Survivor PD

General Category => Final Tribal Council => Topic started by: Sherlock Holmes on August 10, 2020, 04:40:06 pm

Title: Social
Post by: Sherlock Holmes on August 10, 2020, 04:40:06 pm
Anderson always says that I have the social skills of a Spider. His intelligence entertains me every day, how does he not know that a Spider has amazing social skills.

The real question is how did you spin your web to be connected to all the other players and use your social skills to your advantage? It's not good enough to be able to get to the end if you've burned all your bridges along the way.

This thread is for the Jury to ask questions about what you did socially throughout the game and how it compares to your opponent
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Scruff McGruff on August 11, 2020, 05:13:35 pm
Second question— in what ways did your social game allow you to proceed? How did you take advantage of your relationships with other players to continue, and how did they play a role in helping you get to the end?
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Grouch Cop on August 11, 2020, 05:24:20 pm
Luci, you made it!!! I'm so proud of you my bestest friend. But, oof, that speech buddy. It's very vague, and I'll address more of it over in the strategy thread, but the part I want to get at here is different. At no point in your opening speech do you name anybody specific with any thing. And I would really like you to go through what sort of connections you had to each of the jurors and what they meant to you. You had to do a lot to get here, and had to do with with people, so tell us about it. What are the social highlights of your path to the end here?

Hercule, mon ami, I have a similar yet different task for you. You did talk a lot about how you connected to people int his merge, but a lot of how you spoke made it sound like you were forced into making certain social decisions, and you distanced yourself from them and glossed over other bits. And that's not good enough for me. You betrayed me super hard and brutally, and while that doesn't mean you have lost my vote because of it, you have a whole lot more justifying of it, and distancing from it won't do you any favours. I don't want you to apologize and wring your hands over how bad a person/player you were for making those moves, I want you to own them. One of your biggest strengths is your social game, no? So I want you to elaborate on how you best used that to your advantage, as well as where you misjudged and messed up. And do it where you talk about people as people, not just people chess. I want to know how you connected to people as themselves and how you played on that front.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Penelope Garcia on August 11, 2020, 05:28:22 pm
I agree with Scruff's comment in the Strategic thread, I think this Jury is not bitter in the slightest.

Poirot: You've openly admitted you had to lie through your teeth to Grouch during their vote and convince Leon to send himself home by manipulating his perception of the vote; I guess my question then is, what were active steps you were taking to ensure you were maintaining proper jury management? If the jury was more frustrated about the ways this manipulation manifested itself, how were you prepared to handle those lines of questioning? Additionally, do you see this as an accurate portrayal of your game or am I offbase in saying manipulation was a part of it?

Lucifer, you state in your opening speech that you are aware social gameplay isn't your best trait. What are some things that you learned from this game that you could take into future games you play? What connections did you see as your strongest and what did you do to maintain their strength and making sure you were utilizing them to the best of your ability?
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 11, 2020, 05:36:45 pm
Second question— in what ways did your social game allow you to proceed? How did you take advantage of your relationships with other players to continue, and how did they play a role in helping you get to the end?

One thing zat I always tried to do in zis game was leave doors open for myself and play in a way where even if I wasn't actively working with people, I still 'ad strong social bonds with zem and ze possibility zat we would work together in ze futur was still zere. So par exemple, Mlle Garcia was on ze wrong side of ze M. Wilde vote, yet my communication and relationship with 'er throughout ze process meant zat she left zat vote with no significant ill feelings towards, and we were able to somewhat get on ze same page at various points in ze merge. M. Cohle was left out of ze M. Grouch vote, but my strong social relationship with 'im meant zat we were able to rekindle eet afterwards and keep our tight relationship 'idden enough to make ze move zat we did at F4. I think doing my best to maintain social relationships both with my closest allies and with people I sometimes was against was a crucial aspect of my game, and was part of ze reason I was able to be in such a strong position so consistently.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Judy Hopps on August 11, 2020, 05:40:41 pm
For both of you.

How integral to votes do you feel like you were? Specifically in the latter stages of the game as I know Lucifer, you didn't have tribals, and Poirot, I know your trajectory already and there was no non-unanimous decisions on SVU.

I think there is a point of contention on specific tribals for both of you. I would like Lucifer to highlight the eliminations of Scruff/Myself/Leon

And I would like Poirot to shed light on Jake/Myself/Rust

PS. To mirror what everyone is saying, we're a pretty chill Jury tbh. Been a pleasant debrief on the game so far.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Penelope Garcia on August 11, 2020, 05:40:52 pm
Poirot: Another question and something that always rubbed me the wrong way about your game that you seem to open up a bit in your speech; there were a lot of votes that you completely chalked up to Judy or the way you played always made you seem attached at the hip to her. To me, this gave me vibes that you were closed off and unwavering. Sure, you would talk about how she needed to go sooner or later, and you'd make efforts to distance yourself from her erratic gameplay whenever you could, but not being able to openly talk about votes with others completely closed off paths in my opinion and made me feel like I could never get you on my side so why even try? We had a great social bond, but I knew, strategically, our plans would never align so we both knew we couldn't lie to each other and pretend there was a both forward. What if your contingency plans fell through? Or others were lying to you? Or Judy gets you before you could get her? Did you have a way out that didn't include the exact paths that the game went through?
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Grouch Cop on August 11, 2020, 05:46:36 pm
Also, I'm gonna tack this on to both of you, what kind of jury management did you try to do, or did you not really bother? As a whole, not exactly a bitter jury no, but I think there's definitely a lot of annoyance about certain kinds of treatment. So I want to know if you didn't do much jury management, why not? And even if you did try and maybe it didn't pay off, what were you planning on doing if you did walk into a jury filled with people who were incredibly upset at you about how you handled them and the rounds they went out? I'd like to know for each juror what you you were thinking worst case scenario you were going to have to explain and own and apologize for?
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 11, 2020, 05:59:37 pm
Hercule, mon ami, I have a similar yet different task for you. You did talk a lot about how you connected to people int his merge, but a lot of how you spoke made it sound like you were forced into making certain social decisions, and you distanced yourself from them and glossed over other bits. And that's not good enough for me. You betrayed me super hard and brutally, and while that doesn't mean you have lost my vote because of it, you have a whole lot more justifying of it, and distancing from it won't do you any favours. I don't want you to apologize and wring your hands over how bad a person/player you were for making those moves, I want you to own them. One of your biggest strengths is your social game, no? So I want you to elaborate on how you best used that to your advantage, as well as where you misjudged and messed up. And do it where you talk about people as people, not just people chess. I want to know how you connected to people as themselves and how you played on that front.

Salut mon ami. Eet ees so good to finally talk to you. Eet 'as been a long time coming.

I don't think I was ever forced into making certain social decisions. I think I actually 'ad ze pick of ze litter in terms of social decisions. I don't think zere was anyone in ze game who was ever off ze table for me to work with socially. If anything, I 'ad too many social connections, which was why I sometimes made decisions like ze decision to vote out you.

One thing zat I 'ave learned about zis game ees zat if social connections are great, but if you do not 'ave ze strategic positioning to go along with zem, zey will never be good enough. You cannot and should not be banking on someone making moves against zeir interest just because zey like you. I 'ave banked on zat before and eet leads to failure every time.

I definitely do own ze fact zat I backstabbed you, and eet was a particularly brutal backstab. I did eet because eet benefited me. Because of our social bond, you were willing to open up with me and be very frank and honest about where things stood and about 'ow you wanted to proceed in ze game, and I saw zat not only did eet not benefit me, but also zat eet actually went against my other closest social bonds in ze game. M. Briscoe and I were incredibly tight socially, like on a 'uman to 'uman level, I was 100% with 'im in zis game and I 'ad 'is back. M. Peralta and I 'ad a strong bond and we 'ad a lot of respect for each other. And Mlle Hopps was such a vibrant, energetic, wonderful ally, and M. Kennedy was so earnest and sweet. Zis was ze side I was choosing strategically, but zis was also ze side I was choosing socially. I was in a situation where my strong social connection with you contradicted with my other strong social connections, and I was going to 'ave to choose sooner or later. As much as I loved you, mon ami, I could not choose you.

In terms of where I misjudged/messed up, I misjudged ze influence zat I 'ad over Mlle Hopps because I felt so socially close to 'er, but I should 'ave realized zat a player like 'er ees always going to do what she thinks ees in 'er strategic best interest regardless of what 'er ally ees pressuring 'er to do. M. Peralta and M. Briscoe going when zey did was not my plan, and although I made eet work to my benefit, I should 'ave figured out 'ow to avoid zat situation instead of leading myself into a F8 where Mlle Hopps 'ad all of ze power. I think I was blinded by my social connection with 'er in zat case. And I knew how Mlle Hopps was from ze beginning, I knew, so I should 'ave foreseen eet, but she ees so charismatic. I couldn't 'elp eet.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Grouch Cop on August 11, 2020, 06:02:33 pm
I told you that about Judy, you should have listened. :P
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 11, 2020, 06:21:20 pm
Poirot: You've openly admitted you had to lie through your teeth to Grouch during their vote and convince Leon to send himself home by manipulating his perception of the vote; I guess my question then is, what were active steps you were taking to ensure you were maintaining proper jury management? If the jury was more frustrated about the ways this manipulation manifested itself, how were you prepared to handle those lines of questioning? Additionally, do you see this as an accurate portrayal of your game or am I offbase in saying manipulation was a part of it?

I think eet ees absolutely fair to say zat I was manipulative at points, particularly with M. Kennedy at zat F4. I don't think I ever manipulated M. Grouch, I just backstabbed 'im. But you are right zat while I don't think I crossed any lines zis game, I was willing to do a lot to advance myself, even some things zat other people might consider beyond ze pale.

In terms of Jury management, I tried to be generally honest with people when I could and own what I was doing while ze game was still going on when eet was possible? Like with you, I was fairly honest with 'ow about things were after ze M. Grouch vote and in ze rounds following, and when I was with you I told you and when I was against you I told you. But zere are times in zis game where ze other person knowing exactly what you are doing as you are doing eet ees potentially désastreux, so in zose situations I 'ad to leave people in ze dark.

Also specifically with M. Grouch, I'm not sure if M. Grouch 'as reread my last few PMs to 'im, but some of ze things I was saying definitely 'ave a double-meaning if you read zem in ze context of knowing zat I was voting 'im out. I don't 'ave an example off ze top of my 'ead, but I definitely remember thinking zat oh, M. Grouch will look at zis message totally different once 'e realizes what I was doing. I don't know if zat ees Jury management, but I wanted 'im to at least 'ave an idea of why if 'e was looking back for reasons.

Does zat answer your questions? If you or anyone else 'as further, more specific questions about my Jury management, I'm prepared to field zem. I tend to think zat at ze end of ze day, if your social bonds are real, zen zat ees 'alf ze battle of Jury management, but I understand if some of ze people who I betrayed, particularly M. Kennedy who I really was awful to during 'is last moments in ze game, don't feel ze same way.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Grouch Cop on August 11, 2020, 06:39:09 pm
Okay but, you say that the end game I wanted and you wanted were drastically different, right? And yet the people who followed me right out of the game were the people I didn't want in the game. The only difference between the endgame I wanted to have, and the one that happened is I was replaced by Leon. So, that sounds an awful lot like bullshit and you telling me what you think I want to hear. Our entire relationship was based on honesty, blunt honesty. And that's what I'm asking for from you. If me leaving was your doing more so than it was anybody else's, then I need a much better reason that what you've said. Cuz that's not good enough. I liked Lennie and would have loved to do things with him, as I told you, but we had just not been on the same side of the vote. I was more than willing to do other things, as I told you again and again. Lucifer going home instead of me would have sucked, sure, but that at least made sense as I could understand you would never think he'd place you over me. Hell, it would have put me that much firmly into having to work with you further because you'd be my best option, no? Which again, I told you. I was worried about going places with you because in the group of people you liked, you were the only one who actually valued me at all. And I told you about that, but I wasn't saying I needed you out of the game, just that the path you wanted going forward as you stated it to me, left me completely at your whim and mercy where I would have just been your puppet. I wanted options that meant we were actually working as partners, but that's not the path you chose. All you had to do was tell me that though, that's all you ever had to do. I'm just really finding it hard to see why this path to the end you had is one that fits with the way you and I talked about whether we had a path together to the end game. It's incredibly hard not to see the way you got to the end and with whom and how you played with them to be different from the kind of plans we were making together. If using what I told you and what I thought is part of your social game, then that's okay, but just say that rather than make it sound like you couldn't have gotten this with me in the game.

Also, I don't know where else to put this, so it gets to be tacked on here, I don't feel from either of you any sort of passion for this game. Did you have fun? Did you pour a lot of yourself into this? Do you even want to win this? Do you think the games you played should win this? Where's your emotionality, you both have it, where is it in your presentation?
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 11, 2020, 06:40:31 pm
For both of you.

How integral to votes do you feel like you were? Specifically in the latter stages of the game as I know Lucifer, you didn't have tribals, and Poirot, I know your trajectory already and there was no non-unanimous decisions on SVU.

I think there is a point of contention on specific tribals for both of you. I would like Lucifer to highlight the eliminations of Scruff/Myself/Leon

And I would like Poirot to shed light on Jake/Myself/Rust

PS. To mirror what everyone is saying, we're a pretty chill Jury tbh. Been a pleasant debrief on the game so far.

I actually do think I was fairly integral to all of ze premerge tribals as well, even though zey were unanimous. I think I 'ad a lot of sway and probably could 'ave changed zem if I really wanted to. But I was always getting what I wanted and thought was best.

M. Peralta I was ze opposite of integral, and I 'ave not 'id zat fact. I was arguing with you for hours trying to get Mlle Garcia or M. Morningstar voted out instead. I think M. Peralta going 'ome was a bad move for my game, so if I 'ad been integral to eet, I would question my own judgement. I did 'owever begrudgingly go along with eet after you and M. Kennedy 'ad already both flipped, but I was honest with M. Cohle, M. Morningstar, and Mlle Garcia zat I would 'ave preferred to be voting out one of zem.

Mlle Hopps, I think ees a more interesting case. I definitely 'ad been setting up your elimination and building you up for a target for rounds, and I knew zat eet would be you or Mlle Garcia at 6. I also 'ad leaked ze fact to everyone zat you claimed to 'ave been throwing challenges, including ze challenge with ze cars zat you won, which definitely increased your target level and convinced people zat you were a bigger challenge threat zan Mlle Garcia. Was I truly integral to eet being you rather zan Mlle Garcia zat round? Probably not. To be honest, ze round eetself was one of ze least active rounds of ze game. I went to bed with M. Kennedy strongly preferring Mlle Garcia, and zen I woke up to 'im flipped to preferring you, and 'e never was online to discuss zat with. And M. Cohle and M. Morningstar didn't confirm zeir votes to me until shortly before deadline, at which point zere wasn't really time to argue. So in terms of zat round eetself, people honestly were not online enough for me to influence ze decision very much. But I certainly think zat I 'ad done ze work to set you up to go home, either at 6 or 5, and zat you going 'ome zen was a fine move for me, so I didn't fight eet. Ze important thing was zat eet was either you or Mlle Garcia.

With M. Cohle, M. Morningstar actually never spoke to me after winning ze Immunity and 'e was not really online, so I certainly can't 'ave been said to influence 'im too much during zat round. I did make ze exact argument zat 'e used to keep me at F3 as part of why 'e should take out M. Cohle over me at 4, so I 'ad pitched zat case and I would like to think zat I 'ad some influence? But 'e ees also 'is own person and 'e clearly ees smart, so I'm sure 'e could 'ave and probably did think of all of zose arguments 'imself. I think claiming a 'uge amount of credit for zis would be arrogant, but I did make ze argument about differentiating 'is game better against me zan against M. Cohle to 'im, and I'm glad zat 'e agreed with eet.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 11, 2020, 06:49:44 pm
I'm on my way home right now and will start answering all your questions in about an hour!
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 11, 2020, 08:06:57 pm
Second question— in what ways did your social game allow you to proceed? How did you take advantage of your relationships with other players to continue, and how did they play a role in helping you get to the end?
I think my social game was really important in helping me get to the end, especially in the early merge. I was in an alliance with Grouch, Pikachu and Rust early on that was really important. That alliance proved to be really beneficial, because especially in that first round a lot of names came up as potential votes and so our ability to stick together and refuse to target each other was helpful in keeping ourselves safe. If we had collapsed and flipped on each other, it would've made my path a lot harder. Having all of them as friends I could rely on was a big first step towards my safety and me, Grouch and Rust continued to look out for each other after Pikachu left.
I was also able to rebuild my relationship with Penelope that round which was also very big for me. We were able to work through the fact that we were kind of on opposite sides in the Nick vote on Strike Team. Without her as an ally throughout the merge and being able to rely on her I also would've been in a lot of trouble.
Then the last set of relationships that were particularly important to me was Hercule and Judy. Hercule and I were against each other to a degree at various points throughout the merge, but the fact that I was close to him still helped me. It felt like I wasn't on the greatest terms with like Jake and Lennie in particular at times and so having him as a friend while he was close with them helped keep the target away off of me even if we weren't necessarily voting the same way all the time.
Judy was also a very very important relationship for me in similar ways to Hercule, but more so- I think being able to reconnect with her and work with her again during and following that one tribal council on the strike team was massive. Like without my connections to her, I don't think I would've been able to survive the F9, F8 and F7 tribal councils.
And then as the game drew to a close I was able to build a relationship with Leon too. Obviously it didn't end the way I hoped, but I still think that was important for me.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 11, 2020, 08:38:18 pm
Poirot: Another question and something that always rubbed me the wrong way about your game that you seem to open up a bit in your speech; there were a lot of votes that you completely chalked up to Judy or the way you played always made you seem attached at the hip to her. To me, this gave me vibes that you were closed off and unwavering. Sure, you would talk about how she needed to go sooner or later, and you'd make efforts to distance yourself from her erratic gameplay whenever you could, but not being able to openly talk about votes with others completely closed off paths in my opinion and made me feel like I could never get you on my side so why even try? We had a great social bond, but I knew, strategically, our plans would never align so we both knew we couldn't lie to each other and pretend there was a both forward. What if your contingency plans fell through? Or others were lying to you? Or Judy gets you before you could get her? Did you have a way out that didn't include the exact paths that the game went through?

I think zis ees an extremely valid criticism. I know exactly what you mean.

So, I think ze Mlle Hopps thing was legitimate, c'est vrai, we were close, but I also played eet up a leetle. Like I said somewhere else, I was leaning into eet a bit and allowing zat to be my public perception so zat my relationships to be people like M. Briscoe, M. Kennedy, and even M. Cohle were not as noticeable. Also part of ze problem was zat Mlle Hopps 'ad an unfortunate timezone, so if I needed 'er vote for something, I 'ad to wait for 'er to wake up to know if I 'ad eet. I didn't want to commit to anything zat might not 'appen without first consulting 'er. But zat ees not a great excuse.

But saying zat I was closed off with you at a certain point ees absolutely fair, and when we started out zat was not ze direction I intended for things to go between us, but eet probably did become a self-fulfilling at a certain point. I'm probably not ze best at 'aving strategic conversations with someone who I'm strategically opposed to, especially someone who I 'ave such a strong social bond with because eet feels like we should be allies, but we really aren't. But maybe we only weren't because I already 'ad committed my allegiance elsewhere, and I didn't want to give you false 'ope or jeopardize what I already 'ad built up.

Eet probably ees ze case zat in my mind, at a certain point I was committed to ze M. Briscoe, M. Peralta, M. Kennedy side of things and really wasn't going to do anything else unless ze game gave me some reason to, but I do think zat I was perceptive and if a serious problem emerged, I would 'ave been able to see eet and react. I also think zat if eet 'ad suddenly been in both of our best interests to vote together, like eet might 'ave been at final 5 if you won Immunity, par exemple, we would 'ave been able to make eet work. We always kept ze line of communication open at least.

I find ze argument zat I didn't 'ave contigency plans or zat I only 'ad one path to ze end kind of bizarre, because I was not sitting at ze F9 thinking zat I was going to be 'ere in ze F2 with M. Morningstar or zat ze game would go ze way zat eet 'as. Zis ees a contingency plan. I thought zat M. Morningstar might be booted as soon as ze following round, but things change, circumstances change, and I think zat more zan anyone else on my side of ze game, I actually proved myself to be adaptable and to be able to survive things changing and shifting around.

And I don't think zat I ever actually permanently shut ze door on us working together, I just 'eld ze door permanently slightly ajar. I do understand why zat would be frustrating for you, 'owever, and why eet might leave a sour taste in your mouth. I'm sorry if zere ees a better way I should 'ave 'andled our relationship. I tend to be ze type of player who likes to commit to a particular plan and fight for zat plan until eet ees no longer feasible rather zan a Mlle Hopps type who wants to form a new plan every round, but a consequence of zat ees zat with someone like you, we were working against each other and both in ze game together for a long time. I would 'ave been willing to change course if I 'ad to, as I did after M. Briscoe went 'ome, but I never needed to, and as a result, our relationship was in some strange state of limbo for a long time until you went 'ome.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 11, 2020, 08:52:31 pm
Luci, you made it!!! I'm so proud of you my bestest friend. But, oof, that speech buddy. It's very vague, and I'll address more of it over in the strategy thread, but the part I want to get at here is different. At no point in your opening speech do you name anybody specific with any thing. And I would really like you to go through what sort of connections you had to each of the jurors and what they meant to you. You had to do a lot to get here, and had to do with with people, so tell us about it. What are the social highlights of your path to the end here?

Hercule, mon ami, I have a similar yet different task for you. You did talk a lot about how you connected to people int his merge, but a lot of how you spoke made it sound like you were forced into making certain social decisions, and you distanced yourself from them and glossed over other bits. And that's not good enough for me. You betrayed me super hard and brutally, and while that doesn't mean you have lost my vote because of it, you have a whole lot more justifying of it, and distancing from it won't do you any favours. I don't want you to apologize and wring your hands over how bad a person/player you were for making those moves, I want you to own them. One of your biggest strengths is your social game, no? So I want you to elaborate on how you best used that to your advantage, as well as where you misjudged and messed up. And do it where you talk about people as people, not just people chess. I want to know how you connected to people as themselves and how you played on that front.
So I'm just going to go chronologically based on when the jurors got eliminated:
Starting with Pikachu: I was able to build a relationship with him fairly early into the BAU. I had a three-way alliance with him and Nick largely due to our mutual love of video games and I thought that put me in a pretty solid position to work with him if we went to any tribals there. Obviously that didn't happen, but we were still able to reconnect at the merge and work together during that first tribal. Unfortunately he went home during that idol play and we weren't able to continue working together- it was sad for me because I thought there was good potential for us and I'd enjoyed reconnecting with him, but it didn't happen.

My relationship with Scruff was honestly one of my bigger disappointments in the game. It felt like a little bit of a missed opportunity on my part. I thought we had got off to a pretty good start early on during our time on the BAU despite my bad opening line about dogs and made an alliance, but it kind of fell apart during merge. We talked a little bit at the beginning of merge and I thought we might be able to work together, but I felt like he was wanting to target Judy and that wasn't something I was interested in and then he went home shortly after.

For you- you were my bestest friend too. I was really happy we were able to ally early on in the game and got swapped together. I loved our conversations and all the music recommendations you gave me. You were the one person in the game I felt like I could fully trust and pitch my ideas to. I really appreciated you as an ally and I tried to convey that to you through my messages to you while you were still in the game.

Jake was another player I really liked early on. We also talked a lot about music too and I really liked his charismatic personality. We also had an alliance early on the BAU, unfortunately I felt like the swap to the strike team hurt our relationship a lot. It seemed like we started talking a lot less after that and then after I decided to vote for Nick instead of going with Judy like he wanted- communication between us became even more infrequent.

Lennie was someone I regret not being able to connect with more. I felt like we had some good conversations about things out of the game and I really appreciated his recommendations for trivia, but we were never really able to build up trust with each other and work together a lot during the game. Outside of the vote on Nick, it felt like we were opposed basically every step of the way.

I had an interesting relationship with Judy- she was one of my favorite people early on the 99 and I really loved the creative opening PM I got from her, but then Officer Jenny proposed an alliance that kind of made things awkward between us a little bit. Thankfully I felt like we were able to reconnect on the Strike Team and keep working together. Like I said earlier- I think that connection was crucial to my survival during those middle rounds of merge. If she doesn't keep me safe from going home at F9 and get people to vote you instead and side with me/Penelope/Rust to vote out Jake at F8 over me there's probably no way I'm here.

Penelope was another person I really liked. I felt like our conversation started off slow on the BAU to be honest, but after we got together on the Strike team we talked more and I absolutely adored her. She'd make these playful remarks that I found really funny and she was also incredibly understanding after the Nick vote and super gracious even when she went home. I really appreciated having her as an ally.

Leon was the only person I hadn't met coming into merge- so I felt like our relationship got off to a slow start, but after I got to know him, he was really nice and supportive. Like just always super nice to me and I appreciated that. I was able to count on him in the F7-F5 votes and was really hoping we could make it even deeper into the game.

Lastly, Rust was also super important. On a personal note- he got me to try True Detective which was good and I loved having him as an ally throughout merge. Both him and Penelope had my back constantly this game and it meant a lot to me. He seemed like a really down to earth person and I could always count on him.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 11, 2020, 09:02:55 pm
I agree with Scruff's comment in the Strategic thread, I think this Jury is not bitter in the slightest.

Poirot: You've openly admitted you had to lie through your teeth to Grouch during their vote and convince Leon to send himself home by manipulating his perception of the vote; I guess my question then is, what were active steps you were taking to ensure you were maintaining proper jury management? If the jury was more frustrated about the ways this manipulation manifested itself, how were you prepared to handle those lines of questioning? Additionally, do you see this as an accurate portrayal of your game or am I offbase in saying manipulation was a part of it?

Lucifer, you state in your opening speech that you are aware social gameplay isn't your best trait. What are some things that you learned from this game that you could take into future games you play? What connections did you see as your strongest and what did you do to maintain their strength and making sure you were utilizing them to the best of your ability?
I think one thing I'd really like to improve on in my social game is to talk and work with people more even when I'm not close to them and actively voting the same way with them. I survived this game and made it here, so it turned out OK, but I think being able to work with Scruff/Jake/Lennie in particular or at least having that possibility could've given me more options this game. I still talked with Lennie some, but my conversations with Jake completely fell apart and we didn't talk much at all the latter half of this game.

I already talked about my connections in general a bit above, but I think my strongest connection was with Grouch. I'd connected with them really early on in the game and except for those few rounds on the Strike Team, I was with them the entire game. I kept them in the loop about almost everything that was going on in the game and my future ideas, so I think that helped maintain the relationship and they returned the favor a lot allowing me to utilize the relationship.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lennie Briscoe on August 11, 2020, 09:09:59 pm
Lennie was someone I regret not being able to connect with more. I felt like we had some good conversations about things out of the game and I really appreciated his recommendations for trivia, but we were never really able to build up trust with each other and work together a lot during the game. Outside of the vote on Nick, it felt like we were opposed basically every step of the way.
I totally get this, circumstances didn't work out great for us in the merge and I certainly could have done a lot more to discuss the game more.

One thing I'm curious about though: after Jake left, I proposed a final 3 of me, you, and Leon (sorry Hercule :(), I'm curious what your thoughts on that were. Obviously you saw me going at F7 as working for your game (and it did, you're here), but I'm wondering if you thought that I wasn't being sincere or just that you had better options going forward? I ask because I think that my presentation of the situation was accurate, that between the pairs of you/Rust and me/Poirot, we had the lesser argument compared to our respective partners, so it made the most sense for us to sit next to each other.

I want to be clear that as Scruff said elsewhere, I'm not bitter about anything and not holding anything against anyone here, I'm just interested to hear your thoughts.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 11, 2020, 09:23:00 pm
For both of you.

How integral to votes do you feel like you were? Specifically in the latter stages of the game as I know Lucifer, you didn't have tribals, and Poirot, I know your trajectory already and there was no non-unanimous decisions on SVU.

I think there is a point of contention on specific tribals for both of you. I would like Lucifer to highlight the eliminations of Scruff/Myself/Leon

And I would like Poirot to shed light on Jake/Myself/Rust

PS. To mirror what everyone is saying, we're a pretty chill Jury tbh. Been a pleasant debrief on the game so far.
I think it really depended on the vote, I guess? Like I think I was very integral in some of the latter votes in the game in particular, whereas early on that wasn't as much the case- especially when like Grouch and Pikachu went- I had no real role in that.

I feel like I played a role in the Scruff vote- going into that tribal and around the start of it, I'd heard of Rust's name as a possibility and I also anticipated I was a possible vote- I knew both of those options would be bad for me and I was worried  about the 27 players, since I thought they were fairly tight and I wasn't that close with any of them. I suggested Scruff as a vote and pitched it to a couple people since I didn't feel particularly close with him at that point and thought it could be a bit of a compromise since I felt like Jake wasn't as likely to get traction with Pikachu gone. I knew Hercule and you weren't too keen on voting him out and I wasn't sure Scruff would be either since we wouldn't have a majority at that point.

I felt a bit bad about the vote on you, because like I alluded to earlier, I don't think I would've got to that spot without you- but I was very much in favor of that happening too. I got the impression that Hercule and Leon to a lesser degree preferred Penelope going- but I didn't want that. Both because of my longtime alliance with her and the fact that I felt more secure in a final 5 with Penelope there. I knew I could count on Rust and Penelope to vote you and I figured I could kind of bully the others into it if I had to because I had immunity.

I wasn't integral to the Leon vote. I had wanted to work with Leon and would've forced a tiebreaker challenge to keep him around, but based on his messages I thought he was going to vote Rust but he misled me much to my confusion.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 11, 2020, 09:29:19 pm
Also, I'm gonna tack this on to both of you, what kind of jury management did you try to do, or did you not really bother? As a whole, not exactly a bitter jury no, but I think there's definitely a lot of annoyance about certain kinds of treatment. So I want to know if you didn't do much jury management, why not? And even if you did try and maybe it didn't pay off, what were you planning on doing if you did walk into a jury filled with people who were incredibly upset at you about how you handled them and the rounds they went out? I'd like to know for each juror what you you were thinking worst case scenario you were going to have to explain and own and apologize for?

I definitely think I made attempts at Jury management. Whether or not they were successful, I'm less sure. I am usually uncomfortable with incredibly overt Jury management, especially telling the person that they are going home right before deadline when you are the reason or at least part of the reason that they are going home. I only did that with people like M. Briscoe and M. Peralta where I could honestly say zat I was doing my best to save zem, but zey were going 'ome despite my best efforts. And realistically I told zem far before deadline to give zem ze best chance to actually fight for themselves. Telling someone right before deadline ees just kind of tacky to me, but every Juror ees different and I'm sure some Jurors appreciate zat.

With you I definitely attempted to Jury manage, and I think if you reread my last few PMs to you, you will see attempts zere. I honestly felt a leetle gross about eet, because I think showering someone with compliments right before you vote zem out ees a bit blatant, but eet felt authentic to me in ze moment. I just really wanted you to know zat I did care about you, I did genuinely like you, our relationship was never fake, and even though I thought eet was in my best interest to take you out when I did, zat doesn't mean zat our relationship wasn't real up until zat point. Eet ees 'ard to prove zat, but eet was ze truth, and I knew 'ow shocked and confused you would be when you saw your name come up five times, so I tried to 'elp give you some answers in our final moments together. I may 'ave been too subtle, but also I 'ad to be because ze vote was 5-4, zere were so many things zat could 'ave gone wrong. An idol could 'ave been played, someone could 'ave flipped. Zere was no way I could give you a 'eads up about zat vote, but I definitely did attempt to Jury manage ze best way I could. I know zat your blindside was especially brutal, and I don't blame you for being upset with me about eet, but I did try to 'andle eet in ze best way zat I could.

With others zere were definitely attempts. Mlle Garcia I certainly Jury managed. M. Cohle I certainly Jury managed. M. Kennedy, maybe not so much, but eet was so important zat 'e not realize what was 'appening and change 'is vote, so I just 'oped zat our personal relationship was still strong enough for me to earn 'is vote. Even M. Pikachu I tried to Jury manage in a way by trying to make some personal connection with 'im before 'e was voted out, though of course I didn't know zat 'e was going 'ome when 'e did. Mlle Hopps and M. McGruff I didn't really Jury manage either, but that was mostly because neither of zem were talking to me up until deadline during ze time when zeir votes really took off, so I wasn't ever talking to zem while knowing zat zey were about to get sent to ze Jury, though I did know zeir names were on ze table per'aps.

I do think I 'ave played an extremely strong game, so if people were incredibly upset and angry, my plan was just to 'ope zat enough people respected my game to still vote for me. And I also did 'ave genuine social bonds with most of you, so even if you're mad at me for severing zem, I think zat ees better zan ze social bond not existing at all. Genuinely connecting with people ees ze best form of Jury management.

I will go through and say what I think each Juror should 'ate me for, if you insist, mon ami.  ;)

M. Pikachu- I don't think M. Pikachu 'as any raison to be angry with me in particular. We were both targeting each other during ze merge round, we both realized zat ze votes were not zere and agreed to vote together, and zen 'e still got taken out in a freak accident. If anything, I feel zat 'e might feel zat we didn't connect zat well because we were only together for a round, but zat wasn't my fault. And I enjoyed our conversation for ze short time we were together. I enjoying our conversation about musical theater, and I 'ope zat 'is rehearsals 'ave been going well, assuming zat zey are still ongoing.

M. McGruff- M. McGruff said zat 'e was mad at me on 'is way out for asking 'im what 'e was thinking so late into ze round when 'e knew zat I was against 'im, which honestly, fair enough. To be fair to me, at ze point where I sent zat, I believe ze votes were actually on M. Cohle, but I was definitely actively against zat and working to send M. McGruff 'ome, so I probably was being a bit fake when I sent zat message. I was not intentionally ignoring M. McGruff at any point, 'owever. I woke up to over 20 messages zat morning, more zan any other night in ze game, so I was slowly working through zem and doing some other tasks at ze same time. I think M. McGruff's schedule just didn't align with mine. If anything, similar to M. Pikachu, M. McGruff might feel zat we didn't 'ave as deep of a social bond, especially since I 'ave been talked about so much as a 'uge social presence, but our conversations were enjoyable to me, but honestly solely about ze game? I think zis ees because coming into ze merge, M. McGruff was someone I really wanted to work with due to our mutual connections, so I really wanted to make up for lost time and talk strategy, and 'e was easy to talk strategy with, but with 'im being an early Jury, I wish we 'ad gotten ze chance to 'ave more personal conversations so zat I could know M. McGruff ze person a bit more instead of just M. McGruff ze player.

M. Grouch-I backstabbed you. 'Ard. And my expectation-setting with you was especially bad. I think you 'ave as much reason as anyone on ze Jury to be bitter against me.

M. Peralta- I don't think M. Peralta 'as any reason to be mad at me. I fought for 'im to stay. I was as loyal to 'im as I could be. I did my best, M. Peralta.

M. Briscoe- Ze same as for M. Peralta. 'E 'as no reason to be angry with me.

Mlle Hopps- I didn't tell 'er about ze vote on 'er? I went back on our F2? I think she 'as some reason to be a leetle un'appy with me.

Mlle Garcia- I think we 'ave already explored zis, but I shut 'er down in ze game a lot and wasn't giving 'er much of a chance to work with me in any kind of serious way in a way zat I think could breed animosity, but unlike with M. Grouch I did much better job of expectation setting 'ere, so zat ees at least something.

M. Kennedy- Basically every message I sent to 'im from ze moment M. Morningstar won Immunity ees a reason for 'im not to vote for me. I threatened not to vote for 'im if 'e didn't let me make fire, and I think zat was what ultimately convinced 'im. I understand if 'e 'as difficulty voting for me.

M. Cohle- I don't think M. Cohle really 'as any raison to be angry with me. Ze only reason 'e might be ees zat I'm not entirely convinced zat I was taking 'im to ze end if I won zat final challenge even though I do believe 'e was taking me, but honestly I didn't expect to win eet so I didn't fully consider ze possibility, though I did try my best. Logic puzzles are ze bane of my existence. But realistically, I thought my odds were better against M. Morningstar zan against 'im, so although I would 'ave 'eard 'is arguments and emotionally I would 'ave wanted to take 'im to ze end, I don't think zat I could cast a vote zat I thought reduced my chances of winning ze game. Zis ees too important to me.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 11, 2020, 09:41:45 pm
Also, I'm gonna tack this on to both of you, what kind of jury management did you try to do, or did you not really bother? As a whole, not exactly a bitter jury no, but I think there's definitely a lot of annoyance about certain kinds of treatment. So I want to know if you didn't do much jury management, why not? And even if you did try and maybe it didn't pay off, what were you planning on doing if you did walk into a jury filled with people who were incredibly upset at you about how you handled them and the rounds they went out? I'd like to know for each juror what you you were thinking worst case scenario you were going to have to explain and own and apologize for?
It really varied a lot for me? So like I didn't really do any jury management when you/Pikachu/Leon went, but that was largely because I was opposed to those votes and I didn't necessarily know they were happening, and I felt like opposing the votes was a form of jury management in its own way?

I did do a little more when Penelope went- like I told her that's what was happening because I felt like I owed that to her and I felt like we left on good terms. Obviously he didn't go home, but I told Rust I was voting for him at F4 and explained why too. Obviously people can still feel betrayed despite that and I realize that, but I guess that was my way of trying to manage things a little bit by at least keeping them informed and not lying to them.

I did try to reach out to Scruff as he was going to do damage control, but I felt like that kind of backfired. I think it came across as insincere and didn't go over well and I felt bad about that.

I didn't really do much when Jake/Lennie went due to a combination of reasons. I felt like they might understand it since we'd largely been opposed most of the merge and then we hadn't talked a ton prior so it felt like it would be a little awkward reaching out and I didn't necessarily know how to approach it and I didn't want to create a situation like I did with Scruff where it felt insincere to them and came across poorly. I also wasn't trying to be particularly overt in case there was still an idol in play. Obviously that doesn't excuse failures on my part, but that's where I was at.

That really just leaves Judy- obviously I'm happy none of you are bitter, but I honestly wondered if she might be and I felt like it would've been warranted to a degree. Once again, I didn't say a ton because of idols and awkwardness, but I did feel bad about what had happened there. I really never had intent to take her to the end, but I felt compelled to lead her on because without her vote I would've probably been doomed in those mid rounds, so if there was animosity there I wouldn't have faulted her.

I don't think there's any great way to fix the jury being bitter at you- I'd try to own up to the mistakes I made and apologize to anyone I hurt. I'd also try to do better in the future- this is a side note and it might sound weird since it happens so much in these games, but voting someone out is always something I feel really awkward about and if any of you have like requests or suggestions for how to handle it better, I'd be happy to listen honestly. I realize I could improve at it, I'm just not necessarily sure what the best way to go about it is, especially with idols being in the game.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 11, 2020, 10:19:02 pm
Okay but, you say that the end game I wanted and you wanted were drastically different, right? And yet the people who followed me right out of the game were the people I didn't want in the game. The only difference between the endgame I wanted to have, and the one that happened is I was replaced by Leon. So, that sounds an awful lot like bullshit and you telling me what you think I want to hear. Our entire relationship was based on honesty, blunt honesty. And that's what I'm asking for from you. If me leaving was your doing more so than it was anybody else's, then I need a much better reason that what you've said. Cuz that's not good enough. I liked Lennie and would have loved to do things with him, as I told you, but we had just not been on the same side of the vote. I was more than willing to do other things, as I told you again and again. Lucifer going home instead of me would have sucked, sure, but that at least made sense as I could understand you would never think he'd place you over me. Hell, it would have put me that much firmly into having to work with you further because you'd be my best option, no? Which again, I told you. I was worried about going places with you because in the group of people you liked, you were the only one who actually valued me at all. And I told you about that, but I wasn't saying I needed you out of the game, just that the path you wanted going forward as you stated it to me, left me completely at your whim and mercy where I would have just been your puppet. I wanted options that meant we were actually working as partners, but that's not the path you chose. All you had to do was tell me that though, that's all you ever had to do. I'm just really finding it hard to see why this path to the end you had is one that fits with the way you and I talked about whether we had a path together to the end game. It's incredibly hard not to see the way you got to the end and with whom and how you played with them to be different from the kind of plans we were making together. If using what I told you and what I thought is part of your social game, then that's okay, but just say that rather than make it sound like you couldn't have gotten this with me in the game.

Also, I don't know where else to put this, so it gets to be tacked on here, I don't feel from either of you any sort of passion for this game. Did you have fun? Did you pour a lot of yourself into this? Do you even want to win this? Do you think the games you played should win this? Where's your emotionality, you both have it, where is it in your presentation?

I didn't get ze votes I wanted immediately after you went 'ome. I did not plan for M. Peralta and M. Briscoe to be ze next two to go. I was absolutely not in control of zose votes, and I fought to prevent zem. Honestly, 'ad I expected zat to 'appen ze way eet did, I probably would 'ave pushed ze vote on to M. Morningstar instead of you. I 'ave wondered for hours and hours whether I made ze right move taking you out when I did, before, during and after doing eet. Zere 'ave been moments where I regretted eet. Zere 'ave been moments where I think I made ze right call. Given who I'm sitting next to maintenant, I do think I made ze right call, because M. Morningstar ended up being my path to ze end and 'e was ze other option, and I essentially kept 'im because I felt less close with 'im which I know ees counter-intuitive. But zat vote 'ad ramifications zat I didn't think eet would when I was making eet. I didn't really know what ze ramifications would be or 'ow ze rest of ze game would react to a line being drawn so clearly in ze sand.

In ze past, I 'ave been in ze situation where I 'ave 'ad to make a move, and I 'ave kept ze person I was closest to around, and eet 'as never worked out for me, so part of my decision might 'ave been informed by zat. From my perspective at ze time, I wasn't sure what ze future 'eld. All I knew for sure was zat I needed to vote for you, M. Morningstar, Mlle Garcia, or M. Cohle. I thought eet was a strong possibility zat SVU would just go on to dominate and pick everyone else in ze game off, so zen eet was a choice between eliminating you while you were an ally or letting you live long enough to become an enemy. Letting you, who knew me better zan almost anyone else in ze game, work against me for multiple rounds. Zat seemed like a realistic possibility. Obviously zat ees not ze way things played out, but at ze time I didn't know zat. Like I say in speech, I knew zat a storm was coming. I wanted to put myself in ze best, safest position to weather zat storm.

You said zat thing about you being my puppet during ze game too, and eet really stuck with me, M. Grouch. I think zat ees eet actually. I didn't want to do zat to you. I didn't want to force vote after vote through against you will. I didn't want to 'ave to subject you to zat. I wanted our relationship to be as eet was, forever. I preferred you being eliminated to 'aving to continue existing with me in ze game with our relationship a 'ollow shell of what eet once was. Zat may not be 'ow eet would 'ave actually played out, but at ze time, zat was my perspective on things. Voting out you was like ripping off ze bandaid and dealing with ze most painful vote first instead of delaying and letting eet fester.

Keep in mind zat ze people who survived like M. Morningstar and Mlle Garcia 'ad to put up with me openly targeting zem for multiple rounds. I wasn't even lying to zem. I told zem zat I wanted zem gone and wasn't able to make eet 'appen. Could our relationship 'ave withstood zat? Would you be any less 'urt zan you are maintenant? Maybe so. But I feared eet, M. Grouch. I fear 'aving to face you, not on even ground as we always 'ad done, but as potential rivals.

I also feared ze amount of dirt zat you 'ad on me and ze damage you could do to my game if you really wanted to. M. Morningstar did initially try to target me in anger after you went, but eet was immediately shot down by everyone. I don't think you would 'ave wanted me gone immediately, because as you say, I was one of your best options. And could I risk eet? Because our relationship was not going back to ze same way eet always was. I was choosing a side, planting my flag. And whoever I was leaving in ze game, I was leaving in ze game to be ze opposing alliance.

I understand zat a lot of my perspective seems silly now knowing ze way ze game played out, knowing zat M. Morningstar and I are ze F2 and like, c'est vrai, eet ees true, zis easily could be you instead of 'im. But zis ees Survivor, zis ees a game of limited information. I made ze best decision with ze information zat I 'ad at ze time, and honestly, I am 'appy with ze choice zat I made because I like ze way things played out. Eet definitely was ze right move to take out one of ze four of you. Whether or not I chose ze right person to take out in you I don't know, and I probably will never know. But I made ze choice I felt was best at ze time, and zat ees all zat I can do.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 11, 2020, 10:41:15 pm
Lennie was someone I regret not being able to connect with more. I felt like we had some good conversations about things out of the game and I really appreciated his recommendations for trivia, but we were never really able to build up trust with each other and work together a lot during the game. Outside of the vote on Nick, it felt like we were opposed basically every step of the way.
I totally get this, circumstances didn't work out great for us in the merge and I certainly could have done a lot more to discuss the game more.

One thing I'm curious about though: after Jake left, I proposed a final 3 of me, you, and Leon (sorry Hercule :(), I'm curious what your thoughts on that were. Obviously you saw me going at F7 as working for your game (and it did, you're here), but I'm wondering if you thought that I wasn't being sincere or just that you had better options going forward? I ask because I think that my presentation of the situation was accurate, that between the pairs of you/Rust and me/Poirot, we had the lesser argument compared to our respective partners, so it made the most sense for us to sit next to each other.

I want to be clear that as Scruff said elsewhere, I'm not bitter about anything and not holding anything against anyone here, I'm just interested to hear your thoughts.
First off- I lied about agreeing to that and I'm sorry if it upset you. I basically just say yes to everything anyone offers me in this game- it's a bad habit.

I guess my answer is that it was a mixture of the two. I was a bit hesitant to trust you because I felt like we'd just been against each other a lot and even the round you went I'd heard rumors that you had brought my name up because you were worried I was like a lock to make the end? So I was unsure of how much I could truly trust you.

Part of me also did feel like I had better options that were more reliable and safer and I'd hoped to work myself into a more advantageous position through them. You were far from the only person to offer me an F3- at that point in the game almost everyone had. Also, I was aware the game could and honestly kind of hopeful the game would be an F2. Had that happened I would've felt nervous, because I think you were a little better at challenges than Hercule and in the event Leon were to win, I felt like he would've taken you over me due to your close relationship.

The last reason I was hesitant about it was because I was concerned how we'd get to that final 3? I thought you were really likely to try to take out Penelope first and I didn't really want that. I wanted to keep my allies around because I felt like it gave me more security heading into late game and perceptually, I think it also gave me more control over the game. Like I didn't want the boot order to be something like penelope>rust>judy>hercule because in my mind I feel like it's a lot easier to spin it that you controlled those votes and carried me to the end instead of vice versa.

Also side note: I saw your other question, Grouch. I plan on answering it, but I wanted to move on for now because I have a lot I want to say and it's taking me a while to write that post and I'm a tad behind on questions.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lennie Briscoe on August 11, 2020, 11:03:46 pm
I totally get this, circumstances didn't work out great for us in the merge and I certainly could have done a lot more to discuss the game more.

One thing I'm curious about though: after Jake left, I proposed a final 3 of me, you, and Leon (sorry Hercule :(), I'm curious what your thoughts on that were. Obviously you saw me going at F7 as working for your game (and it did, you're here), but I'm wondering if you thought that I wasn't being sincere or just that you had better options going forward? I ask because I think that my presentation of the situation was accurate, that between the pairs of you/Rust and me/Poirot, we had the lesser argument compared to our respective partners, so it made the most sense for us to sit next to each other.

I want to be clear that as Scruff said elsewhere, I'm not bitter about anything and not holding anything against anyone here, I'm just interested to hear your thoughts.
First off- I lied about agreeing to that and I'm sorry if it upset you. I basically just say yes to everything anyone offers me in this game- it's a bad habit.
Nah you didn't even agree to it, you were totally open about how I wasn't the first to approach you with a F3 like that, and I knew I was Too Late Lennie (to paraphrase a regrettable Survivor player). All of your reasons for going in a different direction make a lot of sense, there's definitely no hard feelings or anything.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 11, 2020, 11:23:57 pm
Quote from: M. Grouch
Also, I don't know where else to put this, so it gets to be tacked on here, I don't feel from either of you any sort of passion for this game. Did you have fun? Did you pour a lot of yourself into this? Do you even want to win this? Do you think the games you played should win this? Where's your emotionality, you both have it, where is it in your presentation?

Just realized zat I forgot to respond to zis.

I'm sorry zat you don't feel ze passion because I definitely do 'ave eet. Mon Dieu, mon ami, zis game 'as been so much fun. I can't even tell you what a fantastique time I 'ave 'ad. Just messaging as Poirot en général 'as been an absolute blast, but ze game eetself 'as been so much fun too. Zere 'ave been so many fun moments along ze way. I constantly found myself laughing and smiling, and I'm not saying zis for sympathy, but I think I briefly mentioned to some of you zat I 'ave 'ad some not great things going on in my personal life during ze game, so 'aving zis to escape to and tribals to plan and allies to PM 'as meant so, so much to me, more zan you even know. Zis game 'as truly been a light in my life, and I'll miss eet when eet ees gone.

I want to win so badly, like, mon ami, I am 'ungry for ze win. You don't play only for ze win, but when you make eet to ze F2 you really do want to win, and you don't want such a positive experience to end on anything other zan ze most positive note.

Like, when I tell you zat I spent hours practicing stupide logic puzzles, and zen I still failed on ze one zat actually mattered, zat should show 'ow much I care. When I tell you zat if you look at forum stats, you will see zat for a while now I 'ave more time spent online zan any other player in ze game (and I was nervous zat I would get targeted for eet, but I still couldn't stop compulsively refreshing), zat should show you 'ow much I care. When you look at ze ridiculous length of my speech (which I edited down significantly, zere were originally over 1,000 words dedicated solely to your boot, mon ami), or at ze ridiculous length of my responses to you all maintenant, or at ze ridiculous length of ze PMs I 'ave been sending everyone all game, zat should show you 'ow much I care. I want zis so, so badly.

I'm sorry if my passion 'as not come through at various points during zis FTC, especially as I get into ze more granular details, but eet ees definitely zere, I promise you. Zis game ees an experience zat I will always cherish, no matter what ze outcome ees.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 12, 2020, 02:19:00 am

Okay but, you say that the end game I wanted and you wanted were drastically different, right? And yet the people who followed me right out of the game were the people I didn't want in the game. The only difference between the endgame I wanted to have, and the one that happened is I was replaced by Leon. So, that sounds an awful lot like bullshit and you telling me what you think I want to hear. Our entire relationship was based on honesty, blunt honesty. And that's what I'm asking for from you. If me leaving was your doing more so than it was anybody else's, then I need a much better reason that what you've said. Cuz that's not good enough. I liked Lennie and would have loved to do things with him, as I told you, but we had just not been on the same side of the vote. I was more than willing to do other things, as I told you again and again. Lucifer going home instead of me would have sucked, sure, but that at least made sense as I could understand you would never think he'd place you over me. Hell, it would have put me that much firmly into having to work with you further because you'd be my best option, no? Which again, I told you. I was worried about going places with you because in the group of people you liked, you were the only one who actually valued me at all. And I told you about that, but I wasn't saying I needed you out of the game, just that the path you wanted going forward as you stated it to me, left me completely at your whim and mercy where I would have just been your puppet. I wanted options that meant we were actually working as partners, but that's not the path you chose. All you had to do was tell me that though, that's all you ever had to do. I'm just really finding it hard to see why this path to the end you had is one that fits with the way you and I talked about whether we had a path together to the end game. It's incredibly hard not to see the way you got to the end and with whom and how you played with them to be different from the kind of plans we were making together. If using what I told you and what I thought is part of your social game, then that's okay, but just say that rather than make it sound like you couldn't have gotten this with me in the game.

Also, I don't know where else to put this, so it gets to be tacked on here, I don't feel from either of you any sort of passion for this game. Did you have fun? Did you pour a lot of yourself into this? Do you even want to win this? Do you think the games you played should win this? Where's your emotionality, you both have it, where is it in your presentation?
I am passionate about this game? I guess I'm not the best about conveying it over a forum speech, but yes, I care a lot.

One of the cool things I like about this forum is the stats on every profile and if you look at my online time- I've literally spent days on this forum. I did some math and like roughly 15% of my time the past month and a half has been spent on this game- which is crazy. This has been a massive time investment and emotional investment for me.

This game has been an integral part of my life the past few months. I've been in quarantine for the bulk of this game and have hardly left my home and it's been a really difficult period of time for me- Like I've dealt with a lot of frustration and depression in my real life and this game has helped me through it. Having all of you to talk to has helped keep me sane and comforted at a time where I've felt pretty lonely and isolated. I was thinking a couple days ago about how I'm really going to miss this game and the impact it's had on my life. One of the first things I'd do every morning when I got up was check my messages on this game and it's one of the last things I'd do before I went to bed too. I had a lot of fun talking with you- I remember when you asked me for an alliance all the way back when the game first started and it made me so happy. Like I spent the next hour with a big grin because I was so excited and it gave me so much hope from this game. I loved talking with you- there's quite a few songs on my Spotify 'Liked Songs' playlist that are only there because of you(there's also some from Jake), I know that's like trivial, but you have had an impact on my life and I hope you realize that. Getting messages from all of you would give me excitement and it was always something to look forward to. I loved it a lot and I hope you all realize that and realize that I appreciate you a lot. I'm really not trying to be a game bot.

I also think my game does deserve to win. It would mean a lot to me, but not just that- a part of me really hopes that it would have implications beyond that. I've been involved in MS Survivor for a long time and I feel like this forum often votes for people to win who are really social and play larger than life aggressive games and if you don't play that way you won't win. That's always been really daunting to me. My social skills have always been a struggle for me- both in my real life and in this game- I've had to deal with social anxiety a lot and while it's gotten a lot better, it's still a struggle at times and I think the games often exacerbate that a little bit. Because people will literally vote you out for bad social skills and so it just kind of reinforces the idea of people judging you and causes more problems. I've played a lot of survivor games on this site and my first few especially were rough- I was consistently going home early and struggling to make it even a few rounds.

I kept trying and eventually I got better, but it's a struggle. I hope this doesn't sound cheesy, but I've literally cried when I've been voted out of past games. Like these games are such a commitment and they're often intensely personal in my experience. I still go home early sometimes and even when I make it deep- sometimes I've honestly wished I hadn't. I feel like I'm the type of player who constantly gets labeled as a goat or a pawn and I've had to deal with my fair share of bitterness from people who made me feel like I didn't deserve to make it that far and just got dragged along because I was someone's puppet. And like it's not entirely unwarranted- I'm not a perfect person and I can be bitter back too- but it's really really sad to have something you poured hours into reduced to a failure. Two years ago I honestly thought about never playing a game here ever again because I'd put so much energy and effort into playing and I thought I'd done really well- only to feel pretty much ridiculed by the rest of the players in that game. This is a community that I've felt like I don't belong in sometimes and after that I was heartbroken. Obviously, I'm playing now and I'm glad I am. I was honestly really scared coming into this FTC- I was worried people might be bitter and I really wasn't sure I even wanted to be here, especially after the F4 vote didn't go my way. You all have been incredibly nice and I really appreciate that. So while like I would personally love to win, I guess a part of me hopes there could be more change beyond that.

I actually remember we talked about this a little bit- like if winning was important and we agreed that like personal improvement was more the purpose of these games and I'd still agree with that. Over the years I've learned a lot from these games- They've impacted my perspective on life in some ways and I'm way better at Robot Unicorn Attack than I used to be too. I suppose "if you're not enough without it, you'll never be enough with it."  Winning won't fix anything. That being said, I would obviously love to win this- like it would mean a lot and it would be a big accomplishment for me. While it's not the purpose, it's the goal and it would make me so happy.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Scruff McGruff on August 12, 2020, 11:08:34 am
Quick question to both of you— in what areas did you feel your opponent did better than you, beyond anything structural? What sort of connections did they have or plays that they were able to make outshone your own? What events did they handle better, and where do you think they managed a specific person or situation better than you?

Feel free to give each other as much credit and compliments as you want. This is supposed to be a bit of a more relaxed question that doesn’t require as much thought.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Penelope Garcia on August 12, 2020, 12:32:21 pm
To be quite honest, I'm not being as pandered as I want to be this FTC. In all seriousness, I want to ask Lucifer about mine and Judy's tribals. What did you stand to gain from those? You talk about the messages and feeling you got that I was coming up next in the boot order, but you didn't like it because you had me as leverage as an ally, so what did it take to convince you to actually vote me out? You seem a bit flip floppy about that reasoning so I'm a bit confused. Without challenge wins, were you in a safe and secure position without Judy and I was shields?

Poirot, I understood your reasoning during the game and understand it now, so I don't have a question for you for my tribal.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 12, 2020, 01:14:54 pm
Quick question to both of you— in what areas did you feel your opponent did better than you, beyond anything structural? What sort of connections did they have or plays that they were able to make outshone your own? What events did they handle better, and where do you think they managed a specific person or situation better than you?

Feel free to give each other as much credit and compliments as you want. This is supposed to be a bit of a more relaxed question that doesn’t require as much thought.

One round zat jumps out to me where M. Morningstar got 'is way over me was ze Mlle Hopps boot at 6.

In my 'ead, eet was close between Mlle Hopps and Mlle Garcia. I do agree with M. Morningstar and with Mlle Hopps 'erself zat Mlle Hopps was ze overall stronger challenge competitor, and 'er just beasting 'er way to ze end from 5 seemed more likely to me zan Mlle Garcia. I also was confident zat even if Mlle Garcia won ze IC at 5, I would 'ave survived. I think I could 'ave made ze boot M. Kennedy in zat situation rather zan myself, though eet definitely would 'ave been one of us.

For me, ze benefit of keeping Mlle Hopps was in ze 'orrible situation where she went on an Immunity run, I thought she was much more likely to take me to ze end with 'er zan Mlle Garcia. So if ze worst case scenario 'ad played out where Mlle Garcia 'ad won at 5 and won at 4 and won at 3, I doubt zat I would be sitting 'ere maintenant, whereas if Mlle Hopps did zat, zere ees at least a possibility zat I might be.

So in a way, I think voting out Mlle Hopps was ze option more optimiste, and voting out Mlle Garcia was ze option more pessimiste. Knowing zat Mlle Garcia lost ze following challenge, I absolutely made ze right call voting out Mlle Hopps when I did, especially since I think eet ees 'ighly possible she would 'ave won zat. Eet seems like something she would be good at. But at ze time, I wasn't sure if I should be planning for ze worst or 'oping for ze best.

In ze end, eet truly did not matter what I preferred though, because no one was online zat whole day right up until ze hour or so before deadline, and eet ees impossible to influence a vote when M. Kennedy decided what 'e was doing overnight while you were sleeping and no one else ees online to talk to. Initially, I extremely slightly preferred booting Mlle Garcia, just because in ze situation where eet was zat close I preferred ze more loyal option, but my preference was not strong enough to fight incredibly 'ard, especially when people weren't even online to convince.

With zat said, I don't know ze conversations zat 'appened between M. Morningstar and M. Kennedy zat round after I went to sleep or if zere were any, but if 'e played a role in convincing M. Kennedy to flip to voting out Mlle Hopps, zat probably ees a moment where 'e beat me to ze punch.

And getting back to what ees great about M. Morningstar's game, I actually think 'is game ees good and ees underrated. I think 'e was extremely self-aware at all times. 'E knew zat people were seeing 'im as an easy person to beat in ze end, and 'e was not just content to let zat play out, which I really respect. Zat ees a difficile spot to play from, where you feel like your path to ze end ees extremely clear and everyone wants to take you, but you don't beat any of zem, and I think zat 'e did ze best zat 'e could with eet. 'E also clearly 'ad strong relationships with M. Grouch, with Mlle Hopps, with Mlle Garcia, with M. Cohle. 'E did a lot right zis game, and I do think 'e doesn't get enough credit.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 12, 2020, 01:16:54 pm
Also obviously M. Morningstar ees better zan me at challenges. Zat goes without saying and ees not ze answer you wanted to 'ear, but eet ees ze case. I won a single Immunity challenge, while 'e won three, and mine would not 'ave been possible with ze guidance and support of Mlle Garcia.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Grouch Cop on August 12, 2020, 02:16:00 pm
Okay so, I do want to make a bit of an apology. As a juror, I often ask things in a emotionally charged way to see how you will address and handle those sorts of criticisms. I wasn't feeling particularly well yesterday and I may have been a little excessive on that front. However, both of you answered what I was hoping to get out of you both in what I asked and why. So I thank you for that.

Let's have a much nicer fun question for you both. For each juror, what was your favourite moment with them that you shared? Whether it was a funny line or some topic of conversation you've had, or a really hard TC you got through together with them. Give us the parts of this game you loved most that each person influenced in some way.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Detective Pikachu on August 12, 2020, 03:22:01 pm
Hello to the both of you, I am determining my vote on a couple of things, mainly at how well you both handle this FTC, and I want you both to know I am not really the one to grill but I am gonna try since no one is playing the mean Juror yet! :P

Lucifer: I am happy to see you here at the end and I would commend you on picking Poirot to be here in the end with you over Rust, because I think most of the Jurors will agree that it would have been a basically open and shut case on determining the winner. I'm really going to make my thoughts known in this post.

For the both of you: Something that is really big with me is communication. Poirot you are at a disadvantage of this with me because we really only got to play together for one whole round and at times during that round it felt like you were just ignoring my message that was sitting in your inbox. The thing is though you weren't the only one who was doing that to me during the course of the game. Poirot, while your Opening Speech was nice, it felt like you were pandering too much to everyone specifically as you were putting out specific names. Why did you feel like the need to do so? It didn't feel like you necessarily needed to do so.

Lucifer your disadvantage is from a different aspect, we started off really strong back on BAU when it came to messaging each other, but it quickly died off near the end of BAU mainly probably because we had all gotten complacent. When we first reconnected during the merge it felt like you were apprehensive at first to talk with me, possibly because of the fact that you were involved with my number one ally going home in the game? I also know that situation didn't exactly go smoothly because of communication issues. What is a moment in the game that you felt like was your biggest mistake?

So the question is, why should I specifically vote for you to win?
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 12, 2020, 03:32:04 pm
Quick question to both of you— in what areas did you feel your opponent did better than you, beyond anything structural? What sort of connections did they have or plays that they were able to make outshone your own? What events did they handle better, and where do you think they managed a specific person or situation better than you?

Feel free to give each other as much credit and compliments as you want. This is supposed to be a bit of a more relaxed question that doesn’t require as much thought.
Well I think the Grouch blindside was a big play Poirot was able to make and I never pulled off anything similar. Part of it was me just not wanting to backstab people, but like it was well executed on his part and had people pretty surprised.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 12, 2020, 03:48:08 pm
To be quite honest, I'm not being as pandered as I want to be this FTC. In all seriousness, I want to ask Lucifer about mine and Judy's tribals. What did you stand to gain from those? You talk about the messages and feeling you got that I was coming up next in the boot order, but you didn't like it because you had me as leverage as an ally, so what did it take to convince you to actually vote me out? You seem a bit flip floppy about that reasoning so I'm a bit confused. Without challenge wins, were you in a safe and secure position without Judy and I was shields?

Poirot, I understood your reasoning during the game and understand it now, so I don't have a question for you for my tribal.
I was OK with voting you out for a couple reasons, like for me I just felt like I wanted to take out Judy first. First- in a similar way to Rust, I think you had played a pretty solid game and could've won over a jury more easily and I couldn't differentiate my game well from you. Like I think my basic case against Poirot is that I was way better at challenges, I didn't backstab anyone, I had to fight really hard to get here as someone who wasn't in the majority at times during merge and my allies and the people I was close to are people he wasn't. Against you- you can claim a lot of that same stuff and I can't differentiate in the same way. I felt like taking you out in the spot before Rust was uniquely important because I felt you were better at challenges than he was.

One- I think I'm in an OK spot even without the challenge wins. Like even if I lose at the FIC and Rust or Hercule wins- I think they'd both take me. At F4 it's harder to say, because I didn't realize where Leon was at. I was anticipating the two of us were solid and could at least tie the vote and that we were both of the understanding that our best chances at FTC were against each other. Once that TC actually happened I was rudely awakened to the fact that he didn't share those views necessarily, but I still think I would've been OK. I think there's a possibility I could've gotten someone else to tie the vote for me and possibly still vote Leon even if he didn't.
Second- I was OK banking my game on winning those challenges if I had to. I think you have to take risks in this game and that was one I felt good about taking and it worked out for me.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 12, 2020, 04:15:19 pm
Okay so, I do want to make a bit of an apology. As a juror, I often ask things in a emotionally charged way to see how you will address and handle those sorts of criticisms. I wasn't feeling particularly well yesterday and I may have been a little excessive on that front. However, both of you answered what I was hoping to get out of you both in what I asked and why. So I thank you for that.

Let's have a much nicer fun question for you both. For each juror, what was your favourite moment with them that you shared? Whether it was a funny line or some topic of conversation you've had, or a really hard TC you got through together with them. Give us the parts of this game you loved most that each person influenced in some way.

You do not need to apologize, mon ami, at least not to me. Eet would be understandable if you were even more emotional with me zan you 'ave been given ze way our relationship was and ze way eet ended. But I'm glad zat you felt you got what you needed from my response. And I'm sorry zat you weren't feeling well and 'ope zat you feel better.

I was 'oping to get zis question! Thinking back and remembering ze fun moments with each individual ees one of my favorite things to do.

With M. Pikachu, I really enjoyed ze moment where we both admitted zat we 'ad tried to get each other eliminated and failed. Eet was refreshing to me, especially because neither of us knew each other zat well so we couldn't even be mad about eet. I also enjoyed zat we kept our non-game discussion about musical theater going all throughout a hectic TC. I think 'e was one of ze only people ze whole game I did zat with, and I'm glad zat I did, because eet turns out zat we only 'ad zat round together to 'ave eet.

With M. McGruff, I found trying to sort out what 'appened after ze M. Peralta idol play really amusing. Eet was just layers upon layers of confusion and people misunderstanding or misreading each other and not communicating well, and M. McGruff and I didn't actually 'ave zat trust built up with each other because we 'ad just met, so both of us trying to figure out if we actually were on ze same page ze previous round and didn't realize eet was just so funny to me. I'm laughing now just thinking about eet. Zat merge round was such a mess.

With M. Grouch, 'onestly I 'ave a 'ard time isolating a single moment because zere were so many good ones, but I think my top one 'as to be ze absolute elation I felt finally getting reunited at merge. Eet was such an emotional high for me because I 'ad been missing you and wishing you were on my tribe for so long, and so finally meeting up with you again and comparing notes and realizing zat you 'ad almost gone 'ome ze previous round and everything was such a whirlwind and a great, memorable moment. I was basically vomiting information to you, which was probably not ze most smart on my part, but in zat moment, after 'aving been denied access to you for so long, I couldn't 'elp eet. And zen really we 'ad great moments throughout ze merge and really I feel like every interaction I 'ad with you was a memorable moment in eets own way, but zat reunion at ze merge takes ze cake.

With M. Peralta, 'is idol play ees my favorite moment with 'im I think. I was so elated after zose results I can't even tell you, and celebrating with 'im and M. Briscoe was everything I ever wanted. Eet was just such a joyful, surprising moment, and eet ees so rare in zis game zat you get pleasant surprises. I laughed out loud when I saw those results, and M. Peralta made zem possible. I also really enjoyed a 'eart to 'eart zat 'e and I 'ad later in ze merge about 'is philosophy towards ze game in which we solidified zat we were committed to each other as far as we could go together, but nothing can match ze sheer joy and surprise of zat idol play.

With M. Briscoe, again eet ees so 'ard to isolate a single moment because zere were so many good ones. I actually really did enjoy 'aving 'im to confide in and rely on during ze M. Peralta boot and during 'is elimination. We were always keeping each other updated and giving each other ideas about 'ow to turn things around. 'E told me zat M. Morningstar was targeting me because of my association with Mlle Hopps, so I was able to take zat to Mlle Hopps to try to get 'er to change 'er mind and target 'im. I was always giving 'im updates about what was going on, and I think we 'ad to rely on each other ze most in ze rounds where things were not going our way, so zose are ze moments I think of when I think of 'im. But I also loved our time on SVU together and we always tried to keep up our social relationship, from our early conversations about Christie to our later conversations about Big Brother. My relationship with M. Briscoe meant so, so much to me.

With Mlle Hopps, she brought me so much entertainment zis game I can't even tell you. I love 'er schemes. I love 'er plots. I love zat she thinks outside of ze box. I loved our non-game talk and getting ze chance to discuss history and media and so much more. I actually am struggling to come up with a single favorite moment because zere are so many good ones, but I actually think I'm going to go with a bit of a dark horse and say zat ze way she told M. Chan zat she 'ad no reason to want to keep 'im in ze game in ze groupchat with M. Chan, M. Cheddar, and ze two of us was such a delightful early moment and ze moment zat I knew zat oui, Mlle Hopps ees great and my kind of ally. Ze lapin ees honest in ze most brutal, hilarious way, and I appreciate zat so much. 'Er approach to ze M. Wilde round was fantastique as well and kept me entertained, where she told M. Wilde to 'is face zat she knew 'e was voting for 'er, she was going to vote for 'im, and she was 'aving ze tiger idol played on 'er. No one plays zat way, and yet Mlle Hopps did and made eet work for 'er at ze way up to ze final 6. Mon Dieu, I love 'er so much. She's so honest, eet's parfait. I know zis was more zan one moment but Mlle Hopps really deserves eet. She ees a huge part of ze raison zat I enjoyed zis game as much as I did.

With Mlle Garcia, really all of our conversations were a delight and brought a smile to my face, and 'er sending me Karen Puzzles videos during TC never failed to relax me, but winning Immunity with 'er ees one of my favorites moments of ze game, so I 'ave to go with zat. I am not confident in my challenge ability. When Mlle Garcia first told me zat she wanted to partner with me, I almost turned 'er away because I knew 'ow badly she might need Immunity zat round, and I didn't want to drag 'er down. But she believed in me and in my ability to do ze challenge and put 'er fate in my 'ands, and zen I didn't let 'er down. Eet was such a wonderful moment. Such an emotional moment for me. Celebrating with 'er afterwards was just pure joy. I don't think I needed Immunity zat round, but she definitely did, and I was so, so glad to be zere for 'er and to go through zat together, and our time blew everyone else out of ze water. Thank you, Mlle Garcia. When I say zat you 'ave fundamentally changed my attitude towards challenges for ze better, I mean eet. Zat moment ees probably one of ze things I'm most proud of zis whole game.

With M. Kennedy, reconnecting with 'im after I attempted to flip ze vote on 'im during ze M. Briscoe round was my favorite moment. I enjoyed M. Kennedy ze moment I met 'im, and we always 'ad a bond, but throughout ze merge, I sometimes did wonder where I truly stood in 'is ranking. I knew zat 'e liked me a lot, but other people would tell me 'ow M. Kennedy said similar things to zem, and I didn't know for sure zat I was really ze person (or one of ze people) 'e was loyal to over anyone else. Trying to take 'im out during ze M. Briscoe vote made sense, but when eet failed and M. Kennedy found out about eet, I was absolutely crushed because I feared zat my relationship with 'im might be permanently ruined after I breached zat trust. But 'e forgave me. 'E listened to what I 'ad to say and 'e accepted me as an ally once again, and zat meant so, so much to me. I think zis actually somewhat strengthened our relationship and brought us to an even better place 'eading into zose last few rounds. So often in zis game, players refuse to let go of old conflicts, especially newer players, so M. Kennedy being willing to do zat meant so much to me.

M. Cohle- My favorite moment with M. Cohle was ze F4, and immediately after ze F4. M. Cohle for me was one of zose relationships in zis game zat you make and you 'ope zat you will be able to pull something off eventually with, but you never know for sure, so ze fact zat we actually made such an incroyable move together was everything. Ze stress of not knowing for sure if ze 2-1-1 would go through or if someone's vote would change was excruciating, and M. Cohle's support 'elped me get through eet. And zen ze celebration we 'ad when M. Kennedy went 'ome and one of us was guaranteed to make eet to ze F2 was such an emotional high. I also appreciated zat we kept messaging each other even after M. Morningstar won Immunity, even though M. Morningstar wasn't talking to either of us and so we both just kind of felt like we were in limbo waiting to be told our fate. Zat was a tough 24 hours of waiting, and M. Cohle made eet more bearable. For zat, I am incredibly grateful.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 12, 2020, 04:53:21 pm
Hello to the both of you, I am determining my vote on a couple of things, mainly at how well you both handle this FTC, and I want you both to know I am not really the one to grill but I am gonna try since no one is playing the mean Juror yet! :P

Lucifer: I am happy to see you here at the end and I would commend you on picking Poirot to be here in the end with you over Rust, because I think most of the Jurors will agree that it would have been a basically open and shut case on determining the winner. I'm really going to make my thoughts known in this post.

For the both of you: Something that is really big with me is communication. Poirot you are at a disadvantage of this with me because we really only got to play together for one whole round and at times during that round it felt like you were just ignoring my message that was sitting in your inbox. The thing is though you weren't the only one who was doing that to me during the course of the game. Poirot, while your Opening Speech was nice, it felt like you were pandering too much to everyone specifically as you were putting out specific names. Why did you feel like the need to do so? It didn't feel like you necessarily needed to do so.

Lucifer your disadvantage is from a different aspect, we started off really strong back on BAU when it came to messaging each other, but it quickly died off near the end of BAU mainly probably because we had all gotten complacent. When we first reconnected during the merge it felt like you were apprehensive at first to talk with me, possibly because of the fact that you were involved with my number one ally going home in the game? I also know that situation didn't exactly go smoothly because of communication issues. What is a moment in the game that you felt like was your biggest mistake?

So the question is, why should I specifically vote for you to win?

Bonsoir M. Pikachu. Eet ees nice to 'ear from you.

I agree zat eet ees most regrettable zat we did not 'ave more time together. I did enjoy our conversation for ze one round we knew each other, but a single round, especially a merge round with a million things 'appening at once, ees quite a short time to try to make a bond with someone. I'm glad zat are you still coming in with an open mind, 'owever.

So I don't think zat I ever intentionally ignored anyone zis game. Unless I was on my phone, I really tried to never read a message and zen not immediately respond unless something came up in my life where I couldn't. Obviously zere were exceptions I'm sure, but I generally did try to maintain communication with people even if I was voting zem out, though if zey stopped talking to me zen zat was different.

I did, 'owever, write 'uge walls of text to some people, and at ze merge in particular, I was trying to reconnect with old allies and get a sense of what 'ad been 'appening since we were separated. I also was trying to meet you, M. McGruff, and M. Cohle all at ze same time.

I am sorry if you feel zat I neglected you, 'owever. Sometimes in ze early merge, eet would feel like I would get a PM and respond to eet and zen get three more PMs and zen respond and zen get two more and eet would go on like zat, so zen I would be at eet for a few hours before I realized zat I 'ad forgotten to message someone, so eet ees very possible zat zat ees what 'appened between us. But I do understand zat you kind of 'ave to base your impressions of me on zis round because eet ees ze only round together zat we 'ave.

With regard to my speech pandering too much, mon ami, eet ees such a 'ard thing. Mlle Garcia 'as already said zere 'as not been enough pandering at zis TC for 'er liking. I know zat if I neglected to mention someone's name, zat might understandably make zem feel like zey were not an central part of my journey. I think acknowledging ze roles zat each and every Juror played in getting me to zis point ees important. But per'aps forcing mentions of you and M. McGruff, who I really did not get to know zat well, into ze first section of my speech was pandering, and I should 'ave avoided eet. I tend to err on ze side of acknowledging Jurors too much rather zan not acknowledging zem at all, but to an extent zis ees going to be personal preference, and I'm not sure zat you can please everyone. I don't necessarily think I needed to take zat approach, but eet was ze approach zat I chose. I'd definitely rather include mentions of Jurors in my speech too much rather zan not enough.

I'm not sure if zat last question ees for me or not, but I'm going answer eet anyway. I think you specifically should vote for me because despite ze fact zat we only were together for a single round, I was respectful towards you during zat single round, and we did 'ave a nice conversation going. I don't think you should penalize me just because ze swaps worked out in such a way where we never met until ze merge. And I think my game ees strong, and during ze time we were together you could see zat. You attempted to push ze vote on to me (and M. Briscoe/Mlle Hopps) in zat 1227 groupchat, and eet immediately backfired on you because of 'ow well-positioned I was and ees a 'uge part of ze raison zat you were idoled out. I think zat I played a great game and even during our single round together, you were able to witness some parts of eet first'and (and you can read about others in my speech/at ze rest of FTC).
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 12, 2020, 05:31:47 pm
Okay so, I do want to make a bit of an apology. As a juror, I often ask things in a emotionally charged way to see how you will address and handle those sorts of criticisms. I wasn't feeling particularly well yesterday and I may have been a little excessive on that front. However, both of you answered what I was hoping to get out of you both in what I asked and why. So I thank you for that.

Let's have a much nicer fun question for you both. For each juror, what was your favourite moment with them that you shared? Whether it was a funny line or some topic of conversation you've had, or a really hard TC you got through together with them. Give us the parts of this game you loved most that each person influenced in some way.
Your questions didn't bother me at all, you've been kind to me and given me an important opportunity to clarify things and I really appreciate that.

I think my favorite situation with Pikachu was the first merge TC when he got us together and suggested voting out Jake. I hadn't felt super great about my position in the game and was really apprehensive about the merge and knew my name had come up at least a little bit and I hadn't been hearing much from people which made me nervous. I was also slightly uncomfortable about where I stood with Pikachu, because I'd voted out Nick a round ago. Him reaching out was a big step in making that vote happen and it made me really excited. I had quietly wanted Jake gone for a minute at that point and so the target was perfect and I was really excited to be a part of an alliance with Pikachu/you/Rust and I was hopeful we could take some control over the merge. It didn't work out like I'd hoped, but Pikachu reached out to me and made amends when I was worried and overlooked the fact that I voted out an ally of his when he would've been justified in being upset at that and I really appreciated that.

My favorite situation with Scruff was when I first met him on the BAU. Tribe swaps are always a nervous time for me, because I don't have a great idea what's going to happen going into them and in that situation it was four 12 members and we had Quentin from our tribe, who I didn't feel comfortable counting on in the slightest. I felt like my conversation with Scruff got off to a good start and he was the first new member of that tribe I really connected with. His openness and the fun conversation we had and the alliance* we were able to form a little later made me happy and gave me some much needed security when I was apprehensive.
(*you might notice a trend- people offering me an alliance, specifically early on in games makes me really happy and gives me a lot of hope. I know people often end up with a lot of alliances and don't really stick to them, but it's always exciting for me and gives me some confidence)

I had a lot of really fun moments with you. This isn't really a specific moment, but early on in the game I really enjoyed spending lots of late nights talking to you. We were constantly sharing music and talked about a lot of different fun things. I've always been someone who stays up really late and quarantine led to me staying up even later than usual and it's often my favorite part of the day. It's when I can kind of relax and enjoy life after difficult days and having you to keep me company was really cool and made it all the more fun and I loved being able to talk to you then when we were usually like the only ones online. There were lots of other fun moments too- like our initial conversation when we first met, all the various times we were scheming together, etc, but that was one thing in particular I enjoyed.

Discussing music with Jake was really fun for me. Like I always love listening to music and it's something I like talking about in these games. On the BAU we talked about it a lot and I really love how we were able to bond over it. At first I was really worried because like the music he liked was really foreign to me and it wasn't the stuff I normally listen to, but I gave it a try and it wasn't bad and over time we were able to find like this middle ground of like modern pop rock music that we could bond over which was really cool. He had a really charismatic personality that made our conversations a lot of fun.

I felt like I had a really fun conversation with Lennie going when we first met- we talked about like music and board games and lots of other fun stuff and I thoroughly enjoyed all of it. Part of me is still really sad we weren't able to continue things after that and work together more later in the game. I feel like I missed an opportunity to connect with him more during the Strike Team TC. We were both ended up being on the same side, but I was hesitant about talking to him at first because I wasn't sure where he was at and our conversation kind of stalled out, but the discussions we had prior to that were really fun and I enjoyed them a lot.

My favorite moment with Judy was probably the one tribal council on Strike Team. I had really liked her at first, but felt like we kind of left things a little awkwardly at the end of our time on the 99. Being together on Strike Team gave us the opportunity to reconnect and I think we took advantage of it at that tribal council. We were able to agree to vote Nick early on and then throughout that TC, Judy really kind of kept me comfortable? Like she told me about my name coming up which I really appreciated and about the idol and I tried to be really upfront with her too about where I was at. It was the first time my name had came up all game and I honestly got a little stressed out and having her to talk to made it a lot better. And it was a good transition from the string of depressing topics we had discussed prior to that TC happening.

I had a lot of fun times with Penelope. I loved talking to her. I think one of my favorite moments was when we were discussing the F6 and F5 challenges. I'd made some snide comment about how it was hard to tell the difference between a tree and a nail after the F6 challenge and then I'd promised that I would win the F5 challenge with a time of three minutes and after the challenge she kind of roasted me for doing horribly and I couldn't help but find it funny.

Being able to connect with Leon late in the game was cool. He was the only person I'd never met coming into merge and I felt like we got off to a slow start. Both due to time zones and the fact that we were just on different sides of the game and kind of opposed to each other early on. We were able to work past that though later in the game and started building more of a relationship and that was really cool. I felt like we were finally able to connect and work together a little bit and it was great getting to know him. He was a really sweet person and I'm glad we got to spend some time working together later in the game.

Rust kind of felt like my rock this game. He was really the one person in this game that was there from me from the beginning of merge until the end. Like I could always without fail count on him to have my back no matter what and that meant so much. I've struggled with the games in the past because they're very individualistic and I'm not always that great at that. Like I really like having friends I can confide in and tell everything too and so having him really helped me navigate the merge. Honestly on a personal and emotional level, I felt pretty horrible about voting him out at F3 because he'd been there for me consistently and it felt like I was kind of single-handedly crushing his dreams of winning the game after we'd been together for so long.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 12, 2020, 06:24:57 pm
Hello to the both of you, I am determining my vote on a couple of things, mainly at how well you both handle this FTC, and I want you both to know I am not really the one to grill but I am gonna try since no one is playing the mean Juror yet! :P

Lucifer: I am happy to see you here at the end and I would commend you on picking Poirot to be here in the end with you over Rust, because I think most of the Jurors will agree that it would have been a basically open and shut case on determining the winner. I'm really going to make my thoughts known in this post.

For the both of you: Something that is really big with me is communication. Poirot you are at a disadvantage of this with me because we really only got to play together for one whole round and at times during that round it felt like you were just ignoring my message that was sitting in your inbox. The thing is though you weren't the only one who was doing that to me during the course of the game. Poirot, while your Opening Speech was nice, it felt like you were pandering too much to everyone specifically as you were putting out specific names. Why did you feel like the need to do so? It didn't feel like you necessarily needed to do so.

Lucifer your disadvantage is from a different aspect, we started off really strong back on BAU when it came to messaging each other, but it quickly died off near the end of BAU mainly probably because we had all gotten complacent. When we first reconnected during the merge it felt like you were apprehensive at first to talk with me, possibly because of the fact that you were involved with my number one ally going home in the game? I also know that situation didn't exactly go smoothly because of communication issues. What is a moment in the game that you felt like was your biggest mistake?

So the question is, why should I specifically vote for you to win?

That definitely became an issue. I think challenges ended up being a big strength of my game play, but part of me honestly wonders if it would've been good for us to lose a challenge on the BAU. I don't want to second guess it too much, because I ended up here and everything worked out good for me in the long run, but I think it could've really helped some of my relationships on the BAU. Like you said- we all got really complacent and I think that was a product of just nothing going on.

Nick going was something that did make me really apprehensive. He had created that three musketeers alliance chat with us and I was really excited about it at first and wanted to work with both of you, but when I ended up having to vote him out- I honestly felt like I had kind of betrayed you and I wasn't sure how you would react to it. You ended up being really gracious and understanding and I really appreciated that, but early on in the merge I was worried I had burned a bridge with you. After that tribal council started and we were on the same page with that vote, I felt a lot better about things between us and was really excited to work with you going forward, but unfortunately that idol happened.

Leon going at F4 is something I feel was a mistake. I feel like I got a little bit complacent there- in my mind it seemed really logical that we should work together there and try to get to the end together because that made a lot of sense for both of us in my opinion. If he was completely unwilling to work with me, then it may have turned out the same way- but at the very least I think I could've done more to try to make sure things worked out between us. I think at it's core- this mistake kind of comes down to the fact that my communication wasn't perfect, but I realize that, I'm committed to improving it and I don't think it should inherently bar me from winning this game.

Here's why you should specifically vote for me-
First off, don't penalize me for spending more time with you. The fact that I holistically spent more time with the jurors pre-merge than Poirot did is directly linked to the fact that my structural game play was better. Communication is what's important to you: Me and Poirot both made mistakes communicating this game- My inability to connect with you when merge hit was certainly one of those incidental communication mistakes I made, but I think I showed an ability to overcome those mistakes when I needed to. You saw this when we were able to reconnect at the Final 11 by reaching an agreement to vote Jake together. I never intentionally miscommunicated with jurors to blindside them. I tried to be honest with you about what was going on when were together- I never ignored you. You were somebody that comparatively I talked to quite a lot. I haven't pandered to you and have instead tried to be as straightforward as I can because I feel like that's the best way to communicate properly with you. I think I played a good game and while I wasn't perfect, I do think I communicated well with you and comparatively communicated better. So commend me by voting for me.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Rust Cohle on August 12, 2020, 08:09:52 pm
My question is for Lucifer Morningstar.

For my last 72 hours in the game you didn't PM me.  What the hell, man?
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on August 12, 2020, 10:29:30 pm
My question is for Lucifer Morningstar.

For my last 72 hours in the game you didn't PM me.  What the hell, man?
Sorry, that's my mistake.

Like I really don't want to go into too much detail- but I was dealing with a lot of drama irl and wasn't able to put as much time into the game as I wanted last weekend.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Grouch Cop on August 14, 2020, 03:35:01 pm
So, I'm largely set on how I am going to vote here, even though where I ended up was not where I expected to, but you both still have a chance you could change my mind depending on how you write your closing speeches.

Hercule, you've spent a lot of time here trying to give people exactly what you think that they want from you, and as much as possible have tried to frame your game according to those assumptions. It is commendable that you have the social skills in which you can do that. However, what I want from you in a closing is for you to be unapologetic about the game that you played. Don't tell us what you think we want, tell us what you think is true and accurate, flaws and all. Take a risk.

Lucifer, you've done the opposite imo. You've never pretended that your game was anything more or less than it was. You've presented it with all of its flaws and asked us to consider voting for it anyways. And using the hand you were dealt with the skills you had to their fullest potentials. And that kind of selfawareness is rare, and not something easily taught. What I want from you is, what has this game taught you? In what ways have you improved as a player and a person through this game?  What kind of specifics can you point to? I want you to give the shinest most flattering version of your game with details that you can.

I think you've both played your hearts out and should be commended on all that you've done. You've also both been incredibly gracious and haven't let any of the stress of FTC goad you into giving less than your best in your answers as politely as possible, so well done.
Title: Re: Social
Post by: Rust Cohle on August 14, 2020, 04:53:02 pm
Someone once told me, 'Time is a flat circle.' Everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again.

Well, once there was only dark. You ask me, the light's winning.

Congratulations to you both.