Survivor PD

Confessionals => Lucifer Morningstar => Topic started by: Lucifer Morningstar on July 15, 2020, 04:05:33 pm

Title: Predictions and Planning
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on July 15, 2020, 04:05:33 pm
In this thread I'm going to think about the future and explore lots of hypothetical scenarios.

I think self-awareness is the single most important skill in survivor. You have to know where you're at, otherwise any planning becomes difficult.

Right now I think the logical idea is that Penelope and Quentin go home and we get to merge at 12. I don't think either tribe has enough of a challenge advantage to predict us winning an above average amount of challenges although it's certainly possible.

Assuming the above occurs, we merge with the following roster:
Lucifer (me)

I think that's a good merge roster for me, based on the relationship chart that's in my head. At that point I think a likely breakdown is that Me/Jake/Grouch/Scruff/Lennie/Judy/Hercule/Leon form a majority alliance and it puts us in a strong position. Following that, I think there's some variance based on where Cheddar sits. I don't have a good read on his position in the game right now. The ideal scenario for me is that Rust goes home round 1 of merge. Then I'd presume the next likeliest outcome may be that Nick and Pikachu go next. That's rough for me because I think I have connections with them that nobody else does, but at the same time it could hypothetically be OK? And I do think it's somewhat likely based on what's happening in the game right now. That'd leave a group of 9 composed of the 99 and 27th exclusively.

Next in this thought exercise, I'd hope to form a smaller majority with Grouch/Cheddar/Scruff/Jake to take out Leon. This is already far off so it's hard to plan things out and justify it. But I see the four of us being particularly wary of Hercule/Judy/Lennie/Leon and the solid four they've presumably put together after being on the SVU and going through those votes together. Cheddar has already voted Leon and neither Jake/Grouch/Scruff are as close to him as the others in that group in my thought exercise. That gives our five a nice group lead. Afterwards I could see us going after Judy to solidify our dominance at the top of the tribe? Then like why not eliminate all of that side. Lennie and then Hercule(important order) can go next.

Then me/Grouch/Cheddar vote out Jake and Scruff.  Then there's your final three, but if it's not a final three, I win individual immunity and at the cost of my heart, betray Grouch and vote them out. It goes to an FTC and I win the vote 8-2.

Yep I just wasted ten minutes thinking about this. But it sounds cool and somewhat feasible except for the fact that I forgot we merge at 11, not 12, that Judy has an idol and Pikachu's going to win the first three merge immunities in a row starting at F11 (he will finally lose and get voted out at F8 thanks to another power outage though) But if this boot order is right, you can come see me after the game when I've started my psychic business with the million dollars.
Title: Re: Predictions and Planning
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on July 16, 2020, 02:08:23 pm
I think my confessional yesterday was a fairly accurate guess on how the tribe might break down. I talked to Hercule and it looks like he would be interested in a me/him/lennie/jake/judy grouping. I don't know how Judy/Lennie feel about it yet though. Judy is hard for me to read to a degree. I also didn't realize how close Nick/Penelope were at first. Also Penelope is honestly like a new person since the swap?? I feel like she's been playing way better here than she was on BAU. Granted part of that may just be me connecting with her better and not actually a change in her game-play. Either way, props to her for that.

I honestly anticipate that any possible vote would come down to Nick or Judy going which is a change in my initial assessment. Judy has apparently been behaving weird according to Nick/Penelope and I think Nick's actually done a poor job connecting with the SVU players compared to Penelope and that could put him in danger. So if what I'm anticipating is right, that would put me/Jake as the swing vote between the groups. I have no idea what we'd do really, since I haven't heard from Jake since yesterday :/ so I'd obviously need to talk to him before figuring out what side we might work with. I have a feeling he might lean towards sticking with Lennie since he's not close to Penelope/Nick afaik, but it's hard to say.
Title: Re: Predictions and Planning
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on July 17, 2020, 05:49:53 pm
my boot list is 1/1 right now with quentin going. I'm just gonna enjoy being right for 24 hours real quick before it all falls apart
Title: Re: Predictions and Planning
Post by: Lucifer Morningstar on July 18, 2020, 05:39:10 pm
just gonna continue to enjoy being right for the next 23 hours and 20 minutes