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Messages - Iron Will

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Live Reveal! / Re: ID Reveals!
« on: May 26, 2019, 01:24:31 pm »
I loved Derpy!

Live Reveal! / Re: ID Reveals!
« on: May 26, 2019, 01:13:02 pm »
Ooh Applejack

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 25, 2019, 07:14:31 pm »
Very disappointed in Rainbow Dash and Rarity not answering this.  >:(

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 22, 2019, 09:34:22 pm »
Question for everypony: what should Rarity have done differently? Obviously this isn't a winning endgame for her, but if she voted Coco out at 6, even if she's able to make the end, at least one of DJ/Soarin/Granny are going to be there with her. Would she be able to beat them if she took out Coco? Or should she have done things differently before F6?
If they vote out Coco at 6 because Rarity played the Parasprites then Rarity gets a lot of credit for that boot. Whoever she gets to the end with, she has a case and can take it if she has the best TC.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 22, 2019, 02:56:40 pm »
1) Since the merge happened, everything went very smoothly for me, so I never really saw the point in changing things up. I worked with the ponies I wanted to work with and I stuck with the ponies I liked to work with. Making moves for the sake of making moves is not how I want to play the game. What I value the most in these games is that I can talk to people when this game is over about this game and we can laugh about it, discuss it, disagree about it, and so on. So the answer is probably no for me. I don't feel like I changed up the game, simply because I didn't need to and I didn't want to.
2) It did come up, but really you never know what a jury is going to value in somepony's game. Some people value a player who dominated strategically, some people hate on the people who voted them out, others just vote for their best friend. Anything is possible. When I got to around the F7, I knew perfectly well that if Soarin or DJ would make it to the end, they'd be hard to beat for me. They targeted me for pretty much all of the merge so I couldn't allow them to get to the end. Chrysalis I thought had a great story as well and she was so much more connected than most ponies thought, so she would also have a strong case. So I really saw no point in backstabbing my closest allies, who might also possibly have a good story, but at least they stuck with me the entire game. everypony is a threat in his own way, it's just a matter of how you sell your game.
3) My biggest regret is not succeeding at connecting with a number of ponies. I don't think I had any memorable chats with DJ. My chats with you were very limited. I also couldn't really get anywhere with Derpy. I'm usually very focused on my social connections, but I think I was just happy with what I had instead of expanding my connections a bit more.
I like this response.  It's not really exciting, but it's not defensive, and goes down as smoothly as any argument could from somepony who played Pear's game.  It carries the kind of self-confidence Pear has and the self-respect he has for his game in it, without trying to make any bold unearned claims about how he played.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 22, 2019, 11:40:08 am »
I could honestly imagine somepony just not showing up to FTC in one of these games.  There's no producers there to shove you onto the set, and if you've got issues with anxiety that manifest in procrastination which leads to increased anxiety which leads to outright avoidance...  Ehh, maybe that's a bit far-fetched

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode FTC!
« on: May 22, 2019, 07:49:16 am »
DJ's post was too rough for me, even though I agree with the general thrust of it.  Being a losing finalist at FTC can already be pretty emotionally difficult as it is.  (Otoh I don't think Soarin was really trying to be mean.)

From what I've gotten through, Rarity is coming out the gates first and coming out the hardest, which I admire, but in some places she's doing more harm than good to her case, so I'm pretty comfortable in saying she's not going to pull out an underdog win.

I don't mind her responses to Soarin and DJ really, but from her very first post in the social thread, she was already losing me...
Quote from: QC
I know that there was a lot going on for you, but how could you just sit and be so passive after everything? It's incredibly difficult to see you in your own right, and I need you to convince me that you didn't just coast along here. Where is the fire and fight you have?
Quote from: Rarity
If I did go after her in a blaze of glory, I didn't feel confident that I would actually make it to the end.
Hmm, but why? Well:
Quote from: Rarity
I just never felt I was in a good position or had social connections to fall back on.
This is possibly true, but why would you ever say that in a venue where you're fighting for jury votes?!  What case do you have left when your very first post to the jury says, "I never really was able to do much, but that's only because I never had good social connections or good positioning."

From the strategy thread...
Hi Starlight. It's nice to see you again.

1) For your original challenge, I think you are referring to shaping the game and not just going for easy votes. I believe I performed fairly well, as I would not consider the subsequent Derpy vote as being an easy one. Additionally while I didn't cast a vote for her directly, I was complicit in the power house Rainbow Dash being eliminated, which was doubtless a major shake to the game.

2) Jury threats were definitely something I considered, and were another reason I was apprehensive about letting DJ and Soarin anywhere near the finals. One thing I could count on with Coco and Pear was that we had all betrayed about the same ponies more or less, so there was likely to be equivalent bad blood to wade through. Other than them, I was slightly worried about Granny, but I figured I still had a reasonable case to argue against her.

3) I think I most regret letting Rainbow Dash go how and when I did. I skipped out on the forums for that TC after choosing to use my ring, and I told myself it was fine because there was nothing I could do and I had hectic life circumstances to deal with anyway. While I still believe I had to betray her for a shot at victory, that is not how I should have done so. Additionally it really set Chrysalis in a bad position, which meant I lost two friends for ring gambit later. That's not how I wanted to see it go down.
Like, ouch, you just said one of your two biggest moves and your biggest mistake were one and the same.

Rainbow Dash / Re: Welcome!
« on: May 20, 2019, 06:20:24 pm »
I’m enjoying your live Onitama commentary. Thanks!

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 19
« on: May 20, 2019, 05:07:44 pm »
Coco is so gosh darn nice

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 19
« on: May 20, 2019, 08:14:44 am »
the possibilities

Rarity takes Pear
- This opens the door for Granny to defeat Coco, which is just the move she needs to cap her game and cement the win
- Coco bumps out Granny and wins unanimously
^ Basically an Onitama match to see who wins the game

Rarity takes Granny
- Pear defeats Coco, cements "challenge beast" status, Granny likely wins but not a total slam dunk
- Coco defeats Pear and has an even stronger case to win

Rarity takes Coco
- Pear knocks out Granny but still doesn't have quite the case to win
- Granny knocks out Pear, not a big boost, but can steal some votes possibly

Rarity gives the necklace away and challenges somepony
- This is the kind of desperate act Rarity kind of needs to pull to have any sort of shot here

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 19
« on: May 20, 2019, 08:11:14 am »
Will Rarity actually take Coco? I think it's a bad move, but she's talked about doing it already and I can also see doing it as a "fuck you" to Soarin.
That'd be true to form.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 17, 2019, 02:26:30 pm »
Rarity’s version of what Soarin wrote is really something and I think is coming more from her own head than it did from Soarin, who basically just pitched “you can beat me and Pear but not Coco and Granny,” which basically just amounts to saying there’s 2 people in this game that played better than you, and potentially zero if we take them out.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 17, 2019, 02:18:59 pm »
It’s a little like Smash Bros

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 17, 2019, 01:54:19 pm »
maybe Pear will win f4 immunity and then give the necklace to Rarity in order to take on and defeat Coco in fire!  While Granny just sits there shrinking in stature.  That could maybe lead to a bit of a toss-up f3

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 17, 2019, 01:37:57 pm »
Can coco's value increase enough for Suri to overtake Harshwhinny?  I bet Coco surges to like $80

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 17, 2019, 01:33:45 pm »
I could see Rarity or Pear stealing a win against Granny, although it would be a longshot.  But Granny could end up being treated badly at FTC the way Gear was, for being a social player that didn't actually pull anything major off.  DJ is already sowing the seeds for that over in jury.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 17, 2019, 01:30:00 pm »
DJ said Coco was going to win, then got voted out.  Soarin says Coco is going to win, is being voted out.  Granny also currently saying Coco is going to win, and seems to be the next target.  Pear and Rarity still don't seem to be getting the hint and are marching into a shutout vote.  It's honestly likely too late for anypony, as I don't expect Coco to lose both the challenge and the fire, especially without Soarin in the game. 

In a normal season, they might vote out Granny next and look really bad, but otoh I figure each of Rarity and Pear, if they win the challenge, would at least know enough to bring the other to the end, so even if they do see Coco in their f3, he'll still have to face Granny in fire.  Maybe she's good at Onitama.  But honestly, kudos to Coco for bringing Rarity and Pear in with such loyalty that everypony else's games are going to be derailed for waiting too long to strike.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 17, 2019, 01:21:42 pm »
I don't actually think Soarin's messages were that bad.
Yeah, Rarity is reading it worse than it really is because she's lining it up with her existing impression of Soarin, who she thinks tries to order her around and talks down to her.  But Soarin isn't just running her down there, he's saying he too cannot possibly beat Coco, and that she, Rarity, can beat himself, Soarin.  So it really doesn't read so bad to me...

I think Rarity's odds are honestly not that different with Soarin or with granny as the third finalist next to Pear, but she should keep Soarin because Soarin has a better shot of knocking out Coco.  Not a huge mistake to boot Soarin here though, the bigger mistake is that she's not yet thinking about gunning for Coco.

Soarin / Re: Episode 18 [F5]
« on: May 17, 2019, 10:19:03 am »
Wow, it's exactly 800 words. That's kind of neat? The one sent to Rarity was 676 words, which is a neat number as well.
Explain to me the appeal of the number 676.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 17, 2019, 08:48:28 am »
Fuck it. Granny's said Rarity might still want to go after Pear but I don't buy Rarity's word for a second, and Coco's probably drilled into everypony's mind that they need to take me out anyhow. I'm going to try and convince Rarity & Pear to go after Granny instead. I have nothing to lose at this point, and if they still decide to vote me after I laid out how much better Granny and Coco's played than them then I'll have no quarrels about voting Granny/Coco over either of them.
Oh god

At least there's a strong argument for why Rarity should pivot against Coco and use Soarin to do it, and that requires winning over Rarity alone
To do this, Soarin needs to win over Rarity AND Pear, and I really see very little in it for either

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 17, 2019, 07:35:30 am »
Will be sad if they finally win over Rarity and vote out Pear, keeping Soarin to slay Coco in Onitama, and then Coco easily wins F4 immunity. lol

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 17, 2019, 07:25:41 am »
I guess I just think you ponies might be taking the offending Grand Potato message too literally. I think he does think he played well and can win, and he’s being told by other ponies in the game he can’t, and that message we’re talking about here is more of a “shut up, I’ve made up my mind” declaration than an actual surrender. Look at this confessional post. This is somepony proud of their game.

Sooooo close to the end. I'm not sure you specs enjoyed my game as much as I did, but I had a great time. Maybe you thought I played a boring game, but it wasn't boring to me, at all. I think I made the right decisions at the right times. I've made the connections I needed to, and those connections kept me around when my enemies tried to vote me out multiple times. I'm not sure if I'm going to have a shot at winning, but I think I do have a story to tell. I've positioned myself in a great way the entire game, I cut down one of my closest allies(Buried Lede), to get closer to the ponies I wanted to play the endgame with, and it worked out in the best way possible. Despite my limited availability, which did hurt me, I'm very aware of that, I've managed to play a game where most people thought I was on the bottom, but at the same time, I had solid connections that kept me around when I was believed to be an easy target, and they all payed for it. Fluttershy(maybe to a lesser extent), Pinkie, Derpy, DJ, they all got voted out while targeting me, and the numbers I had, were Always pretty big!

That's the story I'll bring at FTC, and I hope at least some ponies appreciate that enough to give me their votes.

Buuuut first I'll need to make it there. ;D

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 17, 2019, 07:18:59 am »
Granny is on the mark with her most recent confessional, willing to risk her tail to push Rarity into saving Soarin. If Rarity went with it, I think a Soarin/Granny/Rarity f3 is still a tough sell for her, and favors Soarin for winning fire, but they’d all have cases. Unfortunately Rarity seems committed to the idea she can beat Coco. But maybe having Granny + Soarin shouting truth in her ear for a day will sell it.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 18
« on: May 16, 2019, 07:17:45 pm »
Quote from: Grand Pear
I don't care if Coco wins this game and I get 0 votes tbh. At least Coco had my back the entire game.
PSA saying stuff like this makes it really hard to justify casting you in a game over people who actually want to be there. This is nothing against Grand Pear as a person but I don't think they're in a good headspace for a competitive game like this right now
Isn’t it normal to get some players who care about who was good to them, and aren’t interested in slashing that person’s throat? It’s not really much worse than Rarity tunneling on Soarin for trying to push a different vote last round.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 17
« on: May 15, 2019, 01:30:25 pm »
Even if Pear goes out here it sounds like Rarity still plans to go back to Coco right after - totally disregarding the Soarin PM.

Soarin/DJ/Granny should know better than to let Coco skate after that, and will have 3 of 5 votes next TC?  But there's bad blood with DJ/Granny and Granny could be afraid that if she boots Coco then she's dead walking at 4 (although a few chances at safety there, I think DJ/Soarin are the clear challenge favorites)

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 17
« on: May 15, 2019, 01:08:17 pm »
Quote from: Coco Pommel on May 15, 2019, 03:31:32 pm
I'm awful at stuff like this lol. I got really lucky during the unicorn game with my high score, but flash games are generally a struggle for me.

Soarin / Re: Episode 17 [F6]
« on: May 15, 2019, 12:15:25 pm »
I feel like recently this site has taken a while to load at times. Maybe it's just me?
For me the mafiascum site was not loading at all.  Seems better now.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 17
« on: May 15, 2019, 12:12:58 pm »
....why has Coco's ftc speech been posted in soarin's confesh????

I would say rarity not being here sucks because her vote matters the most but actually coco probably idols coco and granny?
I'm not 100% sure Coco resists Granny going here on its own -- but if it's part of a larger anti-Coco plan, maybe.  The thing is, does Granny stick with Coco after being saved by Coco?

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 17
« on: May 14, 2019, 05:25:26 pm »
And with the parasprites now basically useless it's time for a double-idol shotgun blast.
Rarity afk

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 17
« on: May 13, 2019, 06:05:34 pm »
Coco could win the challenge and immunize all 3 of them

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 13, 2019, 02:17:41 pm »
Harshwinny can just not buy stock anymore and win.  too bad I repeatedly missed deadlines and suffered for it. 

I will now sell my Granny share for $15, pay off interest and fees, and buy a $10 Soarin share with the remaining funds

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 17
« on: May 13, 2019, 02:15:09 pm »

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 17
« on: May 13, 2019, 01:32:18 pm »
Last round for idols and Coco has 2 idols?  Haha

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 16
« on: May 11, 2019, 07:30:20 am »
Honestly I can’t see much difference between the games of Coco, DJ, Granny, and Soarin. I guess you could say Soarin lived more dangerously and Coco initiated that alliance but it was already coming together and Coco just formalized it. Coco found some idols but so far none of them have needed an idol and the idols haven’t been relevant. Oh, DJ and Soarin got left out of the Derpy vote.

It’s really splitting hairs for now though. Jurors really have little to go on other than who they liked the most. Maybe some of them won’t want to take those chances and will shake things up some.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 10, 2019, 01:02:44 pm »
I took out a loan last round and bought 1 share of Granny for $10.  Granny shares are now $15.  Depending on the interest rate of the loan, I may be able to sell that share and have my ledger in the black.  But I think I will let my Granny share ride.

Queen Chrysalis / Re: Bow down, the queen is here.
« on: May 09, 2019, 03:19:05 pm »
Do not eat Cosmic Wonder, she is beautiful and harmless.
I ate Cosmic Wonder in order to make this, but she is beautiful too, isn't she?

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 09, 2019, 01:49:17 pm »
It's hard to say, but its far more likely is an obvious thing to say here. Considering DJ realizing they want to make moves on Coco, if Rainbow had been legit I think they would have tried to go to Rainbow/Rarity about doing things instead of what's happening now. tl;dr lying to DJ/Soarin about roping them into a big move was a huge mistake.
They were even talking about working with Rainbow here on this vote, and then found out Rainbow was plotting against them.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 09, 2019, 12:21:54 pm »
aaaand with DJ playing her first challenge advantage I no longer have motivation to vote her out soon! If you played that early on purpose then that was a really smart play DJ, those items made you a much bigger threat. I didn't want to vote you out just yet <3

Recalculating . . .
Nice move by DJ, who basically said that was why they were playing the advantage.

Looks like the movement against DJ/Soarin would need Rarity's vote just to get to 4-4... Looking like a Dash boot is likely.

DJ Pon-3 / Re: Episode 15: Burn the World
« on: May 09, 2019, 09:56:25 am »
:( want a hug?

here's Porcupone, she loves hugs

Rarity / Re: Introducing Karla Maxine!
« on: May 09, 2019, 09:55:06 am »

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 09, 2019, 05:00:43 am »
I typed up a post here a few times but threw it out without posting, about how even though Rarity missed the best opportunity to activate the ring (Starlight vote), this was a good moment because it was an even number and it's a strong advantage, and as long as everypony assumes she has a vote and doesn't want to vote into a tie, it's no loss.  Glad I didn't post that and you all didn't see that I might have had a wrong opinion.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 08, 2019, 06:23:31 pm »
To answer your question, Derpy and Rainbow discovered Onitama has a chat program
So the players are allowed to use the live chat to communicate, I guess was the novelty to me.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 08, 2019, 05:50:06 pm »
Shocked SHOCKED to see Pear’s pony and the communist pony by Rarity beating out QC (or even Coco and/or DJ)

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 08, 2019, 03:48:48 pm »
Porcupone <3

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 08, 2019, 01:17:40 pm »
Oh no what happened??   :'(

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 08, 2019, 12:21:26 pm »
Quote from: Soarin
Alright so Rainbow invited me to a game of Onitama like ten minutes ago and we talked things out in the chat. Coco also joined near the tail-end of it which was a bit awkward, lol. Apparently a huge part of why Derpy was voted out over Pear was that Rarity was really insistent on voting her out and Rainbow just assumed she'd be on board since they've done everything together before. Also Derpy told Rainbow that there was an alliance of me/you/Derpy so that played a huge part in why Rainbow didn't tell us either. That was pretty dumb of Derpy. I think Derpy assumed we still had an alliance from a talk she had with Flim way back in merge TC. Rainbow again insisted that this doesn't leak out (she likes to do that a lot for some reason, lol) so yeah just don't tell anypony about it for now.

Survivor is so weird honestly
can you invite people into rooms with real-time chat?  That's interesting

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 08, 2019, 11:59:48 am »
Like this maybe

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 08, 2019, 09:29:39 am »

somepony animate this so the ants are crawling all around her, thanks.  and no i didnt just rotate QC's pony and fill it in different colors  (yes i did, but im a spec, even that was doing too much!)

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 08, 2019, 08:09:05 am »
Imagine a pony covered in quills or needles like a porcupine, and the pony is called Porcupone.  "She's a prickly pony but she's sweet on the inside."

How about a pony with a pair of binoculars around its neck and one of those khaki caps on its head, tied under its chin with a string, and the pony is obsessed with hunting for cryptids?  The little spot on its side could be the silhouette of Loch Ness Monster.

Picture a little pony whose patch really just looks like a birthmark.  All the ponies that meet her think it's something different, like a Rorschach test.  This pony loves having the ability to be whatever people are looking for, but at times struggles with the fact that she doesn't know what she really wants to be.

Now there is a grey pony with a white spiderweb mark on its side.  Its presence first became known shortly after construction of the Glue Factory was completed, but it's not clear where it came from.  This pony constantly has ants crawling across its skin and doesn't really speak.  This pony only appears in the background of scenes in which there is soon to be a death of some kind. 

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 07, 2019, 02:31:26 pm »
I might've missed an entry in the pony design contest but so far QC's is the best by a lot.  Did Granny just create... depression pony?  :-[

Actually I just remembered the cupcake pony from Coco, that was good too.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 06, 2019, 12:45:09 pm »
But can she WIN
i think if she can make it to the end, she can win

pinkie and starlight probably would vote her and others are coming round.  Ill have to go look at what items she has because i feel like it's a lot.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 15
« on: May 06, 2019, 12:01:15 pm »
I know DJ/Soarin got played but I'm still kind of surprised how mad they are.  I wonder why that hurt so bad.

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 06, 2019, 11:57:52 am »
Ooh catching up with the game and Queen might be a good play right now.  Both Coco and Granny talking about wanting to work with QC.  What a comeback, potentially...

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Horse Race Betting Game
« on: May 06, 2019, 11:27:49 am »
Take out a loan and buy a share of Granny

DJ Pon-3 / Re: Episode 14
« on: May 05, 2019, 01:59:19 pm »
Dehumanize yourself and face to friendship.
it is freaking me out that people know this... meme?

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 14
« on: May 05, 2019, 07:42:16 am »
One cool thing about Derpy’s bonkers Coco plan is that even though it failed, it sold Soarin on the idea Derpy wanted to protect him, and Rainbow got pulled in further to Big Moved Anonymous (and it stayed anonymous) so it helped Derpy make important inroads with less doomed players, and apparently DJ would prefer Derpy stick around too. Derpy isn’t out of danger yet but has done well to build some possible ladders out of her hole.

Derpy Hooves / Re: Episode M3: asdfklh
« on: May 03, 2019, 01:46:14 pm »
Strange, it was a communist My Little Pony joke (something about how it's not YOUR little pony, the pony belongs to the people) from an hour ago that he apparently deleted.

Coco Pommel / Re: Coco in Canterlot
« on: May 03, 2019, 12:48:33 pm »
ID spoilers
I think I'm just having less fun with Survivor than I used to. And a lot of that speaks to how much better IRL circumstances have become in the past year. Survivor has always been something I go to as a way of enjoying myself when everything else around me is a bit shit. But now that life is better than it's ever been for me, I'm finding that I would rather be living my life than playing online Survivor.

(In case it still isn't obvious after the insane flash game score and the two idols, I'm Klick)
Blasphemy!  Good job on the irl though. :)

BronyCon 2019 / Re: Episode 13
« on: May 03, 2019, 10:14:40 am »
Now I think I want Coco blindsided. Two idols is too many.
They expire before F5 though, so if they even get played properly they could just put a target on Coco for F5, although maybe Coco can win immunity there, and obviously Coco would win a F4 fire challenge.  Coco OP

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