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Topics - Don Corneo

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Mod Talk / Live reveal stuffs
« on: December 06, 2020, 09:59:46 pm »

"Look at the score i got on the challenge =/0"

Kaito Kuroba was...

Spectator Torchwalks / Don Corneo's Torchwalks
« on: December 02, 2020, 07:21:49 pm »

Kaito Kuroba

Oh man Kaito, youse were one of four new players to be part of this game. I was really excited when we cast youse because I had absolutely no idea how youse were going to do and I had never heard of youse before. Honestly? I thought youse had some promise, but unfortunately, by the time youse finally got online, youse were kinda toast from having a less than stellar first challenge performance and being the least active member of your tribe. I do hope youse come back to play a game in the future because when youse were around I thought youse were quite delightful :) Thank youse so much for giving this game a try.

Graham Pike

Real life happens. I think youse, more than anyone else were affected by timing in this game. Had your tribe won that challenge, I think your story would have gone on, but alas the timing happened and youse opted to take the bullet for your tribe. I hope things are going better for youse as I genuinely wanted to host youse this game and was excited to see how youse specifically would do.

Don Pianta

Youse got the idol, youse were in a good alliance, and then youse left. It was all quite a flash. I think youse probably had the most potential to make a deep run out of anyone this game and your idol score proved just how much youse were having to hold back in challenges to keep under everyone's radar. I wish youse would have stuck around to show off just how great youse are, but it just wasn't meant to be this time.

O-Ren Ishii

God I love youse. Youse probably had the most energy of any of our newer players, and were the unfortunate second casualty of the new players. I think youse started to pick up steam as the game went on and with maybe a tribe challenge win or earlier swap youse would have made friends and had a deep run in this game. Youse were a lot of fun in your prod chat and I WANT YOUSE TO PLAY MORE GAMES IN THE FUTURE OKAY?! Don't let this one be your last one because you are a bundle of joy to host and a bundle of joy to watch.

Tommy DeVito

The third of our new players to bite the bullet. Youse were kind of a sleeper hit because it was obviouse youse were not as socially active as the rest of your tribe, but youse kept putting out really great challenge scores that boosted your tribe. Had your tribe won that last challenge before swap, I think youse had the potential to go far as youse seemed to always put forth good challenge scores. I was impressed and I think with a little fine tuning on your social game, youse could have a bright future in LSGs. Please play another game in the future <3

Al Capone

I think when we built this particular game, we had players like youse in mind. Youse made the swap but were unfortunately on a tribe that just didn't perform as well as the other despite putting out some of the most impressive challenge scores out of anyone in the entire game. I was bummed to see your run end as early as it did and I think it was just a bad swap in general. Up until this point, youse seemed like you had it going for youse. Youse were social and great at challenges, which normally is a winning combo in a game like this. It just wasn't your day sadly.

Vincent Vega

This elimination kind of surprised me, but I think set a tone for the rest of the game. It showed people were willing to change up the status quo and I think even surprised youse based on your post after elimination. Youse had a more quiet, but very social game and had your fingers in a number of conversations. I think real life got in the way of youse progressing, but youse shouldn't be disheartened by this placement, it is not indicative of the game I know youse can play. I hope things have gotten better for youse IRL. I <3 youse.


The final pre-merge casualty. Youse made it very clear in your exit post how youse felt about this game and how it affected your approach to this game. I think this game was just not in your wheelhouse of abilities and youse struggled both with the challenges and with your excitement for this game. I hope youse did find something enjoyable about your experience. Even though this wasn't your best character, I always enjoy watching youse play and watching how your mind works. If the merge had just come one round earlier...who knows where youse would have been this game. Maybe the merge would have been the second wind, though youse also stated youse don't like smaller merges, so maybe this just was not the game for youse. Nonetheless, when youse are active in games you are a delight and your application had me rolling with laughter. Youse are a delightful person and a delightful human being and don't let this one game define youse <3

Meyer Lansky

My friend. I wanted this to be your game to shine and go the distance. Real Life seemed to be a recurring issue for folks this game and youse were our third medevac. Based on when youse medevac'ed youse became the first member of Witness Protection. I haven't seen youse play a game in awhile and I think had real life not gotten in the way youse had a really good chance of going the distance in this game. Youse have a passion for the game of survivor and a drive to not let yourself down that I believe one day youse will get the big W, but youse had to make a choice and I respect the choice youse made. Thank youse so much for playing this game, it was a pleasure to host youse and I'm sorry life prevented your ability to continue on.

Shady Shin

The final new player this game and second member of Witness Protection. Of all the new players, youse made it the farthest and it was no accident. Youse hit the ground running from day 1. Youse were social, youse were also someone actively competing to win challenges, and youse had a firey passion to really do your best this game. It was my honor to host youse this game and it was a joy to watch youse grow as a player over the rounds. Unfortunately, youse were just outnumbered and had no room to move after the medevac left youse with one fewer round to find your footing in this merge. I really mean this sincerely, but I think youse have a lot of promise as a player and I really really want to see youse play another game in the future now that youse have a little experience under your belt. In combination with your aforementioned qualities, I think youse have the potential to win a game in the future.

The Robster

Youse came into this game with a lot to prove, and I think youse did really well this game. Youse weren't afraid to ruffle feathers or do what youse needed to do to get farther. I know youse hated your character choice, but the next time youse put on an application "Give me a non human character, your choice" expect us to give youse the most ridiculous choice hahaha. Character aside, I think youse were a lot of fun to host and you were one of the most active confessionalists, giving us a lot of insight to your game. It helped engage us into the happenings of the game and really showed off your social insight. Unfortunately, that caught up with youse as the third member of witness protection, but right up until that moment a number of people had youse pegged as a potential winner. Bravo Robster, bravo!

Paulie Walnuts

I WAS DEVASTATED WHEN YOUSE WERE ELIMINATED :( I thought youse had the potential to go all the way, especially with your surprising late game immunity challenge prowess. Unfortunately, big moves often result in big players going home, and youse were the unfortunate recipient of a failed, but maybe intentionally done, vote split + idol play. Youse were probably one of the most robbed players in the merge, becoming the fourth member of witness protection. I think youse surprised yourself with how well youse did and youse should be proud. Up until that play, I thought youse might slip under the radar and let the bigger personalities take each other out and come out on top with an immunity run. Unfortunately, fate was not on your side this game.

Viola Cadaverini

Your vote off was genuinely insane as it shows the difference 27 seconds can make. Youse almost survived the final 5 and potentially would have gone farther in the game, but due to a late vote, youse were the recipient of all votes in a crazy final 5 vote gone wrong. Youse played really well this game, making sure to put yourself not as the biggest player, but to hide behind the bigger players and let them take the fall for youse. It was truly fascinating and your confessional gave the viewers a lot of insight as to the craziness of the game, especially in your last few rounds. I adore youse in and out of game so I hope youse are able to be proud of how youse played and I can't wait to talk to youse post game <3

The Bobfather

The wrong challenge at the wrong time can spell disaster for even the best of players, and I truly believe youse were one of the best players this game. Youse killed the challenges, youse had a good showing on the social side of the game, and youse proved to be very strategic. I think youse were very close to a win this game and it all came down to the final 5 vote. I hope youse take this game as a learning opportunity, because youse have the makings of a winner and I think youse know that. This game was proof youse have what it takes to go the distance and youse were the type of player I was hoping would do well in this game and youse proved me right. Bravo Bobfather, A+ character choice and A+ survivor showing. Youse are incredible and I am grateful to know youse.

Bill "The Butcher" Cutter

I am truly truly sad that youse ended up in 3rd this game. Replacements often get thrown into shitty situations and as a result tend not to do well, and youse defied every expectation that anyone had of youse. The plain fact of the matter is that youse are an incredible survivor player and I think were the hands down spec favorite. Youse replaced into this game during round 3 of an established game with established players and youse handled it like a god damn pro. I do not believe a replacement has ever done as well as youse did and youse knew exactly the uphill battle youse faced to just survive your initial tribe. Youse slayed, youse rocked, and youse are amazing. I know how gutting it is to be the last member of witness protection. I've been there multiple times. It SUCKS to be so close and yet so far. Nothing I will say will encourage youse that youse did everything youse possibly could to win and it just wasn't your day at the end. Youse really pulled off a miracle by even being in the final 3 and I hope your performance is a frame of reference for anyone else that ever has to replace into a game in the future. Thank youse for taking on our challenge in being a replacement and for being rearing and ready to burn the game down to get what youse wanted. BRAVO BILL!!! YOUSE ARE INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!

Carmine Falcone

Although we don't know the outcome yet, I think youse should be proud for getting as far as youse did. You've had a lot of games under your belt but never netted the win in a survivor game. Although youse didn't confessionalize as much, we saw your game through other confessionals. The few confessionals youse did give were insightful and showed youse had good game awareness. However, I think youse are going to be hard on yourself no matter what the result is. Be proud of the game youse played and be proud that youse made it this far. I wish youse the best of luck at FTC and regardless of the result, youse did something correct to get to where youse are. Don't let anyone else tell youse otherwise.

Youse had one of the best pre-merge social games I've seen in awhile. Youse were open to considering all options, youse weren't afraid to branch out and do what was in the best interest of your game, and youse showed a lot of awareness. Once the merge hit, youse had some things happen irl that caused youse to be less than your ideal social self and it showed. Your confessionals dwindled, your participation dwindled, and I'm sure youse had a hard time staying engaged. But youse fought through the decisions on whether or not to stay and battled your own anxiety to not only be here, but have at least two game defining moves on your hands. I hope youse are proud of how youse played this game because I truly believe youse show the most promise out of any newer MS survivor player. Although not your first game, youse haven't played a lot before and it's incredible what a journey you've had. You're also one of two people competing for the title of sole survivor this game and I wish youse the best no matter how things turn out. YOUSE DID THE THING. As someone who also suffers from anxiety, I relate to youse on so many levels and the fact youse are sitting in the f2 in spite of adversity is an accomplishment in and of itself. I'm so fucking proud of youse and I hope things are going better.

Spectator Zone / Final Episode
« on: December 02, 2020, 06:19:46 pm »
It's The RICO Trial of the Century folks?

Which of Crystal or Carmine has done enough to get off the trial scot free and make it into The Family?!

Witness Protection / Bill "The Butcher" Cutting - Final Juror
« on: December 02, 2020, 06:03:00 pm »
I AM GUTTED. Poor Bill. I have more I want to say but I'm going to leave it for now. Welcome to Witness Protection and in just 24 hours we will be closing this forum so you can begin The Trial of the Century!

May you enjoy your brief time here.

Cosa Notes-tra / Game Schedule
« on: December 01, 2020, 06:27:45 pm »
Hello all,

Now that we've arrived at the Final Family Meeting, the rest of the game becomes a little more structured. As a result, here is the tentative schedule for the remainder of the game.

12/2 at 9pm EST, Final Family Meeting Ends.
12/3 at 9pm EST, Finalist Opening Speeches due, Witness Protection boards close, FTC begins.
12/5 at 9pm EST, FTC ends, finalists have 24 hours to answer outstanding FTC questions.
12/6 at 9pm EST, Finalist Closing Speeches due, outstanding FTC questions responded to.
12/7 at 8pm EST, Witness Protection Votes Due.

12/7 at 9pm EST, tentative live reveal beginning. (We will send something out to ensure this works for timing in the near future.)

Please ask the Dons if youse have any questions about the rest of the Game Schedule.

~Don Corneo

Mod Talk / Game Schedule
« on: December 01, 2020, 06:09:54 pm »
Hello all,

Now that we've arrived at the Final Family Meeting, the rest of the game becomes a little more structured. As a result, here is the tentative schedule for the remainder of the game.

12/2 at 9pm EST, Final Family Meeting Ends.
12/3 at 9pm EST, Finalist Opening Speeches due, Witness Protection boards close, FTC begins.
12/5 at 9pm EST, FTC ends, finalists have 24 hours to answer outstanding FTC questions.
12/6 at 9pm EST, Finalist Closing Speeches due, outstanding FTC questions responded to.
12/7 at 8pm EST, Witness Protection Votes Due.

12/7 at 9pm EST, tentative live reveal beginning. (We will send something out to ensure this works for timing in the near future.)

Please ask the Dons if youse have any questions about the rest of the Game Schedule.

~Don Corneo

Spectator Zone / Episode 13
« on: November 29, 2020, 08:05:41 pm »
Here it is, the final challenge!

Torchwalks board should now be opened

Witness Protection / The Bobfather - Sixth Juror
« on: November 29, 2020, 06:04:29 pm »
Wow. Youse had quite the run. So close, yet so far. Youse have a lot to be proud of.


Bravo Bobfather, bravo!

Going To The Mattresses / Challenge 13: Don't Mess With The Yakuza
« on: November 29, 2020, 06:02:15 pm »

Before youse do your final challenge, we have opened up The Departed board. Please visit this and complete your individual board before doing the challenge. We have allowed some extra time as a result of this requirement. Once youse are done with your board, click below for your final challenge.


Final Challenge

We have taught youse almost everything youse need in order to be a part of the family, ya see? There's nothing left to teach youse domestically. This means that your final test will see if you can handle our business internationally. One of the most difficult tasks we face overseas is rival families. For example, in Japan we face a particularly menacing group known as The Yakuza. In general, it's best not to mess with the yakuza, but in this challenge we have a situation where you have to specifically go toe to toe with the members of this family in order to prove you have what it takes to handle our international affairs.

Do youse think you are up for the task? If so, then steel yourself as youse go to face your final test.


1. The Final challenge is simple, youse see? All youse gots to do is win by being the fastest.

2. When youse are ready to begin, fill out this Google Doc When you hit submit, your time will begin. While there is no time limit to this challenge, being the fastest to complete it is the goal.

3. When youse finish this challenge, take a screenshot with a tab of this game open in the background. Upload the image to a hosting site such as and then put the image into a re-completed form that will have a "Finish" option as the rest of the challenges have had thus far.

4. Youse will only submit once.

5. When youse submit the image via "Finish", your time will stop. The individual with the fastest time will win the final immunity.

6. If there is a tie, no one will be immune.

7. Youse will know the challenge is over when youse gets a screen that starts with the words "Thanks for Playing". This is the image that will be required in the post you provide.

If youse have any questions about this, please contact a moderator for assistance.

Deadline: 12/1 at 9pm EST.

The Colombo Family / Family Meeting #12
« on: November 28, 2020, 06:00:52 pm »

After an incredibly busy day of dumping bodies, youse, the final four, have arrived here at this Family Meeting to discuss which of youse is the worst at dumping bodies. It's not Bill The Butcher who is immune due to how well he can dump a body. (I bet they are wondering how many times I can insert the phrase "dump the body" here?). Well unfortunately that means one of The Bobfather, Crystal, or Carmine Falcone will be the next body that has to be dumped.

1. Which of the three of youse do youse predict will be the next body dumped?

2. Do youse believe Bill The Butcher needed to be the best body dumper in order to be here? Why or why not?

3. If a body could dump bodies dumping bodies, how many bodies could a dumper of bodies, body dump?

4. Tell us about your favorite moments this game, was there a particular moment that made you laugh or inspired youse in some way?

5. Out of context post your favorite quote from anyone this game.

Family meeting deadline: 11/29/20 at 9pm EST.

Witness Protection / Viola Cadaverini - Fifth Juror
« on: November 27, 2020, 06:04:48 pm »
Youse gave it a helluva run. Unfortunately, your luck finally ran out. Welcome to Witness Protection and may youse not live up to your unfortunate last name.

Spectator Zone / Episode 12
« on: November 27, 2020, 06:02:51 pm »
With the 48 hour revote decided, we enter the f4 challenge.

Going To The Mattresses / Challenge 12: Dump The Body
« on: November 27, 2020, 06:02:02 pm »

Okay, nice work. Now that you've all axed the spy, it's time to dump the body, ya see? Now, doing that is a very precise process, usually involving dragging the body behind youse when youse go to put it in the trunk. What's that? Youse are worried someone might see? Well, don't worry about that, I'm sure no one will see youse do this out in broad daylight.

So once you've gotten the body in the trunk, youse drive the car to the Family spot, and then youse just chuck it. Could be into the ocean, or a ditch under some foundation, or even right under the copper's noses in plain sight such as inside a cop car. Simple right? Well now that we've demonstrated how to do this, it's your turn to dump a body. Best of luck.


1. The Twelfth challenge is simple, youse see? All youse gots to do is play this here game and try for a good score. The higher youse can get, the better youse will do.

2. When youse think youse has the best score youse gonna get, take a screenshot with a tab of this game open in the background. Youse will submit and finish on the same form. We recommend having imgur or another image hosting website. Youse may submit as many times as youse want so long as your time limit is not up.

3. Youse has 1 hour to submit once youse start. Even 1 second late will not count sad. We recommend having imgur or another image hosting site open.

4. At the deadline, all scores will be compared. The highest individual score will win immunity.

5. It is imperative youse read all further rules/guidance when you do the challenge provided in the google form. We would hate for youse to be disqualified for not selecting the correct properties for each challenge.

6. If there is a tie, no one will be immune.

7. When youse ready, click here:

If youse have any questions about this, please contact a moderator for assistance.

Deadline: 11/28 at 9pm EST

Cosa Notes-tra / The Dons Appreciate Their Families, And So Should Youse
« on: November 24, 2020, 09:07:39 pm »
Upon the conclusion of the current deadline timer, 24 extra hours on top of the normal timeline will be added to the clock for whatever event may or may not occur.

If youse have questions about this, please reach out to the Dons.

Happy Thanksgiving, capiche?

The Colombo Family / Family Meeting #10
« on: November 22, 2020, 06:00:57 pm »

This competition to be part of the Family is becoming stiff. Prospective family members, youse gave it your all, but unfortunately we only have room for one of ya. As a result, it's time again to select the member that is going to get kicked out.

1. Bill The Butcher won immunity. Do youse believe they needed it? Why or why not?

2. With only 5 options to pick from this round, it's getting down to the wire. What do youse do to ensure youse get farther in this competition? Is the person youse are considering voting for just to survive a round or does it have implications of helping youse making FTC?

3. Are youse starting to build your case for trying to win at the end? How important do youse believe jury management plays into the final decision here? Are there ways youse can work to ensure that happens? Or are youse not even taking that into consideration?

4. The Construction Zone is a bit of a mystery still as no idols have come out yet this merge. Do youse believe this will be a factor this tribal council or is this just a huge mystery to everyone at this point? With only a few rounds left in this game, are youse going to attempt the challenge or is it just a lost cause at this point?

5. If youse were a Don, what would be your pet animal and why?

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