Author Topic: Early Mergey Stuffy (12-10)  (Read 175 times)


  • Fodlan Ablaze
  • Posts: 257
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Early Mergey Stuffy (12-10)
« on: December 12, 2021, 04:54:52 am »
Oh boy I remember the merge htinking hey at least when we all get VOTED OUT because we KEPT HAPI AND SHE'S GONNA KILL US we make jury!!!!!!!!!!
Also my brain is have the go now it's a perfect time to wind down with some torhcwalks before sleep

me forcing you all to learn upside down Claude memes
Claude: Man fuck this game. Was it your timezone, being the least connected, or did Lorenz really get you voted out out of spite? I suspect a mixture of all three. This isn't as bad as the Yuri mistake because you'd never go if he stayed, but. I should have played my idol on you. The simple reason I didn't is I can't fucking count. F3, 12 players, they never use 9 person juries because they 3-3-3 tie. I was stupid and selfish and thought it wasn't so bad for the first juror to be a good friend of mine since it was very obvious other votes weren't working. Well at least I didn't agree to vote you, I fought this as hard as I could. Just, ugh. You and me, Yuri and Felix.. I really wonder how different the game could have been if Shamir wasn't the only person I'd bonded with left.
You were my favorite everything. We talked about all the cutest things together, and also your horrible habits Claude srsly problematic relationships aren't supposed to be that sexy! ...Haha j/k I have so little ground to stand here it's hilarious but it's not like the Emperor could admit that to you. You were like.. .the happy fun good influence that kelpt me from being more like Palpatine. Sometimes I have trouble forcing myself to talk to people for the sake of talking. Never with you. I enjoyed every moment. I'm not sorry for calling you a whore though, I probably would have done that anyways.  ;)

Hapi: Wow like, this was the worst conversation I was forced into all game. Every few minutes I would just think to myself, my god. This is not happening. This person is writing out the way in which they are going to murder me in their head in every PM. When we got to merge you were always like wow I didn't expect to survive and it was like a kid who took a cookie from the cookie jar laughing because they got away with it. I still have no idea how this round became you getting idoled out by an ally. I told you the entire situation was awkward so if you needed me I'd be over here and we stopped talking atp. I rather think that was for the best. It's so weird that I met Petra after you yet Petra became someone great for me and you were my worst nightmare.

Felix: Well I tried giving that Support thing a fair shake and instead I got this.. Felix I'm not sure what we could have done to be better allies at the point we met. You uh, you really didn't seem to like Shamir. Fair but you also weren't willing to help Claude so it was like okay, i guess to ally you all my friends need to go huh? I actually considered the Caspar snipe you were worried about but even if the math was right (and Lorenz was in which, lol..) it required us making a big obvious move, so no it wasn't happening. Caspar was willing to make nice with us and came with Petra, so he got to stay but someone from Blue had to go y'all and Thea were so obviously not voting each other yikes. I just thought you were the easiest way to stop me from being replaced by cute bloo ppl. Sometimes if you don't play hard enough you just fall out.
You being the vote we forced was a surprise TBH. I thought you must be better connected then you were at first. All our talks were long and interesting to me. I thought you were like, a challenge threat walling monster. Instead I realized you were just trying to be chill, play games and hang out a little more under the radar. I don't do well with men that aren't willing to commit, but if I'd been in a better position it've been nice to just hang out a little more. And in another world we probably go a lot further together. One in which Lorenz doesn't get gifted two idols and Hapi sticks around to murder Shamir and I actually have to turn to you like you seemed to think would happen.

Ph my god. I'm so drunk I can't remember that 10 is not 9. I need to stop looking at white gforums again.


  • Fodlan Ablaze
  • Posts: 257
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Re: Early Mergey Stuffy (12-10)
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2021, 04:56:30 am »
oh yeah my go-to fun time for the last week has been slay the spire I 100% blame you. Soon I'll have to do things on Watcher runs besides press buttons and go wheeeeee