Survivor PD

Confessionals => Hercule Poirot => Topic started by: Hercule Poirot on July 12, 2020, 05:09:59 pm

Title: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 12, 2020, 05:09:59 pm
No swap? No swap.

Mon Dieu, if we lose zis challenge, I am done.

Also reminder zat in episode 6, I posted after solving ze idol hunt (well really being given ze solution by M. Blart, but still).
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 12, 2020, 05:30:17 pm
Eet ees ironic zat we are ze special victims unit. We are a unit of victims. Our problem ees zat we are all 'orrible at challenges.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 12, 2020, 05:43:00 pm
Also, moderateurs, I actually am enjoying ze challenges even though zey 'ave not been working out for me. Zis challenge ees a super interesting, well-designed one, and really all of zem 'ave been. I especially like zis one, profiler, and ze logo challenge. I think maybe ze timing of some of ze challenges was questionable, which I'm sure M. Blart ees letting you know about, but you couldn't 'ave known zat our tribe would be as much of a trainwreck as eet ees.

I like zat zis challenge ees one zat anyone could win though. Zat makes me at least a leetle 'opeful zat maybe zis ees ze day we finally win.

If not, I guess one of ze six of us ees about to go 'ome way before zey deserve to. But narratively, zis ees more satisfying and interesting zan a bunch of swaps would be, so I'm glad zat you left us 'ere for at least four rounds. If you went berserk and made eet five or six rounds I will laugh and applaud, but I think we will probably swap at 14.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 12:06:38 pm
I'm doing the challenge now, and just so you know mods, zere ees an option to go back and redo parts of ze challenge.

Are we allowed to click zis to reread ze first day after we 'ave moved on?
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 12:26:10 pm
Okay I just submitted anyway. I did not do well, but oh well.

I really 'ope we manage to win zis.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 02:21:01 pm
I do not think we're going to win. M. Briscoe and M. Chase both do not feel confident. I do not feel confident. Zat's half of our players right zere. Unless ze other tribe did truly awful too, we've probably lost.

I'm very conflicted on what ze correct move ees if we lose.

If we're loyal to ze alliance, eet 'as to be M. Chase or M. Cheddar.

M. Chase ees ze person on ze tribe I feel ze least connected to individually, and 'e also 'as ze most potential connections to ze other tribe. 'E also admitted zat 'is activity ees going to decline soon due to work, and I need whoever survives zis tribe to be as active as possible. M. Chase might be ze piece of ze jenga tower zat can most easily be removed without ze 'ole thing toppling over. So 'e ees definitely an option.

M. Cheddar, on ze other 'and, solves a different problem. I'm worried about being seen as too loyal to original tribes, when obviously long-term zat ees not going to work for me given 'ow zese challenges 'ave turned out. So cutting M. Cheddar would kind of be a way to publicly show zat I am not loyal to original tribes and zat I am willing to vote out my own original tribe, so in zat way eet could reduce my threat level and make me someone ze people on ze other tribes are more willing to work with.

Both plans 'ave drawbacks too. M. Cheddar ees telling me zat I'm 'is ride-or-die, whether zat ees true or not, and I get ze impression zat M. Chase and M. Cheddar are probably close, so either way we might 'ave to leave one out. M. Chase ees connected to ze other tribe more, which ees a potential pro, but also a con. By leaving someone zey connected to at one point in our midst, eet could make us more difficult for zem to pagong.

Zere are so many considerations. And voting out M. Kennedy or Mlle Judy might even be options too for me at zis point, we're getting down in numbers, but I probably would want someone else to push for eet. Ze only one I'm loyal to ees M. Briscoe.

I really 'ope we win, and we don't 'ave to make zis difficult choice. None of zese options are good for my game.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 04:40:02 pm
If we lose again...I think we might be ze worst tribe in MS history. Certainly ze worst tribe zat I've ever seen in a game. Attending 4 TCs ees practically un'eard of in ze current meta.

I'm proud to be a part of MS history in ze making. And honestly, ze colossal failure zat ees zis tribe ees funny to me at zis point. Even if I go 'ome zis round, which ees always possible, I've enjoyed zis game, and I'm taking something worthwhile away from eet.

With zat said, please please please let us finally win. Merci.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 05:07:51 pm
I would say eet was unexpected, mais non, not really. Zat seems par for ze course with zis tribe.

I didn't 'elp matters though. My goodness, 'ow frustrating.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 06:44:35 pm
I think not voting out M. Cheddar 'ere might be a mistake, because I do not want to die because of my association with 'im, but at ze same time, eet ees not ze case zat we are on ze same page about zis vote, so maybe zat will be enough.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 06:54:42 pm
Ok pros and cons.

Chase: Likely friendly with all of his original tribe. Potentially has 4 allies.
Cheddar: Has one usable ally in Lucifer. Maybe.

Chase: Game goes to 6/4/4. Likely one of us ends up paired with a pissed off Cheddar if we have a tribe rebalance.
Cheddar: Game goes to 5/5/4. Very even. One of us is with a pissed off Chase if rebalance probably.

Cheddar really likes you. Is ambivalent towards me, but sees me as friendly and an ally.
Chase likes Cheddar and I expect will cut and run if he makes it out of here.

And I've just had an idea.

She ees impossible. Ees she really going to end ze PM zere? I 'ave no faith in what ever 'er "idea" ees, but let's see I guess
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 07:03:25 pm
Zis round ees so bad for my game eet ees not even funny. Before zis, I was able to balance precariously between two alliances with both of zem thinking I was a full member.

But now I 'ave to pay for zat, way way sooner zan I was expecting.

Eet ees looking like bringing M. Cheddar into ze fold may not be possible, so if I 'ave to lie to 'im, so be eet. I've at least made an effort to tell ze truth. Ze good news ees zat ze image of Mlle Hopps, M. Cheddar and I as incredibly tight will be gone, so zat ees good.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 08:25:43 pm
I'm glad that we have each other too. To be honest with you, I'm more close to you than Judy and Lennie, so I hope we're on the same page with that.

I'm super close with Jake and Scruff. In case you swap with them or one of those two, definitely try your best to be allies with them because they'll have your back. Also, please do not tell this to Lennie. I don't want him to know that I'm super close with them. Can I trust you on this?

I believe that at some point in the future, you, Jake, Scruff, and I are going to work together.


I could totally use zis against M. Kennedy in order to send 'im 'ome 'ere instead of M. Chase.

Do I want to do zat? Eet could be an easy way to get everyone on ze same page.

On ze other 'and, 'e ees opening up to me and wanting to include me in something. And Papa Poirot really wants to keep 'is newbie in ze game.

I'll 'ave to ruminate on eet. Tomorrow wouldn't be too late to make eet 'appen if I wanted to.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 08:36:56 pm
Too many people trust me, which ees per'aps inevitable with ze way I play. Luckily I'm probably going to 'ave 4-5 people in ze merge I 'ave never met, so zere will be plenty of easy people to vote out.

I think M. Kennedy ees ze rare player zat will actually be loyal to a fault. I don't expect zat from Mlle Hopps or M. Briscoe. So I need to preserve zat, even at ze expense of 'aving an easy unanimous target.

Plus 'e actually 'as a plan for ze futur and I know about eet. Zat ees such valuable information.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 08:41:24 pm
Zis vote ees so bad for my game. Eet ees laughable.

And I think zat M. Chase would 'ave been loyal, so eet just sucks.

But I do think 'e ees close to different people zan I am, so on paper 'e ees ze correct vote.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 08:49:31 pm
Quote from: Cheddar
I agree, there's been some stinker tribes but this one might take the cake, four in a row is pretty hard to find.

I understand, and I agree. It's a difficult position, for sure.

Leon just pitched me Cheddar, Lennie pitched me no one, so if they're actually united against me that kind of sucks for me, thank you for letting me know.

I want to say that I want to keep working with you going forward, and I can help us all by bringing reds in, I think they're open minded and would be willing to help the underdogs. But ultimately after all the crap we've gone through, I am will this tribe and would stay loyal to it. I don't know if the thought of voting me out has come up, but if it has, I think I do have value.

I feel so guilty, mes amis. Why couldn't we 'ave won? Eet ees awful to vote off someone who ees both useful to you ('is argument ees objectively correct) and loyal.

But what choice do I 'ave? Other zan betraying my alliance. Maybe I need to bring out zat cutthroat spirit though.

I do think zat M. Chase ees ze only person on zis tribe who does not view me as one of 'is top, if not 'is top, ally. So I suppose eet makes sense to just let 'im go. I truly don't know though, I don't like ze optics of eet, I don't like what eet does to my relationship to M. Cheddar. I don't like eet.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 09:16:50 pm
Quote from: M. Cheddar
Rust is cool, a little less active due to being busy but still pretty active.
Nick is very social and outgoing, he's friendly. If you see him, tell him I haven't watched Hot Fuzz yet.
Detective Pikachu is pretty cool, he's a little harder to carry a convo with. Ask him about legos.
Penelope is alright, I like her well enough but she was also among the least active of the red tribe, not sure if her activity has picked up or not.

M. Cheddar's descriptions of ze Red tribe.

Now M. Cheddar's pitch for why I should keep 'im (which eet absolutely ees within my power to do, thanks to zat PM from M. Kennedy) ees zat 'e 'as connections to ze Red tribe, which I generally agree with. Eet ees generally speaking not a good move to vote out ze people you swap with who 'ave connections to ze other tribe, especially if zey are going to 'ave more numbers zan you. For example, in RPG ze "Red" swap tribe did exactly zis, voting out Oren, and eet made zem much easier to pagong come merge.

On ze other 'and, I think M. Chase ees closer to other people zan to me, and honestly, reading zis list, does zis seem like people I would want as allies at zis point? Or does eet sound like M. Kennedy's "social threats" of M. McGruff and M. Peralta make better allies?

M. Pikachu and Mlle Penelope do not seem like my typical allies from zis. Not writing zem off, 'owever.

M. Nick...maybe. And M. Rust maybe also, but I am more active zan M. Chase, so if M. Rust is less active zan im...I'm not sure.

Eet ees possible M. Chase ees downplaying 'is relationships, but I'm not sure. Right now zat doesn't really make sense given 'is pitch.

But I also remember 'ow M. Chase and Mlle Macer were resistant to vote off M. Chan even though 'e was not active at all. Zat to me makes me question zem. Because as much as 'e ees preaching loyalty now, I need to 'ave someone to vote off.

M. Grouch and M. Lucifer should be possible for me to pick back up. I think I can repair my relationship with M. Chase, I'm usually good at zat, as long as I 'ave good arguments.

Eet's a tough spot to be in losing zis many times, but I think voting out M. Chase might be ze best path. And zen 'opefully no one targets me for my relationships with Mlle Hopps and M. Cheddar until one of zem dies first.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 09:20:10 pm
Quote from: M. Cheddar
When I mentioned Leons name was out to Lennie, he doesn’t seem like he’ll be pissed pissed about it.

He definitely prefers Chase going, but he was essentially like if it’s gotta happen it’s gotta

Grrrr M. Briscoe. Why would you react like zat? Why are you so spineless?

I know you think 'e 'as no actual chance of going so you don't care, but eet's 'ard not to feel like I'm being left out to dry since I'm expected to lie to any ally.

I don't think I will lie to M. Cheddar. I'll tell 'im ze truth tomorrow. I'm not damaging my relationship with 'im unnecessarily for no reason.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 09:39:08 pm
Maybe I do get rid of M. Kennedy. I could totally do it. He gave me all of the ammunition I need.

Eet's 'ard because I do trust 'im and I do think 'e wants to work with me and 'e 'as a level a loyalty zat I don't think comes easily. Like zat's so fucking precious when you get it. And I think zis message shows zat 'e would include me in plans.

On ze other 'and...'e ees potentially more loyal to people on ze other tribe, people who I might need to vote out. And 'e also might not love getting voted out later in ze game if I 'ave to backstab 'im zen. 'e also ees goaty in a way zat ees probably problematic in terms of my odds of making eet to ze end, even if 'e ees loyal to me.

Part of me thinks I should just rip the bandaid off and do eet now. Eet would solve ze problems with M. Chase and M. Cheddar. Eet would solve a lot of my problems actually. Eet would not solve ze problem of 'ow Mlle Judy, M. Cheddar and I are viewed though, which ze vote on M. Chase somewhat does, at ze expense of some relationship with M. Cheddar, but I'm a good enough player zat I can earn zat back.

Zis ees such a tough choice. M. Briscoe gave me permission to suggest alternative votes to 'im just now. I might sleep on eet and decide in ze morning.

I'm thinking everything through with order and method. I'm keeping my cards close my chest until I decide whether or not to play zem. My leetle grey cells may not be great at Mafia, but zey're not bad at Survivor.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 09:43:12 pm
Keeping zis internal rather zan externalizing eet ees incredibly difficile as well.

Eet's strange because if I do zis, eet ees a move, but I don't think eet even looks like a move to anyone but M. Briscoe and Mlle Judy. In fact ze non-move, keeping ze status quo and voting M. Chase, looks like more of a move.

I told myself I'd be more willing to backstab zis game. Maybe zis ees a good opportunity.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 09:57:56 pm
On ze other 'and, voting out M. Kennedy ees kind of 'anding away my cards, non?

If I keep zis relationship close to my chest, zen at some point, M. Kennedy will presumably try to do something and I will be in ze know about eet.

Additionally, zis move does require revealing zat M. Kennedy trusts me more zan M. Briscoe, which while not a problem if we're voting me out, could be a problem for 'im taking me to ze end. But I don't really see 'im taking me to ze end in either universe. 'E ees too cautious and careful. Eet would not be dans son caractère.

Would M. Kennedy take me to ze end? Maybe, but I 'ave to think 'e would realize zat 'e would 'ave difficulty beating me. My best 'ope ees someone like Mlle Judy, who does erratic things like zat sometimes, or I just need to structure ze endgame so zat things are constantly changing and never able to settle enough to vote me out.

I know I'm way ahead of myself, but I could be choosing ze people I 'ave in ze end with me right now. I'll be stuck with zese people for potentially a long time.

Voting out M. Chase makes our path forward much more clear. We link up Blue and Green, vote off the less active Reds and M. Lance, and zen see where things are at and if someone tries to make a move.

If M. Chase ees in ze mix, 'e ees going to want to keep some of ze Reds, maybe even ze less active ones, like 'e did with M. Chan. Even if 'e ees loyal to me, if 'e doesn't want to target ze same people as me, what good ees zat?

I need to stop thinking and go to sleep. I can think myself in circles all day.

I 'ope some of you spectateurs 'ave enjoyed zese stream of consciousness glimpses into my psyche. I try to give you a good confessional.

Eesn't eet crazy to think zat some people 'ave not even attended tribal yet and I'm in a position where no matter what, I 'ave to betray a close ally who might 'ave gone deep with me?
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 10:02:35 pm
I just typed in 'ere zat I would tell M. Briscoe what M. Kennedy said, but zen I deleted eet. But every time I go to respond to 'is latest PM, eet ees so 'ard not to!

Quote from: M. Briscoe
Yeah, exactly, and like you said, I'm kinda leaning into it. I'm still doing the "well it's difficult and we're down to brass tacks" but still making it clear that I would rather not vote Leon.

Yeah, I mean, if I were in your position I'd gradually move it towards "look, I think the others are most comfortable voting Chase, and that's not hugely likely to change" and maybe "with so few people and a likely swap coming, we probably should mostly be thankful we're not in the mix"

So serious question, would you rather vote Cheddar here? If you wanted to push for that, I wouldn't object. I think my slight preference is for Chase but I don't want you to feel reluctant to voice a preference counter to that. Similarly, if you had thoughts on Judy or Leon, I'd be open to hearing them. We've said it many times but you're far and away my closest ally so I'm open to whatever you're thinking. I suspect we're on the same page that it wouldn't make sense to do that, but anything you say to me is between us, so please feel free.

Haha, yes, I definitely was thinking of that particular swap, though in that case, they swapped from 2 tribes to three, so all it did was reduce their options and guarantee one of them goes if they lose.

Eet's like 'e knows I know something and 'e ees trying to get eet out of me! Such good intuition, because I do 'ave valuable information for you, M. Briscoe, but I'm not sure if eet makes sense to share eet or not.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 10:06:34 pm
I'm just going to tell 'im. I don't think I'm going to ze end with 'im unless I win my way zere, but I don't think I 'ave a realistic path to ze end with M. Kennedy either. 'E would be guaranteed to take up one of zose seats.

I'm not going to quote eet though, I'm just going to say zat M. Kennedy revealed to me zat 'e ees closer to M. Jake and M. McGruff zan to M. Briscoe.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 13, 2020, 10:25:32 pm
Quote from: M. Poirot
Zat ees probably smart. M. Cheddar's last message to me ees zat you seem to be open to a M. Kennedy vote, though, when my whole argument to 'im ees zat voting M. Kennedy alienates you, so zat kind of makes eet 'ard. But honestly I've already decided I'm not lying to 'im about eet. Eet ees not worth eet to damage zat relationship zat much, so I'll just be honest about my reasons why (not mentioning our alliance). I'll do eet tomorrow eventually, assuming zat 'e ees around.

I don't think we should vote M. Cheddar. I think eet would just drive M. Chase away from us and into ze arms of ze reds on ze other tribe. M. Cheddar I think 'as a much 'igher chance of still wanting to work with us zan M. Chase 'as in zat situation. I at least feel emotionally closer to M. Cheddar, and eet seems like you do too. But thank you for checking in, I appreciate zat. <3 Eet's nice to know zat you care so much about what I think. You're my closest ally too, by a mile, and when I find zat person in ze game, I will be 100% honest with zem.

I actually do 'ave something to tell you about M. Kennedy, 'owever. Zis ees a new development as of 'is last PM to me, and I don't think eet necessarily 'as to change zis vote, but eet does make me open to ze idea of moving ze votes on to 'im. M. Kennedy does not want you to know zis, and 'e specifically told me to keep eet from you.

So apparently M. Kennedy ees incredibly close to M. Peralta and M. McGruff, as in I am basically assuming ze three of zem were in an alliance on your original tribe. So basically, the implication of 'is message was zat 'e ees okay with you and Mlle Judy for now, but long-term 'e wants to work with M. Peralta, M. McGruff and me. I 'ad no idea 'e felt zis close to me, I assumed zat 'e was closer to you. I did not mean to give 'im zat impression.

So yeah. I just think zat ees important information for you to know. Does zis mean we need to immediately vote M. Kennedy out? Absolutely not, though if zat ees something you feel more comfortable with zen I would understand and we could do eet very easily. But 'e ees not 100% in with zis tribe nor ees 'e 100% loyal to you, and zat ees incredibly important information to 'ave at our disposal as we plan ze next stage of ze game.

Ze fact zat 'e ees including me does give me faith zat 'e would do zat whenever 'e tries something though, and zen as long as I know what ees going on, we can plan around eet. Obviously I don't want any of zis getting back to 'im. Maybe ze right path ees to vote 'im off now instead though, and if you think zat, we could definitely make eet 'appen.

So yeah. I'm about to go to sleep now, but please keep zis to yourself. We can decide if eet's ze right call to act on eet or to sit on eet until we need eet later in ze game. Regardless, you are my partner in zis game, and I can't wait to make eet all ze way together. I don't care 'ow much ze odds are against us. We are going to overcome.

Zis ees ze PM I just sent M. Briscoe. I 'ope I don't regret eet.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 14, 2020, 12:17:55 pm
I do not regret eet. M. Briscoe still wants to keep M. Kennedy, 'owever, and honestly I do too. I think I could 'ave framed eet in a way where eet sent M. Kennedy 'ome, but my individual relationship with M. Chase ees not good enough to justify zat. M. Chase ees with me in an amorphous sense, but 'e ees not with me in particular ze way everyone else on zis tribe ees.

I'm glad I was honest with M. Briscoe though. I think zis ees good information for me to 'ave, and 'e gave me a lot of information in return and promised to take me to ze end, which I don't know zat I believe but I 'am 'appy to 'ear eet regardless.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 14, 2020, 12:18:57 pm
I'm also going to tell M. Cheddar ze truth about ze plan. I 'ave never told M. Cheddar a lie zis round technically, and I never said zat I would vote for M. Kennedy to 'im, but for my game, I cannot 'ave 'im blindsided. Eet makes no sense.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 14, 2020, 01:01:10 pm
I've just filled M. Cheddar in, at least as much as I can.

'Opefully eet does not blow up in my face
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 14, 2020, 01:23:44 pm
Also I 'ave ze most time online of any player, which honestly ees because of 'ow many times I 'ave been to tribal and ze fact zat I refresh ze page so often, but still. I should really try to be online less.

I'm not 'elping zat at all right now though, am I?
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 14, 2020, 02:11:31 pm
M. Cheddar asked me if zere was an alliance 'e was left out of, which ees a question eet makes sense to ask with 'ow messily zis round was 'andled.

I kind of evaded ze question, which 'e probably noticed, but truthfully my loyalty to 'im ees on ze rise. Mlle Hopps ees such an unpredictable element. 'E told me zat she said to 'im zat she definitely did not want to vote M. Chase, but she told me she was trying to work 'im to zat point. Eet ees just so messy for no reason.

I do think I salvaged my relationship with M. Cheddar though, which ees good. And I will play up ze fact zat ze relationship ees damaged to ze new people I meet in ze swap.

Ultimately zat ees probably ze best I can 'ope for. Mlle Hopps drove 'im away 'erself.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 14, 2020, 02:59:31 pm
At ze suggestion of M. Cheddar, I deleted a message to Mlle Hopps telling 'er zat I was going to fill M. Cheddar in. 'E wants to see if she fills 'im in on 'er own. I doubt zat she will.

I don't know if zis means I'm choosing to throw my lot in with M. Cheddar or not, but I do know zat 'e ees a more reliable person zan 'er, and ze way she handled zis round proves eet. Zere was no reason to leave M. Cheddar out and show our 'ands like zat.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 14, 2020, 04:59:38 pm
I 'ave zat kind of sick feeling in my stomach. So nervous for zis reveal and for ze swap, assuming zat I live to see eet.
Title: Re: Épisode Sept: Trapped in zis 'Ell'ole
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 14, 2020, 07:04:54 pm
I believe zat M. Nick ees....

Meme. Mainly because of 'is emoji use and because 'e ees British. Zis per'aps makes me slightly more wary of 'im, but only because I know 'ow Meme ees. Though I am not writing 'im off, Meme ees good about not being loyal to original tribes.

Jake I think ees an ORG person come to MS, just baser on 'is PM title to me. But zen I thought M. McGruff was aussi, and would you put zem both on ze same tribe?