Author Topic: Challenge 13: Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000  (Read 512 times)

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Princess Celestia

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Challenge 13: Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
« on: May 01, 2019, 05:14:16 pm »

That last tribal council sure was intense*!  I think it'd be nice if all of us took a minute to regroup with a nice refreshing glass of apple cider.

Unfortunately, Sweet Apple Acres is famous for their apple cider and they always sell out within minutes of opening, so it looks like we will have to go without today. Even more unfortunately, it looks like some ponies accidentally were served more mugs of cider than they can drink, so I guess it's up to us to help distribute those extra mugs to the poor ponies who went without!

When you are ready to start the challenge, click on THIS LINK.  After starting the timer you'll see a chart showing a bunch of ponies and how many mugs of delicious Sweet Apple Acres Apple Cider they have.  Your job is to redistribute the cider so that everypony can have a drink.

When a pony chooses to share their cider, they will give one mug of cider to EVERY pony adjacent to them. And when a pony decides to take cider, they will take from EVERY pony adjacent to them.

In your confessional, list the steps in order that have to happen for everypony to have at least one mug of cider. For example,
ZEPHYR BREEZE shares his cider
MAYOR MARE shares her cider
CHERRILEE takes some cider...

The pony who manages to make sure everypony has at least one mug of cider in the fewest number of steps will win immunity! In the event of a tie, time will be used as the tiebreaker.

Also, ponies can have negative mugs of cider during intermediate steps. How is this possible? Uh, unicorn magic by the pony economist John Maynard Reins.


DISCORD shares his cider. This results in Luna having 6, Cadance having 5, and Discord having -1 since he must give it to ALL connecting ponies.
CELESTIA takes some cider. Now Luna is back down to 5, Cadance is back down to 4, and Celestia has 2 since she must take cider from ALL connecting ponies.
FLURRY HEART shares her cider. Luna goes back up to 6, Flurry Heart now has -3. Note that negative numbers are allowed!
LUNA shares her cider twice.  Flurry Heart has -1, Celestia has 4, and Discord is back to +1.  Luna is down to 0.

Continue shifting cider around until everypony has at least +1 mug of cider.

*This sentence was written before the game started. Actual intensity of the last TC may vary.

Princess Luna

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Re: Challenge 13: Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2019, 05:05:24 pm »
Welcome back everypony! Hope you enjoyed all the math we gave you to do. Now it's time for results!

But first...

IT SEEMS DERPY HOOVES HAS USED OPALESCENCE! THIS IS A CHALLENGE ADVANTAGE! Their solution will have the number of steps taken reduced by 15%.

Now let's see who was able to get cider to every pony with their solution.
Cider Specialists
Rainbow Dash
Granny Smith
Grand Pear
Dj Pon3
Coco Pommell
Derpy Hooves
Starlight Glimmer

Seems not everypony was able to get a valid solution let's see how well you did on the number of steps first
with 11 steps
we have..
Grand Pear
DJ Pon3
Starlight Glimmer

meanwhile everypony else had 9 steps taken. So it will come down to time.
Or it would, but with the use of an advantage, Derpy Hooves is automatically the winner! Congrats Derpy, how are you gonna celebrate?

Well...that sure is a way.


Anyway it's time for tribal.

Derpy Hooves

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Re: Challenge 13: Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2019, 05:05:52 pm »