Author Topic: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods  (Read 942 times)

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  • The Glue Factory
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Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« on: April 18, 2019, 05:39:54 pm »
How to cope with responsibilities you don't want? They always seem to be thrust upon me, and I can barely even deal with the responsibilities I give myself.

But that's enough but real life, complaining that shit happens is just shit happening all over again.

Biggest worry probably at the moment is us winning the challenge really, as that would probably get Chrysalis voted out over there, and that could potentially spell the Carousel ponies here gathering up should we then lose the next challenge.
But sending them to a hattrick of tribals also sounds like a good plan.

But how much is all of Sweet Apple Acres remaining playing on the minds of everypony?
I can only assume Rainbow & Rarity are playing for a swap, as they lose Chrysalis, they're next, well unless Pinkie goes first.


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2019, 05:48:57 pm »
At least I shouldn't be on the chopping block if they're considering breaking up the tribal lines, right?
There's more ponies left from Marehatten than Fillydelphia. (Those tribes don't mean shit, but saying that makes me feel slightly better)


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2019, 08:48:22 pm »
I really need to stop naming episodes with something to do with my tribe name, all three times I've done that now we've ended up in tribal.


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2019, 09:17:39 pm »
I assume that scroll is from pinkie, given the colouring.

which then begs the problem of do I care?

AJ having the cutie map makes things interesting though if we're to attend again.
I would like to see Buried Lede's double vote not get wasted though.


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2019, 09:19:55 pm »
okay why has DJ just sent me a message without talk of the tribal?

I know I at least voted before the thread even went up, but that does not give me good vibes.


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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2019, 01:28:15 am »
Now I'm paranoid that I'm being ghosted or something.

Which doesn't make sense when everypony else's message is delayed because I never got to it before the challenge, so therefore they have no reason to have written a reply to me. It's a simple vote and anypony wanting to deviate from it can't be trusted anyway, that's exactly how Trixie fell.


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2019, 06:01:39 am »
With TC comes this section, still happening even if I don't have the inspiration of pinkie using gifs to make it feel needed. I guess it will probably actually stop at merge or something depending on the questions asked, and whether I even have time to make a mess of stuff like this.

1) Ouch, a challenge loss! What happened there?
We lost, duh.
2) Your tribe hasn't had to test friendship bonds in a TC until now. Is that worrying?
Well, we're here now, aren't we?
3) What the hell do you think is going on in the Everfree Forest and do you care?
Those ponies crazy, yo.
4) How big a factor are the Sweet Apple/Carousel/Sugarcube divisions right now?
I guess we'll find out soon enough!
5) On a scale of 3-18, how confident are you that you won't go home tonight?
69420 8)
6) That auction handed out a lot of items a few rounds ago! How do those factor into your plans?
Not at all, currently.
7) What is the number one factor behind your vote tonight?
As always, whether I spell their name correctly.

1) We didn't win
2) Being at TC itself is the worry
3) Nope
4) At this stage, they're not
5) I'm not going anywhere
6) None of them are on this tribe
7) A case of never revealing anything

Applejack, Coco Pommel, Derpy Hooves, DJ Pon-3, Granny Smith, Soarin, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, and Thorax: It took a while but I finally get to see you at a Tribal Council!
You've seen all of us at tribal councils before now. You made sure of it in the first round!

1) Ouch, a challenge loss! What happened there?
They had the unfair advantage of Rainbow Dash being the only pony to have previously done the sonic rainboom. Did you not read the challenge?

2) Your tribe hasn't had to test friendship bonds in a TC until now. Is that worrying?
I believe in friendship however tested it may be.

3) What the hell do you think is going on in the Everfree Forest and do you care?
What I can't see doesn't effect me. I assume they're currently partying.

4) How big a factor are the Sweet Apple/Carousel/Sugarcube divisions right now?

5) On a scale of 3-18, how confident are you that you won't go home tonight?
You're not sending anypony home, they're in the glue factory, since that's a new home for everypony, 18.

6) That auction handed out a lot of items a few rounds ago! How do those factor into your plans?
22/18. Actually it's probably ~16/16 now, as some have been used/were useless.

7) What is the number one factor behind your vote tonight?
We're at tribal council.
God this guy is a smart-arse, what the heck is he doing?
1) stupid luck wifom challenge
2) Doesn't concern me
3) Doesn't concern me
4) Those are 3 tribes, each of them is therefore approximately a third of the game. Deliberate misunderstanding of the word factor.
5) Not confident, as he actually answered the question
6) Another deliberate misunderstanding of the word.
7) A case of never revealing anything

I really hope the next lot of answers are more fun than this. Those two were boring to mind-read.


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2019, 06:29:14 am »
I think i let myself get a little too paranoid after the challenge.
I've got more information to share about the other tribe of need be, although I don't really want to. Then using the items and blindsides happening is good, and we won't be throwing the challenge.
Especially when I can't be certain we can get Applejack out.


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2019, 02:13:51 pm »
Still paranoid.
I shouldn't be when everypony knows there's no reason to keep sunburst. But I just really get panicked when one pony never talks to me for this long. I can never even tell if they then get everypony to lie.

I guess they're charter is not named Jess though, and haven't given a reason in public to avoid it.
(EtU memories)


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2019, 02:15:23 pm »
Also on another note Derpy has just offered me an alliance.

Still doesn't make me feel safe for the future though.


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2019, 04:17:51 pm »
I received a message from sunburst! Time to get panic stations on.

Oh nevermind, it's just their acceptance of defeat.

Still haven't actually talked tribal with DJ. That conversation is totally still not awkward.


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2019, 05:30:12 pm »
yep just go ahead and just blurt out that if we're doing another one you're likely to target DJ. The trouble is I know other ponies actually like him, and it's just falling flat on our conversation.
We're going to be practically forced into trying something, or working together because our friends are friends.

In short I'm just hopeful we don't attend tribal again, because awkward conversations are equal to awkward votes, and well I guess it's fair that we actually get to a difficult one eventually, we are in mid-game now where somepony has to end up getting robbed of their spot on the jury.


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2019, 05:35:13 pm »
This comes back to the rule of three paragraphs that I somehow have as my limit.

If you're not sending me at least three paragraphs, I don't like you. but send me 3 paragraphs and I like you now. Applejack's most recent PM contains 4, so therefore they are social and hard to vote out.
Me wanting to target DJ is that we've been sitting at only 2 paragraphs of practically nothing for the last 4 days.

Sunburst is still easy though, as 0 paragraphs is worth nothing to anypony.


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2019, 06:20:03 pm »
Back to tribal council mind readings. (why did I not joke about factors being factors and not factors in question 7 in my answers, I guess because I have a thing to say now)

1) Ouch, a challenge loss! What happened there?
It was a guessing game. A monkey with a typewriter could've won it.
2) Your tribe hasn't had to test friendship bonds in a TC until now. Is that worrying?
3) What the hell do you think is going on in the Everfree Forest and do you care?
I have some theories. I care but mostly want to beat them some more.
4) How big a factor are the Sweet Apple/Carousel/Sugarcube divisions right now?
It's still the foundation for many relationships, but the lines blur further daily.
5) On a scale of 3-18, how confident are you that you won't go home tonight?
6) That auction handed out a lot of items a few rounds ago! How do those factor into your plans?
Most of the powers weren't very strong and I really can only factor in the ones whose locations I know of.
7) What is the number one factor behind your vote tonight?
The fact that voting for myself would be suboptimal.
1) It was our turn to lose
2) No.
3) They're going to suffer for sending us to tribal
4) They're not effecting this vote.
5) There's always a chance of something else weird happening
6) I'll use my challenge advantages when the time feels right
7) It's a requirement for my continued existence that I cast it.

Firstly, message to everypony that I'm out enjoying the rare British sunshine and having a day off all rolled into 1 so I'll reply to messages later

1) Ouch, a challenge loss! What happened there?
We clearly got bored of never having to go to tribal and let them win
2) Your tribe hasn't had to test friendship bonds in a TC until now. Is that worrying?
I wouldn't say so, it's just given us more time to solidify those bonds
3) What the hell do you think is going on in the Everfree Forest and do you care?
Clearly having a victory party, but it'll be a very short one
4) How big a factor are the Sweet Apple/Carousel/Sugarcube divisions right now?
I think everypony would be stupid to not think about that coming towards tribal, but given we've had quiet a bit of time to get to know each other since then, it's probably turning us into a stronger tribe as a whole and those lines might get blurred into 1 big group
5) On a scale of 3-18, how confident are you that you won't go home tonight?
I feel as okay as ever of, I don't think it's me but isn't that what a blindside is all about? Haha
6) That auction handed out a lot of items a few rounds ago! How do those factor into your plans?
Well from what I gather, all the crazy items went to the other tribe so as long as they use them all before their tribal, I'm happy
7) What is the number one factor behind your vote tonight?
1) I don't know either
2) There's no reason for it to have caused worry
3) They can do whatever they like
4) Crystal Empire is the only real factor in play tonight
5) I won't be going anywhere
6) They're not currently factored into my plans
7) I can't be friends if they don't talk

I really need to answer these before reading everypony else's. I kept wanting to use their answers!!

1) Ouch, a challenge loss! What happened there?
We forgot to hire a mind reader who could tell us what the other tribe was going to put. We really need to be better at that next time.

2) Your tribe hasn't had to test friendship bonds in a TC until now. Is that worrying?
No, not really.

3) What the hell do you think is going on in the Everfree Forest and do you care?
I don't know, but if I were them, I'd be having a hootenanny for finally winning.

4) How big a factor are the Sweet Apple/Carousel/Sugarcube divisions right now?
We are just one big Crystal right now :)

5) On a scale of 3-18, how confident are you that you won't go home tonight?
Oh man, I guess I'm feeling pretty good, but one can never be too confident in this game. Imma say 15.

6) That auction handed out a lot of items a few rounds ago! How do those factor into your plans?

7) What is the number one factor behind your vote tonight?
1) I wasn't able to play, it could have been better had I been more available
2) Not here
3) I don't think about them
4) Those never existed as anything.
5) There's a chance of me going home
6) There's an idol on the tribe
7) My vote is what everypony else has said, nopony is connected to them

1) Ouch, a challenge loss! What happened there? Well, they had Rainbow Dash of course. The mods decided to rig the challenge since Everfree were apparently losing too much. It's completely unfair. It's not our fault they suck.
2) Your tribe hasn't had to test friendship bonds in a TC until now. Is that worrying? I mean, not really? If they aren't ever tested they may as well never exist to begin with.
3) What the hell do you think is going on in the Everfree Forest and do you care? They're probably taking a nice stroll, or bird-watching, or just relaxing by the creek. Or whatever else you do in a forest.
4) How big a factor are the Sweet Apple/Carousel/Sugarcube divisions right now? I'm not too sure. I guess we'll find out this TC.
5) On a scale of 3-18, how confident are you that you won't go home tonight? Okay, a scale of 3-18 is just -15. You didn't give me an awful lot of choices here.
6) That auction handed out a lot of items a few rounds ago! How do those factor into your plans? They don't.
7) What is the number one factor behind your vote tonight? Bonds.
1) Game two tied
2) Things will change regardless during future tribal councils
3) I don't care.
4) If they matter, the biggest one is losing
5) Extremely confident I won't be going home.
6) The spa date has expired
7) Talking to me means we can form a bond of some sort.

1) Ouch, a challenge loss! What happened there?
-I thought this was happening today lul

2) Your tribe hasn't had to test friendship bonds in a TC until now. Is that worrying?

3) What the hell do you think is going on in the Everfree Forest and do you care?
-Theres a group of people that are working against other people :)

4) How big a factor are the Sweet Apple/Carousel/Sugarcube divisions right now?
-Probably not as big as they should be :)

5) On a scale of 3-18, how confident are you that you won't go home tonight?
-negative 420

6) That auction handed out a lot of items a few rounds ago! How do those factor into your plans?
-notta since i dont have any since all im here for is fighting for whoever wants me :)

7) What is the number one factor behind your vote tonight?
-trying to win the game :)
1) You didn't pick the time with the most picks.
2) I don't have any friendship bonds to be tested.
3) They're playing survivor
4) I need Carousel to keep me alive, please
5) I'm going home
6) I'm a goat, free to take for your keeping, use me instead of those items, I'm more useful!
7) Biggest Threat.

I am noting that Applejack answer to 6 because I know she has the cutie map, why else would she just not actually answer the question given?


  • The Glue Factory
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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2019, 06:36:46 pm »
just realised I won the not-creating more paragraphs contest! but maybe that was because I called it a mess of a PM.

Stupid idea anyway, and I'll just space out the paragraphs more, it's easier to kill off sentences if they might have something else following after the tangent's tangent.

Apple Dumpling

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Re: Episode 8: Crystalline Methods
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2019, 06:40:40 pm »
Which sentences are on your radar as threats? Any rumors of a paragraph swap or reward punctuation marks?