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Messages - Hercule Poirot

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Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 16, 2020, 05:21:19 pm »
I'm so ready for zis game to be done, mes amis. I tried my best. Definitely done for Survivor for a loooooong time, but you 'ave 'eard zat before.

Thinking about eet, I don't think I won, but zere ees still a chance. I'm 'appy with my performance either way, but probably should 'ave catered my FTC more specifically to Mlle Garcia.

Merci beaucoup to ze moderateurs, spectateurs, and to ze players, at least for ze most part. I did 'ave fun. But I am ready for zis chapter of my life to be over.

I came into zis game with nothing to prove to anyone. I am a powerhouse of a player, and I gave eet my all, as I always do. Now, eet ees time to move beyond Survivor: PD.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 16, 2020, 10:12:35 am »
I really 'ate FTC. I enjoy ze game so much, but FTC ees just draining and 'orrible. Ze game ees draining too, but in a fun way.

Even at FTCs I 'ave won, I 'ave never 'ad fun. So I'm just so relieved zat eet ees over.

Really I am ready for zis game to be over and to not play again for a long, long time.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 15, 2020, 08:50:35 pm »
I wonder if I should 'ave done individual appeals to Jurors like M. Morningstar did. I considered eet, but I thought zat eet would be seen as fake and more pandering, and zat ees really what I was trying to get away from in my final speech.

But ze vote I need ees Mlle Garcia, and maybe a direct appeal to 'er would 'ave worked. And eet would 'ave offered me ze opportunity to directly address some of M. Pikachu's critisms and say 'ow 'orrible zey made me feel.

Oh well. Too late maintenant. I doubt zat eet would 'ave been ze tipping point. I made plenty of direct appeals throughout ze course of FTC.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 15, 2020, 05:38:04 pm »
I don't think my FTC was fantastique, and if I lose, zere are things I could 'ave done better. But I did try my best. I really, other zan Mlle Garcia, I don't think most of zese votes were ever leaning in my direction. If I lose Mlle Garcia, zat ees my fault, 'owever.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 15, 2020, 05:37:01 pm »
Also we like 'ow M. Morningstar simultaneously claims zat 'e knew 'e 'ad to sit next to someone from ze opposing alliance in order to win and acts all 'igh and mighty about betraying people. Like voting out M. Grouch, no one should be condescending to me about.

M. Kennedy I do understand ze complaints. I think I probably made an erreur selling zat as a move as 'ard as I did, when I should 'ave stuck to saying zat eet was something I wasn't proud of, but I did what I 'ad to do in order to survive.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 15, 2020, 05:32:04 pm »
If I had to guess...

M. Poirot- M. Cohle, M. Briscoe, M. Peralta, Mlle Hopps
M. Morningstar- M. Grouch, M. McGruff, M. Pikachu, M. Kennedy

Mlle Garcia- ??????

I am relatively confident in my four votes though. And I think I'm relatively confident in ze four votes against me.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 15, 2020, 05:16:38 pm »
I actually think zat I may 'ave pre-empted some of 'is arguments in my speech, so zat ees a good thing. I maybe could 'ave emphasized zat feeling emotionally bad and still feeling zat you made ze correct move ees possible more, though I did touch on eet. I don't think zose are contradictory things.

I don't know if I'm going to win. I could see eet going either way. I think eet ees close. I think ze vote will probably be 5-4, if I 'ad to guess.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 15, 2020, 05:09:19 pm »
M. Morningstar's speech ees not bad. I think zat 'e may win.

But also eet comes across as a leetle cowardly to me to say zose things about me be'ind my back when I can't respond, especially when I was nothing but respectful to 'im in my speech. Maybe I should 'ave worked more to make a more direct contrast between our games, but I don't think zat I needed to. I think zat ze people who are inclined to a vote for a game like mine inherently value my type of play more.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Closing Speech Drafting
« on: August 15, 2020, 04:26:39 pm »
Zis ees my final version. I 'ave made a few more edits in ze last few moments, so no promises zat I won't edit eet again in ze next 'alf 'our, but for ze most part I am 'appy with eet.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 15, 2020, 04:14:05 pm »
D'accord, I'm 'appy with my speech, or at least 'appy enough. Maybe I should 'ave been more specific and more clearly laid out my game for zem again, but I 'ave been doing zat ze whole TC. I think zis ees more earnest.

I don't know if I will win over Mlle Garcia or M. McGruff with zis speech. I need at least one of zem if I am going to win. I think M. Grouch will like eet, but as much as M. Grouch will want to claim to be zis unbiased, impartial person, I think 'e came in looking for reasons to vote for M. Morningstar, and 'e ees seeing what 'e wants to see. Which makes sense. I don't blame 'im. Zat was never a vote zat I entirely expected.

But I think Mlle Hopps, M. Peralta, M. Briscoe, and M. Cohle are all solidly in my corner, so I only need one more. Zose were ze votes zat I came in with, so if I failed to convince anyone else, zen so be eet. Eet ees possible zat ze fact zat I 'ad so much less time with ze Jurors compared to M. Morningstar ees what will do me in. I always knew zat zis was a BAU dominated Jury, and if I 'ad eet my way, I was not taking a BAU person to ze end, but 'ere we are.

I do wish zat zey 'ad come for M. Morningstar a bit more? I kind of was 'oping zat M. Briscoe would give me more assists. 'E did some in ze beginning, but not enough. But I appreciate zat 'e wanted to take a less active approach.

If I 'ave any regrets, zey are my treatment of M. Grouch and M. Kennedy, because zey were two tight relationships zat could 'ave been votes for me, but after ze way I treated zem, I don't think zat zey are. But zose are also ze moves zat impress people like M. Peralta, so eet ees a double-edged sword. And zey are ze moves zat propelled me to ze end, for zat matter.

If people wanted me to make fire at 4 instead of manipulating M. Kennedy, zen I think zat ees an unreasonable expectation and a really 'igh and mighty position to take. You should just willingly take a chance of going 'ome instead of doing everything zat you could to avoid eet? Absolument non. Maybe if you are confident zat you can win challenges zat ees ze right call. I wasn't leaving anything up to challenges.

But ze Jury did claim to not be bitter and I think by a traditional metric, my game ees ze flashier one and ze one more of ze strategically minded Jurors are likely to respect. So zat ees what I am 'oping for. Plus I really did treat Mlle Garcia well zis game, so if I managed any Juror, eet ees 'er.

I was against ze wrong person to get M. Grouch, and I don't think I could 'ave ever gotten M. Pikachu. M. Pikachu still bothers me. 'E doesn't know me. Eet ees easy to judge someone when you weren't in zat position, but when your back ees up against ze wall, you do what you 'ave to do.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Closing Speech Drafting
« on: August 15, 2020, 03:31:03 pm »
Well, mes amis, ‘ere we are at ze end of ze road and, as ees so often ze case in zese games, I find myself laid bare. I believe zat in Survivor, whether you like eet or not, your true nature ees revealed to yourself. And now, as ze game winds down, I think I realize what part of myself zis game ‘as exposed. I think zat eet can be summed up in one word:


I ‘ave put so much effort into zis game, mes amis. I ‘ave probably put too much effort into eet. From ze moment I received my acceptance PM until zis moment maintenant, I ‘ave cared so much and I ‘ave tried so, so ‘ard. Before ze game even began, I compiled a list of French phrases used by Poirot in ze novels to aid in my characterization. I spent hours upon hours perfecting my representation of Poirot throughout ze game (and in my confessional), sending enormous wall PMs peppered with French words and phrases. My elaborate posting gimmick was in and of eetself a testament to my effort and ees ze perfect representation of ze kind of person and player zat I am, but my effort went far beyond zat. And just as effort can be a strength, eet can also be a weakness.

I put effort into getting to know every person I met, even people like M. Blart who I knew were about to unanimously go ‘ome. I put effort into socializing  and effort into making genuine bonds. I enjoyed eet, but I could not do anything else. Zere ees a reason zat I ‘ave spent more time on ze forum zan any other player. I was incapable of not putting in effort. Eet ees at ze ‘eart of who I am.

I developed a reputation as a social threat because I ‘ad to put in effort. When I was in danger, or even sometimes when an ally was in danger, I ‘ad to fight as ‘ard as I could and leave everything on ze table. I played ze game, 'ard, round after round, to keep myself in ze best possible spot. Zis ees not a choice for me, mes amis.  Eet ees a compulsion. Eet ees not something zat I can ‘elp. Eet ees something zat I bring to everything zat I do. Eet ees too central to who I am as a person for me to leave at ze door.

At times, my effort led me to do things zat I know some of you are uncomfortable with. I understand and respect zat. If zat ees what costs me your vote, eet ees perfectly raisonnable, and I do not blame you. But please do understand zat eet brought me no pleasure, as much as I ‘ave touted eet as a strength throughout FTC. I will apologize for ze emotional pain zat I caused, but I will not apologize for putting in effort. I will not apologize for always doing everything zat I could to keep myself in ze game.

At FTC, I felt myself putting in effort, as I always ‘ave. I think at times I put in too much effort. I put in so much effort zat eet seems like I need to put in zat much effort to sell my game. I don't. My game stands on eets own. At times people told me zat things I was saying were not acknowledging enough of my faults or only telling people what I think zey want to 'ear. I don’t necessarily agree with zose criticisms, but I understand where zey come from. I 'ave never intentionally misrepresented my game. I stand by most of what I 'ave said. I legitimately think zat my game ees fantastique, and I wanted to ‘elp you all to see zat.

But in pursuit of zat goal, I ‘ave per’aps oversold my case. When I put so much effort into constructing every response, eet may 'ave made zose responses seem less genuine. If zat ees why you find yourself unable to vote for me, zen again, I understand completely, but I do urge you to really strongly consider zat. Because beneath all of zat effort at FTC, zere ees hundreds of times more effort throughout ze game.

Even if you disagree with many of ze arguments I ‘ave made at FTC or didn’t appreciate ze way I advocated for my game, my FTC ees ze perfect embodiment of ‘ow I ‘ave played zis entire time. Just as I was working every angle zat I could for myself in each FTC response, I also worked every angle zat I could every round zat I was in ze game. I will not apologize for trying to sell my game as best I could. Zat ees what I must do at FTC. I will not apologize for my effort.

Because ‘ere ees ze thing, mes amis. As much as effort can be flawed, as much as eet can lead you down ultimately destructive paths, pour moi, ze effort ees enough. Eet ees enough because eet ‘as to be enough. Eet ees enough because eet ees what I ‘ave to offer ze world.

And when eet comes to effort, I believe zat ze good outweighs ze bad. I could not live with myself if I came to FTC and did not pitch my game as ‘ard as I could and zen lost. Or if I ‘adn’t tried what I did at 4 and went ‘ome to a firemaking challenge. Or if I ‘ad not removed M. Grouch at 9 and zen M. Grouch became my undoing in ze game. I could not ‘ave lived with myself if I didn’t fight as ‘ard as I could to save M. Briscoe and M. Peralta, even if eet was unsuccessful. Or if I didn’t build every social bond zat I could to ze best of my ability, even if zat meant ‘aving to sever some of zem in brutal ways. Or if I didn’t give zis game every ounce of effort zat I ‘ad in ze tank. Eet goes against my nature as a ‘uman being.

None of zis means zat I don’t take responsibility for zese things. I do. I understand ze problems of too much effort left unchecked. I understand ze shortcomings of my game and of me as a person. When you play with such single-minded determination, you can sometimes lose perspective on things, and zere definitely were moments where I did zat.

But pour moi, ze effort ees enough. Ze fight ees enough. Ze willingness to make crazy plays. To push your own limits. To take risks and see if zey pay off. To backstab friends. To lie. To blindside. To do whatever eet takes.

I will not apologize for zat. I will not apologize for who I am as a person, for one of my best traits and one of my worst.

I do not mean to suggest zat M. Morningstar did not put in effort. ‘E did. I’m sure ‘e wants to win as badly as I do. But effort does not dominate ‘is personality. Eet ees not ‘is defining trait.

If you want to vote for restraint, vote for M. Morningstar. I ‘ave no restraint. I ‘ave no subtlety. I am unwilling to not push things as far as I can possibly take zem in ze pursuit of my goals. Zat ees not what I bring to life, and zat ees not what I brought to zis game.

If you want to vote for effort, vote for me. If you want to vote for someone who really really really wants to win and who was willing to do whatever eet took in ze pursuit of ze win, vote for me. If you want to vote for someone who cares so much, too much, about zis Internet forum game, someone who played ‘ard and made moves and ‘ad control and lost control and regained control and fought ‘ard for everything zat ‘e was given, zen vote for me.

I will not directly compare my game to M. Morningstar’s in zis speech. I don’t think I need to. I think you all know ze games zat we played. Most of you probably already know which type of game you respect more. I do not think either game ees a bad one, and if ‘e wins, I will be ‘appy for ‘im. Zis ‘as been a ‘ard fought FTC.

But I will say zat I want eet so badly, mes amis. I want eet more zan I can even put into words. Because I ‘ave invested so much time, so much energy, so much effort into zis game. I ‘ave poured my ‘eart and soul into eet. Round after round I ‘ave fought. Winning zis would mean so, so much to me. Eet would mean zat everything, all of eet, all of ze work, all of ze betrayals, all of ze hours spent thinking, spent socializing, spent fighting, all of ze effort, all of eet was worth eet.

Zat does not mean zat I automatically deserve your votes, ‘owever. If you think zat M. Morningstar played ze better game or earned your vote in some other way, zen your vote ees yours and you can do with eet what you please. I respect whatever choice you make.

My game ees a strong one. I think I laid eet out fairly clearly in my opening speech, and apart from a few minor changes, I think zat most of zat speech still ees ‘ow I feel about eet maintenant. If you still are undecided, reread my speech. Reread FTC. Decide for yourself what type of gameplay you want to see in games, what type of gameplay you most respect in zis game in particular. And zen if you still can't decide, vote for effort.

I ‘ope zat my effort ees enough. I ‘ave nothing more to give you. I ‘ave nothing more to give zis game. I ‘ave nothing more to give myself, so for me, eet ‘as to be enough. My effort ees ze raison zat I made eet to ze end to plead my case in ze first place. I cannot regret eet.

And now eet ees in your ‘ands. You ‘ave to put in some effort. You ‘ave to decide what matters to you. You ‘ave to decide what type of winner you want to see. I’m leaving zis game ze same way zat I came into eet. I'm putting in effort and fighting until ze last. Eet ees ze only thing zat I know ‘ow to do.

 I ‘ave tried to keep zis speech as authentique to me and to ze game zat I played and ze person zat I am as possible. I ‘ope zat you agree. I ‘ope zat ze effort ees enough for you aussi. I ‘ope zat when you go to cast your vote, you vote for Poirot.

Merci beaucoup for a great game and for a respectful FTC. I’m so glad to ‘ave met all of you. No matter what, I’m proud of what I accomplished zis game, and I ‘ad such a good time. Eet was an honor to play zis game representing Hercule Poirot. I ‘ope zat I did ‘im justice.

And now, eet ees time to say au revoir, mes amis. Au revoir. I gave zis game everything zat I 'ave. Zere ees nothing more zat I can do.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Closing Speech Drafting
« on: August 14, 2020, 06:57:36 pm »
Still a first draft, mes amis. I am 'appy with eet though. I don't think eet will lose me any votes, at least.

Hercule Poirot / Closing Speech Drafting
« on: August 14, 2020, 06:56:47 pm »
Well, mes amis, ‘ere we stand at ze end of ze road and, as ees so often ze case in zese games, I find myself laid bare. People say zat in Survivor, whether you like eet or not, your true nature ees revealed to you, and I think zey are correct. And now, as ze game winds down, I think I realize what part of myself zis game ‘as exposed. I think zat eet can be summed up in one word:


I ‘ave put so much effort into zis game, mes amis. I ‘ave probably put too much effort into eet. From ze moment I received my acceptance PM until zis moment maintenant, I ‘ave cared so much and I ‘ave tried so, so ‘ard. Before ze game even began, I compiled a list of French phrases used by Poirot in ze novels to aid in my characterization. I spent hours upon hours perfecting my representation of Poirot throughout ze game (and in my confessional), sending enormous wall PMs peppered with French words and phrases. My elaborate posting gimmick was in and of eetself a testament to my effort and ees ze perfect representation of ze kind of person and player zat I am, but my effort went far beyond zat. And just as effort can be a strength, eet can also be a weakness.

I put effort into getting to know every person I met, even people like M. Blart who I knew were about to unanimously go ‘ome. I put effort into socializing and effort into making genuine bonds. I enjoyed eet, but I could not do anything else. Zere ees a reason zat I ‘ave spent more time on ze forum zan any other player. I was incapable of not putting in effort. Eet ees at ze ‘eart of who I am.

I developed a reputation as a social threat because I ‘ad to put in effort. When I was in danger, or even when an ally was in danger, I ‘ad to fight as ‘ard as I could and leave everything on ze table. I played ze game, 'ard, round after round, to keep myself in ze best possible spot. Zis ees not a choice for me, mes amis.  Eet ees a compulsion. Eet ees not something zat I can ‘elp. Eet ees something zat I bring to everything zat I do. Eet ees too central to who I am as a person for me to leave at ze door.

At times, my effort led me to do things zat I know some of you are uncomfortable with. I understand and respect zat. If zat ees what costs me your vote, eet ees perfectly raisonnable, and I do not blame you. But please do understand zat eet brought me no pleasure, as much as I ‘ave touted eet as a strength throughout FTC. I will apologize for ze emotional pain zat I caused, but I will not apologize for putting in effort. I will not apologize for always doing everything zat I could to stay in ze game.

At FTC, I felt myself putting in effort, as I always ‘ave. I think at times I put in too much effort. I put in so much effort zat eet seems like I need to put in zat much effort to sell my game. I don't. My game stands on eets own. At times people told me zat things I was saying were bullshit or not acknowledging enough of my faults or only telling people what I think zey want to 'ear. I don’t necessarily agree with zese criticisms, but I understand where zey come from. I don’t think zat I ever lied or misrepresented my game, at least not intentionally. I stand by most of what I 'ave said. I legitimately think zat my game ees fantastique, and I wanted to ‘elp you all to see zat.

But in pursuit of zat goal, I ‘ave per’aps oversold my case. When I put so much effort into every response, eet may 'ave made zose responses seem less genuine. Zey aren't. If zat ees why you find yourself unable to vote for me, zen again, I understand completely, but I do urge you to really strongly consider zat. Because beneath all of zat effort at FTC, zere ees hundreds of times more effort throughout ze game. Even if you disagree with many of ze arguments I ‘ave made at FTC or didn’t appreciate ze way I advocated for my game, my FTC ees ze perfect embodiment of ‘ow I ‘ave played zis entire game. I will not apologize for trying to sell my game as best I can. Zat ees what I must do at FTC. I will not apologize for my effort.

Because ‘ere ees ze thing, mes amis. As much as effort can be flawed, as much as eet can lead you down ultimately destructive paths, pour moi, ze effort ees enough. Eet ees enough because eet ‘as to be enough. Eet ees enough because eet ees what I ‘ave to offer ze world.

And when eet comes to effort, I believe zat ze good outweighs ze bad. I could not live with myself if I came to FTC and did not pitch my game as ‘ard as I could and zen lost. Or if I ‘adn’t tried what I did at 4 and went ‘ome to a firemaking challenge. Or if I ‘ad not removed M. Grouch at 9 and zen M. Grouch became my undoing in ze game. I could not ‘ave lived with myself if I didn’t fight as ‘ard as I could to save M. Briscoe and M. Peralta, even if eet was unsuccessful. Or if I didn’t build every social bond zat I could to ze best of my ability, even if zat meant ‘aving to sever some of zem in brutal ways. Or if I didn’t give zis game every ounce of effort zat I ‘ad in ze tank. Eet goes against my nature as a ‘uman being.

None of zis means zat I don’t take responsibility for zese things. I do. I understand ze problems of too much effort left unchecked. I understand ze shortcomings of my game and of me as a person.

But pour moi, ze effort ees enough. Ze fight ees enough. Ze willingness to make crazy plays. To push your own limits. To take risks and see if zey pay off. To backstab friends. To lie. To blindside. To do whatever eet takes.

I will not apologize for zat. I will not apologize for who I am as a person, for one of my best traits and one of my worst.

I do not mean to suggest zat M. Morningstar did not put in effort. ‘E did. I’m sure ‘e wants to win as badly as I do. But effort does not dominate ‘is personality. Eet ees not ‘is defining trait.

If you want to vote for restraint, vote for M. Morningstar. I ‘ave no restraint. I ‘ave no subtlety. I am unwilling to not push things as far as I can possibly take zem in ze pursuit of my goals. Zat ees what I bring to life, and zat ees what I bring to Survivor.

If you want to vote for effort, vote for me. If you want to vote for someone who really really really wants to win and who was willing to do whatever eet took in ze pursuit of ze win, vote for me. If you want to vote for someone who cares so much, too much, about zis Internet forum game, someone who played ‘ard and made moves and ‘ad control and lost control and regained control and fought ‘ard for everything zat ‘e was given, zen vote for me.

I will not directly compare my game to M. Morningstar’s in zis speech. I don’t think I need to. I think you all know ze games zat we played. I think you know zat my game was a ‘igh intensity, ‘igh effort game of blindsides and backstabs and amazing social play, while ‘is was a game of being consistent, steady, and self-aware. I do not think either game ees a bad one, and if ‘e wins, I will be ‘appy for ‘im. Zis ‘as been a ‘ard fought FTC.

But I will say zat I want eet so much, mes amis. I want eet more zan I can even put into words. Because I ‘ave invested so much time, so much energy, so much effort into zis game. I ‘ave poured my ‘eart and soul into eet. Round after round I ‘ave fought. Winning zis would mean so, so much to me. Eet would mean zat everything, all of eet, all of ze effort, was worth eet. Eet would mean zat my effort was enough.

Zat does not mean zat I automatically deserve your votes, ‘owever. If you think zat M. Morningstar played ze better game or earned your vote in some other way, zen your vote ees yours and you can do with eet what you please.

My game ees a strong one. I think I laid eet out fairly clearly in my opening speech, and apart from a few minor changes, I think zat most of zat speech still ees ‘ow I feel about eet maintenant. If you still are undecided, reread my speech. Reread FTC. Decide for yourself what type of gameplay you want to see in games, what type of gameplay you most respect in zis game in particular.

I ‘ope zat my effort ees enough. I ‘ave nothing more to give you. I ‘ave nothing more to give zis game. I ‘ave nothing more to give myself, so for me, eet ‘as to be enough. Zat effort ees ze raison zat I made eet to ze end to plead my case as I am doing maintenant.

And now eet ees in your ‘ands. You ‘ave to put in some effort. You ‘ave to decide what matters to you. You ‘ave to decide what type of winner you want to see. I’m leaving zis game ze same way zat I came into eet. I'm putting in effort and fight until ze last. Eet ees ze only thing I'm able to do.

Eet ‘as been a pleasure meeting and playing with all of you. I ‘ad so much fun. I ‘ave tried to keep zis speech as authentique to me and to ze game zat I played and ze person zat I am as possible. I ‘ope zat you agree. I ‘ope zat ze effort ees enough for you aussi. I ‘ope zat when you go to cast your vote, you vote for M. Poirot.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 14, 2020, 04:59:25 pm »
M. Cohle's final post ees so fantastique. Eet ees time for me to begin my speech, mes amis. I do 'ave an idea for eet. Maybe a leetle outside of my comfort zone, but I think zat ees what I need to do to win over ze votes I don't already 'ave.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Structural
« on: August 14, 2020, 04:32:16 pm »
One last question for Hercule— you say your partnership with Rust was basically one of your most important connections bar none. What I want to know is— how would you distinguish your game from his? Assuming it was a F3 and he somehow won the challenge and allowed you to go with him (or something like that), how would you argue that your game is better than or different from his? Do you thibk Rust would beat you in any scenario?

'E definitely was. Without my connection to 'im, ze last few rounds of my game would 'ave played out entirely differently.

So I definitely feared sitting next to M. Cohle in ze F2, which was why I was not going to take 'im if I won ze challenge. 'E also feared sitting next to me. I think both of us always intended for ze other to be ze final Juror, and one thing zat was beautiful about our relationship was ze fact zat we both accepted zat for ze most part, until at F3 when 'e lied and said zat 'e wanted to take me to ze end, hahahaha.

I think eet would 'ave been a battle if we were in ze F2 together, and a battle I'm not sure zat I would 'ave won, but I would 'ave given eet my best. For me, when I was thinking about eet during ze game in ze situation where M. Cohle took me, ze biggest differentiating factor in our games, apart from ze fact zat we were on different sides, was 'ow cautiously we played. M. Cohle was a great player, but an extremely cautious player. During ze M. Pikachu round, 'e secretly wanted M. Pikachu to go, but even though I was telling 'im zat I was undecided, 'e never gave me ze slightest indication zat 'e preferred zat, leading me to think zat I did not 'ave ze votes. During ze M. Briscoe round, 'e was telling me zat 'e would vote Mlle Garcia, but 'e was afraid to because 'e didn't know for sure zat M. Kennedy wouldn't lie to 'im and leave 'im out to dry. 'E kept 'is thoughts extremely private, and I think zis sometimes caused 'im to miss opportunities for moves. And sometimes zis worked to 'is benefit too. Without 'is caution in ze rounds leading up to ze F4 and during ze F4 eetself, I'm not sure if zat move would 'ave been possible. 'E was a very careful player in a way zat I just was not.

With me, on ze other 'and, no one ever 'ad any doubt about where I stood on most things. I was not subtle. I was not particularly secretive about my opinions, except on a few occasions where I was pulling off blindsides. Everyone in ze game knew zat I did not want M. Briscoe and M. Peralta to go. Everyone in ze game knew my targets for most rounds. Everyone in ze game got regular updates on my relationship with Mlle Hopps. I think I played a bit more fearlessly zan M. Cohle in zis way by being very open about what I thought and wanted to 'ave 'appen.

I don't necessarily think zat one style of play ees better or worse in zis case. Zey are both just different. But in ze scenario where M. Cohle took me to ze end, zat was one of ze arguments zat I was going to make. I think zere ees an extremely clear contrast between a louder, more visible player vs a more subtle, secretive player, and although I am not sure zat my game would 'ave been rewarded in zat case, I would 'ave advocated for eet. I do think zere was an argument.

But I definitely think zere are scenarios where M. Cohle beats me. Actually I would give 'im ze advantage if I'm honest. So I definitely think eet was good for me zat 'e lost zat final challenge.

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