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Messages - Rust Cohle

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It's her birthday tomorrow  :-[

I miss her so much.  Grief doesn't go away.

Rust Cohle / Re: Voting Thread
« on: August 16, 2020, 11:50:23 am »
I am casting my jury vote for Hercule Poirot.

Long have I planned to write your name down with my final vote of the game.  I just thought it would be at F4 before an F3 FTC.  You know what they say about the best laid plans.

I appreciate the gameplay of both finalists, and there is nothing inherently superior about the aggro social game versus the under the radar positional awareness game.  My vote is a result of a relationship built up throughout the merge and seen through to the bitter end when we were both waiting for the final axe to fall in an otherwise cold and silent void.  The condemned man does reward an executioner who allowed no opportunity to plead a case for his life.

Back then, the visions...most of the time I was convinced that I'd lost it. But there were other times, I thought I was main-lining the secret truth of the universe.

I'd just like to take a moment again to thank everyone who was a part of this game.  Players, mods and spectators, being a part of this game was very helpful for me to have a way to ground myself when my whole life was turned upside down.  I really appreciate that this was happening exactly when it happened.  I'm glad I was a part of it.  This community is important.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Social
« on: August 14, 2020, 04:53:02 pm »
Someone once told me, 'Time is a flat circle.' Everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again.

Well, once there was only dark. You ask me, the light's winning.

Congratulations to you both.

I'm rooting for Hercule to win at this point.  So I'm not going to comment on him taking sole credit for F4 even though it took both of us to accomplish.  I'm not going to expose how he got duped into facilitating the Lennie vote at F7.   I'm not going to correct any of the other minor points I could correct.  It would be fun, but it would be counterproductive for me to undermine him like that.

Hercule, I hope you had a good time reading this confessional.  Congratulations my friend.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Structural
« on: August 13, 2020, 08:12:56 am »
A question for both finalists.

Did you take the board statistics and individual player profile statistics into account in making game decisions?  If so, how?

Final Tribal Council / Re: Strategic
« on: August 12, 2020, 08:58:09 pm »
A question for both finalists.

The ability to manipulate other players is crucial, as alluded to in many answers thus far.  Can you identify any moments in the game where you were the manipulated party?

A statement for Hercule Poirot.

A magnificently eloquent speech, as expected.  I must correct one assertion. If I won final immunity I would have voted you out with no hesitation.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Social
« on: August 12, 2020, 08:09:52 pm »
My question is for Lucifer Morningstar.

For my last 72 hours in the game you didn't PM me.  What the hell, man?

Desk Duty / Re: Rust Cohle - Ninth Juror
« on: August 11, 2020, 10:06:38 am »
Great game!!

I've been dying to ask you this: what happened in the final four?
As soon as we saw it was an F2 instead of an F3 I knew I was in rough shape.  I'm not actually very strong in challenges, despite coming within frustrating inches of winning the last two, so with Lucifer immune it was obvious to both Hercule and I that we needed one another in the final three or Lu would simply take you to the end.  Him flipping on me at 4 or cutting me at 3 is the same outcome for me.  So we had the plan to get you out on the 2-1-1 vote pretty much from the moment TC started, and we both worked it.  He was putting you through the emotional wringer, I was giving you the stoic bit about mentally preparing myself for the tiebreaker challenge.  Meanwhile I goaded Lucifer to turn on me right then and there with a PM about how much it sucked that the whole game would come down to which one of us could win the final immunity challenge.

Desk Duty / Re: Rust Cohle - Ninth Juror
« on: August 11, 2020, 10:01:12 am »
It's not much consolation to be able to say, "Well, if this were an F3 game I would have won it."

Desk Duty / Re: Rust Cohle - Ninth Juror
« on: August 11, 2020, 10:00:01 am »
I appreciate everybody's kind words, but I've been here before and self-improvement is the only thing that I can be proud of.

Desk Duty / Re: Special Note of Appreciation:
« on: August 11, 2020, 09:58:16 am »
It's all one ghetto, man. A giant gutter in outer space.

Desk Duty / Re: Rust Cohle - Ninth Juror
« on: August 10, 2020, 05:40:23 pm »
I had so much left to give for FTC.  Sad.

Desk Duty / Re: Rust Cohle - Ninth Juror
« on: August 10, 2020, 05:04:30 pm »
Well, if this wasn't the one I am just never going to win a game

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