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Messages - Aquaburst

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BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 24, 2019, 11:50:29 pm »
Coco had the best closing speech because there's no AtE there.
(I lied earlier, I have read everything)

I'm expecting Coco to win 5-2-1
(Chrysalis, Rainbow & Pinkie to vote the others)

Basically, this exactly. The other speeches felt a little bit too much I think :#  Coco's was pretty sweet. I'd be voting her, almost certainly.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 23, 2019, 08:31:48 pm »
Being brought to the end as a goat doesn't mean you can't fight in the FTC. If you don't present your game the way you feel you played (and hopefully you're proud of yourself/can present it positively), what's the point?

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 23, 2019, 03:42:12 pm »
ID Spoilers for Grand Pear
I don't really get this... Like, Radja has played deceptively before, in Ned's he pretended to be gay and went through a fake breakup for sympathy. He doesn't respect juries who value betrayal?? Boi you voted for KAWAZU to win Survivor Abridged

maybe that is the deception
real 3d chess stuff going in there

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 22, 2019, 06:12:42 pm »
The first time you do it is a bit shocking because the power imbalance swing is so harsh. You have literally no power and the jury can do whatever they want to you, when most will likely have reason to be upset at you. nopony plays perfect games so there will be negatives that can be picked at.

I think the key is you have to get in the headspace that it's a game, and this is the final hurdle to get over. The final boss.
If you take it personally, then the people you voted out will take it more personally as well.
This. So, so much this.

Pear is doing a good job of presenting himself as the inoffensive social nice guy to contrast Coco's strategic control.
Yeah I'm enjoying Pear's FTC more than I thought I would but as much as I hoped I would. :) He's more of an option than I think people have given him credit for.

Man though Coco would be tough to beat. She's so cool and collected yet so charming.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 22, 2019, 09:00:41 am »
The reason I spectate these days is post-FTC drilling trauma! And my jury was lovely! It's always a lot to go through, even when it's constructive, I think.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 22, 2019, 12:23:23 am »
When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,
When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.
Then I will vote for you to win, and not before.
Nice ref DuurJ

Man Rarity is taking this hard. She hasn't handled the jury well at all, though. Soarin asked some pretty pointed questions, and given she's proud of her game I think she may have benefited from taking a little longer to reflect on how to project that, so to speak. I felt like she was on the defensive the whole time, rather than saying anything all that convincing. :(

DJ's post was rough; but if you can't win every juror's vote, focus on the ones you can. If you handle a situation like that with a bit of of grace (ignore it or just try to empathise), I think you can really elevate your position in the jury's eyes.

Why am I typing this.... idk I guess I feel for her and think the situation she's in is really rough and hopefully some random newbie outsider input helps with post-game reflections or something (???).

Rarity I would give you the hug you asked for in your confessional 100%. Hope you get a chance to step back and process this soon. :)

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 21, 2019, 09:15:23 pm »
I feel like all of the FTC speeches were a little flashy and showponyish. I suppose that's the point of Survivor, but I'm not really sure I found any of them more convincing than the opinions I already had of the players. :P (maybe that's because I'm not in the game!!)

Rarity is being pummelled by the hard questions. Must be rough being in her hooves right now.

Edit: just read her confessional and oof
she is not coping

I'm not sure Soarin really has any requirement to let her off easy. It's often inquisitions like this that let the most self-aware people shine. Rarity, if you're picking up my psychic energy here, turn that frown upside down, get in there and kick Soarin's butt with respectful and well-considered logic! <3

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 21, 2019, 03:26:24 pm »
Celestia's write-up is great and I agree with a lot of it, too. Both formats are neat in different ways, I think. Just going to be interesting to see how the flow is here :)

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 21, 2019, 03:24:01 pm »
I did like for example in the last game, floating between say Cobalion's and Celebi's FTC threads. It was kind of cool having the tone shift from super serious questioning to light-hearted fluffposting because Celi's mind was already made up, but the finalists genuinely enjoyed chatting with him.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 20, 2019, 11:12:05 pm »
That got super waffly waaa
like for example we might hit the end and go "wow Rarity played an impressive strategic game, pear played well structurally and coco was great socially. Which one do I value here and who is stronger in their weaker categories?"

I know it's not really like that since the contestants have played pretty nonlinear games. but you know. we /could/ theoretically be asking ourselves those kinds of questions. :P

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 20, 2019, 11:09:58 pm »
I've been a pretty boring spec so I'll try to keep up through the FTC! If you compare it to last game, I think a lot of the finale came to 'spin' (that sounds more negative than it's meant to but bear with me). If you line it up, Regi/Deo had a much stronger balance of strategic structural and social, and would be able to float across the three threads with relative ease. Tapu was solid socially and played a kind of strategic game in a way, but if asked questions on how he structured his game would have very seriously struggled.

I know that there's faults. And I'm not saying one format feels right and one format feels wrong (I'll be curious to see how this feels exactly :) ). I just think it helps to put a perspective around how people weighted the different aspects of their play and how strong certain ponies' social vs. strategic games were, etc.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 20, 2019, 09:12:41 pm »
I am yet to see it! I'm intrigued and see pros and cons. :)
Can't wait to see how this goes down. I think Rarity and Pear have a lot to say for themselves, in particular. So seeing e.g. Pear defending his strategic game at length while the other finalists are in the thread is going to be fascinating.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 20, 2019, 07:27:40 pm »
Gah I should have just double posted. I was curious about the format as well haha. I think I like it from a juror mindset pov but as a finalist I'd probably tank hard. :P

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 20, 2019, 07:24:52 pm »
Great dead avatars. <3 keen to see Granny's too.
This is gonna be hype!! I definitely think Coco has this but can't wait to see how Pear and Rarity turn their games around for the finale. :)

Really interesting format for FTC jury questions, by the way. Is it common to just split it into the three categories?--it feels slightly restrictive from the perspective of giving nuanced answers. But on the flipside, it also feels like a really sound way for jurors to weigh up the respective strengths and weaknesses of the finalists.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Character Draft
« on: May 20, 2019, 07:08:10 pm »
Can you guys believe we had one of the f4 each? How cool is that?

Good luck Photo Finish (Coco) and Filthy Rich (Pear) :) go Rarity! ;D

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Firemaking Spectating Thread
« on: May 20, 2019, 07:04:20 pm »
Thaaaat was spicy. Gg Coco, beautifully played.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Firemaking Spectating Thread
« on: May 20, 2019, 07:01:16 pm »
Coco doesn't have the cards to snipe victory but... It's not an easy comeback. I think that's gg for Granny.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 19
« on: May 20, 2019, 04:05:40 pm »
Looks like we get our Coco vs. Granny duel!

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 19
« on: May 20, 2019, 06:57:53 am »
Watching Granny and Coco FTC it out would be faarr more entertaining but I am concerned about what will happen to Granny's urge to win if she is dragged there.

It's a good pickup by Thorax; she gives off the feeling like she really believes this is her chance. And unfortunately being forced to go up against Pear for a spot in the FTC wouldn't be much of a Big Move.

It might be interesting to see how Pear would go if he beat Granny in that challenge. Gut tells me it wouldn't be particularly meaningful overall. Maybe I'm just wondering if I've underestimated Pear in general.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 19
« on: May 19, 2019, 07:59:47 pm »
Mmm love me a good spite move.

I just read Coco's torchwalks and now I love her too. Yikes she's dangerous :o

edit: Done with all the torchwalks now and Granny Smith remains my fav tho tbh<3

edit again: ugghh Granny begging Rarity to let her 1v1 Coco is so spicy. If Rarity does take Coco and it's just Pear vs. Granny in the elimination I'd feel sad.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 19
« on: May 18, 2019, 06:45:14 am »
I hope the FTC shakes things up a little. I totally *feel* the Coco vs. Granny battle for who will sweep, but it just feels like such a shame to consider both Pear and Rarity write-offs.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 19
« on: May 18, 2019, 06:38:52 am »
That's a shame but not a surprise.. :( rest in pony Soarin. You were one of my favourite confessionals to secretly lurk.

In other news Rarity's torchwalks are iiinteresting
Reading between the lines I'm concerned she's playing too much into the negative image she's concerned about having. I hope she can turn that frown upside down for FTC if she makes it!

Still feel like Granny stands the second strongest chance behind Coco. That being said Coco has kicked so much butt I wonder if her not winning would feel weird. :P

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 17, 2019, 02:08:42 am »
Pear's tone has been plumetting for a while. I know the headspace they're in and it's an awful feeling being a goat but MAN I hope they come out of it. I wanna give them a hug.

I'd be fine seeing a Coco win too except that it just feels super inevitable. Low key I think I'm still rooting for Granny. Idk I just like the cut of their jib :P

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 15, 2019, 09:23:33 pm »
It's fascinating the way people seem so hesitant to commit to taking out Coco. I don't have a confident jury read but going by confessional writing at least she seems like a pretty big threat at the moment.

I'd want her out for sure!

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 12
« on: April 29, 2019, 10:38:42 pm »
Thank you for the write-up and insight from somepony who's been in the thick of it!

It's a lot of work keeping up so I really appreciate that kind of thing :)

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 12
« on: April 29, 2019, 09:20:23 pm »
yeah ditto, I didn't warm to Team Fl_m at the start but have loved reading about them over the last few days :P

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 12
« on: April 29, 2019, 08:57:04 pm »
I will be a good spec I will be a good spec
Merge should be super fun!

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Character Draft
« on: April 05, 2019, 10:10:36 pm »
Let's go Sunburst

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Character Draft
« on: April 04, 2019, 07:06:53 pm »
Slimmer pickings... this part is hard. :P
Rarity. gulp.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Character Draft
« on: April 04, 2019, 05:55:24 pm »
let's go Thorax :)

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Character Draft
« on: April 03, 2019, 03:54:07 pm »
Big Daddy McColt!

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Character Draft
« on: April 02, 2019, 02:39:43 pm »
Let's go Derpy :)

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode Pre-Game
« on: March 31, 2019, 02:28:01 pm »
Is everything sombra does self destructive?
I think so!
Idk how long they'll be in these 4 tribes for but I wonder if he'll get the boot shortly or whether he'll have time to get his footing :/

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Character Draft
« on: March 31, 2019, 02:25:34 pm »
I'm totally keen but if somepony more Survivor experienced wants in I'll out :P

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode Pre-Game
« on: March 30, 2019, 08:14:15 pm »
The edgic sounds hype! Thanks Harshwhinney :)

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Big Mac's Unofficial Winner Pick Game!
« on: March 29, 2019, 10:26:14 pm »
Granny Smith all the way!

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode Pre-Game
« on: March 29, 2019, 10:25:39 pm »
also holy (friend)shi(p) how do i turn this to desktop mode this physically pains me
what device and browser? It's usually just in the options thing (try the top right?)

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode Pre-Game
« on: March 29, 2019, 07:57:54 pm »
I've got strong energy from Granny Smith.

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