Author Topic: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators  (Read 2590 times)

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  • Canterlot
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Hi guys I'm sorry that I haven't talked much. The tribe was really boring and I was dealing with stressful life and you all suffered as a result.

So may I present "Rarity's Path to Victory"

Phase one: Messy Alliances

My active alliances are:

Thabulous Three - Rarity/Pear/Rainbow Dash
Fabulous Four - Rarity/Rainbow Dash/Pinkie/Chrysalis
Threesome of Awesome - Rarity/Chrysalis/Pinkie

Plus less official:

Diet Threesome - Rarity/Chrysalis/Coco (Coco has never liked Pinkie since Pinkie told her she was in the bottom two of the tribe)

Between this weird web of nonsense, I should be able to at least make it to jury since I have a lot of people who independently think very highly of me. I'm also calling on my old friend Soarin so that we can reconnect. The plan is to befriend of behead the remaining ponies that I just met.

Phase two: Who do I want to see go home?

Here is my list for the order I would like to see ponies sent home:

Flim Flam <- genuinely don't know how he's still here but without Lede, he might be the easy vote
Pinkie <- she knows too much and I don't think she trusts me
DJ/Starlight/Derpy/Granny <- literally interchangeable I don't know these people
Soarin <- if we get back to talking, you will be higher on the list
Chrysalis <- ily Chrysalis
Grand Pear <- I hope we're still bros
Coco <- a precious cinnamon roll who I'm going to continue to say was bullied by Pinkie
Rainbow Dash <- F2 unless I need to make a splash

Phase three: the Big Move

It's honestly too early to think about the Big Move, but we'll see what happens. The main move I'm thinking about is taking out a big threat, but we don't have anypony that spooky right now. I think I might try to use my ring very soon to help facilitate future Big Moves

Filthy Rich

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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2019, 12:09:26 am »
1. What names have you herd so far for the merge vote?
2. What’s your attitude going to be for the first merge vote? As-long-as-it-aint-me, or will you jockey for position?
3. Who is your mane ally?
4. Who is the dark horse to win the game?
5. Who’s somepony that you’re allied with now, but is going to stirrup trouble for you in the long run?
6. Who needs to get off their high horse?
7. How stable is your position?
8. What percent chance do you have of whinnying this game?

Apple Dumpling

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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2019, 05:23:17 am »
i like this content


  • Canterlot
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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2019, 05:02:40 pm »
There are too FUCKING many PMs to get through. I hate massive tribes. Anyway!

1. What names have you herd so far for the merge vote?

None yet, though I'm hoping that a little something something between Derpy and Flim Flam comes up. Soarin is a bit mad at me for the Fluttershy vote and I do not want our drama to become a prevailing narrative. I would rather the story be focused on how Derpy was cruelly trying to throw challenges to kick out poor little Flim Flam. :(

2. What’s your attitude going to be for the first merge vote? As-long-as-it-aint-me, or will you jockey for position?

I would like it to not be me, but I would also very much like if it's somepony lower ranked on my list. Bonus points if it manages to be Pinkie or Derpy.

3. Who is your mane ally?

Rainbow Dash yo. Literally been together for the entire game and I'm happy to ride that wave.

4. Who is the dark horse to win the game?

Honestly Flim Flam. I genuinely want him gone before he has a chance to argue that he got there even with his absurd method of speaking.

5. Who’s somepony that you’re allied with now, but is going to stirrup trouble for you in the long run?

If I patch things up with him, Soarin counts. Otherwise Pinkie and Chrysalis scare me.

6. Who needs to get off their high horse?

Pinkie was annoying about how in control she was during our tenure together >.>

7. How stable is your position?

Not very!

8. What percent chance do you have of whinnying this game?

Roughly 8.33%, if I had to hazard a guess.

Princess Luna

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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2019, 02:50:16 am »
Hello Luna has been very sleepy and paid 0 attention, what's going on with the vote and stuff?


  • Canterlot
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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2019, 06:52:27 am »
I think we're going to flop a vote onto Derpy for being a dick to flim flam. I might leak a name or two about who's after him, but idk how good the drama would be for me


  • Canterlot
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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2019, 01:54:23 pm »
If I go home, you can die in a hole Pinkie. It's bullshit to start drama in the middle of a work day


  • Canterlot
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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2019, 03:53:04 pm »
I'm I'm actually fine. Coco and Granny finally came back to talk to me so I'm infinitely less paranoid <3


  • Canterlot
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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2019, 04:12:40 pm »
I've also made the bold choice of telling Chrysalis I'm under a ton of pressure to vote with the group against Pinkie. I think this might continue the good will train.


  • Canterlot
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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2019, 05:07:52 pm »
Oh no :(


  • Canterlot
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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2019, 06:39:04 pm »
Phase two: Who do I want to see go home?

Here is my list for the order I would like to see ponies sent home:

Flim Flam <- genuinely don't know how he's still here but without Lede, he might be the easy vote
Pinkie <- she knows too much and I don't think she trusts me
DJ/Starlight/Derpy/Granny <- literally interchangeable I don't know these people
Soarin <- if we get back to talking, you will be higher on the list
Chrysalis <- ily Chrysalis
Grand Pear <- I hope we're still bros
Coco <- a precious cinnamon roll who I'm going to continue to say was bullied by Pinkie
Rainbow Dash <- F2 unless I need to make a splash

Guys I'm a genius.

Anyway yeah Pinkie had an idol and used it. I am ridiculously hype and I am delighted by the fact that Pinkie is still around and had to burn her idol. Ideally this means that Soarin and Derpy are at the top of her shit list and I can cower behind her. However their battle goes only benefits me.

Also, like, Soarin is dead to me. Dude is seriously holding a grudge over the fact that we blindsided Pinkie 8 years ago. Like can you not? Updated DEATH list:

Flim Flam <- Poor Flim Flam crossed Pinkie
Derpy <- You, like, are sketchy. I am fine with you going whenever
Soarin <- D E A D T O M E
DJ <- Nah we probably cool fam
Starlight <- Man I should have stuck with you. Hopefully this can work out well
Pinkie <- she knows too much and I don't think she trusts me
Granny Smith <- you're a doll let's make this work
Grand Pear <- I hope we're still bros DEMOTED
Chrysalis <- ily Chrysalis
Coco <- a precious cinnamon roll who I'm going to continue to say was bullied by Pinkie
Rainbow Dash <- F2 unless I need to make a splash


  • Canterlot
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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2019, 07:06:02 pm »
I'm depressed 'cause I got passed over for a promotion and I don't want to be here, but here we are.

I want Pinkie gone but we'll see if she has a second idol. I'm working on rebuilding trust with Soarin since he told me that my vote against Pinkie meant a lot to him. If I can get him on my good side, that's one less immediate glaring weakness that is going to kill me. Pinkie keeps ignoring my messages and it's really starting to frustrate me. She's been like this ever since she swapped with Chrysalis and me. She acts like I'm in her pocket or she doesn't need to manage me, and that's how Fluttershy acted before I killed her off. Still I have to play nice I guess.

Florina Tart

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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2019, 07:45:50 pm »


  • Canterlot
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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2019, 08:57:27 pm »
I like DJ. He agrees with me that capitalism is bullshit and that we should eat the rich. +++ on his standing with me.

I'm trying to hold Derpy at arm's length since I'm pretty sure he's conspiring with Pinkie Pie. I let him know that I heard a lot of people were concerned Pinkie was icing them out, but that we should have patience or empathy or whatever for her situation.

As for Chrysalis, she's trying to act like she doesn't know people want to go after Pinkie again. I know that she's smarter than this, so I assume that she she is desperately trying to protect her semi-trainwreck of a partner. The sooner Pinkie goes, the sooner I can try to actually get in cahoots with Chrysalis instead of doing this weird dance where we stay on opposite sides of everything.

Flurry Heart

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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2019, 09:06:11 pm »
He agrees with me that capitalism is bullshit and that we should eat the rich.

100% agreed.

My first act upon growing up to be a princess is to eat all the rich.
Equestria's cutest spectator mod.


  • Canterlot
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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2019, 09:09:07 pm »
Wait but if you are a princess, doesn't that make you the rich? Bourgeoisie swine!

I got u a present

Flurry Heart

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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2019, 09:13:23 pm »
Wait but if you are a princess, doesn't that make you the rich? Bourgeoisie swine!

I got u a present

Ooooh, it's so cute!

I'm a princess, but I made some bad investments and now I'm almost broke.

I'd ask questions like a good spectator, but this thread has been some good content. Do you feel like your alliances have changed at all thanks to the intensity of the last TC?
Equestria's cutest spectator mod.


  • Canterlot
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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2019, 09:18:06 pm »
Thanks for saying that. I've been genuinely trying to be better about my confessional, even if I have like no time and am hella bummed.

The fact that Pinkie Pie is doing a shitty job managing my is not boding well for the flimsy excuse for an alliance we had. The only thing keeping her safe from me full on selling her out is the fact that I'm pretty sure she has another idol. Also I don't want to piss of Chrysalis too much by going against her friend. Like how many of her allies can I kill before she starts to think that I'm bad for her game? The answer is at least two, but idk if it's three.

I'm having a really hard time reading other people's alliances, especially since all I care about right now is making it to jury. I've come really far and I don't want to get kicked out so close to my goal. I think Soarin is tight with DJ and Derpy, and I think that Derpy and Starlight may have had a falling out. Derpy may also be playing both sides idk.

I want to say that Granny and Pear are both taking the alliance with Rainbow Dash, Coco, and me seriously, but who knows since Pear spends half the game asleep and I never have a chance to talk to Granny.

Florina Tart

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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2019, 09:31:50 pm »
Wait but if you are a princess, doesn't that make you the rich? Bourgeoisie swine!

I got u a present

deja vu

Florina Tart

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Re: Wherein Rarity decides to actually be entertaining for the spectators
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2019, 09:33:11 pm »
do your alliances all have group chats?


  • Royal Alicorns
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I luv u


  • Canterlot
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This is stupid and I don't like playing with Pinkie. Apparently she's banning some ponies from talking to her and now trying to go after Coco as the next vote, I assume as part of her plan to clean house for Jury. If that's true, the next vote after Coco is super me. Also she's building her social capital to protect herself and it's just asinine. She literally hasn't spoken to me since I apologized for the vote against her. Like fuck you you're not a queen.

Regardless I was to see her, Derpy, Starlight, or Chrysalis go. Chrysalis does nothing but parrot what Pinkie wants ponies saying and she will never be a loyal friend until that link is broken. I kind of hope Soarin and co don't take the bait and try to cannibalize themselves, because Pinkie is still an annoying and ridiculous threat.


  • Canterlot
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1)  Wow, an idol happened last round! Who all saw that coming?

I kind of did, but I'm annoyed. I thought people would be excited to run back the Pinkie vote but now people want to get all buddy buddy with her.

2) For the specs who missed it in the confessional, what happened last round?

Pinkie had an idol! She's also consolidating power and it's frustrating because she's very transparently freezing me out :)))

3) Are the battle lines clearly drawn at the moment?

Battle lines are Pinkie/Chrysalis/Starlight vs the unwashed masses. I think ponies need to wake up to that before they do something dumb like going after themselves.

4) Grand Pear won immunity tonight. Did he need it?

I honestly wish he didn't win it so he would be more around to talk :/

5) On a scale of 3-18, how confident do you feel tonight?

Idk I guess 3. I don't necessarily think my time is come, but I do feel like Coco is going home.

6) Cadance wants me to ask this for some reason: "Let us assume a fully grown, completely healthy Clydesdale horse has his hooves shackled to the ground while he head is held in place with thick rope. He is conscious and standing upright, but he is completely immobile. And let us assume that for some reason every political prisoner on earth (as cited by Amnesty International) will be released from captivity if you can kick this horse to death in less than twenty minutes. You are allowed to wear steel-toed boots. Would you attempt to do this?"

Fucking what

7) What is the number one reason for your vote tonight?

I'm sad idk


  • Canterlot
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I also still thinking putting things together with 2 and a half hours left on the clock is a bullshit strategy and I think poorly of any pony who chooses to do so. Some people have work and don't have the time to look at all this nonsense. I don't know how to stop it, but I am going to complain about it a lot for being a shitty tactic.


  • Canterlot
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I think the new plan is to just let Soarin die. I haven't heard anything from Granny or Pear this TC at all, and I'm not about to cross Pinkie again without some real assurance that it's going to work. At this point I'll just go back to building my cred with her and we can make some stupid play later.


  • Canterlot
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Yay more alliances. I am now a proud member of the New Mane 6! Pinkie lumped together Chrysalis, Starlight, Derpy, Rainbow, and me. This leaves DJ a little out in the cold, but voting Soarin preserves both my blocs:

New Mane 6:

Wrong Timezone Alliance:

Soarin is not in either of these, so we don't have to be sad that he's gone. :)


  • Canterlot
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So apparently Pinkie threatened to idol out Pear if he didn't follow her wishes. That's a bold move.


  • Canterlot
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Lol wtf were those Coco votes


  • Canterlot
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Ok we did it yay.

Also guys I'm, like, a bad friend to Chrysalis, I think. This is her third friend that I've killed off. I JUST WANT YOU TO LOVE ME CHRYSALIS STOP PICKING BAD FRIENDS. Also hilariously we're still on track to Rarity's Path to Victory (tm)

Flim Flam <- DEAD
Pinkie <- ALSO DEAD
DJ/Starlight/Derpy/Granny <- literally interchangeable I don't know these people
Soarin <- if we get back to talking, you will be higher on the list
Chrysalis <- ily Chrysalis
Grand Pear <- I hope we're still bros
Coco <- a precious cinnamon roll who I'm going to continue to say was bullied by Pinkie
Rainbow Dash <- F2 unless I need to make a splash


  • Canterlot
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1)  Wow, an challenge advantage happen! What d you al ltheink le gaps?

I have no idea what this means. It was an impressive item though!

2) For the specs who missed it in the confessional, what happened last round?

Pinkie bullied Pear! >:(
Or maybe not. I don't actually care about how true that was, but it was a good window to get rid of Pinkie

3) How much are you going to have to drink tonighrt?


4) Derpy Hooves ripped immunity from somepony's hooves with that advantage. Did he need it?

Yeah Derpy was probably the vote otherwise

5) On a scale of 3-18, how confident do you feel tonight?


6) Are you going to miss the gifs as much as I am?

Pinkie didn't talk to me so I didn't get gifs :(

7) What is the number one reason for your vote tonight?

Brand integrity

8) Who is the mole?



  • Canterlot
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TC has been boring but I'm not super excited to vote Starlight here. Idk she's been campaigning with me, Rainbow, and Chrysalis, but she really should have been campaigning with Coco, pear, and Granny >.>


  • Canterlot
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1) What a great wonderful and thoughtful challenge written by an amazing moderator. What did you think of the questions?

I liked them

2) For the specs who missed it in the confessional, what happened last round?

Starlight took the controversial approach of asking people not to vote for her and then not suggesting a counter wagon

3) Queen Chrysalis and Soarin received votes last episode. Should they be worried tonight?

Idk about tonight, but probably going forward?

4) Should Queen Chrysalis and Rainbow Dash rule as elected leaders, fight to the death for control, split the world by the equator or diplomatically marry to secure their world rule?

Diplomatically marry yo. Let peace reign.

5) Why did it take you so long to find my alt? I was barely hiding it.

I thought we were supposed to play dumb

6) What does it mean to be lots of fun?

It means people like to talk to you

7) Did any of you recognize which Nickelback song I was referring to?

I've literally never listened to Nickleback

8) What does it mean to be a trusted friend? What does it mean for the ponies that picked themselves?

I imagine any self votes were strategic nonanswers

9) How did you identify the mole and what does that have to do with kicking the hoof out of a windmill?

I flipped a coin

10) What kind of equine smut have you been passing each other?

Now that Pinkie is gone, none :(

11) What's the difference between honesty, kindness and loyalty? Why didn't the same pony win any of those?

They're very different! Sometimes you lie to be loyal, sometimes telling the truth is mean, and sometimes the kindest thing is to break off an alliance

12) You texted DJ to pick you up at the bar but apparently his phone goes off beside you and he's drunk as hell too, good job. This isn't a question.

You can't stop me from answering tho

13) Who was objectively the answer to "Who is going to be everypony's pick in Reverse the Curse 2 Redemption Harder" if the choice was between all players?

I literally don't even understand this reference. Probably Trixie though

14) How are you going to have an FTC with a mirror? Apparently that's a popular option.

Very carefully imo

15) Is it worth it to vainly submit joke answers for this challenge and give up a chance at immunity?

Probably. I doubt Rainbow is going this round

16) Was it easier or harder to answer questions that only talked positively about other ponies?


17) Why are there so many questions?

Sadism :'(

Princess Luna

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Sadism is correct >8D

Reverse the Curse was a survivor game where everypony played losing characters from previous games


  • Canterlot
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I double down on Trixie then


  • Canterlot
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So far the hot tea is that Rainbow Dash wants to side with DJ, Derpy, and Soarin and I'm more inclined to support Granny, Coco, and Pear. This is going to be a contentious one and Rainbow and I have never disagreed before.


  • Canterlot
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I think I managed to convince Rainbow to vote with my against Derpy. I really don't care whether she uses an idol or not, but this should make Chrysalis and Coco happy, plus put Pear in our debt or whatever.

Given that Soarin keeps randomly throwing votes at my friends, he's free to go whenever.


  • Canterlot
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Gals we did it. We're at f8.

So it is at this part of the game that I'm actually supposed to start thinking about the finals. I think in my dream scenario I would bring Chrysalis and Coco along since we've all played fairly different games. Soarin and DJ obviously have to go at some point soon, and I will need to kill off Rainbow Dash at some point in the near future because she played my game except better.

Pear would be fine to drag across the finish line, but I don't really love goats and I think they can pretty easily backfire.

Filthy Rich

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1. Rank the other ponies from who you trust most to who you trust least
2. What do you think each other pony's answer is going to be for question 1?


  • Canterlot
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Ok so I'm using my ring because the heat is on Rainbow and now is my chance. Coco has the secret idol and I plan on taking her to the end so we good. I want Chrysalis but she doesn't, so that's going to be very tricky.


  • Canterlot
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Sometimes the best action is no action at all.

I'm really sorry Rainbow. I wish I could have brought you along further.