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Messages - Ms. Harshwhinny

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BronyCon 2019 / Re: My Little Edgic
« on: May 21, 2019, 08:12:49 pm »

I think once Dash left, the rest of the game was pretty much set in stone. Coco wanted Rarity and Pear, and that's what came to be. Soarin overplayed and didn't assemble the right group, despite knowing and having it, but didn't have the right deftness to pull it off. Strangely, I think we ought to give credit to Pear and Rarity for continuing to keep Granny from straying and joining the anti-Coco squad too early. Then again, Granny played a great game and basically had to go to firemaking to win - but that was a worthwhile calculated risk. Not sure Granny would've been better off splintering off with Soarin and/or DJ that early.

That's my last post here. Ghost of Trixie winner edit.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 21, 2019, 05:59:30 am »
One world did it first. But the categories were wildly different because it was a wildly different game.

It's just changing with the times tbh, this format was introduced in Super Smash Bros when the show changed the format of FTC. I dunno about having 15 different conversations, it seemed like in SSB it was one convo per thread with different people interjecting different things. I think for inexperienced jurors it can help to have an idea of what you're asking about instead of FTC being an overwhelming experience. People will ultimately vote for what they care about regardless.

Not asking about cheesecake is like, an intended effect. Irrelevantly turning the FTC into dumb make the finalists do tricks hunts like post the best gifs, hottest guys, or endurance posting challenges is really annoying as a finalist. (certain people would violently disagree with me on this LOL )

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 18, 2019, 10:15:43 pm »
All my moneys on Coco.

DJ Pon-3 / Re: Episode 17
« on: May 15, 2019, 07:47:27 pm »
Thank you for your confessional. It was my morning daily read. <3

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 17
« on: May 15, 2019, 07:13:47 am »
I feel bad if this is yet another live tc and most people aren't even online. At this close to finale it's nice to see nothing is set in stone but that's also because there's a fickle one in charge and anypony who had the power to take coco out never did. All depends what flavor of the day coco goes for.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 13, 2019, 09:35:36 pm »
Buy 30 shares DJ

BronyCon 2019 / Re: My Little Edgic
« on: May 13, 2019, 09:27:57 pm »

lol, I don't get Coco. This whole game revolves around her. That's why she consistently gets CPs. Because she drives the boat and what she wants happens and everypony knows this but nopony is doing anything about it because they think they can beat her? But they don't. I thought she wanted Chrysalis/Rarity in her F3, but then this changed so that's why I had Queen so highly ranked after Rainbow left. But then Coco started getting scared of Queen because she sounds like a skilled player. That's fine. Coco also was developed a plan for how to live without Rainbow. It seemed like Soarin was dead in the water, but then Rainbow was found out. I think these two past rounds it's all about failing to capitalize on making those big moves and good players treading water when they should be attacking Coco.

Anyway, Rainbow should have not gone back to Rarity and listened to that. When you approach somepony else for a cool plan, you have to follow through or else word gets around and then you fail. Rainbow should've went all-in with DJ/Soarin/Derpy. It may still have been a foolish plan, but there was no way Rainbow could've gotten out of the hole after that.

Queen was a victim of Granny. Queen could've done better by being more upfront. Queen didn't seem to have the best grasp on other relationships in the game, and that was her downfall. Her stock was rising strongly after Rainbow left, especially if she had started to become Rarity's new #1, but that's not what happened. Queen could've done so much more.

DJ/Soarin keep fighting uphill and somehow they keep doing alright? They're just reacting to everything around and trying their best. Soarin kinda just went with the flow more this time around, and I think that was better for him. DJ is starting to become threat level and they're starting to give Neg SPV. Either way, I think both are doing fine and can probably survive next vote.

Rarity did pretty well with using the ring to avoid responsibility for the vote, and Rarity is doing well to build this Coco relationship. Rarity is in great position to get to the end, but Rarity is probably overestimating her ability to beat Coco in the end.

This game strategically is a big last minute wtf. It works out, and there's a lot of great live TCs but by managing the environment and not letting the votes go early, it continues to benefit the most magnetic voice, like Coco. Makes me miss Derpy's and Trixie's last minute antics.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 16
« on: May 13, 2019, 12:50:30 pm »
We just need these parasprites

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 12, 2019, 06:23:01 pm »
Sell all coco until I can read up later.

I forgot to reinvest. Probably would've been dj

DJ Pon-3 / Re: Episode 16
« on: May 11, 2019, 03:07:18 pm »
Thank you for continuing to share your thoughts and feelings. It's great to see the inner brain of a dj.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 10, 2019, 05:40:40 am »
Sell all coco until I can read up later.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: The Obligatory Quote Thread!
« on: May 06, 2019, 07:50:26 pm »
Another way Coco's idol could go would be if she played it on me, but creating that scenario on purpose seems pretty low EV.

Also she could really easily have two at which point I guess I can just go fuck myself.

 :-\ Too true.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 06, 2019, 12:56:24 pm »
Sell all rainbow. Buy 118 queen.

Grand Pear / Re: Episode 11: F10
« on: May 05, 2019, 09:41:33 pm »
If we imagine that every player in the merge is given a dollar value based on power rankings, in your opinion, whose stock has risen the most since the beginning of the merge?

Soarin / Re: Episode 15 [F8]
« on: May 05, 2019, 09:38:03 pm »
Which High School Musical song best sums up your feelings right now?

Also what does your trust ranking look like now?

BronyCon 2019 / Re: My Little Edgic
« on: May 05, 2019, 09:34:44 pm »

Interesting. First merge boot that wasn't overplaying and wasn't just sitting down to die either. Also, everypony loves Trixie :)

I really thought Derpy was going to be the survivor of all the carnage and will become the power swing vote that gets picked up once the game starts going. Instead, Rarity gets her way and shifts power toward Rarity/Rainbow plus Apples. Queen benefits from this all. She's not going to be targetted yet and everypony's going to want to pick her up as a goat and swing vote. If Queen starts to pick up just a half-notch, she'll solidify herself as a number to people, but she's going to need to not become a threat at the same time. She needs to make one move around F5 to earn the win, but doesn't need to do much more. She'll be seen as a goat, but could easily pick up a lot of jury votes just because she's the underdog.

Soarin/DJ are in trouble and they're realizing it. Coco/Granny may have stayed with them, except Coco and Granny know they can't stick together and need to start killing each other. It's almost as if they're victims to Coco and Granny naturally separating...except neither DJ/Soarin have managed to be seen as the right partner to either Coco/Granny, and that is their downfall.

Rarity is separating from Rainbow by living with Coco, and this is huge. Rarity also has not become too paranoid yet. Rarity continues to be a target, but still hasn't been targetted. Rarity is building the resume here and just needs to maintain status quo and will probably get through. Soarin and DJ don't have enough ammo to get Rarity out anymore, so this fares well for Rarity.

Rainbow made the right moves here and is trying to protect the right people, except Rainbow had to backtrack and this could fare very very badly. Rainbow needs to do the right type of damage control here or else their stock will begin to plummet. Either way, Rainbow is using the right style of thinking and needs to keep going at it. But trusting Rarity too much could be the wrong move. Rainbow needs a new secret F2 partner right now.

Coco/Granny are beginning to think about their long term plans, and it looks like Soarin/DJ are not there. This isn't horrible for their chances...except they need to get rid of Chrysalis first because otherwise Rainbow/Rarity would have too much power later on. Additionally, they probably think Pear is in their pocket, when really he's in the Dash/Rarity trio. Pear is starting to become a huge power player because nopony knows where his true allegiance lies...and Soarin could use this as a huge weapon against Rainbow. If Soarin reveals that Rainbow almost went against Pear, then it buys Soarin one TC and it solidifies the Rarity/Pear/Coco/Granny foursome from WTA.

DJ needs to change this game up away from this possibility, or otherwise those four are going to hold the power until they cannibalize later.

DJ Pon-3 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 05, 2019, 08:29:28 pm »
What's all happening and how does this affect your trust clusters?

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 14
« on: May 05, 2019, 12:12:34 pm »
Don't forget the original big moves maddie wanted to take out buffy who was not in the top tier of threats. Big moves would qualify for taking out grand pear

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 14
« on: May 04, 2019, 07:45:40 pm »
Will Coco's downfall be hubris with too many idols and forgetting that the parasprites exist?

BronyCon 2019 / Re: My Little Edgic
« on: May 04, 2019, 05:35:50 pm »
Don't worry, she's already slotted for CPP5 this round.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 04, 2019, 01:27:19 pm »
Sell all 34 DJ, buy 28 Coco.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: My Little Edgic
« on: May 04, 2019, 12:21:29 pm »
Derpy is keeping this game from going in any predictable fashion. So glad I picked Derpy in the draft.

I'll just give an update after next TC. The only notable thing in this tribal is Soarin goin OTTN. Soarin isn't the typical OTTN. But Soarin is overplaying at the moment and doing things that don't need to be done. Also people are starting to feel Soarin is not the best anymore. I don't think this necessarily dooms his chances, but he's doing more paranoia than Rarity at this time - but for good reason. Soarin should try to get Rarity on the defensive and watch that fall into pieces.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 14
« on: May 04, 2019, 12:18:49 pm »
I feel like this round is the best one to make a move. Derpy/Queen aren't working together and everypony knows that next round a move may be made. Rainbow has the right idea in weaponizing Derpy. Unfortunately, I think Derpy trusts Soarin more in this all - which would work out great if both of those could agree on a target.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 02, 2019, 01:04:14 pm »
Sell 50 coco.

Buy 72 rainbow [$504]
Buy 34 DJ [$544]

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 13
« on: May 01, 2019, 09:46:54 pm »
It'll take a while before people figure out what happened. Unless Derpy goes and spreads lies and truth to various ponies.

*Until when Derpy goes and spreads lies...

Derpy Hooves / Re: Episode M3: asdfklh
« on: May 01, 2019, 09:32:39 pm »
Can't wait, have a good night's rest. You're great at confessionalizing.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: My Little Edgic
« on: May 01, 2019, 09:24:09 pm »

Trixie is getting more of the P SPV because Pinkie, lol. I felt like there should've been more OTT, but it really was only Derpy, Soarin, and Pinkie overplaying. Coco was on the verge of getting that rating too by over-revealing the idol, but at the same time, solidifying that foursome alliance was just confirming something that we've known was going to happen all this time. It was very clear those four gravitated toward each other and were keeping each other safe and voting with each other, it's just that Granny is now invited into it. Soarin/DJ/Coco were clearly using their group chat very strongly together. Soarin made a huge mistake by targeting Rarity, and by the luck of Pinkie, Soarin didn't get voted out here. Soarin could still go soon though. However, Derpy in all of her amazing OTTness, actually is making the smart moves. It's just without buildup and without foundational work. Derpy is like Cassandra the doomed prophet of Troy. She knows exactly what needs to happen, but because of her curse, nopony wants to believe her. nopony wants to weaponize her yet, but smart players are recognizing her potential and that she's not too strongly attached to past people and is just really a chaos player for the sake of being a chaos player. Derpy is everything I wanted Trixie to be. Derpy is going to be dragged to F3 and it's going to be amazing. Soarin needs to do this, because he needs somepony strong to take the heat during FTC. Good news is that Soarin is very close to Derpy. Derpy is being the best Derpy yet, and I cannot wait to see what Derpy is capable of.

Also Pinkie <3. But that was the move of the game. From having the prize in the hand to letting it sleep between her fingers.

Grand Pear finally gets something other than UTR1. Wins immunity, gets threatened, and appropriately spreads what Pinkie did. This is very reaction-oriented. Grand Pear didn't choose this vote and still is just banking on past relationships. Grand Pear didn't even get a good alliance out of this move.  However, Grand Pear is still in strong enough with past Apples to get by. Grand Pear needs to make a move next round before the foursome runs away with everything.

DJ and Granny were saved by Pinkie. They're great. They did not much wrong except like Soarin'...and they need to also capitalize on Rainbow as a safety policy from now on. Rainbow is branching off from Rarity and it's the right move. Rainbow is bouncing up the ladder real well. Rainbow is making lots of moves though. I just hope that Rainbow has good endurance to make it down the end of the road. It can't be relaxing to be the swing vote every single time.

Queen is staying above the fray by staying away, but isn't gaining much ground, but also isn't losing horrible ground when she should. If Pinkie didn't just get up and die though, Queen could've been the target. Queen isn't aware that people think she's sketchy. Queen also isn't aware that she's sketchy. She's overvaluing her tribal presence. I think with Pinkie dying, she's either going to rise like a phoenix or sugar, she's going down swinging. People want her gone, and unless she does something this round, she's gone. Derpy is aiming to be the survivor of the Goat 4, so Queen is just going to be a quick future vote unless she proves her worth.

Starlight is getting to be known as a shit-stirrer. She's also lost a lot of goodwill from DJ and Derpy, so Starlight needs to buck up and infiltrate relationships with Granny again.

Rarity keeps losing ground. I feel bad for Rarity and what she's going through in real life. She seems very down this round and coming to this game can't be fun. That being said, she has enough connections to be able to just coast for a bit. Rarity could've been the target this round, but past connections prevented that. Rarity really needs to solidify things though because being a swing vote is helpful, but she's also losing Pear, she's losing Rainbow, and all she's gaining really is Queen/Starlight? She needs to remind Rainbow why they're a strong duo.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 12
« on: May 01, 2019, 11:15:25 am »
I think soarin made a huge mistake here. Rarity being the target will either come back against him hard and fast or rarity's paranoia will lead to a beautiful one episode trainwreck narrative arc.

Starlight Glimmer / Re: MERGE!!!!!!!!!!
« on: April 30, 2019, 07:37:49 pm »
What do you see as the pathway to get you to F6 right now?

Grand Pear / Re: Episode 10: Merge
« on: April 30, 2019, 07:36:37 pm »
Who's the biggest threat to your immediate survival? How do you feel about your resume so far?

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 12
« on: April 30, 2019, 07:35:09 pm »
Derpy's actually playing for Big Moves, and not just being a Big Moves Maddie.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: April 30, 2019, 05:32:36 pm »
Oops, missed the deadline. I would've switched to Granny probably.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: My Little Edgic
« on: April 30, 2019, 10:35:12 am »
Can we just take a moment to appreciate that 7 out of 12 players had either OTT, N, or both?

Bottom 7 of 12 for me as well. What a coincidence.

Queen Chrysalis / Re: Bow down, the queen is here.
« on: April 29, 2019, 10:20:22 pm »
After that tribal, how quiet and settled or loud and chaotic is the evil deep within your soul? within others souls?

Derpy Hooves / Re: Episode M2: Oh my god this is so funny hahaha
« on: April 29, 2019, 10:18:24 pm »
So what happened?

BronyCon 2019 / Re: My Little Edgic
« on: April 29, 2019, 10:17:15 pm »

I made ratings at the challenge, and then that went all out the window overnight. Also, please remember that I'm using play style analysis mostly instead of confessional depth rankings.

Ghost of Trixie made a strong showing tonight. Definitely made the biggest rise in the rankings. Ghost of Trixie was compared to Pinkie in a good way. Just on the brink of OTTP. Also, it's OTT because it caused players to overplay.

Coco and DJ take the backseat to everypony and quietly build their empire while all the peons fight over who gets to be the one to die first. While their resumes are minor at this point, they're so well positioned in this game and know it. Well, moreso Coco. Coco also got the idol. DJ thinks he's playing this horrible game, but we the specs know he's been doing so well staying above the fray and maintaining connections and now it shows. DJ keeps making strong friendships, but also, it means that others know that he's keeping options open but also isn't a threat. Looking back it, I think DJ should be MORP. If DJ was the one guiding the ship and creating the alliance, he'd get the CPP. Instead, he's still biding time until the grand alliance is created. Coco is doing the same. Granny's doing the same thing as Coco and DJ except Granny has different connections and is known for being more of a threat too. Interesting that all these MOR ratings are the ones doing the best.

Grand Pear still has great connections that are being used to full potential. Grand Pear, however, is connected to Rainbow/Rarity which are a dying pair. Grand Pear can easily survive if they're taken out though. Grand Pear quietly can rebuild relationships and go far. He's going to be forced to pick soon though, and that might be his undoing. He's been able to stay above the fray, but if Soarin can get Rarity on the radar, Grand Pear needs to deftly handle that vote to manage everything.

Soarin was the key in this merge. Soarin wanted to learn about that Flutter vote and did the right investigation, however, he was a little bit too forthcoming in it. He closed a connection that he could've used. He's not against it, but he's also not kept the illusion of it. Soarin along with Flim Flam really started to build an alliance with DJ and started to add in the additional players. Soarin was also quite the instigator this time around. Soarin is thinking about the end and kinda needs to be more aggressive because otherwise he'll be left out because he doesn't know people as well as others. At least Soarin is making a good impression. Flim Flam dying could be the best and worst thing for Soarin though. Soarin needs to play it chill next round while still maintaining a presence. Playing too hard next round will cause Soarin to become a threat. Playing it too cool next round will cause Soarin to be even more distant to players who already have stronger bonds with other players. Soarin could easily transform Flim's relationships into new allies just by being himself. If he does this, he could launch himself into the finals.

Rainbow/Rarity played a key moment too slowly. This was more due to being offline than being intentionally off. Rarity was super paranoid and cold, and Soarin is going to take advantage of this. Rarity was supposed to be less of a threat than Rainbow, but because of Rarity's actions, Soarin is going to pull off Rarity first to weaken Rainbow. Also, this might be the right move for Soarin. Rarity also got tied into the Pinkie/Rarity narrative by Flim, which is very bad SPV. Rainbow was too controlling this round and this could've been sure disaster. However, Pinkie forced everything else into the open, which let Rainbow take a bit more backseat to the action. Rainbow's connections are weakening and others are taking full advantage in this merge of being more social than Rainbow is. Rainbow needs to make a better impression stat or else he's a quick goner. Also Rainbow needed to have killed Granny, and Rarity needed to have killed Coco. Having both around still makes this a much more uphill battle for this pair. Letting Pinkie and Queen go off into the sunset to die alone could be real bad for them. They abandoned that alliance and having too many connections may mean that others band to get them out first. And Queen and/or Pinkie be vocal about this could be very very bad. Both could rebound strongly from this vote because of their frank honesty.

Derpy benefitted from this all. Derpy was a sure vote this time around. But Flim had other plans and now Derpy, even having been in the minority, can rebound quickly. Derpy isn't strongly with Queen/Starlight/Pinkie as I think. Derpy also is strangely re-endearing herself to Granny and DJ, which means very good things. Derpy didn't do anything differently either. So being terribly honest and vulnerable has caused Derpy gain trust points? But also by being chaotic? But by being openly chaotic? But I think it proved that Derpy feels alone and will do anything to not feel alone. DJ and Granny, if smart, will do something about this.

Pinkie/Queen were dead in the water. They still are...unless they bus Rarity and Rainbow very quickly. Queen is worse off because Coco sniffed out her true colors and Queen didn't let Pinkie die. Pinkie can still pawn all of the blame on Starlight and timezones. Pinkie's honesty could do her favors here if she can get to the key people, stay active, and convince them that it never was her. If Pinkie had 25% more activity, I think most of the issues and concerns would not be as much of an issue. I think that shows how great Pinkie makes such a strong good impression on people in such a short time. Pinkie needs to take a breath and go back to how she was in Castle of Friendship. That viewpoint was what earned her allies. Being that open with people will get her allies again. And if DJ/Coco/Granny want to kill Rarity or Rainbow next, they would need Queen/Pinkie to do it. I don't think Queen/Pinkie could finagle a way to the finals, though at this point. Maybe Pinkie?

Starlight played too much this round. Starlight gets along well with people. Starlight didn't need Pinkie/Queen as a number. Starlight was in a good position to infiltrate alliances and just be cute and be a number. However, Starlight played the instigator and got caught. I don't think Starlight did anything intentional either, but I believe Starlight misinterpreted something said at some point, spread it around, and then all this started. Starlight is sticking too strongly to Carousel and would've been welcomed with open arms by some players. Starlight trying to become a strong twosome with Flim Flam due to connection with Buried - that would've been a killer duo. Both play similarly but Starlight's not playing well on her back heels and is too defensive. If Starlight makes a sharp 180, I'll be impressed. Starlight has it within her too. She just needs to find an alliance and be the seventh wheel in it. It's not a good position to be in to be at the bottom of a totem pole, but I think Starlight has the chops to build higher and higher and swinging back and forth to another alliance to rise up the ranks.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 11
« on: April 29, 2019, 11:23:04 am »
I can't see pinkie getting out of this. Time zones have created a target this early and the people who could shift off pinkie are not on. Dash and rarity could still rebound with losing pinkie.

Their best bet is to further the flim, derpy, starlight paranoia but I think it magically resolved when flim went against pinkie. And it's a smart move for flim because it's taking out a dash disciple which could also free up queen for the taking with film's new alliance.

Also granny with the clutch analysis.

Flim and Flam / Re: Episodo 11: we maek mergr!!!
« on: April 29, 2019, 11:12:56 am »
idfk who to trus anymore. i just causin chaos at dis point an hoep i cum out da utter end.

Language. For shame. Won't anypony think of the children?

Also. Why pinkie and rarity?

Granny Smith / Re: Episode 11 - Still Kickin'
« on: April 29, 2019, 11:09:34 am »
I really appreciate these rankings.

Soarin / Re: Episode 11 [F12]
« on: April 28, 2019, 07:35:46 pm »
Keep up the great confessional work! I would've asked questions, but you've answered them all already.

Errr....maybe, any group chats that are active for you right now?

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: April 28, 2019, 04:51:44 pm »
Sell all and buy all Coco

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 11
« on: April 28, 2019, 04:50:40 pm »
Starlight's fake idol quote is actually kinda bad. If you're going to fake that it is limited, she should've done one later instead of one earlier. If Queen ever reveals that it's for merge or F8, then people may try to vote out Starlight at F9 so that it never gets used. Plus F8 is a weird number. Instead Starlight should've said F6. That way people intentionally target Starlight at F7 and then Starlight can actually use it. And F6 is a logical time to have a time limited idol. Either way, it's probably going to be used tonight anyway. Or, at least, it is in Starlight's best interests to probably use it now, unless she can finagle a good alliance here.

Rainbow Dash / Re: Welcome!
« on: April 28, 2019, 01:24:33 pm »
Are these all the official group chat names too? Amazing map.

Flim and Flam / Re: Episodo 11: we maek mergr!!!
« on: April 28, 2019, 12:59:59 pm »
Thank you for this insight. Very helpful.

If any past tribe (yours or anypony else's) is the one that created the overall narrative in the game, which one is it?

Flim and Flam / Re: Spec invite muah!
« on: April 28, 2019, 12:52:02 pm »
Can I have a pic - I read every single one of your posts.

u amaze!!! tel me wut u want glorius spec!!!

How about me trying to get flam wear a turtleneck because all this nudity is not safe for the children, won't anypony think of the children?

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 11
« on: April 28, 2019, 05:45:32 am »
So there seems to be coco and followers and rainbow dash and followers? With derpy and starlight on the far outs.

Coco: granny, DJ, flim, soarin (by proxy)
Rd: rarity, grand, pinkie, queen

So everypony bands together to vote out one of the outcasts instead of making a big move and next tribal is huge?

Also coco getting the idol. :D

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 11
« on: April 27, 2019, 11:26:00 pm »
Give critiques please.

You slowed down too much and couldn't match the friendship intensity that others were aiming for. Also your auction item somehow caused you to be targetted. You were an item that needed to be checked off to raise others' resumes. You were a social butterfly and you were too far away from your strongest alliances. I think in the fivesome of Rarity-Rainbow-Pear-Flim-Buried, it was clear that you were linked to Rarity/Rainbow more from the flutter vote and because you were linked to Flim and Pear you were the bonus fifth vote. If you had been closer with Rainbow strategically instead of only comically, you would've had a chance. Rainbow was a fickle player and was your downfall this game. Had you managed Rainbow better than Pear did, things could've been different. You were well liked amongst everypony, it seemed, but it didn't translate into the alliances you needed (except with Starlight or Flim).

Grand Pear / Re: Episode 10: Merge
« on: April 27, 2019, 11:20:40 pm »
Who's in yer current trust cluster?

Flim and Flam / Re: Spec invite muah!
« on: April 27, 2019, 11:17:47 pm »
Can I have a pic - I read every single one of your posts.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: My Little Edgic
« on: April 27, 2019, 10:48:37 pm »

I appreciate the players eliminating in alphabetical order to help me not have to reorder.

Derpy is the player that is trying to meddle the most in other tribe's votes. Derpy is losing the focus here. In a way, Derpy is both playing too hard and too slow. Derpy hasn't adjusted to the flow of the game with that last phase. Derpy was starting to be out of the loop and was saved by the swap and never having to go to tribal. Instead of trying to gain new social connections, Derpy solidified what she already had, which would be great in a normal situation if she was part of an impending majority alliance. However, that's not the case. Derpy took stock in what she had and assumed incorrectly. And now Derpy is acting from a place of power when she shouldn't. Derpy seemed to change after Daddy died and things haven't been the same since. Derpy could be the new Trixie and play chaos, and if Derpy somehow manages to last more than 2 tribals, this could be very interesting.

Starlight tried to throw the challenge, and that would have been fun. Again, Starlight is playing similarly to Derpy. Starlight is believing that there will be an anti-Apple alliance. Starlight, however, manages to get on people's good sides just by being pretty cool. Starlight needs to really just be open minded at the merge and utilize the relationships created during last phase into this merge. If anypony's going to make this game go in a different pathway than where it seems to be headed, it's likely going to be because of Starlight.

Flim Flam has benefitted most the most from this swap, from certain doom to building more allies. Flim Flam however is just being Flim Flam. I think everytime Flim Flam gains allies, half of it is Flim Flam knows how to manage information dissemination really well, half of it is Flim Flam is capitalizing on not being shady like Starlight/Derpy or Queen/Flutter. In other words, Flim is the anti-Trixie. Flim Flam can now be a true swing vote with Buried gone as well. Flim has the opportunity to make magic in the first tribal of the merge, and I cannot wait to see what happens next. If Flim goes all in witih Soarin/DJ, this is a huge swing vote alliance. If Flim rejoins with Pear, then Flim becomes more of a number for a larger alliance and will hide in the shadows.

Coco earned immunity and went from next vote out to playing a precarious precipice of doom. Coco now has a fake alliance and I wonder if Coco is going to reach out to DJ/Soarin or if Coco is going to try to rebuild with past Apples and see how things go. If Coco burns the bridge with Pinkie/Queen/Rarity, this could be interesting then Coco could be the lighting rod and Coco's going to need to play in a different way than Coco has intended. Coco wanted to UTR until later, but Coco might now have to be in the limelight and I don't know what will happen then.

DJ/Soarin naturally came together and it's friendship, it's magic, it's beautiful. They're peaking at the right time, people are going to want to connect with them. Their styles are well suited for this merge, and they're in the right position. The best part for the duo is that while it was not intentional, it seems that Soarin took more of the initiative to set things up instead of DJ. Soarin was in the better position to do so just because of the losses he's experienced. Too much from DJ and then DJ becomes seen as a power player and becomes somepony to take out. Instead Starlight/Derpy don't know of the underground alliance made.

Granny wasn't really in danger. Buried somehow became a threat because of the double vote and that was a remnant from last vote. Buried being the vote was the wrong move. Granny's more of a social threat and continues to have connections that she will barter in the future. I do not think Rainbow will benefit from this move. I do think it benefits Pear though. Pear is in amazing position because Pear has strong connections and has done very little to throw anypony under the bus. Rainbow, instead, has done this thoroughly. Rainbow is in a bad position at merge here because everypony thinks Flutter was sacrificed by Rainbow, instead of Rarity. Additionally, Rainbow has been seen more of a ringleader. Good for now though, just because Rainbow is probably going to be in the majority just because of the allies still alive. Rainbow is seen as a decision maker, and also has an idol clue. Rainbow will be the huge merge target, but because of having enough allies will survive until everypony realizes that Rainbow has too big of a resume and needs to be taken out before jury. Rainbow needs to learn to take a back seat and let Rarity go paranoid in the merge and make the moves that are necessary. If Rainbow isn't UTR in merge episode, it's going to be a huge climb to the finals.

Queen/Pinkie are very easily a strong pair. Both are connected to Rarity/Rainbow, but I don't think that they're going to connect as much at merge because Rarity and Rainbow are too well connected. If Queen and Pinkie start to realize that, they could make some damage. Queen has done well to really slow down the play and remove herself from Trixie and the Carousels. Unfortunately, she hasn't met enough people to convince them that that she's really separated from them. Right now her position there will be lower because she hasn't had the time to undo Trixie's damage. However, in the merge, I think she could easily move in the right direction...however...Pinkie has done little to really help this out. Pinkie telling Coco that she's in the outs was premature. Pinkie is playing some game, and unfortunately, we don't know the full extent. Pinkie is not in a good position because of that statement. Pinkie, if she can stand out in the merge with Rarity or Rainbow, could get back into good graces. However, if Pinkie is a bit slow and absent, I don't think Pinkie can recover. Pinkie's unfortunate weakness in the game is her not being around at key moments, her strength is her personality and her honesty. I'm glad to see that the redemption winner made the merge too without being at risk of being voted. What's interesting here is that by not having to use the redemption idol, Applejack's cutie map will continue to confuse people, even though it could easily be surmised that Pinkie has it. However, the cutie map didn't mention the limitations of idols. Starlight's is limited to 2 tribals, Pinkie's is gone, and Rainbow never got it. So idols become a spectre of a threat that isn't there. Items in this game are threatening more by their potential than their actual use.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: April 27, 2019, 06:45:15 pm »
Sell all soarin buy all flim flam

Lol. Bad move.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: April 26, 2019, 04:08:56 pm »
Sell all soarin buy all flim flam

DJ Pon-3 / Re: Episode 10
« on: April 25, 2019, 09:41:40 pm »
Who scares you most to see again in the next phase of the game?

Flim and Flam / Re: Thor Thor Clicky here!
« on: April 25, 2019, 09:39:33 pm »
How big is that ax

BronyCon 2019 / Re: My Little Edgic
« on: April 25, 2019, 09:37:54 pm »

Things happened. Then I drink tonight. So infer the ratings on your own this round.

Soarin / Re: Episode 9 [5 GOL vs. 4 WA vs. 5 FC]
« on: April 24, 2019, 09:47:56 pm »
After sharing what's on the plus and minus side, what's on the square root or multiplication side?

BronyCon 2019 / Re: My Little Edgic
« on: April 23, 2019, 09:17:28 pm »

Ghost of Trixie seen as one-note and keeps coming back, but it's not negative or positive - but it's just a mention that reminds everypony that Trixie made the game what it is.

Thorax tries but was dealt a heavy hand and can't get out. He did his best, but losing the challenge, having an absent Rarity and Queen really killed things. Plus Pinkie wasn't having anything infiltrate her new alliance. Pinkie had to spend some social capital to get the result she wanted. This is why she's CP. Queen and Rarity just went along because they didn't feel that it was worth the struggle to try to do anything different, even if they displayed the desire to do so. This is why gamestyle analysis can be helpful. Pinkie spent the time to create an alliance and move toward a goal (CP) rather than trying to work with an uneven hand (MOR). This is also in comparison against those just going with the Status Quo (UTR) or are not even trying in the game (INV). Those that overdo everything and over step their bounds and spend more capital than has been earned (OTT) are also at big risk to go quicker than later. By analyzing the patterns, one can see why DJ's and Coco's plan to go UTR is important. They realize that they can't be on the top and making all the decisions every round. Instead they want to try to be close to the action and be apart of the majority without having to be seen the head of everything. Since last swap, I've been trying to use the ratings to highlight this. First tribes I kinda went with typical edgic editing ratings.

This is important because Pinkie is rightfully spending the right capital here. Pinkie puts her foot down and gets her way but she's earned this. But if Pinkie doesn't do anything next round to balance out her spending/earning, she's going to lose the game and Queen/Rarity could turn on her - moreso Rarity than Queen. Queen is doing well to save up and just be on the right side of the vote, and is earning allies along the way. Furthermore, Queen could have been a power player, but is also not making the moves of a power player. She's had her stinger removed so she's not lethal, but she's so close to the action every single time that she appears that she's stronger than she is. The moment Queen brings out her fangs and digs it into somepony, she becomes threat #1. Rarity also made her own "cool down". If Rarity put more of her own stamp on this Thorax vote, she becomes known as a strong player who gets rid of every single one of her threats just like Flutter. Instead, she just "follows the crowd" and instead isn't building up threat status. This was a strong play by Rarity. However, Rarity is super paranoid and that's going to isolate from strong allies. nopony has mentioned in confessionals as being the one to allay Rarity's fears. Instead Rarity just goes circular and then eventually gives up and accepts fate - which is fine for now. But in the merge is going to be seen as annoying and too self-serving. This also shows why I think that the Queen-Pinkie pair is the strongest in the tribe and probably the game right now. After all this, Coco had to go with the flow to build the social capital and hope for the best later on.

Flim Flam gets the first Mixed tone - Flim Flam gets the "annoying" SPV but also has gotten the "but I can tolerate this" SPV to the "I kinda like Flim" SPV. However, Flim is still overplaying and doing more to the schtick than to the strategy. Derpy and Starlight go with the status quo here. They're resting on laurels and this is where their narrative aims downward instead of plateauing or rising. They fail to do more with Soarin here and reassuring DJ. Starlight has a better chance of doing some damage compared to Derpy. Soarin is identifying a plan and is trying to get it done. Soarin is also getting good SPV. DJ is starting to plan for the future and pick the final players in his orbit. This is the game-ending narrative and will be something that would be reviewed during final tribal council.

Applejack gets a rare UTRP because people like Applejack but also still want to vote her out and Apple isn't doing anything strategic. It's not against her detriment (which would be INV) but it's also not to her advantage. Grand-Buried-Rainbow are just riding out their alliance even though Buried could be a blindside at some point. Granny is also just holding pat but could be doing more to solidify more connections.

This phase could quickly flip in a different direction.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 8
« on: April 23, 2019, 10:27:45 am »
Quote from: Thorax
Why are all my game talk things with other ponies centered around Trixie?
That just makes everything annoying to bring up information.
Ghost of Trixie returns!

Ghost of Trixie OTT2

OTT3 after queen mentioned her

DJ Pon-3 / Re: Episode 8: Should I Stay or Should I Go
« on: April 23, 2019, 10:16:20 am »
Mel chisholm and Mel Brown.

For shame.

Then again, I'm a maven at British pop culture.

But you're the DJ and should know about Mel C having dance remix in the club.

Granny Smith / Re: Episode 8 - When the Apple Falls Far From the Tree
« on: April 23, 2019, 10:10:37 am »
I’ve greatly enjoyed your confessional!!!!

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