Author Topic: Torchwalks - Merge  (Read 147 times)

Offline Bill "The Butcher" Cutting

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Torchwalks - Merge
« on: November 30, 2020, 07:17:06 am »

My dapper friend, this was such a bummer when you had to pull out.  Made the rest of the merge a lot less dynamic.  I was really looking forward to seeing if we could get back together with Paulie to be the Al Capone Revenge Hit Squad and run a long con on the rest of the game!

I put in some serious work to keep you in the game on Bonnano.  I'm not sorry I did it, because getting Vincent out was as much the point as keeping you in, but I really did want to go all the way to the end of the game with you as my ride or die.  Sorry you got into such an overwhelming hole on your vote that you couldn't even come back to cast a protest vote against anyone else.  You've got the tools to play well, you just need some polish, a touch of restraint and a more consistent game presence.

Actually the biggest threat in the game.  Other people had bursts of being more social, or had greater challenge dominance, or showed flashes of strategic brilliance, but you were the all-arounder.  I recognized it in the early game, I was only too happy to stick with you at the swap, but I always knew you would have to be my target come mid merge and I put effort into working behind the scenes to make sure you would remain vulnerable when the time came.  Without my thumb on the scale I believe you would have coalesced a dominant alliance around you.

Awwwwww nuts, it's Paulie Walnuts!  My main squeeze, my shooting the breeze buddy, my newly converted MasterChef fan.  I miss you brother!  My inbox became a sad and barren place after you left.  You have an excellent social game, the next step is your strategic development to go with it.  I know you'll be better every game you play, so don't stop now!  My biggest regret is that I bit my tongue when you took the lead in the plan to split votes and opened yourself up to betrayal.  I saw the error, but I felt like I was already being too overtly strategic by half and I couldn't be the dominant strategic voice in every decision or I would be guaranteed to end up as the final juror.  Well just my luck, it's a pretty good bet that if I don't win immunity now I'll be the final juror anyway.  Fuggedaboutit.

You know you were actually the funniest person in this game?  Even though I was deliberately distant from you on Gambino after I found my place in a majority without you the circumstances of the merge turned you into one of my most important connections.  I don't know if it would have made a difference in stopping Paulie's demise, but clearly I should have trusted you more and Crystal less!  Connections and trust can get stale when people don't keep communicating, and out of everyone in the merge you never stopped communicating so we could slowly but surely build that trust through each round.  In the end I had to step over you to make it to where I am by instigating the opposition to throw their votes at you instead of me, but I wish we had found a way to make it through that round together so you could be the one to knife me at F3 instead of one of these chuckleheads.  Congrats on playing a great game!

You were an INCREDIBLE rival.  I couldn't have dreamed up a better narrative.  You have (almost) the whole package - social game, challenge prowess and strategic vision.  But you were inflexible and viewed things through a prism of morality that doesn't apply to the game of Survivor.  Every round is a brand new game, and no bridge should ever be truly burnt.  If you can remember that next time I believe you can go the distance.  You should be proud of your game here.
Ears and noses will be the trophies of the day.