Author Topic: Flim and Flam: wut  (Read 329 times)

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  • Canterlot
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Flim and Flam: wut
« on: May 17, 2019, 05:50:56 pm »

Look I don't know what you were thinking with your gimmick, but it evidently worked for you as you made it far. I'm pretty sure you're a hydra, which is kinda cool, and I definitely believe you would have made it far if it weren't for Pinkie's idol. Still you absorbed a very dangerous idol at a crucial time, and you helped catapult me to where I am now. I am very thankful and I do wish there was a way that I could have saved you from this fate.

Also thanks for subbing into that challenge for me. I think you did infinitely better than I would have, and I super appreciate you being willing to step in and try your best. :)