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Topics - Princess Luna

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Final Tribal Council / Social
« on: May 20, 2019, 05:47:48 pm »
During this game you all had the chance to talk to any of the 23 other players if you choose through various methods. You navigated through tribes, surprise swaps and the machinations of your competitors as they sought to sway others to eliminate you with their words and votes. Socially, Survivor involves getting to know your competitors and figuring out what makes them tick, what words will convince them to keep you in the game and get those that you wish out.

This thread is for the Jury to ask questions about how your ability to socially appeal to and persuade others stood out from your opponents.

Ponyrosa / Soarin
« on: May 17, 2019, 05:08:54 pm »
Goodnight, sweet prince

wait is Soarin a stallion or not i thought everypony on this show was a mare tbh

I hate it when CC is right  >:(

BronyCon 2019 / Episode 16: Let Them Eat Votes
« on: May 09, 2019, 05:21:59 pm »
So the real question is if DJ-Pon3 and Soarin can find a way out of the hole they're in. Even Granny realizes she needs Coco out.

The Equestria Games / Challenge 16: The Foalsitter's Club
« on: May 09, 2019, 05:18:30 pm »

 Are you all ready for today's Immunity Challenge?

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there isn't one today.

You see, all of us princesses are stuck babysitting Flurry Heart today, and it is NOT going well.  She may be a baby, but her magic is ridiculously strong and she's also one of the best flyers we've ever seen. She's causing all sorts of trouble and we have no idea what to do!

Come to think of it, maybe the rest of you can help us out.  There's surely some books about foal-rearing somewhere in this castle's library, but there are so many books it's hard to check them all.  Perhaps you can help us research!

Here's what we'll do.  This will be a live challenge. When the challenge starts, I am going to post a link to a chatroom. Go ahead and log into it with your character name. One of the mods will ask a series of trivia questions that all have multiple answers. The catch is, there will always be one fewer valid answer than there are players, and each answer may only be used once. For example, let's say we had five players left in the game. I might ask "What are the traditional directions indicated by a weather vane?" Player A answers "North", Player B answers "South, Player C answers "North", Player D answers "East", Player C notices that his answer was already given by Player A and quickly types "West", and poor Player E typed too slow and gets a strike. Once a player has gotten two strikes, they are out of the challenge.

The last player remaining in the game will win immunity as our way of saying thanks for helping us babysit.

Outside resources ARE allowed, but keep in mind this is a race.

If there are any questions then you may ask them here.

Royal Decrees / Challenge 16
« on: May 09, 2019, 01:32:14 pm »
I am so sorry for not posting this sooner, i can't count

Challenge 16 is a live challenge! Not sure how long it would take, an hour maybe? Here is a doodle so we can make it go

Canterlot / TC 15
« on: May 08, 2019, 06:16:06 pm »

Coco Pommel, DJ Pon-3, Grand Pear, Granny Smith, Queen Chrysalis, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Soarin, : Welcome back to Tribal Council. You may not vote for Grand Pear tonight.

Wow I don't know about you girls but I'm stuffed! All those cute ponies left me filled... emotionally... yes. Here are some questions! Don't make me hunt you down until you answer them, I will turn this TC around if you don't.

1: Who's your favorite fanpony?
2: Grand Pear won immunity! Did he need it?
3: You voted out the mole but the sabotage seems to have continued, what's going on?
4: Is anypony talking about items?
5: anypony you want to be an item with? ;)
6: Who's the cutest couple?
7: Something something who should be worried tonight?
8: Why are you voting tonight?
9: The only thing my friend knows about our survivor now is we make weird ponies, are you proud of yourselves?
10: Why were none of the ponies orange???

Somehow despite losing half their members, SAA is still dominating? IDGI

Ponyrosa / Derpy Hooves
« on: May 05, 2019, 06:26:45 pm »
rip in pieces Derpy

Canterlot / TC 14
« on: May 04, 2019, 06:07:35 pm »

Coco Pommel, Derpy Hooves, DJ Pon-3, Grand Pear, Granny Smith, Queen Chrysalis, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Soarin, : Welcome back to Tribal Council. You may not vote for Coco Pommel tonight.

TC 14 and while my hooves are sore from all that camerawork I've still got some questions for you. Answer at least 3 of these or else! I have connections.. I have SEEN things. Do not test my eldrich powers.

1) What a great wonderful and thoughtful challenge written by an amazing moderator. What did you think of the questions?
2) For the specs who missed it in the confessional, what happened last round?
3) Queen Chrysalis and Soarin received votes last episode. Should they be worried tonight?
4) Should Queen Chrysalis and Rainbow Dash rule as elected leaders, fight to the death for control, split the world by the equator or diplomatically marry to secure their world rule?
5) Why did it take you so long to find my alt? I was barely hiding it.
6) What does it mean to be lots of fun?
7) Did any of you recognize which Nickelback song I was referring to?
8) What does it mean to be a trusted friend? What does it mean for the ponies that picked themselves?
9) How did you identify the mole and what does that have to do with kicking the hoof out of a windmill?
10) What kind of equine smut have you been passing each other?
11) What's the difference between honesty, kindness and loyalty? Why didn't the same pony win any of those?
12) You texted DJ to pick you up at the bar but apparently his phone goes off beside you and he's drunk as hell too, good job. This isn't a question.
13) Who was objectively the answer to "Who is going to be everypony's pick in Reverse the Curse 2 Redemption Harder" if the choice was between all players?
14) How are you going to have an FTC with a mirror? Apparently that's a popular option.
15) Is it worth it to vainly submit joke answers for this challenge and give up a chance at immunity?
16) Was it easier or harder to answer questions that only talked positively about other ponies?
17) Why are there so many questions?

BronyCon 2019 / Episode 14: Ditzy Done
« on: May 03, 2019, 05:26:06 pm »
So is Queen literally going to get every eliminated item except the one her best friend had? lewl

The Equestria Games / Challenge 14: Popular Pony Party
« on: May 03, 2019, 05:11:26 pm »
Hopefully by this stage in the game you all have become friends! Yay friends!  And one of the nice things about having friends is saying nice things about your friends!  Today we are going to see who the most popular ponies in the game are!

You will receive a list of questions.  Please submit answers in your confessional.  Your goal is to pick not necessarily the CORRECT answer, but instead the answer that the most OTHER players will pick.  For example, if the question was “Who is the most hoofsome moderator?”, the answer is clearly Princess Celestia Luna.  However, if you think other players are full of bad opinions and will say Princess Cadence, then the best move for you is to also say Princess Cadence.  It will make me cry, but you will get more points. It's okay we all know you'd vote for me anyways qts


Right, brush it off, Celestia. Moving on, here are the questions:

A Lot of Questions!

Who would you elect as world leader?
Who is obviously Princess Luna's secret alt?
Who is a walking teddy bear?
Who is most likely to make you choke on your drink from sudden laughter?
Who is a winner in everypony's heart? (Eliminated players only, please.)
Who is most likely to beat Princess Celestia at Jeopardy?
Who’s most likely to push you out of the way of an oncoming bus and be hit in your place, becoming the centerpiece of a song by Nickelback?
Who is your most trusted friend?
Which player is the most likely to actually beat up a windmill?
Who is the hero of the story?
Whose face is prettier than :vashface:?
Who is the mole?
Who is going to win the vote for posting the hottest guys?
Who is the most honest?
Who is the most fun?
Who is the kindest?
Who is the most generous?
Who is the most loyal?
Who is the most magical?
Who is the most likely to send you a 2am drunk text?
Who is the most likely to come pick you up from the bar after you text them at 2am?
Who is going to be everypony's pick in Reverse the Curse 2 Redemption Harder?
Who do you want to look lovingly into the eyes of at final tribal council?
Who will win immunity in this challenge?
Please use the names of players still in the game unless the question specifically asks otherwise.  In the event of a tie for total points, the player who got the most mentions as "who will win this immunity challenge" will win the tie. In the event of yet another tie, the player who tied the least on individual questions will win.

Do not discuss your answers with any other player!

If you have any questions, please ask them here.

Canterlot / TC 13
« on: May 02, 2019, 05:30:53 pm »

Coco Pommel, Derpy Hooves, DJ Pon-3, Grand Pear, Granny Smith, Queen Chrysalis, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Soarin, Starlight Glimmer: Welcome back to Tribal Council. You may not vote for Derpy Hoofs tonight.

It's lucky TC 13! Naturally that means you're hearing from the best princess, and that is I, Priciness lunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmcbjjgbm;;;;;;;;;;;;;

1)  Wow, an challenge advantage happen! What d you al ltheink le gaps?
2) For the specs who missed it in the confessional, what happened last round?
3) How much are you going to have to drink tonighrt?
4) Derpy Hooves ripped immunity from somepony's hooves with that advantage. Did he need it?
5) On a scale of 3-18, how confident do you feel tonight?
6) Are you going to miss the gifs as much as I am?
7) What is the number one reason for your vote tonight?
8) Who is the mole?

Royal Decrees / Regarding the Final Challenge
« on: May 02, 2019, 02:05:07 am »
Congratulations for making it this far! Now that none of you are going to have an unfortunate accident in the Glue Factory, we will now announce what the final Fire-Making challenge will be. (This is NOT the challenge for F4 immunity, it's the challenge after that.)  Our fire-making challenge is...


Onitama, a chess variant where you and your animal friends try to capture the opponent's king or move your king to where theirs started! You may practice the game here:

Good luck in the meantime ponies! You've got a long way to go!

Fluttershy's Cottage / TC 10
« on: April 26, 2019, 05:39:35 pm »

Buried Lede, Grand Pear, Granny Smith, and Rainbow Dash: Welcome to TC.

Since Celestia is... occupied. I'm in charge here. Let's ask some questions.

1: If you could drop one pony in this world off a bridge and have the body never be found, who woud it be?
2: How does this image make you feel?

3: Do you feel the harmony harmony oh love?
4: You guys already did this TC thing once huh? How does that affect your chances in the future?
5: Genetic engineers at Johns Hopkins University have developed a so-called super gorilla. Though the animal cannot speak, it has a sign language lexicon of over twelve thousand words, and an IQ of almost 85, and most notably a vague sense of self-awareness. Oddly, the creature (who weighs seven hundred pounds) becomes fascinated by football. The gorilla aspires to play the game at its highest level and quickly develops the rudimentary skills of a defensive end. ESPN analyst Tom Jackson speculates that this gorilla would be borderline unblockable and would likely average six sacks a game (although Jackson concedes the beast might be susceptible to counters and misdirection plays). Meanwhile, the gorilla has made is clear he would never intentionally injure any opponent. You are commissioner of the NFL: Would you allow this gorilla to sign with the Oakland Raiders?
6: Who is the mole?

BronyCon 2019 / Episode 10: Stop the Presses
« on: April 25, 2019, 05:14:21 pm »
oh my god the heat here is like 36 degrees i am DYING

Queen Chrysalis / Items!
« on: April 18, 2019, 03:57:11 pm »
You have received the following items:

A lamp shaped like Discord
Choose when you want to use this item. The mods will give you a broad description of the next challenge. You may prepare/practice all you want, but you are not allowed to share this information with any other player.

Boneless the rubber chicken
When you use this item choose a player. They will be forced to speak in rhyme during the next Tribal Council. This will be publically announced. Private messages violating this can be reported to the moderators. For every message or post that fails this restriction they will pick up one self-vote! This item expires at Final 6.

BronyCon 2019 / Episode 6 - A Dream Daddy Deferred
« on: April 15, 2019, 05:03:20 pm »

Royal Decrees / Challenge 6
« on: April 14, 2019, 12:35:43 pm »
Crystal Empire must choose somepony to sit out of Challenge 6. It is semi-live. It does not require all ponies to be present.

Thorax / Auction!
« on: April 13, 2019, 05:23:51 pm »
Here are your auction results, Thorax!

Crystal Mirror
Name a previous TC. You will be given a list of how everypony voted.

You got another scroll! Use it in the same manner as the scroll you started the game with.

Gummy was won by DJ-Pon3.
The Lamp was won by Big Daddy McColt.
Boneless was won by Big Daddy McColt.

Starlight Glimmer / Auction!
« on: April 13, 2019, 05:22:57 pm »
Here are your auction results, Starlight!

Q) A whole bunch of parasprites
This item must be activated DURING A CHALLENGE. Once activated, no items may be played at the next Tribal Council. Any other reward items that are activated during the challenge will take effect as per normal.

The Idol Clue was won by Rainbow Dash.
The Quill was won by Buried Lede.
Boneless was won by Big Daddy McColt.

DJ Pon-3 / Auction!
« on: April 13, 2019, 05:19:06 pm »
Here are your auction results, DJ!

You have won a challenge advantage!  It may only be played on individual immunity challenges with an EVEN number.  The mods will let you know what specific advantage you get, although this will usually take the form of a boost to your score or time.  This expires at F5.


You have won a challenge advantage!  It may only be played on individual immunity challenges with an ODD number.  The mods will let you know what specific advantage you get, although this will usually take the form of a boost to your score or time.  This expires at F5.

The Quill was won by Buried Lede.

Applejack / Auction!
« on: April 13, 2019, 05:17:25 pm »
Here are your auction results, AppleJack!

The Cutie Map
Use this item to get a rough sketch of how many idols are in the game and where they are.  This will take the form of "69 idols in the game, 47 idols in the hands of somepony who was in the Evergreen Forest, 12 in the hands of somepony who was in the Crystal Empire, 3 in the hands of somepony in the Crystal Empire."  These numbers are for illustration; I promise there are not 69 idols in the game.

Gummy was won by DJ-Pon3.
The Lamp was won by Big Daddy McColt.

Fluttershy / Auction!
« on: April 13, 2019, 05:13:32 pm »
Here are your auction results, Fluttershy!

The Staff of Sacanas
Activate this staff DURING A CHALLENGE, and a player of your choice will lose their vote at the next Tribal Council.  This item expires at F6.

Angel was won by DJ-Pon3
The Goggles were won by Grand Pear.
The Cutie Map was won by Applejack.

Flim and Flam / Auction!
« on: April 13, 2019, 05:12:08 pm »
Here are your auction results, Flim and Flam!

The Idol Clue was won by Rainbow Dash.
Scrolls were won by Pinkie Pie, Thorax and Granny Smith.
Boneless was won by Big Daddy McColt.
The Parasprites were won by Starlight Glimmer.
The Staff was won by Fluttershy.

Big Daddy McColt / Auction!
« on: April 13, 2019, 05:11:23 pm »
Here are your auction results, Daddy!

A lamp shaped like Discord
Choose when you want to use this item. The mods will give you a broad description of the next challenge. You may prepare/practice all you want, but you are not allowed to share this information with any other player.

Boneless the rubber chicken
When you use this item choose a player. They will be forced to speak in rhyme during the next Tribal Council. This will be publically announced. Private messages violating this can be reported to the moderators. For every message or post that fails this restriction they will pick up one self-vote! This item expires at Final 6.

Angel and Gummy were won by DJ-Pon3.

Rainbow Dash / Auction!
« on: April 13, 2019, 05:09:44 pm »
Here are your auction results, Rainbow Dash!

Idol Clue
Value your life in this game?
Virtually all you must do is figure out the story.
Visit the past to start your journey.
Veterans and new players may struggle with the challenge but in the end
Vigorous puzzling will make everything fall into place.

Pinkie Pie / Redemption!
« on: April 12, 2019, 05:06:41 pm »

You have been given the protection of the Tree of Harmony! This powerful artifact is a Hidden Immunity Idol. You may play this at tribal council to negate all votes cast for one pony of your choice. You may only play this at tribal councils you are attending. This item expires when tribes are merged.

Rarity / Reward!
« on: April 11, 2019, 05:08:07 pm »

Congratulations! You have earned an extra dragon scroll for your placement in the Redemption challenge! Use it in the same manner as the scroll you started the game with.

Buried Lede / Reward!
« on: April 11, 2019, 05:06:15 pm »

Congratulations! You have received an extra dragon scroll for your placement in the Redemption challenge! Use it in the same manner as the scroll you started the game with.

Derpy Hooves / Rewards!
« on: April 11, 2019, 05:04:09 pm »
Congratulations! You scored first place in the Redemption Challenge! Do you want an extra dragon scroll or a challenge advantage usable on individual immunity challenges?

BronyCon 2019 / Episode 5 - Shy Guy
« on: April 10, 2019, 05:16:47 pm »
I knew they would vote out my favorite ponies! How dare they! Now I have pm's panicking over the possible return of Trixie, this is glorious.

Carousel Boutique / TC 3
« on: April 07, 2019, 05:10:48 pm »

Big Daddy McColt, Derpy Hooves, DJ Pon-3, Queen Chrysalis, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Trixie: Welcome to your second Tribal Council.  One of you will be the second person voted out of the tribe.

Here are some questions. Please answer at least three of these, and preferably more.

1) How do you feel about your personal performance in the challenge?
2) Did you have a nice talk with your fellow Brawlers?
3) The vote last time wasn't unanimous.  Do you think tonight will be the same or is everypony on the same page this time?
4) Is there any talk about idols or reward items?
5) How much influence do the original pairings still have on the tribe? Has this become an individual game?
6) What is the number one factor in your vote tonight?
7) Will the person who is voted out tonight see it coming?

You have 24 hours to cast your votes.

BronyCon 2019 / Episode 1: Carousel Hell
« on: March 31, 2019, 05:58:18 pm »
My draft team is allying each other in the name of FRIENDSHIP! What do you guys think of these tribes?

Fluttershy / Friendship Perk!
« on: March 31, 2019, 05:54:48 pm »
Congratulations! You have earned the special friendship perk of a Pen Pal! Please name one friend you wish to invite in the next 24 hours. A new subforum will be created for you and the pal of your choice!  Your Pen Pal lasts until the end of the game or until one of you is eliminated from your tribe.

Derpy Hooves / Friendship Perk!
« on: March 31, 2019, 05:54:18 pm »
Congratulations! You have earned the special friendship perk of a Pen Pal! Please name one friend you wish to invite in the next 24 hours. A new subforum will be created for you and the pal of your choice!  Your Pen Pal lasts until the end of the game or until one of you is eliminated from your tribe.

Granny Smith / Friendship Perk!
« on: March 31, 2019, 05:53:59 pm »
Congratulations! You have earned the special friendship perk of a Pen Pal! Please name one friend you wish to invite in the next 24 hours. A new subforum will be created for you and the pal of your choice!  Your Pen Pal lasts until the end of the game or until one of you is eliminated from your tribe.

Trixie / Friendship Perk!
« on: March 31, 2019, 05:53:19 pm »
Congratulations! You have earned the special friendship perk of a Pen Pal! Please name one friend you wish to invite in the next 24 hours. A new subforum will be created for you and the pal of your choice!  Your Pen Pal lasts until the end of the game or until one of you is eliminated from your tribe.

Grand Pear / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 09:02:01 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Maud Pie / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 09:01:44 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Derpy Hooves / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 09:01:22 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Flim and Flam / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 09:00:58 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Octavia Melody / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 09:00:36 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Queen Chrysalis / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 09:00:21 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Soarin / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 09:00:00 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Thorax / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:59:41 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Twilight Sparkle / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:59:17 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

DJ Pon-3 / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:59:00 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Fluttershy / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:58:42 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Cheese Sandwich / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:58:22 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Buried Lede / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:57:52 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Pinkie Pie / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:57:37 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Applejack / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:57:20 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Trixie / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:56:54 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Big Daddy McColt / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:56:38 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Sunburst / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:56:22 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Rarity / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:56:06 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Coco Pommel / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:55:51 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Granny Smith / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:54:38 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

Rainbow Dash / Welcome!
« on: March 17, 2019, 08:54:04 pm »

Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you! To confirm your participation, please post part {14} of the rules here within 24 hours.

This confessional is your personal safe space where only you and those not playing the game have access. Feel free to post whatever your heart desires! This is where you'll submit votes or other private actions. You'll also use this area for some challenges that require private individual submissions.  You can use this thread or make as many other threads as you wish! This is your open canvas. You might see some other specponies poking around! The spectators are counting on you to keep us updated so we can cheer you on!

Here are a few questions to get you started!

{1} How much do you know about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
{2} What's your Survivor Strategy for Survivor: Equestria?
{3} Do you consider yourself a social, strategic, or challenge based player?
{4} Who is the mole?

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