Survivor: Equestria

Confessionals => Starlight Glimmer => Topic started by: Starlight Glimmer on May 26, 2019, 12:37:34 pm

Title: Torchwalk
Post by: Starlight Glimmer on May 26, 2019, 12:37:34 pm
Lol, nearly forgot to post this, embarrassing given that it was my idea for the Jury to do this xD


Sombra: If I'm honest, I didn't fully want you to go here, you were slightly more active than Starburst and also we were starting to talk as a trio with Trixie, you were a casualty of me trying to attack Trixie and I'm sorry for this

Maud Pie: Really don't know you sorry haha

Twilight Sparkle: Again don't know you but sorry we didn't try to get you back in the game, you wasn't really too active in that and we needed somepony to fight against Trixie

Trixie: Girl, you know I love you, I know I backstabbed you but damn girl I loved talking to you and I wanted to rule this game with you but there was just a few too many times in which I felt you were too much of a chaotic player that I just couldn't trust you, like I trusted you not to go against me but didn't trust that you wouldn't accidentally do something bad for my game

Funnily enough I've been watching MLP and I e just gotten to the episode where Trixie and Starlight become friends

Octavia Melody: Again don't know you

Cheese Sandwich: Didn't spend a lot of time together and I'm sorry to see you get medevac, I hope you're okay, from what I gathered, if we had stayed on the original tribes then you might've been first boot there so I'm glad that you survived a vote in the next tribe

Fluttershy: Again didn't really know you other than that challenge we did

Big Daddy McColt: Its a shame that we didn't have a lot of time together but I quite liked talking to you and I wish you'd made it further

Sunburst: No hard feelings bro, you were nice and chill but just barely spoke to anypony, also the other quiet person was AppleJack and I didn't want her to be voted out

Thorax: Man you were nice to talk to, like I really enjoyed having you around but to be honest, I didn't see you as a close ally in terms of game stuff, like if we were to have gone to tribal again I think you or Soarin would've been my picks to go

AppleJack: Ugh I'm so sad that you were voted out, I really liked you and felt like I trusted you, I really appreciated you telling me your map info, I'm curious as to if you told anypony else this info, part of me wishes I'd be bolder and tried to manipulate this info

Burried Lede: It's really weird because like we spent only 24 hours together and yet I feel like I built a stronger bond with you than so many other ponies, idk if you felt the same but either way I'd to talk to you after the game and be friends haha, I appreciated that you helped out with the Trixie v Pinkie vote, that message made me feel safe that you were feeling a similar bond, I feel like the merge would've been very different if you had made it

Flim Flam: I'm very sorry for how things went down with you, I think I shouldve spoken more to DJ one on one about the whole thrown challenge thing and tried to work with you more, also if my idol wasn't just a merge/F7 idol then I wouldnt have idol'd you out but yeah

Pinkie: I feel like we could've been more together if we had a chance, we were like close but far apart, I was glad that you made the merge and given how many close allies I had lost pre-merge it was good that I had a friendly face in you

Starlight Glimmer: Wow what a bitch, who even likes this pony??? Lol to reflect on my own game, I think I made a few mistakes which I shall use to learn from, I'm still proud that I made the merge, I found an idol (with a little help from Trixie) and even played it right (although if I hadn't played it I would've sent it to Queen anyway and it's next use was F7 which is when she was voted out....sorry babe)

Derpy: Dude idek what happened to us, the pinkie v Soarin v Coco vote really messed us and I think I should've talked more to you about it and been honest that I didn't want to vote out Coco and told you about DJ telling Flim and Soarin about the thrown challenge but up until then I was super tight with you and I think we could've gone so much further if we had worked together more, everything with you was my biggest regret in the game, also I loved that you stuck with your pony phone gimmick all game, like it's a tiny gimmick but I loved it and it made me smile every time I saw it

Rainbow Dash: I only met you at the merge and I feel like I wish I had listened to what I had heard previously about you, I was told that you were somepony to watch out for and that you were quite dangerous, I was foolish and listened that Pinkie had a very tight trust with you and I probably overtalked after the pinkie vote to the wrong person, but you were nice and I'm glad to have met you and I wish I'd talked more to you and made a better bond, also after a lot of thought I feel like if I'd known that you were the 5th on the Coco vote then I might've had more of a chance to flip in order to try and save Pinkie (knowing that you weren't voting Soarin and instead voting Coco would've changed things in terms of where I believed the numbers were)

QUEEN!!!!!: OMG I love you, you made this game so great for me and I enjoyed talking to you so much, I look forward to talking to you post game, it was really nice having somepony I could really talk to and I felt like we could talk for hours, I'm sure that we could've done so much more together if the early-merge went better, although I fear for when we eventually try to backstab each other and who would win there xD

DJ Pon-3: Honestly you were my biggest regret in the game, I let myself be too close to Derpy to try and listen to you and it made you feel outcast and so I lost you as an ally, I feel like my game would've gone a lot better if I'd talked to you more 1 to 1 than in the group conversations

Soarin: Similar story to DJ really, I made a mistake in not talking to you about the idea with throwing the challenge, I personally wouldn't of wanted you gone if we did end up throwing that challenge, I was really enjoying our conversation and I was sad when it pretty much dropped dead at the merge but I can understand why

Granny Smith: When we were on a tribe together it was amazing, I felt super close to you and I felt like I could really trust you, I loved our conversations, you very quickly became my number 2 pony (sorry but Queen will always have my heart haha) and I dunno what happened whether it was me or you but come merge we just lost that connection and that made me sad and I'm really sorry that we lost it, you were a great player and tbh I saw you as one of the biggest threats in this game, if you made it to the end with Coco then I could've easily voted for yourself depending on your FTC statements

Grand Pear: I'm not sure what it is but we never seemed to really connect, that's probably on me because I felt very overwhelmed at the merge but yeah, it's a shame because it seems like you were a nice pony, hopefully in another game we could connect better

Rarity: I wish I'd spent a bit more time getting to know you once the merge came around, like I feel I had a problem of pairing ponies off and I spent too much time talking to both you and Rainbow Dash and not really any time talking to you both individually, you seemed like a nice pony and I think you played a great game to get to where you are so you should be proud

Coco: Finally Coco, you played an amazing game and I really wish we had talked a lot more because I feel like it would've completely changed my game, I was way too cautious about the Pinkie group and their plans and accidentally outing them to talk to you, in hindsight this was a massive mistake and led to you not trusting me, I also made the mistake of pairing you with Granny and I probably spoke to Granny more than you which meant we didn't get as much time to connect so there was my error there

All in all, you all gave me something to learn from, this is only my second game here and I'm hoping I can take what I've learned to go further and do better in future games

Thank you all, it's been an honour playing with you all, your friendship as been magic!