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Topics - Judy Hopps

Pages: [1]
Judy Hopps / The life and crimes of Judy Hopps
« on: July 22, 2020, 07:10:24 am »
Herein this thread, you will find my various schemings and updates for the merge. Maybe this ends up only being like three posts long, or I end up organising jury argument thoughts in here. Either way, may we all enjoy this ride together.

I think the first thing for me to do is work out the power rankings in this game. And then a bit of a who likes and dislikes who. After that I can piece together alliances and start looking for the secret alliances to weasel my way in to. It's unlikely to be easy, but while I have a final 2 agreement with Poirot, I need to get rid of the connotations that we are tight as all hell.

Judy Hopps / Off-Topic: Judy Rants
« on: July 19, 2020, 06:30:05 pm »
Welcome to the Judy Rants thread. I need an outlet and y'all if anyone is even reading confessionals this game (I mean where are all the questions at?) you can come on the ride with me.

Our first topic is belts.

Belts are fucking dumb. Like I also think ties are dumb but belts are something else. Wearing a belt is basically saying, "Hello world, I don't know how to buy pants!" and who wants to advertise that.

I go to corporate meetings and I purposefully judge the people that wear belts. Like grow up and buy things that fit you. Isn't your suit meant to be tailored? Why even wear a belt buddy? What does it do for you other than turn the capitalist wheel of unnecessary clothes. And that is so pervasive might I add. God I fucking hate the entire CONCEPT of pyjamas.

Anyway, I am getting sidetracked. If you wear a belt, you better take a long hard look at yourself. Just buy pants that fit you. Also, what if belts are part of toxic masculinity. If the mens pants don't fit you but he womens pants. Gendered pants are stupid anyway. Everyone wears jeans for example, just try on all the jeans. But yeah, maybe try the womens cut of suit pants. idk buddy, just try on some clothes and get rid of the belt. Get rid of the watch while you are at it. I don't understand it. If you want an ornament on your wrist wear a bangle like a real man. Fuck you and your only women can wear bangles. Nah fuck that, scene kids been wearing arm bands for years and girls dig that shit or something idk, I'm not an expert.

But like, bottom line is, a belt is an advertisement of your own ineptitude. And don't give 'The Man' more shit to throw at you. Get rid of your belts. Except for statement belts. Those are fine. That's fashion. Embrace Fashion.

Judy Hopps / Striking Out
« on: July 15, 2020, 08:53:17 pm »
So I just realised most of my confessional content is question driven. So I have been giving jack in here.

So uhhhh.

Flirting with Penelope and Nick, Lucifer is droll and annoying to talk to as ever. Jake seems to have a predisposition against me already, from message one I actively dislike the guy. He was more abrupt and controlling than Kate was, which is saying something.

Lennie/Poirot/Myself are sharing clues. I am unhappy about this. I want it to be just myself and Poirot. I feel like Poirot and Lennie may be closer with each other than to me. But I think they are both very comfortable in the alliance as a whole.

I am hoping I can network crossways as there is no easy boot here so first tribal for this tribe is going to be intense as fuck.


Most want to kill:

Judy Hopps / Unscramble
« on: July 11, 2020, 05:14:09 am »

Happy to run a game with play by post. It's normal, except everyone has a brain virus that makes them die suddenly when they get voted out.

If the DM dies, someone also has their brain virus promote them.

Aim of the game is to prove to the mods we can have fun despite doing shitty things to us.

Judy Hopps / Rabbiting On
« on: July 05, 2020, 05:07:43 pm »
I got Poirot with me. I'll be good I think.

Judy Hopps / Burrowing in
« on: June 27, 2020, 09:23:50 am »
Keen to get in to it.

Happy to see the puns start early.

Are they the Fresh Prints of Bel-Air per chance?

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