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Messages - Meyer Lansky

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Meyer Lansky / Re: Voting Booth
« on: December 06, 2020, 07:51:12 pm »
*Super wild card vote incoming*

Crystal and Carmine.  One player I never felt all that close to, and one player I never had the chance to get close to.  So this is an odd vote for me.

Carmine seemed to be in the better position for most of the game, but as others pointed out, there was a big reason for that:  Bobfather.  Certainly before merge, and seemingly in the first half of the merge, it seems like the two were inseparable but Bobfather was more in control.  But hey, props for recognizing that and not keeping Bobfather around until the end.

Crystal admitted to not being around much in the early part of the merge, which is obviously a disadvantage.  But managing to survive despite that is a skill in itself; and then it seems like Crystal became more involved when it really mattered.  In the end, it seems like Crystal also managed to pick the best possible person to be up against at FTC, so props for that too.

All else equal, I tend to be more impressed by the person who manages to make it to FTC despite being in a weaker position leading up to it.  Especially when it comes down to a crucial clutch challenge win.  And everyone knows I love a good underdog story. 

Vote: Crystal

The Colombo Family / Re: Welcome to the Family!
« on: November 16, 2020, 08:46:12 pm »
MERGE HYPE!  /late to the party

I got home so late from work tonight that I'm going to head straight to bed.  Will try to bust out messages in the morning but if I don't get to you then hopefully tomorrow evening will be better.

The Genovese Family / Re: Family Meeting #7
« on: November 16, 2020, 03:45:40 am »
1) There's been talk of the merge and yeah it's been a factor

2) I don't think it was inevitable, because we won a round with the same players

3) My favorite is *real life*.  That isn't affecting how I approach the game though

4) There may be a little speculation but it's not really affecting my decision here

Meyer Lansky / Re: Voting Booth
« on: November 16, 2020, 03:39:50 am »
Vote:  Ventriloquist

This time around, let's hope this works.

Meyer Lansky / Re: Round 7: I Hate My Life
« on: November 15, 2020, 08:34:38 pm »
Quote from: Viola
FOOTBALL!!!!!!! (Sorry, had to let out some testosterone)

Not game-related at all, and it may not be as funny postgame once I see who Viola is, but I just found that especially hilarious when looking at Viola's avatar next to that comment.

Meyer Lansky / Re: Round 7: I Hate My Life
« on: November 15, 2020, 08:29:47 pm »
Well actually everyone's telling me they're actually voting for Vent this time, which means either a) Occam's Razor applies and they're actually voting for Vent, or b) everyone's pulling the wool over my eyes and they're actually voting for me but not telling me.

Meyer Lansky / Re: Round 7: I Hate My Life
« on: November 15, 2020, 07:01:04 pm »
Well *now* what do I do...   like this whole tribal dynamic still feels weird to me and I don't know what to do.

Vent's the easy vote but I don't know how to get Bobfather/Carmine to make that vote without it backfiring on me.

Meyer Lansky / Round 7: I Hate My Life
« on: November 14, 2020, 06:47:16 pm »
But somehow I'm a spot away from my best Survivor finish in 4 years(!)

Quote from: Carmine
There were concerns about an idol (since he performed so well in challenges broadly), and he straight up said he was closest to you, so it just wasn't going to make sense to tell you once the decision was made for that reason. I have zero apprehension toward you individually whatsoever.

Why was everyone already making decisions based on challenge performance and idols on the first round of the swap?

...I don't even know if I should give my best performance on the challenge or hold something back to lower my threat level.  But if I hold back we're more likely to lose.

And if we lose... I don't see how I'm the next target.   Bobfather and Carmine have both tried to downplay tribal lines as a factor in their decisions to vote for Capone, but I have to imagine that if we go back to TC, either Viola or I are going home.  And... yeah I'm the bigger threat, and with the merge coming up, this would be the time to get rid of me.

Also Vent hasn't messaged me since the end of that TC, sooooo yeah.

Meyer Lansky / Re: Round 6: I Want Capone Back
« on: November 13, 2020, 07:50:22 pm »
Quote from: Viola
That is a pretty big chunk of my reasoning, yeah. I didn't want to deadlock this tribe. But also thinking long term I envisioned Al Capone as being a particularly dangerous force in this game, he was the highest scorer not only on our tribe but in the entire game several times. If he kept that up after the merge he could waltzed deep into the game. Also I thought he might have earned the construction idol for the same reason, and that scared me too.

okay soooooooo that means you're gonna turn on me next because I'm good at challenges too right

Meyer Lansky / Re: Round 6: I Want Capone Back
« on: November 13, 2020, 07:22:31 pm »
Bobfather somehow thinks the merge won't be until F9 for some reason

Also that redemption might be in play

Meyer Lansky / Re: Round 6: I Want Capone Back
« on: November 13, 2020, 07:10:41 pm »
I know my confessionalizing sucks now... Bobfather actually apologized to me for voting Capone, and was the only one of the former Lucchese to comment on the vote. His reasoning was basically just that it was "painful" talking to Capone and Vent was stepping it up from where he was pre-swap.

I'm trying to rebuild a bridge with Vent after not telling him anything about the vote (partially because he was the vote and partially because I wasn't around by the time the lines became clearer).

And Carmine... I just don't know what to do with him now because he's given me nothing since I told him that I was leaning to vote Vent.

If you want to know specific things I'm down to answer questions... though I'm pretty sure the merge is coming next which is going to be heeeellllll

Meyer Lansky / Re: Round 6: I Want Capone Back
« on: November 13, 2020, 07:03:35 pm »
So 7 hours before the TC deadline, Viola sent me "Yeah I heard that [Ventriloquist pushing to vote for Al] as well. I don't think it's getting too much traction except maybe with Bobfather. Hopefully we can avoid the 3-3 tie and get something like a 4-2 and sail smoothly to F11"

Which is... definitely interesting because I thought Carmine was more likely to vote Capone than Bobfather was.  Now I'm... not sure how to feel about Bobfather.  Or Carmine, for that matter.

Then one hour before the deadline, Viola followed up with "So Meyer I think the situation might be a bit closer than expected. Might split down the middle? I think they all want Al"

So yeah I'm assuming that she just changed her vote to avoid the tie.  But that's what I'm asking her now.

Meyer Lansky / Round 6: I Want Capone Back
« on: November 13, 2020, 06:14:44 pm »
But at least we still won the challenge, so I can finally relax a little bit after not getting home from work until 11:30 last night.

Also haven't PMed anybody in over 36 hours so should probably do that.

Meyer Lansky / Re: Round 5: Swap Meet
« on: November 12, 2020, 09:33:48 pm »
I... could have used a mental health day >.>

Meyer Lansky / Re: Round 5: Swap Meet
« on: November 12, 2020, 09:28:34 pm »
Kill me now

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