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Spectator Station / Re: Episode 20 - FTC
« Last post by Scully and Hitchcock on August 14, 2020, 04:33:34 pm »
Juries are notoriously unpredictable.  Recall that last game here, "bippy" thought he was casting a sympathy vote for a buddy finishing in dead last, and it ended up as the deciding vote in that player's win.
Penelope / Paul Blart - Unlucky Swap
« Last post by Penelope Garcia on August 14, 2020, 04:33:12 pm »
15th Paul Blart

I'm irrationally mad at you for wasting your idol to send Kate home and then going home immediately after. We never got to interact, so I have nothing to go off except for the fact that you idol'ed out my friend >:(
Final Tribal Council / Re: Structural
« Last post by Hercule Poirot on August 14, 2020, 04:32:16 pm »
One last question for Hercule— you say your partnership with Rust was basically one of your most important connections bar none. What I want to know is— how would you distinguish your game from his? Assuming it was a F3 and he somehow won the challenge and allowed you to go with him (or something like that), how would you argue that your game is better than or different from his? Do you thibk Rust would beat you in any scenario?

'E definitely was. Without my connection to 'im, ze last few rounds of my game would 'ave played out entirely differently.

So I definitely feared sitting next to M. Cohle in ze F2, which was why I was not going to take 'im if I won ze challenge. 'E also feared sitting next to me. I think both of us always intended for ze other to be ze final Juror, and one thing zat was beautiful about our relationship was ze fact zat we both accepted zat for ze most part, until at F3 when 'e lied and said zat 'e wanted to take me to ze end, hahahaha.

I think eet would 'ave been a battle if we were in ze F2 together, and a battle I'm not sure zat I would 'ave won, but I would 'ave given eet my best. For me, when I was thinking about eet during ze game in ze situation where M. Cohle took me, ze biggest differentiating factor in our games, apart from ze fact zat we were on different sides, was 'ow cautiously we played. M. Cohle was a great player, but an extremely cautious player. During ze M. Pikachu round, 'e secretly wanted M. Pikachu to go, but even though I was telling 'im zat I was undecided, 'e never gave me ze slightest indication zat 'e preferred zat, leading me to think zat I did not 'ave ze votes. During ze M. Briscoe round, 'e was telling me zat 'e would vote Mlle Garcia, but 'e was afraid to because 'e didn't know for sure zat M. Kennedy wouldn't lie to 'im and leave 'im out to dry. 'E kept 'is thoughts extremely private, and I think zis sometimes caused 'im to miss opportunities for moves. And sometimes zis worked to 'is benefit too. Without 'is caution in ze rounds leading up to ze F4 and during ze F4 eetself, I'm not sure if zat move would 'ave been possible. 'E was a very careful player in a way zat I just was not.

With me, on ze other 'and, no one ever 'ad any doubt about where I stood on most things. I was not subtle. I was not particularly secretive about my opinions, except on a few occasions where I was pulling off blindsides. Everyone in ze game knew zat I did not want M. Briscoe and M. Peralta to go. Everyone in ze game knew my targets for most rounds. Everyone in ze game got regular updates on my relationship with Mlle Hopps. I think I played a bit more fearlessly zan M. Cohle in zis way by being very open about what I thought and wanted to 'ave 'appen.

I don't necessarily think zat one style of play ees better or worse in zis case. Zey are both just different. But in ze scenario where M. Cohle took me to ze end, zat was one of ze arguments zat I was going to make. I think zere ees an extremely clear contrast between a louder, more visible player vs a more subtle, secretive player, and although I am not sure zat my game would 'ave been rewarded in zat case, I would 'ave advocated for eet. I do think zere was an argument.

But I definitely think zere are scenarios where M. Cohle beats me. Actually I would give 'im ze advantage if I'm honest. So I definitely think eet was good for me zat 'e lost zat final challenge.
Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« Last post by Hercule Poirot on August 14, 2020, 04:12:31 pm »
Not sure what M. Grouch means when 'e says zat where 'e ended up was not where 'e expected to. Was 'e initially leaning towards me and zen became swayed to vote ze other way? Eet seemed like 'e was wanting to vote M. Morningstar from ze beginning on my end and was just looking for a reason to do so.

I think 'is advice about my closing speech ees good, because I do get ze sense zat I am almost so good at selling myself and making everything I do look as good as possible zat eet comes across as inauthentic. I 'ave tried to own some of my mistakes, and part of ze problem may be zat I do 'ave a bit of an ego, and maybe I buy into my own hype a leetle to much.

I'll try to be earnest as I can. I'll try to be 'umble. I'll try to 'ighlight what I think ees my biggest strength and maybe also my biggest flaw, ze amount of effort I put into everything. Because I do think if I lose, eet will be because I tried too 'ard, strangely enough.
Final Tribal Council / Re: Structural
« Last post by Scruff McGruff on August 14, 2020, 04:08:09 pm »
One last question for Hercule— you say your partnership with Rust was basically one of your most important connections bar none. What I want to know is— how would you distinguish your game from his? Assuming it was a F3 and he somehow won the challenge and allowed you to go with him (or something like that), how would you argue that your game is better than or different from his? Do you thibk Rust would beat you in any scenario?
Final Tribal Council / Re: Structural
« Last post by Hercule Poirot on August 14, 2020, 03:56:52 pm »
Okay, another question for you both. Why should either of you win *this* game? I dont just mean why were your games ones to vote for, but rather, why is your game representative of the whole of Survivor: PD? What aspects of what you've done is a summary of what the experience of playing this game was like? Why are you the best choice for that?

I see Survivor: PD as a game zat was irrevocably formed by ze fact zat one tribe, SVU, lost four challenges in a row during ze premerge, and lost another member during ze third swap. Zis created an incredibly asymmetrical merge where on ze one 'and, we 'ad an extremely tight knit minority group of 4 who 'ad gone through zis traumatic experience together, and on ze other 'and, we 'ad a tribe with ze overwhelming majority of numbers who were not as tightly connected in BAU. In some ways, eet ees incredibly fitting zat in ze end, we 'ave a representative from SVU and from BAU sitting 'ere, because I see zis as representative of ze battle zat 'as been going on ze whole season.

And I in many ways do embody zat conflict. I was solidly on ze SVU side ze entire merge, even as I built strong social bonds with people like Mlle Garcia and you outside of eet. Both sides were exchanging blows, people like Mlle Hopps flipped at various points, but through eet all, I fought for SVU, and I played a 'uge role in making zat narrative of SVU+M. Peralta vs BAU be ze narrative zat dominated. Ze fact zat we lost as often as we did was an extremely emotional experience for me, and I did feel bonded to every member of SVU after going through zat together, as I think most people would. I wanted us to all make eet as far as we could together after an experience like zat.

'Owever,  if I was to attribute ze fact zat I am sitting 'ere in ze F2 to any single relationship, eet would be to ze strategic partnership I was able to form early in ze merge with M. Cohle, despite us not 'aving met prior to zat point. M. Cohle ees a 'uge part of ze raison zat I was able to survive ze F4. M. Cohle and I 'elped to protect each other all throughout ze merge even while agreeing to be on different sides. M. Cohle ees someone I feel an incredibly tight bond with, and I enjoyed playing and taking on ze game together, so, so much.

So, I think zat if I win ze game, zere are two main takeaways related to ze themes of zis season. Un, I think zat in order to advance in zis game, you did 'ave to pick a side. You could not be Mlle Hopps jumping from side to side as a rogue element. You 'ad to plant your flag, as I did when I voted out you. But deux, I think zat ze game-winning relationship if I do win will 'ave been one zat was not related at all to tribal lines. Eet will 'ave been due to my relationship with someone who on paper, I should not 'ave been working with, but because we 'ad a 'uman connection and our strategic interests aligned, we were able to make eet work. I think I represent ze fact zat as much as ze sides mattered in zis game so much, at ze end of ze day, we are all people playing a Survivor game, not numbers on one side or ze other. And in a game so defined by two sides duking eet out with one another, ze best strategy was to embrace zat narrative, but zen eventually, when ze time was right, to transcend eet.
Spectator Station / Re: Episode 20 - FTC
« Last post by Scully and Hitchcock on August 14, 2020, 03:44:48 pm »
so having 0 context for any of the game, not having read any of the questions, etc. my assumption is that the great Belgian detective is taking this one home. Y/N?
It might be tight depending on how burned players feel by Poirot's big moves.

We've never had access to the jury forum or their confessionals so it's harder to say than it would be usually.
Spectator Station / Re: Episode 20 - FTC
« Last post by Cliff McCormack on August 14, 2020, 03:39:12 pm »
so having 0 context for any of the game, not having read any of the questions, etc. my assumption is that the great Belgian detective is taking this one home. Y/N?
Final Tribal Council / Re: Social
« Last post by Grouch Cop on August 14, 2020, 03:35:01 pm »
So, I'm largely set on how I am going to vote here, even though where I ended up was not where I expected to, but you both still have a chance you could change my mind depending on how you write your closing speeches.

Hercule, you've spent a lot of time here trying to give people exactly what you think that they want from you, and as much as possible have tried to frame your game according to those assumptions. It is commendable that you have the social skills in which you can do that. However, what I want from you in a closing is for you to be unapologetic about the game that you played. Don't tell us what you think we want, tell us what you think is true and accurate, flaws and all. Take a risk.

Lucifer, you've done the opposite imo. You've never pretended that your game was anything more or less than it was. You've presented it with all of its flaws and asked us to consider voting for it anyways. And using the hand you were dealt with the skills you had to their fullest potentials. And that kind of selfawareness is rare, and not something easily taught. What I want from you is, what has this game taught you? In what ways have you improved as a player and a person through this game?  What kind of specifics can you point to? I want you to give the shinest most flattering version of your game with details that you can.

I think you've both played your hearts out and should be commended on all that you've done. You've also both been incredibly gracious and haven't let any of the stress of FTC goad you into giving less than your best in your answers as politely as possible, so well done.
Final Tribal Council / Re: Structural
« Last post by Grouch Cop on August 14, 2020, 03:19:11 pm »
Okay, another question for you both. Why should either of you win *this* game? I dont just mean why were your games ones to vote for, but rather, why is your game representative of the whole of Survivor: PD? What aspects of what you've done is a summary of what the experience of playing this game was like? Why are you the best choice for that?
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