Survivor PD

Precincts => Desk Duty => Topic started by: Sherlock Holmes on July 28, 2020, 05:00:38 pm

Title: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Sherlock Holmes on July 28, 2020, 05:00:38 pm
Such a close vote there
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Scruff McGruff on July 28, 2020, 05:01:53 pm
Damn, what a fun relationship we had! Did not expect you to go here, but I guess what I said about going back to back was true.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 05:04:38 pm
Damn, I wish I could say that I was surprised though. I could tell at the start of the round when Jake sent me this PM asking me why I was gunning for him, well I had a feeling my number was up. But there wasn't much I could do about it.

Man, you're a very conflicting feel here. I heard an awful lot of things that have made me question a lot of shit.

On the plus side though, I was about to get hella busy for a little bit, so hey, I don't have to worry about being voted out for being busy, hell yeah.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Scruff McGruff on July 28, 2020, 05:04:48 pm
Anyway— mind expanding on what happened that round? It sure seemed crazy.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 05:15:30 pm
Which round? This past round? It was... kinda straight forward. Judy seemed willing to do Jake, and it seemed like there was a majority on him, and Jake was pushing Luci as he always did. He also came to me with a PM that was all being like "How did we go wrong, what was my fatal flaw?" asking why I was gunning for him, which I wasn't, and just typical Jake, which definitely made me realize that haha I'm in danger. As far as I know there was a thing with Rust, Luci, and I that we made after the last debacle. Were considering pulling in Penelope there too.

During your round Scruff, you weren't immediately going home as far as I could tell until what you posted in public. But yeah idk. I think as per usual, I was far too honest about my own things with people, and this time it meant they weren't going to be with me.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Scruff McGruff on July 28, 2020, 05:34:50 pm
What stuff did you hear?

Also, I know not to post callouts in public unless you want to go home or already think you’re going home. That wasn’t to try to make a move (especially since I changed my vote), it was to protect Rust and give him time to recuperate from that rough tribal since I knew he had a better chance at making it further than me due to that disastrous merge tribal.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Detective Pikachu on July 28, 2020, 05:35:52 pm
Hey grouch it’s unfortunate to see you here :/
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Detective Pikachu on July 28, 2020, 05:36:48 pm
I think this game would had gone very differently had Jake not had the idol
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 05:39:04 pm
What do you mean by stuff and when? If you wouldn't mind being a little direct and specific?

And hi Pikachu, I wasn't supposed to see you like this. It was supposed to be much much later.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Scruff McGruff on July 28, 2020, 05:44:32 pm
“ Man, you're a very conflicting feel here. I heard an awful lot of things that have made me question a lot of shit.”

Just curious about what you mean here.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Scruff McGruff on July 28, 2020, 05:49:13 pm
Also— mind saying who you’re thinking in the general discussion thread? Specs can’t see this forum.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 05:51:32 pm
Oh, yeah, that. Thanks, sorry, I was apparently wrong about not being a little upset about being gone, so my reading comprehension is shot.

But it was largely through Leon basically. He'd said that you were never really my biggest fan and you kinda strongarmed him into that Cheddar vote. And just a couple other things like that. Which wasn't something I exactly knew what to deal with, and we didn't exactly talk all that much the round that you went unfortunately. Idk man, this merge was kind of a lot. And I never really felt confident about my place in it, which seems to have been an accurate feel to have.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 05:52:25 pm
Give me like a day, yeah? I know specs can't see this. I just do not know what I'm feeling about anybody quite yet, so gonna wait until logic brain is around and not feelings brain.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Scruff McGruff on July 28, 2020, 05:58:42 pm
You’re totally fine, yeah. I think Leon is an experienced player who knows how to play people against each other, and is saying he’s new because that’s a legitimate tactic to get further. That said, we also had an alliance with Rust and Pika by the time the vote rolled around, and he literally asked me who we should side with.

On another note— outside of our whole dispute with the Cheddar stuff, I actually really did like you! You were a really fun guy to be around and made me feel like you cared about what I was saying— we just got pointlessly split up over the Cheddar vote due to a lack of communication.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 06:03:29 pm
Maybe. He could be an experienced mafia player though, the way he's talking feels like someone with a good scum game. But yeah I guess so, a lot of the time he ignored me though, especially after the Cheddar vote. Like man, some of his PMs to me had so much passive aggression to them and I ain't deal with that shit, no sir. I hate that more than anything else. Ugh, of course y'all did. He did make it seem like the vote was all your doing.

I did actually care about what you were saying! And I meant every word I said to you. Like, I'm honest and enthusiastic to a fault my dude. I only omitted a handful of things, never lied. Maybe I should have a little more, but it is what it is. If we could have had a chance to resolve our shit long before merge, a lot would have been different.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Detective Pikachu on July 28, 2020, 06:05:23 pm
What do you mean by stuff and when? If you wouldn't mind being a little direct and specific?

And hi Pikachu, I wasn't supposed to see you like this. It was supposed to be much much later.

I know. You were one of the few people I was willing to vote for. There aren’t many on that list tbh
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Detective Pikachu on July 28, 2020, 06:06:33 pm
Tbh, I meant everything I said to you both in messages
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 28, 2020, 06:06:52 pm
I so wanted that universe where you and I got to play together for a long while after having that round where I tried to vote you out. It was such a funny story, and we bounced back from that so well. Stupid dumb magic sticks for babies.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Scruff McGruff on July 28, 2020, 06:23:17 pm
Don’t worry about it. We’re both here now, so I guess neither of us ended up on top.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 29, 2020, 07:52:20 pm
I would not be shocked to find Lucifer or Penelope here next. Which is garbo.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Detective Pikachu on July 29, 2020, 07:58:20 pm
Unfortunately it feels like we're going to be seeing Penny here.
Title: Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
Post by: Grouch Cop on July 29, 2020, 08:01:59 pm
I'm not 100% on that one. She did have an alliance with Hercule, both her and I did. But I think in my case at least, I made the mistake of actually saying "hey, I don't know if there's a path in this game that has us both in it.".