Survivor PD

Confessionals => Hercule Poirot => Topic started by: Hercule Poirot on June 30, 2020, 07:53:16 pm

Title: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on June 30, 2020, 07:53:16 pm
Maintenant, all ees quiet in ze game. I did not send any PMs until ze late afternoon, and I was still ze second person to message M. Lucifer.

We shall see eef ze game speeds up soon (as I imagine eet will if we lose a challenge) or eef we continue at zis leisurely pace for another round.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on June 30, 2020, 08:15:43 pm
Going to give this question thing a try.

How big of a fan of survivor are you? How many seasons have you watched? And what player would you like to model you game after?

I am a relatively big fan of Survivor, and I 'ave played a good amount of zese games. I am less of a fan of ze show zan I used to be, but compared to any normal person I am a Survivor superfan.

I 'ave seen almost every season I believe. I 'ave watched every season since Nicaragua live as eet aired, and I of course went back and watched most of ze early seasons, though eet ees possible zere are some zat I missed and zere I almost certainly some in ze middle zat I started but never finished.

I am not modeling my game after any player, I am modeling my game after Hercule Poirot. My main goal in zis game ees to try to anticipate situations and prepare for zem rather zan waiting for ze situations to arise to react. I also want to use my gimmick strategically to make myself seem less threatening zan I actually am. I am not sure zat zere ees a similar player from Survivor, because most Survivor players are not funny leetle Belgian detectives. Honestly I spent some time trying to think of one and I can't, maybe I'm even less of a Survivor fan zan I thought.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on June 30, 2020, 09:57:52 pm
Mlle Judy 'as already told me zat she considered throwing zis challenge to vote out M. Lance.

I think zat she ees exactly ze person I guessed earlier, but even if she eesn't, she ees acting like zat person. I think zat she could be an incredibly useful ally (and she also ees ze person who I most enjoy messaging, even more zan M. Grouch), but I must be careful and I cannot give 'er any info I do not want spread around. I also cannot try to change 'er way of seeing ze world, I must conform to eet and make all of my arguments within zose perameters. As long as I do zat, I think zat zis relationship will 'opefully be a success, at least until she goes 'ome at some point 'opefully not by my 'and. But I am very aware zat I am playing with fire and zat Mlle Judy ees not a controllable element.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on June 30, 2020, 10:02:46 pm
I also think zat eef I can get 'er loyalty, she would be true to me until ze end of time, but even loyal allies can hurt your game at times. And I do not think zat I 'ave eet yet, I am not forgetting what she said about preferring M. Grouch.

M. Grouch and Mlle Judy are ze best at socializing. M. Lucifer ees ze most active. M. Cheddar ees ze best at messaging often but saying nothing. Mlle Jenny ees ze best at messaging other people but not me. M. Lance ees ze best at not messaging anyone.

I might actually prefer M. Lance. Someone who messages no one might be preferable to someone who clearly likes some people, but I am not one of zem. But I do not 'ave ze courage to push zat through so early unless M. Lance steps up significantly and makes 'imself worth saving.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 11:43:12 am
Mlle Judy officially proposed an alliance with me, 'er, and M. Grouch, which I am very 'appy about. Zey are definitely ze two people zat I most enjoy ze company of, even though M. Cheddar and M. Lucifer are more active, so if ze three of us are on ze same page, I think zat our odds of surviving zis tribe and moving forward together are very good.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 01:31:33 pm
How did you think this challenge went for you? Do you think this performance will help your tribe win immunity?

I 'ave no idea. My confidence level ees low when it comes to ze flash games, but zis wasn't as 'orrible as I was expecting? I was kind of even enjoying eet at times. But 'as for 'ow my score with compare with other people, I truly do not know. I am sure zat some people did much better, but 'opefully I am not ze worst? I gave eet my best effort and tried for ze full hour anyway, so even if eet wasn't enough, I can 'old my 'ead up 'igh.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 01:46:10 pm
I also do most enjoy ze questions, spectateurs. Not much ees 'appening right now in ze game, but I will answer any questions zat you ask.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Heiji Hattori on July 01, 2020, 02:14:22 pm
Sure thing. We've talked a lot about the game and the introductions, but let's get to know Hercule as a person. Why did you decide to play in this Survivor series? With which Survivor player do you most closely align your personal behavior (versus the persona you are playing here)?
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 02:53:10 pm
My decision to play in zis game was actually a split-second decision on ze last day zat applications were being accepted. I originally 'ad applied as a spectateur comme vous, so zere ees another world where you and I are spectateurs watching ze game together. Ze reasons zat I decided to apply were many:

1.) I was rejected from another game zat I 'ad applied for, and I received word on ze same day as ze last day applications were being accepted for zis, so eet felt like ze universe wanted me to play. Zis was ze primary inciting incident.
2.) I 'ave been on a massive read/reread of all Agatha Christie novels, so I knew exactly ze character zat I wanted to play and zat I would 'ave a lot of content to roleplay with and a fun gimmick zat I wanted to try.
3.) 'Ere ees a quote from ze first chapter of Ze ABC Murders:

     "'I know,' I sad, 'that you actually retired years ago--"
     'C'est vrai. To grow the vegetable marrows! And immediately a murder occurs--and I send the vegetable marrows to promenade themselves to the devil. And since then--I know very well what you will say--I am like the prima donna who makes positively the farewell performance! That farewell performance, it repeats itself an indefinite number of times!'
     I laughed.
     'In truth, it has been very like that. Each time I say: this is the end. But no, something else arises! And I will admit it, my friend, the retirement I care for it not at all. If the little grey cells are not exercised, they grow the rust.'"

I do not think zat I need to say say more zan zat. Ze way zat Poirot feels about solving murders ees exactly ze way zat I feel about Survivor. Eet ees a compulsion. I am ze prima donna, and zis ees my farewell performance.

I always identified with someone like Hannah Shapiro as a 'uman being. I also relate to ze way zat Kellyn seized control of ze game and was loathe to relinquish eet even as 'er power slipped away. I will try not to do zose things in zis game. Poirot ees more observant zan I am, and I applies order and method more consistently, but I will try to allow 'is energy to affect ze way I look at ze game.

Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Burton Guster on July 01, 2020, 02:57:07 pm
Which novels of hers have you read? Is there a specific Christie story you prefer? I'm rather like them myself and love to give and receive recommendations?
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Joss Carter on July 01, 2020, 02:58:31 pm
Murder Is Easy (UK) / Easy To Kill (US) is one of my favorites that doesn't feature any of the recurring characters.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 03:10:05 pm
'Ere ees a complete ranked list of all of ze novels of 'ers zat I ave read/reread within the past year:

And Then There Were None
Lord Edgware Dies (Thirteen at Dinner)
Murder on the Orient Express
Cards on the Table
Death on the Nile
Murder at the Vicarage
Mysterious Affair at Styles
Peril at End House
A Caribbean Mystery
Murder of Roger Ackroyd
The Secret Adversary
The Mirror Crack'd From Side to Side
Murder on the Links
Murder in the Mews
Murder in Mesopotamia
Mystery of the Blue Train
Death in the Clouds

And I am currently in ze middle of reading Ze ABC Murders, which was why I chose a quote from eet. I read many others at various points, such as when I was a teenager, but my memories of zem are too confused for me to include in zis list.

I strongly recommend Lord Edgware Dies if you 'ave not read eet. Eet ees a complex one, but one of my favorites.

Cards on ze Table is also fantastique and highly underrated. Eet ees a murder zat occurs during a game of bridge and zere are only four suspects, so extremely pared down and really just a character study of ze four individuals.

Marple, I 'ave enjoyed every Marple I 'ave read. I find 'er novels more consistent than Poirot.

I need to read more standalones because And Then There Were None is ze greatest novel Agatha Christie ever wrote, but my library does not 'ave as many of them for some reason.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Joss Carter on July 01, 2020, 03:13:25 pm
Murder of Roger Ackroyd in the bottom half of the list is downright criminal.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Burton Guster on July 01, 2020, 03:24:21 pm
Fortunately I've read a lot more of the standalones than Poroit novels, at least by percentage. I thoroughly recommend Crooked House but ESPECIALLY Endless Night, that one was incredible. I read most of my Christie novels in high school but those two were a lot more recent and stick with me. Also the first chapter of Towards Zero is incredible and definitely plays with the genre a bit more than others.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Burton Guster on July 01, 2020, 03:26:21 pm
Definitely will pick up Lord Edgeware Dies when I get the chance and agree that And Then There Were None is simply the best, it was also my first so I should reread it though
 Major And Then There Were None Spoilers
I was definitely angry about the killer being "killed" halfway through and talked about how Agatha "cheated" with that ending.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 03:38:52 pm
Fortunately I've read a lot more of the standalones than Poroit novels, at least by percentage. I thoroughly recommend Crooked House but ESPECIALLY Endless Night, that one was incredible. I read most of my Christie novels in high school but those two were a lot more recent and stick with me. Also the first chapter of Towards Zero is incredible and definitely plays with the genre a bit more than others.

I 'ave 'eard fantastic things about both of these so zey are definitely on my list, but my library does not 'ave zem and I do not own copies, so zat ees ze only reason I 'ave not yet read zem. Ze next time I am in a used bookstore, I will check zem out.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 03:42:42 pm
Murder of Roger Ackroyd in the bottom half of the list is downright criminal.

I was spoiled on eet when I first read eet, so zat ees likely affecting my ranking, but I was spoiled on several others zat I love too.

For me, eet was obviously an enormous literary innovation, but in terms of ze atmosphere and just ze overall reading experience, zere were books zat kept me more engaged throughout and zat 'ad more memorable characters and moods. Per'aps part of zis was knowing ze solution to ze mystery, 'owever. Not a personal favorite, but still very good.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Burton Guster on July 01, 2020, 03:45:47 pm
Have you seen any episodes of the show Poirot? I'm a bit tepid to watch it unless I already know the mystery, but if I already know the mystery, why watch the show?
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Joss Carter on July 01, 2020, 03:51:38 pm
Have you seen any episodes of the show Poirot? I'm a bit tepid to watch it unless I already know the mystery, but if I already know the mystery, why watch the show?

Allow me to answer that in the form of spoiling you on the theatrical version of And Then There Were None...
In the play, it turns out that Vera and Philip weren't actually technically guilty of the murders they'd been accused of, so they defeat the real murderer when they are the last two left on the island and get rescued and fall in love.

What hack changed the ending to that garbage? Some bitch named... Agatha Christie.

She recognized that plays and shows are different media than books, and was fully on-board modifying things if she felt gave the acted version a better story for the medium. So yeah, a lot of the broad strokes are the same, but there's enough added or changed things to make it an enjoyable ride.

Heh, should probably make my own post instead of accidentally editing yours.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 03:53:15 pm
Definitely will pick up Lord Edgeware Dies when I get the chance and agree that And Then There Were None is simply the best, it was also my first so I should reread it though
 Major And Then There Were None Spoilers
I was definitely angry about the killer being "killed" halfway through and talked about how Agatha "cheated" with that ending.

She usually ees good about zis and plays fair for ze most part, but I agree zat And Then There Were None ees not ze most "solveable" of 'er works. 'Owever, what it lacks in zat regard eet more zan makes up for with ze mood, ze psychology of ze characters, ze interesting thoughts about guilt and justice, and ze (in my reading) commentary about race and colonialism. I definitely wouldn't call Agatha Christie particularly progressive or revolutionary by any means, but I do think she 'as more going on in ATTWN zan she ees sometimes given credit for.

Eet ees by far 'er most literary work. Eet ees just fabulous, and eet absolutely deserves eet's place as one of 'er most popular (along with Murder on ze Orient Express, which also is fabulous but not quite as good).
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 03:59:45 pm
Have you seen any episodes of the show Poirot? I'm a bit tepid to watch it unless I already know the mystery, but if I already know the mystery, why watch the show?

I 'ave only ever watched episodes of Poirot after 'aving read ze books, so I can't comment zere, but I enjoy zem for David Suchet's marvelous acting and to see 'ow things are translated/if zey translate well. Sometimes mysteries work better as books because you can hide clues more easily. Also zey force Captain Hastings/Miss Lemon into many of ze Poirot episodes even if zey weren't zere in ze original stories, which eesn't my favorite but eet can work alright.

I also strongly recommend ze BBC adaptation of And Then There Were None. Zey do make some changes, particularly to some of ze characters' backstories, which I don't love because I think zey make ze characters less relatable, but overall eet ees incredibly strong. Although I will note zat... (Major ATTWN spoilers)
Charles Dance plays ze judge, and to me, if this was my first exposure to ze story, eet would 'ave been obvious eet was 'im because he plays eet incredibly suspiciously.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 04:06:48 pm
Quote from: Mlle Jenny
Oh, that's nice!  Who is Agatha Christie, though?

Nom d’un nom d’un nom. What are zey teaching kids zese days? Only ze best-selling novelist of all time!
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 05:22:41 pm
My score was not ze worst so as far as I am concerned, I achieved my goal.

But zis ees sad. Eet's too bad zat we lost.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Joss Carter on July 01, 2020, 05:24:31 pm
My score was not ze worst so as far as I am concerned, I achieved my goal.

But zis ees sad. Eet's too bad zat we lost.
Not gonna lie, your post about your score hopefully not being too horrible went straight to the spectator quote thread.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 05:34:34 pm
I am bad at challenges, tu comprends? Eet could 'ave been much more 'orrible zan zat, trust me. I use ze leetle grey cells, not ze reflexes.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 05:35:14 pm
Pour moi, zat was not a 'orrible score.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Joss Carter on July 01, 2020, 05:37:00 pm
Pour moi, zat was not a 'orrible score.
At the time you said it only one other person was below 2000.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 05:43:28 pm
M. Lucifer just told me zat "we all 'ave our strengths" trying to comfort me for doing so 'orribly. I suppose zat ees true, but if 'e expects me to suddenly be amazing at one of zese challenges, 'e ees going to find 'imself extremely disappointed.

At least I beat M. Grouch.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Heiji Hattori on July 01, 2020, 05:57:49 pm
It was a close call and looks like there is a tough decision ahead of you. Prior to the vote, could you give me an update ranking of the favorability of your tribemates?
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 06:05:41 pm
1. M. Grouch
2. Mlle Judy
3. M. Lucifer
4. M. Cheddar
5. M. Lance
6. Mlle Jenny

I slightly prefer Mlle Jenny go, and M. Grouch seems to prefer zat as well, just because I know zat Mlle Jenny actually ees messaging some people, just not me, and M. Quentin 'as mentioned zat 'e ees particularly busy and will be around more later. 'Owever, I do not care zat much and I think zat M. Quentin will probably be ze one to go unless 'e actually puts effort in. If he pitches 'is case to me, I will consider eet, because Mlle Jenny 'as given me no reason to want 'er in ze game.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 07:24:32 pm
M. Grouch seems like 'e ees leaning towards booting Mlle Jenny, but Mlle Judy wants it to be M. Lance.

I do not care. I wouldn't be surprised if we lost again and got to boot both of zem. But if we are saving M. Lance, I want 'im to actually speak to me.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 08:36:48 pm
M. Cheddar and M. Grouch are pushing for Mlle Jenny to be ze boot.

Mlle Jenny sent me one message saying zat she wanted M. Lance, but she sent a message to M. Cheddar saying zat M. Lance was a boring boot.

M. Lance 'as not spoken since tribal begun, yet a plan ees in ze works to save 'im.

M. Lucifer and Mlle Judy are on ze record saying zat zey prefer booting M. Lance, but I think zey could be convinced.

I think it might be best for me if Mlle Jenny is voted out, since she clearly does not like me and M. Lucifer and Mlle Judy want to keep her because she likes zem ze most. And I also like zat I will not be ze one making ze move, since M. Cheddar and M. Grouch brought eet to me and are doing ze pushing.

'Owever, M. Lance ees literally MIA so eet ees 'ard to save someone who ees not talking.

Overall, zis tribal ees surprisingly interesting. Eet's kind of like a proxy war, except not really, but I do think M. Lucifer and Mlle Judy are aware of ze fact zat zey are ze ones with the best relationships with Mlle Jenny and zat ees part of why zey might be resistant. But ze absolute worst case scenario ees eef we alienate zem or make zem feel unheard.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 08:53:42 pm
Apparently Mlle Jenny 'as an alliance chat with M. Lucifer and Mlle Judy? Zat ees so annoying, why are you able to form an alliance chat but you can't even send me one one-line message per day? Zat ees ridiculous!

I am definitely noticing zat M. Lucifer 'as not told me about zis chat and Mlle Judy 'as, 'owever.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 11:03:11 pm
Lucifer just forwarded me zis from Jenny:

Quote from: From Jenny to Lucifer
At the very bottom is Hercule.  I'm saying this because a) I feel like I've connected the least with him and b) he has the most amount of effort put into every post because of his gimmick, so I have ample suspicion that he's probably up to something no good.

Zis ees ze final nail in your coffin, Mlle Jenny. You will gone home for zis. I understand zat you do not like my gimmick, but 'ow can I connect with you when you only message me a single line once every other day? You allowed your feelings about my gimmick to prevent you from even trying with me, even as I tried to tone eet down. Meanwhile you are sending long paragraphs like zis to Lucifer! Eet ees horrible. I will be glad when you are gone.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 01, 2020, 11:04:53 pm
Also my ID guess for Jenny ees...

Tanis. Just ze phrasing about 'aving "ample suspicion" sounds like Wenya Zhu
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Phoenix Wright on July 02, 2020, 06:58:41 am
Hello, i was just wondering something and wanted to give a shot at questioning players

where do you think you're situated on your tribe's social structure? do you think your position could be improved?
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 02, 2020, 11:12:23 am
Hello, i was just wondering something and wanted to give a shot at questioning players

where do you think you're situated on your tribe's social structure? do you think your position could be improved?

I think zat my position ees solid? My relationships seem to be slightly asymmetrical (i.e. M. Cheddar and M. Lucifer immediately come to me telling me zat Mlle Jenny 'as said my name, but neither are in my close alliance). I do worry zat Mlle Judy 'as too much information and she could sink me if she wanted to. For example, M. Lucifer came to me telling me about ze alliance between Mlle Jenny/Mlle Judy/M. Lucifer, but I already knew about eet from Mlle Judy, so I 'ad to pretend not to. If Mlle Judy revealed zat she told me, eet could make me look pretty bad.

I 'ope zat M. Grouch ees seen as more threatening zan me, but I do not know if zat ees ze case or not.

Regardless I think zat once zis vote 'appens, Mlle Judy, M. Grouch, and I will 'ave control of zis tribe and will be able to survive for a while on eet. I think zat my position ees strong, but eet ees possible zat I am slightly overestimating 'ow strong eet ees if Mlle Judy ees less loyal to me zan I think, so I do need to exercise caution with zat one. Overall, 'owever, I do trust 'er.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 02, 2020, 12:38:09 pm
Mon Dieu, eet 'as been quiet today. Eet 'as me slightly paranoid, but I 'ope zat evwrything ees alright.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 02, 2020, 01:34:02 pm
Mlle Jenny told M. Grouch to watch out for me as well.

What ees your problem with me???? We 'ave barely talked to each other. Eet ees so bizarre. But she ees kind of a queen.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 02, 2020, 03:13:57 pm
Ees eet wrong zat I am enamoured with Mlle Jenny even as she ees targeting me and I 'ates me?

M. Cheddar told me zat 'e does not think she ees iconique because she ees not entertaining enough, but I disagree. I find her incredibly iconique and hilarious.

Mlle Jenny, if you did not 'ate me, zere totally ees a world where you could 'ave survived zis. Malheureusement, you do 'ate me, and so you must die.
Title: Re: Épisode Deux: Ze Simple Life
Post by: Hercule Poirot on July 02, 2020, 04:51:38 pm
I also just want to say 'ow much I appreciate M. Grouch. 'e was absolutely correct about targeting Mlle Jenny zis round and could be saving me a lot of bother later in ze game, 'e ees incredibly fun to talk to, and 'e really ees going to be a great partner to work with zis game, assuming zat I am not eliminated right now which ees possible, but 'opefully not 'appening. M. Grouch ees an absolute delight, and I am so glad to 'ave met 'im.

And I'm glad to 'ave met Mlle Judy as well, and even M. Cheddar and M. Lucifer 'ave 'ad zeir moments. I know zat I said some not nice things about zem early on, but zeir PMs 'ave gotten much better and none of zem are bad people. I'm so glad zat I played because I missed getting to talk to people in zis anonymous way. Eet's a very unique kind of relationship.