Author Topic: Episode 12 - Maybe I'm The Scaredy Pony  (Read 658 times)

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Granny Smith

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Episode 12 - Maybe I'm The Scaredy Pony
« on: May 01, 2019, 03:54:43 am »
Okay so in a shocking lack of self-awareness, I have jus' now realised

that since 1-2 days ago

this game has been stressin' me out!


Yeah, ya would've thought that'd be kinda obvious.

Well it wasn' that obvious to me!

I think that I know how to do this survivor thing. I think I'm jus' completely unaffected by the stress of it all. I think that I find everythin' 'bout this easy except FTC. I think I'm invincible.

Well I hate to break it to ya Granny Smith, but ya ain't! Ya jus' like the rest of 'em. And ya sure as hay have been a scaredy pony too!

And now look at me! I'm givin' mahself a pep talk! Except it's a pep talk where I'm basically jus' cuttin' mahself down! What kinda macadamia nut pony am I?


Anyway, I think the reality of it is, I've jus' had a lot goin' on. I know ya wanna hear more 'bout what's goin' on in Equestria and less 'bout what's goin' on in the Earth world, but it's mah last week at where I'm currently workin' and I'm havin' to wrap things up and pretend that it's been a great experience workin' here etc. etc. And I'm gonna be movin' back home and endin' a long-distance portion of mah relationship, which is great but it's also a LIFE THING that's takin' mah attention at the moment, plus I'm actually gonna have to pay attention to mah boypony a bit and not jus' think 'bout this game all the time. And I don' know I think I'm jus' in a vulnerable state right now and this game has been a lot.

And most of all I'm worried that it's affected how I've been interactin' with ponies.

'Cause I haven' really had a clear idea of what I've wanted to do and so I feel like a lot of mah conversations have been treadin' water and jus' neighin' whatever shit I can think of at the time rather than actually carin' 'bout ponies and givin' 'em the love and attention they need.

But I've thought 'bout things a lot and I'm feelin' better now. I know who I need to prioritise and what I need to do.

Get ready...

For another rankdown post

(New and improved this time)

Granny Smith

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Re: Episode 12 - Maybe I'm The Scaredy Pony
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2019, 04:49:14 am »

"I wasn't exactly sure how to be like "so we totally didn't talk at all last time, but probably because we knew we were opposite times the whole time"

So I feel kinda bad 'bout how I've been complainin' to ponies 'bout Chrysalis. If I was in a better frame of mind I probably wouldn' have, but the fact is that she decided to stop respondin' to mah PMs after havin' sent me... one PM. And then after a poke we get the excuse quoted above and I'm jus' too old for that kinda thing. I have a much lower tolerance for it now.

The longer Chrysalis is in the game, the more uncomfortable I am 'cause it's somepony that I know would target me if they got the chance, and I don' like that. I'm gonna keep tryin' with her. I've had beginnin'-of-merge enemies turn into useful allies before. But Chrysalis doesn' seem to be too interested in progressin' her relationship with me.

Likely Allies: Pinkie, Starlight, Derpy, Rarity, ?Rainbow Dash

Likely Targets: Me, ?Pear


"I'm a little surprised you're not deciding like Pear to just... not speak to me again."

What is it with ponies here and jus' assumin' that the thing to do if things are awkward is to jus' not neigh anythin'? It drives me up the wall to be hones' with y'all. That neighed though, I do like Pinkie. She wasn' even that low down on mah last rankdown. I was prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt. But I'm quite confident that how last tribal went down was proof that I wasn' gonna be a priority for her, and I'm definitely not gonna be a priority for her now. So I'd be comfortable with tryin' to vote her out again. Third time's a charm!

Likely Allies: Chrysalis, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, ?Starlight, ?Derpy

Likely Targets: Pear, Me, Soarin, DJ, ?Coco


"I ended up voting Pinkie along with the herd because I was feeling a lot of pressure to conform there. :/ "

Not much has really changed in terms of mah opinion of Rarity. Our conversations are okay I guess, but she very much seems forced into Dash's alliance of 5 more than actually wantin' to be a part of it? I don' know. She was very anti- votin' for Pinkie durin' the TC and quite vocal 'bout that. I'm havin' to be semi-honest with Rainbow Dash 'bout the fact that I'm not sure I'm willin to go to Final 5 with Rarity but I don' know how Dash is gonna feel 'bout that!

Likely Allies: Dash, Coco, Chrysalis, Pinkie, ?Pear

Likely Targets: Soarin, Derpy, DJ, ?Starlight


"I love beans, well not all kinds of beans, like the mushy kind? I hate those"

I heard a rumour that Derpy voted for FlimFlam (and Starlight's PMs to me seem to kinda indicate that?), but if so, what was the point in lyin' 'bout it? I don' know. Since mah last rankdown, may impression of Derpy has jus' rapidly declined. I thought we were gettin' somewhere when she for some strange reason mentioned wantin' to vote for Soarin, which was a pretty bold thing to neigh to me, but since then, she's jus' not neighed anythin' much of significance.

Likely Allies: Starlight, Chrysalis, ...?Me ?DJ

Likely Targets: Dash, Rarity


I find Starlight annoyin'ly vague a lot of the time, but lookin' through our PMs, our relationship actually doesn' seem... totally bad? I felt like we've been able to be hones' with each other 'bout what we're thinkin' and while it's been kinda awkward how we've jus' been of different opinions, I definitely think this is a salvageable relationship.

Most likely thing though is that I turn against Derpy and/or Starlight if the Chrysalis/Pinkie threat is no longer there.

Likely Allies: Derpy, Chrysalis, Pinkie, ?Coco, ?Me

Likely Targets: Dash, Rarity, Pear


"I'm not against putting some eggs elsewhere if you're looking to"

I think I need to give Dash more of a chance and also jus' invest more in mah conversations with her. I need to at the very least convincin'ly act like I trust her and that we're workin' together. I expect that Dash will have to be taken out some time between Final 8 and Final 6, and maybe earlier, but I hope I haven' stuffed things up by bein' too unhinged. 'Cause I think she could be a valuable ally to have until then.

I'm still a bit bitter that she's responsible for the awkward 5 group alliance that she didn' even ask me 'bout properly before makin though.

Likely Allies: Pear, Rarity, Me, Coco, ?Chrysalis, ?Pinkie

Likely Targets: Starlight, Derpy, Soarin, DJ


"Stick to the five and attempt to get a majority?"

Pear may ascend in mah rankin's again if he actually turns up and neighs sweet things to me, and he may have dropped jus' 'cause I haven' heard much from him lately, but the fact is that I haven' heard all that much from him lately. And he seems quite into the alliance of 5 which makes me worry that he is in fact a Dash posse pony. I don' know. I'm not gonna do anythin' too drastic. I'm very happy to work with him. He could easily get back up to 3rd or 2nd spot here.

Likely Allies: Dash, Me, Coco, ?Rarity

Likely Targets: Pinkie, ?Soarin, ?Chrysalis


"I'm just eager for this whole mess to be over with tbh."

Me too Soarin! I don' know if Soarin should be this high, but I guess I kinda feel like he's jus' a less connected version of DJ, and I think that he probably legitimately sees me as somepony he can work with. And I see him as somepony I can work with too!! He's not always super prompt 'bout it but he does tell me what's goin' on. And I don' feel like our conversations are as convoluted as mah conversations with other ponies often are.

Likely Allies: DJ, Coco, Me

Likely Targets: Pinkie, Rarity, Dash


"we dont want anypony getting hurt. just enough to make a nice, satisfying clack sound"


So woah, this is quite the rise from last episode, but really the answer is that I jus' had DJ way too low, and now she's probably too high on mah rankin's. Eh whatever! This is in part representative of where I think things are gonna go.

'Cause I actually feel surprisin'ly good 'bout DJ. The last TC and how we talked through it and where I think she is at, jus made me feel good 'bout the prospect of workin with her, and she's aware that I have connections with a lot of ponies, and we were able to talk openly 'bout that which I appreciated, and I think we both recognise that we could really benefit from workin' together. Plus I feel like we have a good rapport generally too and that it's taken a chaotic situation like this to actually encourage us to work together.

Likely Allies: Soarin, Coco, ?Me, ?Derpy, ?Starlight, ?Maybe other ponies

Likely Targets: Pinkie, Rarity


"I'm sorry, my pomme - you deserve better."

It's always hard to know with how chaotic things are but I still think Coco and I are good? I think it helps that I think we're in fairly similar positions in regards to the game (except that I'm less connected with Chrysalis/Pinkie/Rarity and she's less connected with Derpy/Starlight) and I think it's jus' gonna make sense for us to continue workin' closely together durin the merge. I really hope I can trust her 'cause I do trust her and I feel that she can trust me. But there's always a chance that I'm the fool here. Let's wait and see.


Right now I think I really need one of Pinkie or Chrysalis to go, 'cause both of 'em are reasonably likely to target me if they have the chance.

Iron Will

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Re: Episode 12 - Maybe I'm The Scaredy Pony
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2019, 06:48:44 am »
Excellent content, thank you Granny!

Flurry Heart

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Re: Episode 12 - Maybe I'm The Scaredy Pony
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2019, 07:34:00 am »
Sounds like you've got a lot going on in the Real world, and yet you're still spoiling us with these amazing rankings and thoughts on the other ponies.

Good luck with the move and all that real world mess. Hopefully it all goes as smooth as possible for you.
Equestria's cutest spectator mod.

Granny Smith

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Re: Episode 12 - Maybe I'm The Scaredy Pony
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2019, 01:46:28 pm »
oooo Dash seems to really wanna vote Soarin

Granny Smith

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Re: Episode 12 - Maybe I'm The Scaredy Pony
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2019, 05:01:48 pm »
lol that was somethin'

I'll update ya on what went on later

But right now I'm not even exactly sure what happened.

Suri Polomare

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Re: Episode 12 - Maybe I'm The Scaredy Pony
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2019, 05:05:33 pm »
Sounds like you've got a lot going on in the Real world, and yet you're still spoiling us with these amazing rankings and thoughts on the other ponies.

Good luck with the move and all that real world mess. Hopefully it all goes as smooth as possible for you.