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Messages - Don Corneo

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 22
The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 08:18:17 pm »
Skinny Mickey was...


The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 08:13:27 pm »
As for our lovely spectators...
VashtaNeurotic: The Shiv
SummerinWonderland: John Dilinger
D3f3nd3r: Iggy Eyebrows McKenzie
CaptainMeme: Big Moves McGee
Drench: The Greek
Cephrir: Chameleon
Gammagooey: Little Kirov
Skelda: Giacomo Siciliano
KingdomAces: The Sleeper
het: Lefty Lincolnshire
Awoo: Brown Eyes
Ariel: Ripperoni
Pablito: Stodgy Pete
Mist1217(idk mist something): Lil Miss Razzle Dazzle

You aren't on the list I was given :( feel free to reveal yourself. I'll edit the list.

The Live Reveal / Re: The Votes!
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:44:06 pm »
Seventh and Final Vote
I would like to vote for Carmine Falcone to win Survivor Flash Mob

I think they both have decent claim to win over the other, and if Crystal wins this, that’s a valid outcome as well, but overall I’m happier putting my vote onto Carmine here. Maybe he didn’t play the best game but he played the game that got him to final two against an opponent he can beat, and that’s the number one goal of Survivor to me.

The Live Reveal / Re: The Votes!
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:40:01 pm »
Fifth Vote

You're a damn user, girl. But this is Survivor, and it's better to be used than not know someone at all. You played better. Go get that bread and choke that Starshine lass with it.

The Live Reveal / Re: The Votes!
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:36:02 pm »
Third Vote
*Super wild card vote incoming*

Crystal and Carmine.  One player I never felt all that close to, and one player I never had the chance to get close to.  So this is an odd vote for me.

Carmine seemed to be in the better position for most of the game, but as others pointed out, there was a big reason for that:  Bobfather.  Certainly before merge, and seemingly in the first half of the merge, it seems like the two were inseparable but Bobfather was more in control.  But hey, props for recognizing that and not keeping Bobfather around until the end.

Crystal admitted to not being around much in the early part of the merge, which is obviously a disadvantage.  But managing to survive despite that is a skill in itself; and then it seems like Crystal became more involved when it really mattered.  In the end, it seems like Crystal also managed to pick the best possible person to be up against at FTC, so props for that too.

All else equal, I tend to be more impressed by the person who manages to make it to FTC despite being in a weaker position leading up to it.  Especially when it comes down to a crucial clutch challenge win.  And everyone knows I love a good underdog story. 

Vote: Crystal

The Live Reveal / Re: The Votes!
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:32:03 pm »
First Vote
I am having a hard time with this decision.  There is little to differentiate between the two games we are being asked to judge here.  Crystal saved Carmine, who in turn saved Crystal, because they both understood they had backed themselves into a corner already with sometimes absent social game and needed one another for this exact final two in order to have a chance to win.  Then they both relied on good fortune to get through the last two rounds with the right people losing immunity.  There is no denying it is a disappointment for an exciting game to end with a whimper of apologetic speeches.  I wanted to see more fire from both finalists.

My vote is a nod to friendship.  I hope you will keep up with what you are capable of next time you play.  I will be watching.

Vote: Crystal

The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:28:17 pm »

"I would watch all the cats. No one is getting my cat away from me."

Bill "The Butcher" Cutting was...

And before we reveal the votes & finalists...our lovely specs are next up!

The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:24:04 pm »

"fuck, guess I gotta play more Flash Donkey Kong. But i'd rather fight a real gorilla."

Viola Cadaverini was...

Next up is the legendary Bobfather!!!!!

The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:20:02 pm »

"I regret not picking an actual character. Probably won't make that mistake again."

The Robster was...
Save The Dragons!

Next up, Paulie Walnuts!!!

The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:16:02 pm »

"Why was everyone already making decisions based on challenge performance and idols on the first round of the swap?"

Meyer Lansky was...

next up is the one, the only SHADY SHIN!!!!

The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:12:04 pm »

"You mugs don't scare me."

Vincent Vega was...

Next up, Ventriloquist!

The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:08:04 pm »

"Whip the nae nae"

Tommy DeVito was...

Next up is Al Capone!

The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:04:01 pm »

"I'm loving this fancy Protection Racket :S"

Don Pianta was...

Next up, O-Ren Ishii!

The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 06:00:39 pm »

"Look at the score i got on the challenge =/0"

Kaito Kuroba was...

Next up Graham Pike!

The Live Reveal / Re: Live Reveal!
« on: December 07, 2020, 05:44:12 pm »
Hello everyone! I am now here to join in festivities. Just fyi we are on the MS discord live chat as well if youse want to join us there.

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