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Messages - Skinny Mickey

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The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 08:14:16 pm »
Congrats Carmine, well done!

Also nicely played Crystal, came down to one vote.  I do think you had a case to take it, so good job on your part as well :)

It was a pleasure to watch!

The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 08:08:25 pm »
As for our lovely spectators...
VashtaNeurotic: The Shiv
SummerinWonderland: John Dilinger
D3f3nd3r: Iggy Eyebrows McKenzie
CaptainMeme: Big Moves McGee
Drench: The Greek
Cephrir: Chameleon
Gammagooey: Little Kirov
Skelda: Giacomo Siciliano
KingdomAces: The Sleeper
het: Lefty Lincolnshire
Awoo: Brown Eyes
Ariel: Ripperoni
Pablito: Stodgy Pete
Mist1217(idk mist something): Lil Miss Razzle Dazzle

Spectator Zone / Re: Final Episode
« on: December 07, 2020, 12:45:47 pm »
Imo no one has won until the votes are read.

Spectator Zone / Re: Final Episode
« on: December 07, 2020, 11:27:47 am »
So not to hype anyone up but this one is gonna be a nail-biter.
Get hyped yall

Spectator Zone / Re: Final Episode
« on: December 06, 2020, 07:23:23 pm »
Crystal’s closing speech made me laugh lol. I think its pretty good hah.
I thought it was good too. I like how she kept it short and hit the most important points. Those really are the three main reasons why she should maybe win.

Spectator Zone / Re: Final Episode
« on: December 05, 2020, 06:03:50 am »
It was Bill that took out Bobfather by winning an immunity, right? Feels like another point Crystal should have over Carmine who tried to vote out Bill before Viola.

Spectator Zone / Re: Final Episode
« on: December 04, 2020, 09:39:05 am »
Crystal, since you ran out of time to finish your opening speech this thread seems like the appropriate place expand where you'd like to and to conclude it.
Ok, right. I was deliberating what final things I should put in the end there. I was thinking about saying something about how my straightforwardness could be an asset in getting people to trust me, but I think the influence of that may have been muted by my social failures in the later game.
Asked directly by Bill to complete the speech that fizzled out when it got to Bill, and she just vaguely gestures at what she would've written and doesn't mention Bill at all. 

Reading the FTC so far, Carmine is leaps and bounds better... even though Bobfather asked him to detail all the things they did together so people would know and then contradicted most of it afterward.

Spectator Zone / Re: Final Episode
« on: December 04, 2020, 08:16:53 am »
Welp Crystal's half speech I think still shows more game awareness than Carmine's non speech. Buuuuuut we shall see.
It's weird, Carmine gave a broad introduction but no details, Crystal had details (ish) but no overview. I'm sympathetic to Crystal not having time to do a full speech but I'll admit I cracked up at "sorry, I'm running out of time" for Bill.

So far I like Carmine's general response style, he doesn't have the most amazing game to point to, but he's doing what he can and articulating things pretty well for what there is imho.
First time for specs to really see what Carmine is like.

Spectator Zone / Re: Final Episode
« on: December 04, 2020, 08:08:01 am »
Welp Crystal's half speech I think still shows more game awareness than Carmine's non speech. Buuuuuut we shall see.
lmao that "sorry, I'm running out of time" was in the officially posted speech.  Legend

Spectator Zone / Re: Final Episode
« on: December 03, 2020, 05:43:39 pm »
From an anxiety standpoint writing the final speech I think is the easy part. Getting your ass back online to read the presumably pissy jury questions, that’s the hard part.

Spectator Zone / Re: Final Episode
« on: December 03, 2020, 05:05:43 pm »
I gotta say I like it a lot more than the 10,000 word style post, but liking it more is a far cry from actually being persuaded.  That's especially true when some players may think he's got goat qualities.  Now he'll have to do all his convincing further on down the line, so he's starting behind most likely. 

It's easier to get away with a short closing speech I think.

Spectator Zone / Re: Final Episode
« on: December 03, 2020, 01:20:21 pm »

Spectator Zone / Re: Episode 13
« on: December 02, 2020, 08:19:36 am »
Also I enjoy being right that Bill in hindsight should have tied the vote for Bobfather. Obviously it was impossible for him to know that at the time though, and I probably would have done the same thing in his place. But when you don't build a path for yourself that doesn't rely on challenges, this can sometimes happen.
Even with hindsight I don't see how this makes sense?  He's pretty clearly going out in third either way

Spectator Zone / Re: Episode 13
« on: December 01, 2020, 05:44:48 pm »
Looks like Bill thinks he might have lost this challenge and Crystal thinks she might have won...

Spectator Zone / Re: Episode 13
« on: December 01, 2020, 11:16:15 am »
Also there's no guarantee that Bobfather would have beaten Viola on the last challenge anyway. Bobfather's score didn't seem that high, but maybe Bill was just insanely good at whatever it was.

I want to know if Bill actually did anything t send home Viola over himself though. I don't have a clear sense of how that vote happened, and if he does win, that's the most significant moment of the game probably. If he just kind of got through by happenstance, it knocks him down a bit as a winner in my mind probably. But maybe we can get an exploration of it if he makes it to FTC
It's weird because he was simultaneously trying to vote Crystal out, but apparently Crystal wanted the vote on Viola because she still felt a bond with Bill. I know they did and do have a good relationship although I'm not sure how that happened in a round when Bill was trying to kill her. Anyway the other two went along with Crystal initially and then tried to pivot (27 seconds too late)

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