Survivor PD

Precincts => Desk Duty => Topic started by: Scruff McGruff on July 27, 2020, 07:11:21 pm

Title: Vent Thread (Read first)
Post by: Scruff McGruff on July 27, 2020, 07:11:21 pm
Anyone who's upset about the way that things transpired (Or wants to work out a dispute with another Juror) can move the discussion here. Ponderosa is supposed to be a fun place, and we want to make this game something that can be fondly looked back on rather than a bitter and toxic one that would be best forgotten-- not to mention make the Final Tribal Council somewhere that people can feel proud of what they achieved, not like their decisions meant nothing or that they don't have a chance after months of playing. Everyone here is a person with individual thoughts and feelings, and we should work to respect that and not let ourselves devolve into fighting.
Title: Re: Vent Thread (Read first)
Post by: Jake Peralta on July 30, 2020, 05:06:27 pm
Hey much of that did you believe and how much of it was throwing yourself on a grenade for Rust?
Title: Re: Vent Thread (Read first)
Post by: Jake Peralta on July 30, 2020, 05:07:18 pm
Your reply in my thread answered that. Danke shen.
Title: Re: Vent Thread (Read first)
Post by: Scruff McGruff on July 30, 2020, 05:08:24 pm
Literally none of it. I just jumped on a grenade for Rust by calling out everyone in the game and herding votes onto me. I knew I’d have a rough couple days of work afterwards and would probably not be able to defend myself either way, so I wanted to protect two people I respected from being pagonged and give them some time to regroup. I’m not dumb— I know posting something like that in public is basically a death sentence, and flip-flopping on that is even worse. Major props to you as a player for surviving so long.