Survivor PD

Confessionals => Hercule Poirot => Topic started by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 05:15:38 pm

Title: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 05:15:38 pm
I cannot stop laughing. I'm so good. I impress myself sometimes. I'm allowed to be impressed with zat right?

Zis ees my favorite moment from a game ever. Eet ees just so incroyable zat I pulled zat off. I really can't believe eet.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 05:28:48 pm
M. Cohle just promised to take me to ze end if 'e won ze challenge. I don't know if 'e ees being serious but hey, I will take eet. If I win zat challenge, I probably plan to cut 'im, but realistically I don't think I will win eet. Though of course I will do my best and give eet everything I 'ave in me.

And M. Morningstar maybe would take me now? I 'ave no idea where 'is 'ead ees at after all of zis. 'E still 'as not messaged me.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 07:19:12 pm
Quote from: M. Morningstar
It's survivor. People lie. You've lied a lot this game- we all have, like I'm not gonna fault you for that. No promises- we'll have to see how I'm feeling in a couple days, but at this point if I win the F3 challenge and get to play kingmaker I'm probably taking you to the end because Rust has irritated me.

Mes amis, I am trying not to get my 'opes up. I am not even letting my mind go to writing my Jury speech until I am sitting zere. But messages like zis really do get my 'opes up. Eet would be really sad to make eet zis far only to get taken out right at ze end, but I'm proud of myself no matter what. And I would be such a good winner. Not zat M. Morningstar and M. Cohle wouldn't, but I 'ave really been through ze ringer 'ere. And I do think I 'ave played well.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 08, 2020, 06:22:08 pm
I'm truly horrible at zese logic puzzles, so I 'ave very leetle 'ope of winning zis, but zat does not mean I won't be practicing and doing my best.

Both of zese people currently claim zat zey will take me to ze end, but I am skeptical. I definitely could see zat being subject to change once zey actually 'ave ze power in zeir 'ands. If zey even mean eet now, which ees far from confirmed.

No matter what, I am content, but I do really want to win.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 08, 2020, 09:59:03 pm
Zis game ees like my life. Everywhere I go, ze murders are committed. Zis ees ze third murder of zis game. Why can't people stop killing around Hercule Poirot? When will zey ever learn?

Flavor-wise, eet would be appropriate for me to solve zis, but I fear zat I may not succeed in zat effort. I am finally learning how to do a slide puzzle thanks to zis game, 'owever, just in case zat ees involved. I doubt zat eet will be, but I suppose you never know.

I fear zat zis ees ze kind of thing M. Cohle could beat M. Morningstar in, since M. Morningstar 'as done ze best when 'e 'as known exactly what 'e 'ad to do going in, but not so well when 'e 'ad to think on 'is feet. So I really do need to do my best, because M. Cohle winning would not be ideal. Even if 'e took me, I'm not entirely convinced I can even beat 'im at FTC, and really eet would not be smart for 'im to take me. I know 'e said zat 'e would, but 'e 'as been an extremely self-interested player zis whole time. I don't see 'im actually going through with zat, but I suppose you never know.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 08, 2020, 10:28:20 pm
Eet definitely ees not a slide puzzle, but zis was a good excuse to learn zat anyway just in case.

Going to practice logic puzzles now.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 09, 2020, 05:14:55 pm
I'm 'appy with zis outcome. I think zat I can convince M. Morningstar to take me to ze end.

I am sad for M. Cohle, because losing by such a narrow margin must be soul-crushing. I would be beside myself.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 09, 2020, 05:35:24 pm
I think zat M. Cohle was actually serious about taking me to ze end. 'E seems serious, anyway.

Zat actually knocks 'im down as a player in my mind because I would not 'ave taken 'im most likely. I would 'ave gone with ze easiest win I could. If I am a Juror, I'm probably going to confront 'im about zat at FTC.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 09, 2020, 06:54:52 pm
M. Morningstar ees literally not online, so I can't even make my case to 'im.

I 'ope 'e ees still planning on taking me. We will 'ave to see, I suppose.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 09, 2020, 06:57:54 pm
I'm also not going to post a case in public until M. Cohle does I don't think. Unless M. Morningstar ees planning to vote me out and tells me, in which case I might just to leave everything on ze table. I think saying zat I think Jurors won't vote for me in public ees ideal for M. Morningstar, but M. Cohle zen knows my exact arguments and can work on countering zem.

I wonder what M. Cohle's argument ees. Probably just zat I'm so social and threatening. I think eet ees ze right move for M. Morningstar to keep me, but maybe zat ees just because I really want 'im to so I'm convincing myself of eet. I felt myself doing zat with M. Kennedy last round even though I was voting 'im out. Ze cognitive dissonance ees real.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 09, 2020, 07:17:52 pm
I'm starting to get to ze point of writing my speech in my 'ead, and I just cannot. I cannot allow myself to go zere. Nothing ees confirmed until eet ees confirmed.

I do think M. Morningstar 'as a chance of beating my in ze vote though. M. McGruff ees not someone who I think ees ever going to vote me. M. Grouch I'd like to think might 'ave voted me, but probably not against M. Morningstar. M. Pikachu probably votes M. Morningstar. And ze last two votes can be two of Mlle Garcia, M. Kennedy, and Mlle Hopps. I absolutely think 'e 'as a path to victory against me. I 'ope zat 'e does too, or zat 'e still takes me even if 'e doesn't.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 10, 2020, 09:30:24 am
M. Morningstar still 'as not messaged me since 'e won ze challenge. Zat ees really not a fantastique feeling. But 'e did say zat 'e was leaning towards taking me a few days ago, so zat ees all I 'ave to go on at zis point.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 10, 2020, 11:19:29 am
This round reminds me of when you are playing Big Brother and the inactive person wins HoH, and you can't even consult them to get an idea what they might do, so you 'ave to cling to scraps of conversation from days before and 'ope zat nothing 'as changed.

On ze plus side, if M. Morningstar was leaning towards taking me and ees not online to discuss eet with M. Cohle, zen 'e ees not around to be influenced to go in a different direction. And I already made most of my case to 'im last round as part of my pitch for keeping me over M. Cohle, so I 'ave a bit of a headstart in zat regard. Ze only part I really want to add ees driving 'ome 'ow awful I was to M. Kennedy to spell zat out. But eet also ees a situation where ze more convincingly you argue your case, ze more 'e thinks you will be able to argue well at FTC, so a double-edged sword. Maybe eet ees better to let 'im connect ze dots 'imself.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 10, 2020, 11:20:45 am
Ultimately I do think if I get taken to ze end, eet will be moreso to spite M. Cohle zan anything I actually did, but I would definitely still take eet.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 10, 2020, 01:27:49 pm
M. Morningstar logged on, and still 'e 'as not PMed.

I just want you to tell me what you are doing! If you are voting me out, zis ees approximately zero Jury management. You think just ghosting someone for 24 hours while you hold their fate in your hands is the way to get them to vote for you?
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 10, 2020, 01:28:10 pm
And really 'e 'as ghosted me for over 24 hours.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 10, 2020, 02:50:13 pm
2 hours left. I still do not know what M. Morningstar ees going to do.

I don't know why 'e couldn't just send a message to us and let us know. Maybe 'e just wants us to squirm, but eet really ees kind of just obnoxious and really doesn't make me love 'im. If 'e does send me to ze Jury, I'm definitely going to be attacking 'im for zis.

Eet ees like we put months into zis game and 'e could very easily be choosing ze winner of ze season maintenant, and instead of letting us fight, 'e ees just not even coming online or sending us a single PM. And I don't want to spam 'im and push 'im away in case 'e ees planning on voting out M. Cohle like 'e told me 'e originally was.

I know zat 'e thinks zat 'e can't win no matter what 'e does, so eet doesn't matter to 'im what vote 'e casts as much as eet matters to us, but still.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 10, 2020, 04:28:15 pm
I really feel so unsatisfied if zis ees ze end of ze line for me. Eet would be different if M. Morningstar was actually online and actually 'ad let me plead my case, but 'e 'as not been. If I 'ad won ze final Immunity, I would 'ave given both of ze other two options zat courtesy.

I suppose I could 'ave just spammed 'im and 'oped zat 'e read eet even if 'e was not responding, but zat seems futile and likely to drive 'im away. So what are you meant to do at zis point? If zis ees ze way 'e chose to eliminate me, zen eet ees out of my 'ands.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 10, 2020, 04:33:49 pm
Ees zis M. Morningstar wanting to punish us and make us stress after we lied to 'im last round? Zis ees 'is way of getting revenge?

I suppose I do deserve eet, but still. I mean I put a lot into zis game. You should at least 'ear out my final argument. You should at least let me plead my case.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Neuf: Ze Badass Detective
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 10, 2020, 04:54:22 pm
I don't know how to feel about ze fact zat both M. Cohle and I did not plead our cases in ze thread.

M. Morningstar ees finally online and viewing eet, so eet kind of makes me wish zat I did. But I didn't 'ave ze courage to post zere when M. Cohle did not and put myself out zere like zat.