Author Topic: The Story of Pie  (Read 450 times)

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Pinkie Pie

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The Story of Pie
« on: April 29, 2019, 03:41:57 am »
This is the story you’ve all been waiting for. The story of a pink pony who made her way through all of Equestria. Making friends, bonds, and enemies with the most unlikely of characters, and surviving even though the odds were never in her favour.

   It all began when a shadowy figure approached me, beckoning me to follow her through all the chaos and discord of the world to a magical place that promised friendship. Curious, and bored with nothing better to do, I followed the shadow and signed my soul away.

   When I awoke, I found myself in Cloudsdale. I met two delightful darlings who quickly became my friends, one was a flirt who quickly won my heart and the other may not have been the most knowledgeable, but she was the most welcoming and quickly the three of us became friends. It was crazy how quickly 24 hours went by, and even crazier how close I became with Trixie and Starlight in such little time.

   I was dragged from the comfy clouds to come down to Earth on Sweet Apple Acres. I found that Buried Lede had come with me, and we quickly agreed to be friends. The other ponies at Sweet Apple Acres were quick to take my heart as well, especially Coco Pommel and Granny Smith. When the Princesses came to us, telling us that one of our own had to be sent away to Friendship School, we all figured, hey, as the founder of the school, Twilight Sparkle should be the one to go. With no other arguments, the Apples all came together and felt the unity of a strong tribe.

   That is, until the Princesses came to us again, saying that another had to go. This time, I felt that a true declaration of friendship should be made, and I reached out to Granny Smith with the most heartfelt words of platonic love. The poor old pony was distraught by this, as the tribe wanted me gone, but my friendship was tempting. When I heard this, I went to my other bestie, Buried, and asked him what he thought. I was reassured that Grand Pear was the vote, and with everypony else telling me that was the case, there was nothing much more I could do.

   In hindsight, I wish I would have sent heartfelt words of friendship to Coco as well, perhaps with her, Granny, and Buried on my side, the tides would have changed. But I hadn’t, so off to Friendship School I went.

   There, I met with my old penpal friend Trixie, who had been sent to school too for being too chaotic and crazy. I had missed Trixie, but hearing her rants about those that were at the Carousel Boutique, I quickly changed my mind and realized that Trixie was not to be trusted. Graduating from Friendship School was a hardship, but ultimately I met with and connected to Queen Chrysalis and Fluttershy.

   Everfree Forest was an interesting time. On one side, I had Buried, Pear, and FlimFlam who all wanted to put our past behind us. I never knew what Buried truly thought, if he really did feel sorry for what had happened, but I trusted Pear in our secret alliance as the two that the rest of the Apples had no qualms about voting, or at least saying that they would vote. And on the other side I had Queen Chrysalis who I agreed immediately to be best friends with, as well as Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity who all wanted to be friends with me too.

   When the Princesses told us that somepony from the forest had to go, I didn’t want my new bestie Chrys to lose her only other friend, Big Daddy McColt, so when the vote was split between Daddy and FlimFlam, it was an easy choice for me to vote FlimFlam.

   Until it turned into a secret tie; Dash and Rarity had teamed up with FlimFlam, Pear, and Buried to eliminate Fluttershy without any other pony knowing. I was rather salty about being kept in the dark, but nopony knew whose side I was really on, so they were worried I would go to Fluttershy about the vote and the staff she had won would be played. But as a tie, Rarity and Dash came to me and explained in detail about what had happened. FlimFlam finally opened up to me and we finally agreed to put everything between us behind us and be secret friends. With Fluttershy’s lying ways explained to me, and FlimFlam promising to be friends with me from now on, I switched to vote out Fluttershy.

   We had hoped that would be the only tribal we would have to see in the Everfree Forest, but of course, the Princesses came to us again. This time, things were agreed upon quickly and unanimously since Daddy had been rather absent and only Chrys felt connected to him. Even then, Chrys only wanted Daddy to stick around because of the security and ended up voting with everypony else to eliminate Daddy.

   At this point, I was worried that if we went to tribal once more, things would become problematic. Chrys truly was my best friend at that point, and I didn’t want to see anything happen to her, but at the same time, I wasn’t sure who would be the alternate vote. I knew that if we stayed on Everfree that the next vote would most likely see my idol from graduating Friendship School being played.

   Luckily, it never came down to that, and I headed off to the Wonderbolt Academy with Chrys and Rarity. Being back with Coco was nice, and we talked out our friendship problems. I was upfront with her that Chrys, Rar and I were tight and any tribals here would not be good for her. Coco understood and hoped that nothing would have to happen and we could be friends through it all.

   When the first council happened, I was originally torn between my newfound friendship with Coco, and my relatively good friendship with Rarity. I knew I would never hurt Chrys, but if Coco and Thorax really tried, I might have been persuaded to vote Rarity to make sure Coco stayed safe. If that was the case, I would’ve used my idol to make sure the next tribal would end with Thorax going to the Glue Factory.

   However, before I could even really think about anything, Thorax went to Chrys and Rarity to attempt to push them to vote me out. I, after possibly considering betraying my friends for Coco to keep Thorax in, was obviously rather pissed that Thorax would try to do that. Calling Thorax out, he argued with me that wanting to not vote him for Coco’s sake wasn’t really not wanting to vote him, and therefore he didn’t want to be friends. I was confused why somepony would so easily dig their own grave, but after all that, there was no way I wasn’t going to be voting Thorax.

   I was worried that he might have an idol and was planning on playing my own, but then he tried pushing Rarity to Chrys and Chrys to Rarity, and his obvious flailing made me secure in not needing to play my idol. If we went to tribal again, I wanted to make sure that I had my idol to ensure that whatever outcome I wanted is what I got.

   Not that that was necessary, as we coasted to merge together. Rarity and I had Dash back, dubbed the “Swing Votes Anonymous”, add in Chrys was “Foursome of Awesome” (without Dash it was “THREESOME of Awesome”). Meeting back up with Starlight was like the entire game hadn’t even happened as we instantly became besties again, joining up with Chrys to create “Only the best ponies in Equestria!”. Coco and Granny were already friends together, and with myself, we became “The old, the young, and the hip”.

   Still being close with FlimFlam and Pear as well, puts me in a pretty interesting position where literally the only ponies I’m not friends with are the ones I’ve never met before - DJ, Derpy, and Soarin...

When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation.
You're a toy maker's creation, trapped inside a crystal ball.
And whichever way he tilts it, know that we must be resilient.
We won't let them break our spirits, as we sing our silly song.

Flurry Heart

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Re: The Story of Pie
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2019, 09:49:21 am »
This has been a very good bit of insight into your game, thank you.
Equestria's cutest spectator mod.

Pinkie Pie

  • Ponyrosa
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Re: The Story of Pie
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2019, 09:38:24 am »

Still being close with FlimFlam and Pear as well, puts me in a pretty interesting position where literally the only ponies I’m not friends with are the ones I’ve never met before - DJ, Derpy, and Soarin. Not that this helped me any, in an attempt to keep my alliance with the old Apples strong, I went with FlimFlam's suggestion of voting out Derpy. After the majority had agreed to it - Pear, Dash, Rarity, and presumed Granny and Coco as they weren't around - I asked Chrys what she thought. Knowing Chrys would tell Star was a bit of a risk, and soon after Star asked me who I wanted to join us three as an F4, as well as who I wanted to snap my fingers and have them poof from the game.

    Well, I saw no reason to lie to Star, so I said that Rarity would make a good fourth, and I'd probably snap my fingers to take out Derpy or Soarin, as I knew them the least and they didn't seem to be making much of an effort to talk to me.

    Soon after, Derpy asked me what I was thinking for the vote, and knowing that Star must have told Derpy something, I didn't lie and said that I had been hearing Derpy's name. I never said specifics of who started the push or who had agreed with it, just that her name was being said.

    Well, after that Star says that ponies are now saying my name, as I am apparently playing all sides of this vote, pulling strings and being shady. When I asked for clarification, she explained that ponies believed that I had gone to FlimFlam saying Derpy wants them gone, so let's vote Derpy and then I went to Derpy and said FlimFlam wants you gone, let's vote FlimFlam.

    Confused and rather betrayed that after everything, FlimFlam would push me as the vote, I confronted them, asking what was up. They said I had leaked the plan and was trying to get Derpy to vote them. I tried to clear things up, but FlimFlam was having none of it, saying everything they told me got “leaked”. When I asked what they meant by “leaked” they never answered, saying if we wanted, we could switch the vote to Star, as Star was Trixie 2.0 to them and they no longer wanted to be in the game if Star was there, even going so far as to say they'd take an idol hit if that was the case.

    Trying to compromise, I suggested Soarin instead, and even Dash and Rarity seemed to like the idea of a secret Soarin blindside, but at that point FlimFlam stopped responding to me, Granny and Pear hadn't replied since TC started, and Coco kept saying she was “still catching up”.

    Realizing that the old Apples were clearly out to get me again, I went to Chrys and Star, trying to figure out a way to survive here. Rarity and Dash were already convinced majority was voting me and they didn't want to make themselves look like they were in the minority. Derpy was convinced to switch to FlimFlam after Star and Chrys both cleared things up for Derpy, but DJ and Soarin were clearly on FlimFlam's side.

    At this point, Star realized the only way for me to survive and for us to take out one of our opposition was to idol out FlimFlam, so she sent me her idol from the jigsaw that Trixie tried so hard to make Star look bad by telling everypony Star got it, little did Trixie know that Star actually had it for reals and that shit is absolutely hilarious to me.

    So FlimFlam gets his wish to no longer play the game with Star and took the idol hit, Pear continues to ignore me, Granny and Coco are awkwardly trying to maybe talk to me, maybe just not bother anymore, and somehow Derpy has become one of my top allies.

    In the strangest conversation I believe I've ever had, Coco tells me that I scare her because I play with allies, because I'm so loyal I would allow myself to get voted out just to see them get further, and Coco can't possibly comprehend that. She doesn't understand how I could come onto the Wonderbolt Academy with Rarity and Chrys and be so sure that any tribals there will result in her and/or Thorax going, without even having to talk to anypony. My loyalty terrifies her, and I just laugh because had she played her cards right, she could've been the one I'm so scarily loyal to, but she didn't so she's not. I'm curious to see where she ends up, being so alone and ready to push anypony, whether they've made an alliance with her or not. Backstabbing at the beginning merge never ends well in my experience.

When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation.
You're a toy maker's creation, trapped inside a crystal ball.
And whichever way he tilts it, know that we must be resilient.
We won't let them break our spirits, as we sing our silly song.