Author Topic: At this rate my anxiety will stop me from finishing torchwalks (9-7)  (Read 159 times)


  • Fodlan Ablaze
  • Posts: 257
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Dimibit: I wonder if voting you out was a mistake. It was the middle of two alliances and it seemed like the best idea at the time.. Everyone acted like I was super power playing when I did this which was very confusing. Telling people to do what they already told me they want is powerplaying I guess? I blame Lorenz for us not actually having a decent alliance. Also ugh I should not have voted you at F12. Ironically the three votes on you were the F4 minus Ashe..
The first thing I heard about you from Shamir is that you were a dirty annoying roleplayer. This of course made me want to meet you as soon as possible and roleplay a rich bitch who solves all her problems with money. You were one of my favorite PMers! Everyone else is no fun and can suck eggs. I don't know why they had such a problem with you!

Lorenz: You are the cutest newbie I've ever met that wanted to stab me constantly. I'm really not sure why you made two idol plays and I wasn't either of them. Rather consciencious of you Lorenz. The part where we actually set aside our differences and worked together was pretty fun! I knew you'd never stop trying though. You made me the happiest person in the world tbh when you sent me your plan to take me out. You don't even know how much that kind of thing makes me smile.
You probably shouldn't talk about New Zealand so much, this is supposed to be an anonymous game.. I wonder if I could ID you by searching Mafiascum. I won't but I'm just saying..

Caspar: You're an awkward one because I went to merge being like so this Caspar guy we vote him out yes? And everyone else was like uhm actually he's our cute lurky dipshit? And I was like. Ohno. You ended up way closer to Shamir then me but hey that made us work together for awhile. At least pretend not to be aiming at each other. I got you first though, heh. Honestly not sure why Shamir helped me vote you out tbh, I guess she preferred an endgame with the other cloistered Flame Emperor's Army people.
I wonder if you found my asking for status updates on your kittens boring. I thought they were very cute and I'm willing to give anyone that sends me kitten crayon drawings some slack. I had to force you to talk to me multiple times and I'm sure without Petra's help we never happen as an alliance. Caspar is like, dead last on my favorite characters list but you made him somewhat more appealing.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2021, 06:06:07 pm by Edelgard »