Survivor PD

Confessionals => Hercule Poirot => Topic started by: Hercule Poirot on August 05, 2020, 10:12:15 pm

Title: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 05, 2020, 10:12:15 pm
I may neglect my confessional for ze next day as I prepare for zis challenge. I think if zis challenge ees incredibly easy, zen M. Morningstar will win eet, but if eet ees 'ard enough, zen I 'ave a chance. We all saw 'ow 'e did on zat last challenge which was difficile, 'e immediately buckled under ze pressure. Although I did not win eet, I came closer zan anyone else to correctly solving ze mystery, because I was willing to put in ze prepwork ahead of time.

Ze same principle applies 'ere. I need to beat M. Morningstar. I think if I can win Immunity, I will be able to send M. Morningstar or M. Kennedy 'ome zis round based on what I decide. And I need one of zem gone. I am not sure which one yet. M. Kennedy ees loyal to me (allegedly), but ees no 'elp at all in challenges, so I would be on my own against M. Cohle, and I 'ave not be ze most reliable with challenges 'istorically, but zis game 'as drastically increased my confidence, and M. Cohle ees not zat amazing at zem 'imself.

I am giving zese next few rounds my all regardless. I'm proud of 4th place, but I would be even prouder of 3rd or 1st. And you are looking at someone who 'as 'ad a posting gimmick for ze entire game. I know 'ow to effort. Eet ees my greatest asset. I need to draw upon zat effort maintenant to win zese challenges.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 05, 2020, 11:10:00 pm
I told M. Cohle about ze votes on SVU. I don't know if zat ees foolish or not, and if I get voted out after losing Immunity to 'im I will feel like a fool, but I want to do everything I can to ensure zat M. Morningstar does not win eet, and also to make sure zat 'e trusts zat I am with 'im. 'E ees a player zat can recognize what ees in 'is own self-interest, and I think 'e will make ze moves zat 'e thinks are optimal. 'E came to me with ze idea of voting together 'ere first. I might be a fool for going along with eet, but 'e knows zat 'e needs me to go 'ome at F3 or 'e ees going to get third. I think 'e sees why we need each other 'ere.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 02:13:49 pm
I am so frustrated with myself. I should 'ave won zat. I 'ad all of ze information at my disposal. I literally 'ad most of ze things zat were asked already written down in my notes. And zen one of ze few things I 'ad to look up, who described zemselves as reliable, tripped me up when I neglected to notice zat M. Cohle also 'ad. Eet was just stupide, stupide, stupide.

Ze pressure gets to me in zese challenges, mes amis. I prepare and prepare and zen crack when ze time comes to perform. If I go 'ome zis round, so be eet, but I really really do not want to. Eet ees 'ard not to feel like I probably just get to four and lose ze challenge zere too though. Maybe my best 'ope ees to get M. Morningstar to take me, but would 'e ever do zat?
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 02:14:27 pm
I'm just disappointed in myself. I could 'ave done eet in less zan ten minutes. I should 'ave.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 02:54:16 pm

I find your social skills to be extremely threatening. It could also be that everytime someone speaks French in MS Survivor, they make it to the top four. Congratulations on immunity and making it to the top 20. What's your agenda for the next 24 hours?

Just a reminder. Heiji Hattori called eet during ze very first round. Speak French, mes amis. Eet gets you deep into games.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 02:55:57 pm
I am honestly at peace. I may go 'ome zis round. I may go 'ome next round. I may make eet to ze end. No matter what, I made eet far, I played a full game, and I am proud of myself. And I did eet all while maintaining ze integrity of ze character of Hercule Poirot.

Zey don't call me ze greatest detective in ze world for no raison.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 05:07:22 pm
Of course M. Morningstar won Immunity. Eet ees to be expected, really. Eet would 'ave been too easy a path to 'ave us all vote for 'im. And I probably get third zere anyway, so maybe zis ees for ze best.

Ze plan...

M. Morningstar votes me.
M. Kennedy votes M. Cohle.
M. Cohle and I vote M. Kennedy.

Zat ees my plan, anyway, and I'm going to go for eet.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 05:09:24 pm
I could try to vote out M. Cohle. I worry zat by voting out M. Kennedy, I might be 2-1-1ing myself out of ze game. But zere eet ees.

I'm just upset with 'ow poorly I did. I should 'ave been like 40 minutes faster zan zat if not for my mistake. I wasted so much time.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 08:01:44 pm
Zis round ees going to be a struggle, mes amis.

M. Morningstar and M. Kennedy both revealed zat zey are voting for me, so eet looks like I either 'ave to convince zem or I 'ave to win ze firemaking challenge against M. Kennedy (or M. Cohle ees not forcing a tie and I go 'ome no matter what).
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 08:32:14 pm
M. Kennedy's logique for voting me out ees infuriating. Eet ees "too risky" 'e says, because M. Cohle and M. Morningstar would be so mad at 'im next round.

Now I know I'm a hypocrite because eet actually ees risky and I am voting for 'im, so I'm being incredibly two-faced maintenant, but 'is reasoning ees so horrible. If you want me out because you actually want me gone, say eet. Don't 'ide be'ind being afraid.

I can't wait to defeat 'im in ze firemaking challenge.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 08:35:41 pm
Honestly if M. Kennedy and I are making fire, zat could be fun in eets own way. Eet could be a fun Sundra and Becky making fire moment where eet ees a race to ze bottom.

To be ze second to worst, you 'ave to beat ze worst!
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 09:46:03 pm
M. Morningstar just forwarded a PM from M. Kennedy saying zat 'e wanted to vote me because of 'ow "emotional" I'm being. You're voting me! 'Ow do you expect me to react? Eet ees true though, I am ze kind of person to resort to emotional manipulation when my back ees up against ze wall. And in zis case eet ees actively disingenuous because I am voting for 'im while trying to emotionally manipulate 'im into saving me. Eet ees kind of scary to 'ave zat within you actually. To be able to gaslight someone and tell zem 'ow zere ees no danger at all and zey are being cowardly, when really I'm trying to get zem to walk into a trap and send zemselves 'ome. Moments like zis make me question a lot of things about myself. Zese games definitely 'ave revealed zis desperate side zat I don't necessarily love about myself. In zis case, I am fortunate zat eet did not rear eets 'ead until ze F4. I never 'ad zis pure desperation until maintenant.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 09:48:35 pm
And I am at least self-aware about eet. I don't think most people who gaslight know zey are gaslighting. But eet does make you question things about yourself. Do I do zis when I'm not aware of eet too? Ees zis side of me really only reserved for Survivor games? Zis desperate, ugly, emotionally manipulative side?
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 10:00:41 pm
In some ways eet ees almost freeing to think about being eliminated. Ze thought zat even if I survive zis, I am probably going to go 'ome at 3 ees so demoralizing. But I do think zere ees a nonzero chance zat if I can win firemaking (or get one of zem to flip and iconically survive 2-1-1), I could make eet to ze end without winning ze F3 challenge. I think M. Morningstar would at least consider eet. 'E might be very annoyed at M. Cohle.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Scully and Hitchcock on August 06, 2020, 10:25:49 pm
M. Morningstar just forwarded a PM from M. Kennedy saying zat 'e wanted to vote me because of 'ow "emotional" I'm being. You're voting me! 'Ow do you expect me to react? Eet ees true though, I am ze kind of person to resort to emotional manipulation when my back ees up against ze wall. And in zis case eet ees actively disingenuous because I am voting for 'im while trying to emotionally manipulate 'im into saving me. Eet ees kind of scary to 'ave zat within you actually. To be able to gaslight someone and tell zem 'ow zere ees no danger at all and zey are being cowardly, when really I'm trying to get zem to walk into a trap and send zemselves 'ome. Moments like zis make me question a lot of things about myself. Zese games definitely 'ave revealed zis desperate side zat I don't necessarily love about myself. In zis case, I am fortunate zat eet did not rear eets 'ead until ze F4. I never 'ad zis pure desperation until maintenant.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 10:29:05 pm
I 'ave also only read two Agatha Christies since zis game began, Ze ABC Murders and Sad Cypress. Spending so much time with Poirot only makes me want to get cracking at zem again. Fourth place ees something to be proud of, but third place and first place are even better. Second place I am not 'ere for.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 06, 2020, 10:31:41 pm
Thank you for posting, Scully and Hitchcock. I keep zis confessional mostly for myself, but eet ees nice to feel zat I am being 'eard and people are actually paying attention to what I 'ave to say instead of me just doing zis for no one.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Scully and Hitchcock on August 06, 2020, 10:37:52 pm
SCULLY: Me and Hitchcock are few.
HITCHCOCK: The specs are many.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 10:34:39 am
Or would you be fine if I play dirty? I can act like I'm voting Rust to Lucifer when in fact I'm voting for you, so he could vote Rust with you. That would force a tie, but in case you won't win in the firemaking challenge, Rust wouldn't be pissed off at me. Lucifer will surely be, but he's good at the challenges, so he'd probably take me to the F2 even though I played him. Would you be fine if this scenario would be played instead of voting for Rust with you?

Please, M. Kennedy, do zis. Please, send yourself 'ome.

'E says zat 'e feels like a shitty person, but I feel even more shitty manipulating 'im zis way. But eet 'as to be done. I need to survive.

I think threatening my Jury vote really shook 'im, which usually does not work, but in zis case eet was what I needed to do. Because 'e was counting on me to vote for 'im in ze end, and if I'm not doing zat, 'is path to victory looks pretty nonexistent.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 10:35:49 am
I don't think M. Kennedy realizes zat even in zis scenario, zere would be a revote anyway, but eet doesn't matter. If 'e pulls off zat plan, 'e will just go straight 'ome. Zere won't even need to be a revote.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 11:01:23 am
Well, I've decided to get you in the firemaking challenge. I'm promising you. Just please promise me you'll fight for me in the jury if you lose the challenge or the FIC if you win the firemaking. I'm trying to come up an excuse now on what I'll say with the possible scenarios of sending you and Rust in the firemaking challenge.

Do I believe eet? I'm not sure. Maybe 'e just ees tired of me messaging 'im and said zis to get me to shut up.

But mon Dieu, if I convince 'im to tie ze vote for me and 'e sends 'imself 'ome, I think zat 'as to be ze best move I 'ave ever pulled in a game. Do I think I still probably get third? Probably so. But I will 'ave earned zat third place finish, and zen all I would need to do would be to convince M. Morningstar zat 'e 'as a better chance against me, which I don't think ees 100% impossible? Zere ees a light at ze end of ze tunnel.

But I don't want to get my 'opes up. Maybe I am being voted out 3-1 and zis ees all just smoke and mirrors. But I truly am giving eet everything I 'ave, mes amis. I 'ave come too far to give up now. And if I survive zis without even 'aving to make fire, zat ees so impressive.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Joss Carter on August 07, 2020, 11:10:52 am
I think threatening my Jury vote really shook 'im, which usually does not work, but in zis case eet was what I needed to do. Because 'e was counting on me to vote for 'im in ze end, and if I'm not doing zat, 'is path to victory looks pretty nonexistent.
Sorry, did I miss this? And if not, can you elaborate?
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 11:12:46 am
I 'ave such a smile on my face just thinking about zis round. Zis ees ze most fun I 'ave 'ad in a game in a long time.

If I manage to survive eet, I suspect zat next round will be far more déprimant, but for now, I am relishing ze moment. And if I go, I am going 'ome in a blaze of glory worthy of ze formidable Hercule Poirot.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 11:18:22 am
I may 'ave forgotten to mention eet. Basically I am just telling 'im zat if 'e does not tie ze vote for me, I will never vote for 'im in ze, whereas if 'e ties eet, I would.

Quote from: M. Kennedy
I don't want that to happen. I've thought about this even before Lucifer won the immunity challenge and I've made up my mind about it. If you truly are a friend to me, even if I didn't give you a chance to compete in the firemaking challenge and understand where I'm coming from with this thought process, you'd at least vote for me in the jury. Help me out on here, Hercule. I know my decision doesn't benefit you but please Hercule, I'm begging you to at least vote for me in the jury or just put a good word for me. I would've done the same thing if the roles were reversed.

Quote from: M. Poirot
I'm not voting for you in ze Jury if you vote me out. If you think you can promise me firemaking for rounds, say zat you 'ave my back 100%, and zen not give eet to me and still get my vote, you are sorely mistaken. You 'ave 0% chance of getting my vote if you vote for me now. I promise you zat. I will still be your friend after ze game. I 'ave no personal animosity towards you. But ze way you 'ave treated me ees frankly not worthy of a vote.

If you still think you 'ave a path to win even without my vote, zen so be eet. I 'ope zat you play again and zat you grow as a player. I 'ave enjoyed playing with you. But you do not force a tie, you do not get my Jury vote. Zat ees ze situation. Zat ees really ze only card I 'ave left to play. And I think my Jury vote ees one of ze ones zat you 'ave ze best chance at getting.

Zere are other mentions of zis too, and zese are just parts of longer messages, but zat ees ze gist of our current dynamic. Meanwhile, I'm promising zat if 'e ties eet for me, I will not only vote for 'im, but I will convince every other SVU person to vote for 'im as well! Because of course I 'ave zat kind of power. But I think 'e believes eet at least enough for 'im to be shaken, since if zere was any vote 'e 'ad a chance of getting, eet was mine.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 01:16:38 pm
I think I 'ave pulled eet off? Obviously things can change in zese next 3 and a 'alf hours, but I 'ave put a lot of work in, and I think zere ees a chance I accomplished eet.

If not, and eet ees a firemaking challenge or I am ze fool getting voted out or even voting myself out in 4th place, zen so be eet. I probably wouldn't win ze firemaking against M. Cohle anyway. But just imagining ze shock ze whole Jury and M. Kennedy/M. Morningstar will feel when M. Kennedy gets voted out ees giving me everything I need to sustain myself. Zese are ze moments I play games for. I take my shots, and I might not always 'it, but I always take my shots.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 02:48:21 pm
Quote from: M. Kennedy
Yeah, hopefully, you'll win it. I figured that you winning it is the best case scenario for us, so please, win it. I'll put my faith on you again, so please don't disappoint like how you did this challenge.

Okay so I know zat I was not fantastique at ze challenge zis round, I was quite horrible actually, but if anyone 'as no legs to stand on when eet comes to calling out my challenge ability, eet ees 'im. I disappointed you? Well I'm sorry, maybe next time win eet yourself. Or wait, zere will be no next time, because you are going 'ome.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 02:49:30 pm
And yes I am a bit petty, being annoyed at zat when 'e ees already going 'ome, but really? You're going to ask me not to disappoint? When I'm ze one whose neck you think ees on ze line, and you think you're sitting pretty?
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Hercule Poirot on August 07, 2020, 04:49:55 pm
If zis ees eet for me, mes amis, eet 'as been an 'onor and a privilege to play zis game. I 'ope zat I did Poirot justice and gave 'im ze representation 'e deserved.
Title: Re: Épisode Dix-Huit: Ze Struggle to Survive
Post by: Scully and Hitchcock on August 07, 2020, 05:10:46 pm