we had talked about possibly not voting Quentin because of the potential of a 4-4. Something that is starting to worry me though is 99th District. I know that is where you are from but if we are looking at the original tribes it currently stands 12th-4, 27th- 4, 99th-6. I know I probably shouldn't worry about people sticking with their initial tribes, but I just wanted to say what is going on in my train of thinking.

This, this is the kind of shit that doesn't make me trust you dude. You express a lot of your worries in a way that makes me really concerned about your agenda underneath it all, because you absolutely have an agenda with it. It is a fair concern, sure, but man, there are better ways to express that which don't make me doubledown on not trusting you further than I can throw you.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 15, 2020, 10:36:49 am
Pikachu told me he learned that Paul had an idol and played it to send Kate home. Now you see, this is information I have heard nothing about so I am awfully curious where he has.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 15, 2020, 10:38:15 am
Oh haha, no, it's in the PM Cheddar sent to me. I just forgot Cheddar said it to me.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 15, 2020, 04:26:59 pm
All of Pikachu, Quentin, and now Scruff have mentioned how not going to TC at all made them not care about the game much and it's why they fell behind on PMs and..... I don't understand that at all??? I understand PMs being a chore at times, and not having too much to talk about.. but why would winning kill your desire to play? Yes things get stagnant, but getting to know people and talking about things is equally part of the game. Like, pick y'allselves up, and find something that you find fun, and focus on that. I just don't understand the attitude of unless we're at TC, game is hard to care/give effort to. If you aren't putting effort in during parts that aren't challenges, how exactly do you expect to survive a TC? Do you really think that the 24 hours of a TC is where you have to put your only real effort? That's incredibly short-sighted, there is always time to be doing things.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Joss Carter on July 15, 2020, 04:30:15 pm
Why don't you tell us more about the things you were doing during that time?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 15, 2020, 06:03:39 pm
Leon: Anyways, I'm going to say this straightforwardly, you are the first person (that isn't on my previous tribes) that I've really got close to and just gave me a really good vibes. I really wanna work with you if that's fine for you! <3

Why yes, yes it is. I'm very down.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 15, 2020, 06:29:09 pm
Thoughts midchallenge from a grouch:
i really want that other tribe to be at TC
not because i want to avoid it myself
but rather
it'll be much more interesting for that group to fight it out than mine
mine is all gamebots who aren't even good at beepbooping right
i get it won't help their care problem, but Quentin is a vote everyone agrees on. it's not going to be interesting
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 01:42:24 am
Add Rust to the list of people who felt winning repeatedly broke their ability to PM. I do not understand these people. I may have said a thing in my PM to Rust that I may regret but I'm so sick of everyone having this same exact feeling that sounds so alien to me.
"You know, you and everybody else we came over here with has said the exact same thing. Which I don't exactly understand. I get that TCs are an important time to test bonds and connections you built and actually influence the game, but when are you supposed to have built these bonds and connections if you aren't actually PMing to maintain a good relationship with somebody so when a TC does happen it doesn't have ridiculous results from people just wanting something to happen because they're bored. I may just be alone in this though."

I genuinely do not understand it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 01:49:41 am
Also, Leon is suggesting that perhaps Scruff, him, and I could work together as a unit. By all means sir, I'm in. While I do know that the two of them are incredibly close and that is something to watch out for, I do have my sideho of Pikachu, and bestest boi Cheddar. I don't expect that I won't have some awareness of what may be happening.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 09:47:22 am
And Cheddar and Leon have made up enough it's entirely possible maybe we get that 4some going? Y'all know how much I love a 4 person alliance.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 06:00:00 pm
I am very very frustrated. The other tribe had the chance to put their best people on the challenge, while we had to deal with who was actually here. On top of that, a good half of this tribe hasn't actually given much care towards this game because it wasn't exciting. And it's infuriating.

Sure he's never here, but Quentin played really hard in this challenge, but I wouldn't be shocked if he's who goes. Pikachu is really turning people off with how he's interrogating them all for information and not giving much else. I really didn't want to be at TC.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 06:06:27 pm
Do I think Quentin is going to be able to solve tigers enough to keep himself alive? Absolutely not. Do I want him to? I'm indifferent. Do I just want to use him for questions? Yes, yes I do. Did I bring this up as an idea of something we could do to "save" him? Also yes.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 06:21:07 pm
*sigh* Scruff.... you.... don't have to do that buddy. I'm sorry you're sick and everything, but like.... dude... don't volunteer to be voted out, people will just up and do that and you I at least trust.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 06:33:20 pm
This TC is really garbage, so so much garbage. And not Grouch approved garbage.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 06:40:54 pm
...I keep hearing from other people how Scruff has told them something while I've been sitting here not hearing from him about hardly anything at all for a while. Like Pikachu said he knew volunteering was happening, Leon talked about something else Scruff had said to him, and all I have from Scruff are apologies and that he likes me and wants to work with me and will try to make up for stuff... I really don't like how that feels whatsoever.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 06:48:55 pm
It's real hard not to feel incredibly paranoid with that. Like, I don't even think Scruff LIKES Pikachu, why did Pikachu know he was going to volunteer to be eliminated and I didn't? What the fuck is that?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 07:07:03 pm
Lol, now that we're at TC Pikachu hates that we're at TC. That's not the song you were singing this morning buddy. You can't have it both ways. Isn't this what you wanted? Oh wait, you just hate that it's not an easy vote anymore, huh? Is that what your problem is? Darn, so sorry that after lamenting not being able to care about the game because you didn't have any game to play, you suddenly have to play the fucking game. That must be tough for you.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Joss Carter on July 16, 2020, 07:08:55 pm
Grouch Cop bringing the heat.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 07:10:49 pm
They don't call me Grouch for nothing.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 07:15:11 pm
Leon said that he's had Rust reach out to him to want to work together. Which is fun. But good on the kid for being like "so, with your stance on him, maybe it's not a something we all work together with, but rather he's just a +1 to what we have. We don't have to have the same connections." and he's not wrong, we don't need that. But I'm also laughing how often the people I like also like him and want him as part of our group, while he and I just sure exist in each other's tribes.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 07:30:35 pm
I sure hope that clue wasn't a one per tribe, cuz Cheddar told me about it, I just put it in my confessional right away. But also going to tell him that I know we're allowed to share the information we have and share with him.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 07:46:57 pm
Pikachu: I don't really want to let go of Scruff right now I know that he is a valuable ally to the both of us.

Uh, I said we could stick together, I didn't say we were allied. Nor did I say I was allied with Scruff, I've just said I liked him. I sure feel a type of way about this whole statement. 1) We don't have the relationship you think we do buddy. 2) Is Scruff telling you that I'm allied with you? If so that's garbage. 3) Just cuz I don't want to vote him out even with him volunteering doesn't mean he's a valuable ally when there's the person who PMs a line or two tops to anyone ever. 4) Just, what?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 08:47:24 pm
Huh... he really thinks we're good. Cuz he just told me that he's looking for the hidden clue. I'm not gonna tell him I found it already, as has Cheddar, where's the fun in that? But if he wants to feed me the questions he's asked, I certainly wouldn't say no.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 16, 2020, 09:10:16 pm
Scruff's pitch to Cheddar was funny to me because, yeah I know all this, and also I don't need to be sold this hard:

'The person I was talking about in the thread is Quentin Vance, who I believe hasn't been active and will continue to not be active for the rest of the game-- not to mention that he talks less than me, given my first PM from him in two weeks was after we lost the challenge and saying he's 50/50 on who to vote for.

Basically, here is my pitch: Quentin is already a controversial figure to many people on both tribes due to his lower activity-- and his presence in the game is going to be putting an active target on you two other 99ths if anyone but him goes this tribal council (And I'm 100% not voting for one of you two). The 99th district currently has 6 people in it, and if someone else from the 12th or 27th goes, it will be 7-6-- which will cause people to become extremely wary of the 99th district as a whole and join together in alliances to target them, which will hold together even if you get Quentin out next anyway. Quentin is the best move for this tribal council because he removes that potential future target from you and ensures that people won't bond and ally together over the closeness of the 99th precinct and want to wipe them out like in Survivor: Philippines.'
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 17, 2020, 12:54:11 am
Quentin: that sucks, are you willing to help me win the idol?

Am I willing to get you to use your two questions so I have your information, yes, yes I am. Am I willing to share everything I have with you so that you'll stay? No, absolutely not. You need to go home, so I may lie to you about a clue I get so that you can't win the idol. Does this make me horrible? The jury is still out on that one.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 17, 2020, 01:06:54 am
Quentin: im working out how many of each there are now with ctrl f

1) Oh god, that's definitely a way to do it, but sounds like keeping track of it all will be terrible, hence my spreadsheet.
2) God, I feel like I'm kicking a puppy by playing this out.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 17, 2020, 03:20:46 am
I am debating on whether or not I lie to Quentin and also Cheddar about clues I get. I did give Quentin one for free. I'm not discounting the possibility that Quentin or Cheddar could be lying all around. Quentin at the very least I know has very little to lose in telling me the truth.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 17, 2020, 04:32:55 am
Pikachu says both he and Nick failed the Sergeant's Exam. Whether I buy that remains to be seen, but at the very least I know they've seen it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 18, 2020, 02:36:12 pm
Yeah Pikachu thinks we're allied for surezies. He asked if I wanted to work with the BAU boys here. We're who he all likes, but I don't think he's taking into consideration what they all want. I know Rust and Leon are pals, and then Scruff, Leon, Cheddar, and I are good. It's not as cut and dry as he thinks.

Also, I'm sure feeling a type of way about the fact that getting people not Pikachu or I here to do challenges is a fucking chore. The other tribe has had practically everyone on focusing on this since the challenge went up, but us? haha yeah no. Which is frankly incredibly frustrating.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 18, 2020, 05:13:50 pm
They burned an awful lot of questions they didn't need to because of that deadline looming. But I'm also incredibly frustrated because we have so many tribe members who aren't really able to show up to participate in stuff.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 18, 2020, 05:18:17 pm
This is also bullshit. Nobody has been around since Quentin was voted to do any sort of planning or what we're gonna do past that, and I was not prepared to have to make an actual decision about which side I was going to align with. I'm really not happy.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 18, 2020, 05:26:09 pm
I don't want to have to work with Rust and/or Pikachu. I really want to do things with Leon and Scruff especially, but it's incredibly hard to do things with people who aren't here. It's so goddamn hard. But I may be forced into having to simply due to that, and I don't want to.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 18, 2020, 06:00:35 pm
I want to vote one of Pikachu or Rust, really really really badly. But I do not know if I will get to. I need Leon to show up just for a sense of what he wants and also where he was during this past day. Scruff I think is the guy who decides everything. What he wants is likely what happens. I think that Rust and Pikachu are gearing up for a Cheddar vote, especially considering they were probably the offvote in case of idol. I also had Pikachu mention both Rust and I as people he trusts. Babe, don't trust me, I want to use you for your information, but I fully intend to murder you the first chance I get that is optimal.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 18, 2020, 06:05:45 pm
Rust, darlin, don't you be trying to target Cheddar under the guise of "well it has to be one of Leon or Cheddar, and you're the only one who might have strategic conversations with him, right? and the meta is really merciless on newbies, so let's let Leon stay." Nah son, that ain't good enough. Also, I know you and Leon have a thing going.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 19, 2020, 01:44:14 am
Oh good, Leon is also feeling the let's murder Pikachu vibe. I'm very down. And there's also the part where, I want Pikachu to go because he's way too connected up with Nick and some other former 12s and BAU people, and ones I want to be able to take shots at later. The main downside is this guy actually goes all in for challenges. Sure he's not been the best at them, but at least he's been here.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 19, 2020, 05:35:53 am
*sigh* and now after having talked with everyone Leon is now much more on board voting out Cheddar. I absolutely do not want this even remotely.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 19, 2020, 06:00:41 am
Scruff you beautiful cartoon. He fully wants to weigh out options here, which is great, because that's exactly what I want. On top of just, look, Pikachu will always choose Nick above everyone else all the time, and I don't trust those two at all. Rust may not be as tied to people, but he seems slightly more liked. But maybe he's more secondary, idk. I don't want to be a stubborn inflexible person, but I think we're being crazy stupid if we let them both walk out of here.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 19, 2020, 06:14:57 am
Okay fuck it, group PM time, cuz playing PM telephone is obnoxious.

I also named it Two dogs, a puppet, and a zombieslayer walk into a bar..
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 19, 2020, 04:43:22 pm
So either Scruff and Leon are on my side and for sure are voting Pikachu like we've discussed in our groupchat and all of that. Or they are not, and they're with Rust/Pikachu to vote out Cheddar. So they're either not telling me what's up, or not telling Rust what's up, and I dislike the part where it's a possibility that the people I'm supposed to trust may not have my back here at all and I may just be screwed and have shot myself in the foot. Idk though. We will see what the next 15 minutes brings.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 19, 2020, 04:47:58 pm
I also don't know how I feel about the fact that it's about to be deadline and most of them aren't even here. That feels a whole type of way that I want very little to do with.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 19, 2020, 05:02:00 pm
Oh, good. Great. Awesome.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 19, 2020, 05:09:01 pm
I'm really glad that the alliance I was supposed to have and be making decided that they were going to lie to me about what they were actually doing. That's really what I wanted. To have the person I trusted most in this tribe lie to me while voting out the other person I trusted. I really like that. I'm really excited for the PMs I'm going to be getting about this too. I'm very hype.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 19, 2020, 05:11:25 pm
It's funny, Rust was the most honest person with me during this phase, and he's somebody that I was considering voting out at the start of the round. Like he actually told me that he'd heard that votes were on Cheddar, but there was a possibility that he was being lied to, and if the majority was elsewhere, that was reason enough for him to switch.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 19, 2020, 05:12:48 pm
I'm really sorry I didn't tell you to try for an arrest, Cheddar, really really sorry.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 19, 2020, 07:07:36 pm
Oh, Leon, you think I might be feeling a little betrayed? A little? Y'all fucked me. If you all agree that Pikachu is a threat that we shouldn't let see the merge, we'd have to go to another TC to ensure that, and we can't be sure that we will be doing that here. And now y'all left me in a position where there's the possibility of walking into merge with somebody who has a lot of friends and a justified reason to have beef with me. Betrayed doesn't begin to cover it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 19, 2020, 07:33:50 pm
Talking this over with Pikachu is pretty shit too. He has every reason to be pissed with me forever and always, and I can't blame him. He was vouching for me as a trustworthy person to other people, and haha whelp. And now it's all I showed where my loyalty actually was and played my hand. Yeah no, my loyalty wasn't to Cheddar there my dude, it was to Scruff and Leon. And actually wanting to make a smart optimal albeit risky play while we had the chance to do it. But I guess we don't do that here in Survivor no more, nah, can't be trying any of that shit.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 20, 2020, 09:32:24 am
Well there is one positive outcome from all of this, I've gotten a lot closer to Rust.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 20, 2020, 09:34:06 am
The aftermath with Pikachu isn't nearly as bad either.

Leon has tried to make up for stuff, and I'm not nearly as upset with him tbh. He's new, he gets some passes, and he did actually tell me at one point that he had reasons to switch to Cheddar. Scruff did not, nor has he messaged me whatsoever.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 20, 2020, 11:32:18 am
Cheddar, I miss you. Nobody is talking to me largely because they aren't around but quite possibly I'm in heaps of trouble. I just.... don't want to go to TC again. I don't care if that means we can't do anything about Pikachu before the merge at this point, I just... don't trust any of these fucks at this point. I barely trust Rust, but at least he didn't lie to me about his vote and talked to me during all of the phase. But man, this all sucks.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 20, 2020, 11:33:26 am
I've also been noticing a lot of the deadlines are still checking in, so I'm gonna hope that this means one of them is coming back. Give my boy a chance.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 20, 2020, 03:11:18 pm
Hahaha, fuck, Leon told Pikachu about the groupchat we made too. Like.... I don't know how to feel about the fact that somehow Pikachu seems very chill about this whole thing. Like, it seems like we're taking this mishap as a way to maybe actually be friends? Fuck if I know. What I did learn is I can't trust anybody with anything here. Thankfully I hadn't really trusted them with everything, but fuck man, I'm in a lot of trouble and I need merge like yesterday.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Finnick on July 20, 2020, 05:14:51 pm
sup g, how u doin after the big W?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 20, 2020, 05:20:04 pm
I'm real fucking happy. Like, I don't know if I would have absolutely gone home here, or what. And the people on the other tribe need to lose somebody, it's only fair. In fact, I insist.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Finnick on July 20, 2020, 05:21:44 pm
lets say next round is swap, whats ur plan?

and if it's not swap? (apart from trying to win the challenge)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 20, 2020, 05:32:16 pm
If it's a swap/merge, run immediately into the arms of my former 99ths. Lucifer most. But like, I need to know what the fuck Judy and Hercule were thinking with Cheddar. I need to tell them what all happened with me and Cheddar. And just... Actually have people to talk to again who might actually value you me as a player and a person again might be nice. Like it's been so dead today, and it was dead before, but it felt worse today. I don't know what I'm gonna do about the alliance that existed with Jake/Scruff/Luci/I though... cuz after how he dealt with me here, I don't know that I can trust Scruff at all.

If it's not a swap, um... I'm gonna fucking pray I can talk my way out of being the defacto vote. I'm doing what I can in hopefully fixing shit with Pikachu, I think Rust and I are also really good at this point?? Idk man, I'm in a shit position, I need something to get me back to some actual friends.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Finnick on July 20, 2020, 05:40:56 pm
I need something to get me back to some actual friends.
we're all friends in here, trashheap.

Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 20, 2020, 05:48:12 pm
Yeah, I definitely appreciate these friends <3
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 21, 2020, 12:30:18 pm
I really appreciate not hearing from the person who was supposed to be my ally for 2 days since they betrayed me. That's really nice. It's a very good look. Good talk Scruff, you'd best have some really good words when you do decide to come back, cuz the longer you're silent, especially if you're talking to other people, the more dead to me you become. Cuz if you actually valued what we had or me as a person and player, you'd have at least tried to talk to me. If it's life stuff in your way, okay sure, I can give that a pass, but only just.

I surprisingly feel really good about Pikachu now though, like... really really good. I don't know if he's just really good at saying the right things to make me feel complacent, but I think maybe we've fixed what was broken there?

Rust is also frankly a sweetheart, he was a little worried that I'd be sitting around with nobody to talk to after everything went down while he had work stuff to attend to. Cuz as he says, nobody signs up to play these games to have no one to talk to. I'm rather grateful for him, and he's definitely risen in my estimation.

Leon is trying to make up for what happened, he really is. I do think he's truly remorseful here. I don't think I can trust him again though, especially after learning how much he's leaked to other places. Thankfully I haven't shared any truly vital information with him, but I have concerns that I absolutely can't in the future.

I do need to remember that Cheddar told me about a few things that Pikachu and Rust said to him during the last phase. Rust was concerned that there was a move on Pikachu and that perhaps I'd need to be out of it because Pikachu and I were really close, which may have been a way to ferret out confirmation that there was an actual move on Pikachu and where I stood on things, which if so, smart. Additionally, Rust leaked to me that the former 12ths had a groupchat in BAU that Penelope made and Rust said he felt like it was just to appease him and keep him close and he always felt on the bottom of that tribe. And Cheddar said Rust told him Pikachu and I were collaborating on the Tiger Clues. We weren't in the way Rust might think though, because Rust helped Pikachu find the first fingerprint clue, I just told him to look at the banner and he's figure it out. I didn't tell him anything about anything else.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Scully and Hitchcock on July 21, 2020, 12:41:23 pm
HITCHCOCK: Thank you so much for saving Mable.
SCULLY: Mable is what he calls his favorite toilet seat.  Thank you so much for rescuing Gloria.
HITCHCOCK: Gloria is Scully's girl.  And by girl I mean toilet seat.  She's in the stall right next door to Mable.
SCULLY: Anyway, sorry you haven't seen us lately.  We've been getting... reacquainted.
HITCHCOCK: We're here now though!  So can you please catch us up on your game so far?  Give us the full debriefing!
SCULLY: Well, maybe not the full debriefing.  Maybe just a few sentences.
HITCHCOCK: Three sentences or less, please!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 21, 2020, 12:49:50 pm
My game has been make some friends, not really have to go to TC with those friends, then get into a tribe where people I'm not super close with are the entirety of my tribe, and try to make a move with the ones I feel good about, only to have that move explode in my face and put me in a horrible position where I need a swap/merge to survive probably. All while the friends I like best aren't here or haven't had to go to TC in a bit, and I do not know that I can trust them to still be my friends. Also it's dead as shit on the Social Game front.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Scully and Hitchcock on July 21, 2020, 01:02:18 pm
HITCHCOCK: Sorry to hear that... you know what I always say, though, it doesn't matter if you're doing desk duty or out on the beat, you just need one partner you can really trust.
SCULLY: Aww, Hitchcock, you're making me tear up. 
HITCHCOCK AND SCULLY: Gloria!!! Mable!!! We're coming!!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 21, 2020, 01:57:28 pm
Haha. I do have a somebody, but Luci is elsewhere.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 21, 2020, 05:28:04 pm
Is telling people what happened from my perspective very soon while showing Ha I was in Danger a bad idea? Maybe. Would I rather have some control of the narrative? You're absolutely fucking right I would.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 21, 2020, 05:28:52 pm
Have I already PMed everyone in the game I wasn't just in a tribe with? Yes, what of it?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 21, 2020, 05:33:55 pm
Initial rank before really talking to anybody:

Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 21, 2020, 05:56:35 pm
Lol, the other tribe was a mess there it would seem. Exactly what I expected it would be. Penelope seemed awfully happy to see me, and pretty much asked if I would want to work with her. Which yes, but please on the DL, I need to know what camps I may not be privy to are actually doing and she needs that as well I think. Maybe I'm not fucked walking in here.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 21, 2020, 07:00:07 pm
Okay so, Judy and Hercule got Jake to swap to vote Nick out because of their mutual friend in me and Leon, and apparently they all hoped that I'd be good with Scruff and Leon enough that we could just all pair right up as a majority and make shit happen. WHOOPS. My bad guys, that ain't gonna happen just like that. Expect this first phase to be a whole clusterfuck. I hope y'all got popcorn.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 21, 2020, 07:04:05 pm
The merge be like:

Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 21, 2020, 08:17:22 pm
Hercule is telling me all about how Judy is rather crazy of an ally and that if you don't want info to go places, maybe don't tell her. Trust me my dude, I know this. I was always going to keep info from Judy as much as possible because I figure she's a blabber mouth, I did also tell people that she is likely to do less good things, so I appreciate that he and I are on the same page about her being an asset for now, but a liability in the future.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 21, 2020, 10:33:50 pm
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 21, 2020, 10:34:27 pm
I see how it is, you are in fact ghosting me at this point, huh?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 22, 2020, 11:40:35 am
This is going real well.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 22, 2020, 01:24:38 pm

Okay, so... this isn't a complete dumpster fire. Just people being stupid.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 22, 2020, 03:10:53 pm
Mmm, I think I'm in some real trouble still. Cuz people can take the unresolved drama from Narcotics and use it to pull some shit. So I'm hoping I can resolve so much shit cuz haha, I'm in danger. I need this immunity something bad.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 23, 2020, 06:52:52 am
God I have missed him. This is exactly the kind of shit that drew me to him as an ally in the first place and what I want from a partner. Bless him. Now he's just gotta pick up his shit and not be seen as dispensable. I do like that right now he looks super buyable, that with the right words anybody could pick him up.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Scully and Hitchcock on July 23, 2020, 07:14:18 am
HITCHCOCK: Who is that from?
SCULLY: We're not always very good with clues.
HITCHCOCK: Especially not context ones.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Joss Carter on July 23, 2020, 07:35:49 am
HITCHCOCK: Who is that from?
SCULLY: We're not always very good with clues.
HITCHCOCK: Especially not context ones.
Hint: The PM title is "The literal devil".
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Scully and Hitchcock on July 23, 2020, 08:33:28 am
BOTH: It's from my ex-wife???
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 23, 2020, 08:56:01 am
Oh, sorry, yeah, that's Lucifer. Should have labeled it more clearly.

Speaking of, Jake seems very displeased with him since he lied, and Jake doesn't hold with liars. Which oof, that's rough buddy, is Survivor gonna be a game you're gonna be okay with? I say as someone who is overly honest and hates lying at all, and can take some brands of lies particularly harshly.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 23, 2020, 05:50:06 pm
Okay so, odds are I am in trouble. While I have mended fences with Scruff, I do not know if that is the case with Leon. I would not be shocked to get votes here at all. I think I'm good with Penelope. Jake is a goddamn mystery and also was a day behind on what was going on. Luci is likely to keep me informed on what is happening at least. Rust I have no clue if what he says to me and what he truly thinks align. Same with Pikachu, but Pikachu might just be fodder for the Survivor gods which I can't say I hate. Lennie I think I'm hitting it off well with, I like him at the very least. Judy is still Judy, but I think she is very loyal to me so there's that. Hercule still says I'm his number 1 and he wants to make all the magic happen.

So, it's gonna be messy, but maybe I have enough votes on my side to stay alive. But I do not know what the cost will be. I can hope for Pikachu, but I could see it being any one of Leon, Judy, Luci, or Rust.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 23, 2020, 06:02:35 pm
Hercule suggested that Pikachu isn't a bad bet. Him, me, Judy, Luci is 4, can probably get Lennie on board, perhaps even Penelope. And we wouldn't need anything else. I'm not about to push anything, but yeah it's the least bad for me, I am so goddamn down.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 23, 2020, 06:03:14 pm
But also, who would like to join me in the I'm in Danger Dance? It'll be a party.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 23, 2020, 06:31:16 pm
Penelope messaged me to kind of attempt to nudge me into giving her a counter she could bandy around. And uh, I'm not stupid. Even if she has my back, anything that is "Well Grouch wants X, can we do X?" is only going to get me murdered harder. I know people don't want to take risks or be seen as a leader, but what can we do?

Rust also messaged me saying that he hadn't heard my name going around at all which he was pleased about. But I had to tell him that lol no buddy, that is wrong, it's out there. He's also awfully frustrated, because it feels like there is an assumption that he is on people's side and that they can count on his vote and just inform him of what to do rather than just... ask him or consult him. And I'm going to see what I can get out of him, because maybe I can actually court his vote as one I get to have, because I actually put in the work for it. And treated him like an actual person with wants and opinions rather than just another number.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 23, 2020, 07:01:07 pm
Luci says that this could be a Pikachu vs. Judy vote. And you know what? I'm very into that. If it means I'm not an option, okay. Hercule did also say that Jake is still pissy with Luci, so he could be shopped about. Oh look, my above message about who it could be is exactly accurate, what are the odds????
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 23, 2020, 10:34:47 pm
So y'all now how things got mended with Scruff? Things with Leon are like.... this. And I reaaaaaally don't like them being like this. Yes this is very much person who is new to all of this and the like, but uh, this is not how you move past stuff well. I don't think I want things to be fixed with Leon. I will pretend, but I'm not about to forget this particular vibe any time soon.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 23, 2020, 10:52:46 pm
God everybody sucks. Am I going to actually have to initiate an actual name here if I don't want the vote to be on me? Like, that's such garbage. Why are you all so chickenshit as to not actually try for anything at all? If y'all don't want something to happen, well guess fucking what, you gotta actually *do* something about it. If you want something to happen, you got to mention it. Yeah everyone is connected to everyone and their dog, but there are ways to get feelers out and make shit go the way you want. I just want people to stop coming to me asking what I want to do. Because all I want to do is to survive this round and get out of this rut that pushing the wrong name got me into, pushing another name is only going to continue that. And fuck y'all for not starting an actual wagon on your own. Stop being scared little shits unwilling to take any risk. Do you want to actually play the game, or just survive another vote without a plan or goal in mind that isn't "take anyone who isn't me, and don't step on anybody with power's toes". That's not good enough, and it's going to make you lose. If there's an easy vote or a vote that people think is going to happen but don't necessarily want to happen, you look that shit in the mouth, because you're getting duped in some capacity. It's going to benefit somebody, you'd best make sure it's benefitting you, and if it's not, change it. Or figure out who it benefits most, and mess up their day. Just be better.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Alexandra Cabot on July 24, 2020, 04:21:29 am
so what are you going to end up doing? full disclosure i'm dumb as rocks so i am lost
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 07:18:27 am
I may need to actually decide to do something. Idk tho. I am waiting for more concrete ideas from anybody.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 08:53:23 am
.....But Leon, where did you vote????? Are you going to be awake before deadline? Like.... buddy.... what are you doing???????
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 10:14:16 am
Am I also talking to Pikachu as if we might vote together? Yes, what of it? Look, i don't know if it ends up being Pikachu, and I am in no position to let any door close here. Unfortunately for him, he's wondering about a Luci vote. And I ain't about that noise.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 11:15:10 am
Is there possibly going to be an alliance that is me, Pikachu, and Lucifer. Weirdly, I think yeah. Cuz we've all been told each other, and then Rust is also there. And what's to stop that from continuing to be the options here. We just need 6 and if everyone else is split, we're golden. Hmmmmm. Do I trust them? Probably not really. But I don't want to be peripheral at all.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 11:27:17 am
Hmmmm, Pikachu says he's heard Lucifer from Jake and Scruff. I bet Leon is already there. Lennie told me that he's also heard that it's Lucifer and all, and that the reasons are because of Penelope and Jake being pissy at him for voting Nick. Even though they handled that round poorly too.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 11:38:27 am
Oh Pikachu is pissed about how people are handling things. Am I.... actually making an alliance with a person I tried to vote out legitimately? More news at 11.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 11:41:34 am
Like, Pikachu made a groupchat that is him me and Lucifer. And he's very much, we need to something or we're fucked. And he's not wrong. Sure I have other friends and can make more friends, but I don't think I get out of the hot seat if I let Lucifer go. Or have it be Pikachu or Rust. I need it to be someone with influence. I'm not saying I want it to be Jake, but would I hate it if that's what we did? No, I don't think I would. He is scary and all roads lead through him. But it would make everybody pissy.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 11:48:09 am
Holy shit, Pikachu can make shit happen. He's now made a groupchat of me, him, Rust, and Lucifer. I think we're gonna do some shit. And with Jake/Scruff talking about Penny like she's expendable, I highly doubt she's gonna be happy about that at all.

I don't think I've ever been more happy to have been blindsided out of a vote I was pushing. I don't know what I did to repair shit with Pikachu, but fuck it, I'mma run with that. Cuz this? it feels like doing something and actually playing the game.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 12:05:02 pm
Yeah, sorry Scruff, but your friends are dicking about with enough people that we're talking and we're pissy about it, you're going to lose a friend here.

Also, uh, Lennie, I'm sorry your former tribemates kinda suck.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 12:27:22 pm
If they were planning to fuck me here, I don't think they'd go through so much effort in talking about this vote, so I think I trust Rust and Pikachu in actuality here.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 12:31:33 pm
Whoops, I think we're moving on Jake. Or at least us 4 are very fuck that guy and see him as our mutual enemy who is playing hella hard. We just need two other people to do it to be sure, and maybe everyone else is fucking about enough with other votes that they aren't completely unified. Maybe we only need one.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 12:39:52 pm
Yup, momentum is going that way. We think Penelope is down, maybe we get Hercule and Judy on it. Dunno how Lennie feels about any of it, and I hope I don't alienate him in the process. I like him a lot. But I'm done being dicked around by people being tight-lipped and too scared to do something. Thank god for Pikachu. Sorry for that time I tried to murder you, though, I think that made us better friends.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 12:55:24 pm

Oh it be like that, huh? So that's what, Jake, Leon, Scruff, Rust, Penelope, Pikachu? Oh that's.... huh.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 12:57:47 pm
Jake having a groupchat I am not part of is fun. Especially with him telling me that he's not into lying or shady things. Bless his heart, that's some bullshit.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 01:42:01 pm
Hercule is hesitant because of Jake goes, he's scary and I'm scary and what if people go stabby face on us real fast. Which is a fair concern. It's not a no, but it's a hmmmmmmm.

And Penelope just made a groupchat with Hercule and I. This TC is flying, y'all.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 01:55:11 pm
Oh.. he really legitimately trusts me again, doesn't he? You don't just say this kind of thing to somebody if you don't trust them not to take it and use it against you. He's given me a couple things today that if he didn't trust me, I don't think he would have said. They're the kind of slips that can sink your entire game. It's a shame that while I am trusting him right now this second, I have no intentions of continuing to do so forever. This is largely his move, and I know that, I am using it to my advantage sure, but I have no illusions that this is his doing.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 02:48:17 pm
Oh so for those of you watching at home, the following people have not spoken to me more than a single PM this entire TC: Judy(0), Leon(1), Scruff(1), Jake(1). Judy at the very least I slept through her available time due to a Migraine. But I wonder where I stand with those others, hm. They all have outstanding PMs to me, but you'd think they'd make an effort, no? Yes I am aware Leon has a different time zone so that's unfortunate, but both Scruff and Jake told me that they would be around a ton today, and they haven't spoken to me. So I see where my priority to them lies. Lennie I've talked to once or twice since TC started, but he did say he was busy this afternoon and we may have to talk more after it ends. So I do not blame him for any of it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 02:52:38 pm
Additionally, if it turns out I'm being played yet again, what else was I supposed to do? Not work with the people actually talking to me and wait to be told what I'm allowed to vote? Fuck that.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 03:07:17 pm
I've been here since 10 am today, if they get pissy at me for voting elsewhere, that's on them. I answered them, if they wanted me onside, they've had all day to try for it. But I think leaving people on read is their go-to. I'm a puppet who thrives on attention, actually give it to me, and I'll side with you. Ignore me, and not everybody else, well that shows me how high up in importance I am to you. So, sorry guys, if you give me nothing to work with, I can't work with you.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 04:34:37 pm
Pikachu says he got a PM from Scruff saying Scruff wants to vote Jake. I mean... okay? yeah I'm into it. Let's fucking do it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 05:08:12 pm
You know what, that's okay. Pikachu going is fine. If Jake wants to get pissy with me, I'd love for him to do that. I'm not about to apologize to him though, I'm just not. He didn't talk to me and majority was there, how could I not?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 05:23:31 pm
Oh but hey, we all made jury, so wooooo.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 24, 2020, 07:14:27 pm
Poor Scruff, Jake is pissed at him. But it turns out Jake kept him so much in the dark on so much shit. So all Scruff could do was act on the information that he had. And what he had was oh majority is over there, I gotta do that. On top of not really trusting Jake much anyways. But Jake "Mr. Doesn't Like Secrets or Lies" Peralta is all pissy about the fact that he had to waste his idol and that Scruff was being all secretive or whatever. When really Jake played the round pretty badly, and needed that idol to even still be here.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 25, 2020, 11:45:03 am
Jake, you are doing yourself no favours with things you are saying dripping in passive-aggression. Things like "If you want to be part of majority, let me know." and "Turnabout is fair play, you weren't eager to include me in planning either." do not show ways you're willing to repair things and improve. You just sound sullen and pissy, and overly defensive. Yes you were almost voted out, but if you want to not be voted out again you have to admit your fault in the proceedings. I didn't rush to include you in planning because I had left you a PM with what I knew at the time, which wasn't anything at all. You weren't telling me shit either. And then you never responded to me. Could I have double PMed to see where you were at? yes, I could have. But what reason did I have to do that if you weren't initiating anything with me? I am sorry you are frustrated and feeling betrayed, but if you want to actually find a true place in the game, start treating people like people and nicely and humbly, and you are much more likely to find a place.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 25, 2020, 06:14:21 pm
Okay, so at the top of the round, what we have here is very tentative people. Scruff and Jake both are looking for friends and unsure what to do. Penelope was concerned Jake was going to come her way, but winning immunity she's probably not worried so much. Rust was very busy, so I haven't heard from him. Nothing from Leon, but I don't really expect that path to hold anything nice for me on it at this point. Nothing from Judy either but I think this is just how she is rather than we've had some kind of falling out. Lennie and I might be building a working relationship where we at least talk to each other about what we're hearing, and I may need such things. Luci and i are as good as ever. Hercule and I may do things differently, but we are going to keep each other informed and possibly side on votes but keep our relationship on the DL as much as possible. Penelope thanked me for the insight I gave during the last TC and wants to consult with me on this one, since I was honest and straightforward a lot. Jake is unclear.

Favourites/trust ranking:

Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 25, 2020, 06:24:32 pm
Lol Luci already said my name is going around again. Excellent. Love it, exactly what I wanted.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 25, 2020, 07:08:59 pm
False alarm, I think a word got eaten. He was saying he'd only heard FROM me, not only heard my name.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 09:01:06 am
God I don't know where this vote is going either. Everyone is so tentative about everything.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 11:39:28 am

This is fine. I don't wanna know much about what's happening in this game, nah, why would I?

Poor Rust though. He's starting to see the writing on the wall, which it very well could be, and when I told him that I honestly don't know what's up cuz I haven't talked to anybody, he thought maybe I was just lying to appease him or something. But like, no dude, I literally have no idea and wish I had more.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 12:39:35 pm
Ah, so it's Hercule who wants it to be Rust. Jake also has come to me and said that he's hearing a consensus on Rust, but also that I might hear Lucifer's name. Which I don't like one bit, but you know what, at least he's telling me shit.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 01:42:49 pm
Lol, and Jake is saying that Rust was pushing for one of me or Lucifer to be the vote here. Which is utter bullshit. It remains to be seen if it's bullshit from Jake or from Rust. I more expect that it's bullshit from Jake. But I don't think it's impossible that Scruff did actually push for Lucifer, since Jake said the reasons for this were that Lucifer was pushing for Scruff. And mind you, I know damn well he wasn't. Hercule wanted that. So from what I'm hearing and getting here, the 27s are being shady bitches together again. Which doesn't exactly surprise me.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 02:35:03 pm
Penelope is very down for doing something about Jake/Scruff here because lol no, a lot of this is blatant lies and bullshit. So odds are, Jake or Scruff, with Scruff being slightly more possible.

Also Penelope said that Leon told her that anything she says to him goes directly to Jake.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 03:13:55 pm
Oh, well that's a nice public post there Scruff. You know that I was actually telling you the truth and trying to talk to you about stuff, right? And everything I'd ever said was the truth, I didn't lie to you and I was entirely going to work with you, you didn't respond to me man. What am I supposed to do, only work with people who aren't talking to me? That's stupid.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 03:24:34 pm
Also, guys, I've done it, I'm a goat! That means I'll totally see the endgame, right? ....Guys?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 03:33:00 pm
The fun thing about Scruff's post is, Hercule has every intention of dropping Judy when there's a chance. Hercule and I are close Penelope and want to go far with her, a bunch of us are very fine dropping Jake easily. Rust/Lucifer/I is likely to be a thing if we can build it after this round. There's a lot of stuff that he just doesn't know about that's going on. Also, I was completely honest with him about the fact that I trusted him as much as I trust Lucifer. Which that was a bad idea on my part, I may have forgotten that he told Hercule he thinks I'm threatening or whatever, so there's uh that. It's just all unfortunate.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 04:50:32 pm
I'd also like to talk about the fact that I went from one of the most threatening players in the game last round according to Scruff to Hercule, to now a huge goat. I love it. I think I'm a shoo-in for endgame guys.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 05:02:05 pm
Scruff McGruff says: Take a bite out of deez nuts.

Okay, I admit it, this made me laugh.

But god, that is not the way to get people to want to keep you buddy.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 05:05:17 pm
Oh poor Leon, he never had a chance to change his vote.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 08:35:28 pm

Oh, it's this time now, is it? I.. can't exactly say no. But I am not 100% if I would honour it fully. He's not wrong, it is fairly even footing if that is in fact the case. I think it's also better for me if this is who I'm sitting with. I will have to have a think on it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 26, 2020, 08:51:46 pm
I've stuck with my usual brand of honesty, which is.. I asked if I could sleep on it, but wanted to talk some more details so I knew what I was agreeing with, or if he thought just the 3 of us would be enough to make things happen.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 27, 2020, 11:23:04 am
I did accept the proposal. Because, the people he all wants to work with are all the people that I want to work with and remain close to, so it gives me lot of options to choose from as I go forward. And if it happens that he gets out at some point, well he's not the hugest loss either. So close deals I have at the moment are:
Rust/Me(new, likely unheard of)
Lucifer/Me(this one is no secret ugh)
Penelope/Me(the fact that we're close on our own may not be known, but Hercule knows we're pals)
Penelope/Me/Hercule(this is why he knows we're pals. this also isn't widely known we don't think)
Hercule/me(he knows that while I want to go to the end with him, it may not be my best path and we're talking honestly about a lot of that. this may be dumb, but i'd rather continue our relationship of blunt honesty)

Rust also wants to make something with Lucifer, and I am also okay with that.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 10:42:14 am
In case anyone was wondering, it's lines like these that also make me want to keep Lucifer around:
"Yes, you're very fair. You can win the mastery of nuanced language award, because you're always able to like say things similar to what I'm saying but in a way that captures the situation better and doesn't overgeneralize while still being concise."
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 10:50:38 am
Oh but also, about this round. Jake is pretty much done. After Scruff's shit at the end, and the way he's handled the past two rounds, most people are just done with Jake's bullshit. But also early into the round the sent me this PM:
So I've been going back over my steps and trying to figure out where I went wrong with you. I mean, sure, I haven't been very communicative, but I came into this merge friendly with both you and Scruff, and somehow aligned both of you against me. I've never pushed for you as the vote, I haven't lied to you. You're right, I didn't consult with you as I ought to have on a few occasions, and I went after Lucifer two rounds ago. I know, he's got a different narrative about how things went down on the Strike Team, but he practically dropped off the map for a few days there. So losing your friendship I can see, but gunning for me? I'm not sure how I'm either threat or enemy to you, Grouch.

Help me out here. Where was the fatal error? What couldn't be fixed?

And I don't think he has much self-awareness. I'm not pushing him, Judy and Rust started it, but I'm not fighting it either. But additionally, I don't think he's realized that the only times since this merge has started, he has only PMed me when he wanted something from me, whether it was to tell me a story about something going on so that he could get me to vote a certain way, or just a "if you want to vote in the majority, let me know" PM. We did have a chain of PMs that at the bottom we also exchanged music, but that was the closest to talking and treating me like a person that he's done all merge. I told him what it was I wanted from him, and he's never done it. And it was never about him going after Lucifer, but much more how he spoke or didn't speak to me. I've never been a priority except when he's in trouble. And that's not good enough.

Also, ranking of everybody for this phase as of right now:

Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 05:10:46 pm
Ooooo, I was blindsided. I'm not super surprised, not really. I'm not super sad either. It is what it is. Idk if I had much of a chance to make it to the end either, but it was fun.

Good luck to Luci, Penelope, and Rust, y'all are gonna need it, you're fucked.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 05:23:13 pm
Okay, I do have some twinges of sad... but not for my usual reasons. I'm sad because I fucking loved talking to Penelope and Hercule, and it's going to be forever until I get to do that again. And a lot of the other people were really nice to talk to. Who am I going to talk about Babylon 5 with now?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 05:23:52 pm
I'm proud of what I did and how I played. I did a lot that I wanted to do here, and it was fun. And hey, I kept a decent fucking confessional, aren't you all proud of me?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 05:35:54 pm
Psst, this is your cue to hop in and tell me if you're proud of me or anything like that. Better than having nothing from anybody. And I only have y'all for 24 hours.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Joss Carter on July 28, 2020, 05:43:18 pm
If I did things right specs can see but not post here, so as to not influence the jury.

And if I didn't do things right then please don't post here, everyone!

I am proud of you tho
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 05:46:57 pm
Oh booooo, they can only read this? That's fucking dumb. Dude, right when people leave the game that's the time they need the most amount of direct interaction. Especially if they go out in a shitty blindside. I get you really like your let's keep the winner secret from everybody schticks, but this one is incredibly shit.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Joss Carter on July 28, 2020, 05:52:36 pm
Specs not interacting with jurors directly has been a thing for as long as I can remember; this change affects the specs but should be virtually indistinguishable from every other game from the viewpoint of the players.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 05:56:08 pm
You're missing the whole point. Specs have still had posting rights before. They still had a chance to like, "man sorry you're out. you did good." post. I get you want to have it where it's a big reveal and surprise at the end, sure that's fine, but the day they get voted out, when they've just been the most cut off from having people to talk to about the game, you further cut that down? That's bullshit, especially if they're a first juror. That's real shitty.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Finnick on July 28, 2020, 07:02:51 pm
i dont know who you are but i am proud of u
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on August 11, 2020, 06:12:03 pm
Ugh, fine, I have nowhere else to vent these thoughts and I should have them some place people can see them later.

Jury as a whole may not be bitter, but I'm definitely pissy. I don't want to vote for either of these finalists, not really. I was hoping that they'd give me speeches that would give me what I'm looking for and neither of them are. I know damn well that Luci can elaborate on a lot of shit that will give him a lot of credit and I can vote for, but he isn't doing that yet. His opening speech was just so goddamn vague, and that's his hugest problem right now. He told me a lot of shit and I can only help him so much. Hercule on the other hand is doing the thing he's done all game which is appease people and do the least risky thing. It's not that I think safe play is bad, but I think pulling away from the fact you know what you did was safe is bad. Own exactly what you did the good and the bad, exactly how you did it. I don't want apologies, I want straightforward "yes, I did this and it worked. and I'm not going to apologize for the fact that I did it. It was best for me and my path forward, cuz I'm here and it was my intent." that's all I want. I need them to give me intent and also passion. I want them to sound like they believe they deserve it, neither is. Do they even want it?

I also hate this format so goddamn much. Cuz I have a lot of questions that I can never fit into a specific box, because you can't break down games into only 3 parts. That's not how people play at all. It's all interconnected and you can't pull games apart like that. I also think it generalizes far too much the intent anyone has behind stuff, and it's trying to force things which are ridiculously subjective into objective boxes WHICH DON'T FIT. Sure you can shove the circle into the square, but it's not a good fit and you're missing a lot of parts which are just as important.

Also, I've felt super terrible all day, and it's also hot, so I'm grumpy in general so take this with that grain of salt.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on August 11, 2020, 06:19:35 pm
Also, the more I've learned about why I went out of this game, the more pissed I am. Just.. ugh. Definitely not the endgame I wanted, not even remotely.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on August 11, 2020, 06:51:36 pm
Also lol at Hercule: I didn't manipulate Grouch, I just backstabbed him.
Also Hercule: I also had doubletalk in my PMs which he could have gone back and read and realized what I was saying but not saying. And wrote him walls pretending that nothing was wrong.

Okay buddy. You didn't JUST do anything.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on August 13, 2020, 10:03:09 pm
Oh Hercule, I asked the question I did because it was a test and you failed it. You've spent a lot of this TC pandering specifically to what it is you think people want from you, and I was hoping maybe you would see this question and just stick to it being one that is impossible to actually answer. Lucifer answered the question the way I wanted it to be answered. One that doesn't try to fit exactly what you think everyone wants but rather is willing to admit that their game won't fit what everyone wants, but that doesn't mean it isn't good enough on it's own.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
Post by: Grouch Cop on August 13, 2020, 10:39:02 pm
So... my vote was pretty up in the air and could go either way, but there is something in the answer to me Hercule gave that lost my vote entirely.

For you, M. Grouch, I think in order for me to earn your vote, I'd 'ave to convince you zat your blindside was not only a good move for my game, but a good enough move to be worth ze brutal backstab. We were so close in ze game, and when a relationship ees severed like zat, I understand why eet might be difficult for you to cast your vote for me. 'Owever, on ze other 'and, I think you know my game extremely well and saw eet play out, both while we were together in ze game and when you were on ze Jury, and I think a lot of my gameplay 'as impressed you, so I do think zere ees still a chance. Furthermore, I know zat you respect social play, and I know zat even though I ended eet prematurely, we 'ad an extremely close relationship in ze game. So my 'ope ees zat when you cast your vote, you will remember ze good times together and look at ze game zat I played and decide zat eet ees worthy. If I did get your vote, zat would mean so so much to me, even if I ultimately still lost ze game, because of 'ow your vote would represent you being willing to look past ze betrayal. I know zat you were close to M. Morningstar, but we were close as well. I'm not sure if I 'ave earned your vote yet, but if zere ees anything you need from me in order to consider eet, I would love to provide eet.

So the first part of this is great, it's exactly the kind of thing I do consider, yes. But then... he keeps talking. Like at this point, the betrayal isn't what is keeping me from wanting to vote for him, I'm over that, I get it and it sounds like he needed to do that and I'm not torn up about it. That's whatever. But then... he brings up that he knows I'm a social player and respect social game, that is true, but then it feels like he forgets that being a social player means you recognize real fast when people are trying to heavily influence you and your emotions. The moment he brings up our close relationship and to only focus on the good times of it, that's where I'm out. I had a good relationship with both him and Lucifer, but the difference there is when I told Hercule things, he used a lot of the against me and they were part of him stabbing me. Lucifer didn't use information in a way that was bad. But that's also not what I was going to be voting for either. But Hercule also keeps talking and brings up how earning my vote would make him feel even if he lost, and that's just..... no. That's not good enough, and I won't have my heartstrings pulled on like that and be happy about it.

I've also really liked how Lucifer has handled this FTC. He has never once pretended that he did more than he actually did. He's presented his game exactly how it was, flaws and all, and has just earnestly said "this is what I've done, I'm proud of it, and I hope you vote for it. If it's not what you're looking for, that's okay too, but it's what I've done." and that kind of simple straightforwardness appeals to me quite a lot. It's incredibly raw and vulnerable in a way that I admire. I'd rather have that than be told exactly what people think I want to hear and be pandered to. So, unless something huge happens before voting starts, I know where I am voting now and I am content in that.