Author Topic: Ladislavedgic  (Read 143 times)


  • Knights of Seiros
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« on: November 02, 2021, 09:05:35 pm »
Hi friends. I like having an Edgic when I play, so I'm going to try to make one for the players

For anyone who doesn't know, Edgic is a portmanteau of the words "editing" and "logic". It is a strategy for watching Survivor the television show with a focus on editing in order to determine who wins based on the logic of the edit. In other words, it thinks about the show from the perspective of the editors rather than the viewers.

Obviously our games are happening live so there can't be any edit, since even as I'm making this Edgic chart, I don't know who wins. But it is fun for viewers to think about how they would edit a game if it was really taking place, and fun for the players post-game to get some insight into how they were perceived.

Read this for a more in-depth explanation:

As a note, I am not necessarily matching basing my ratings 100% on confessionals, but rather I'm trying to think about how I would personally edit the show. As specs we get a very limited view of what's happening, and especially this first round, the confessionals were somewhat lacking, so I did the best I could with what I had.

Here's what I've got so far. I'd love for other specs to give feedback if they disagree with any of my ratings. I'm 100% open to changing things around.

For Black Eagles, I have Dorothea and Raphael as the tribe's narrators who give in-depth thoughts. Alois is absent for most of the episode, but he gets some positive attention during the tea party when he makes new friends and realizes that he's in danger, successfully mutinying away from the tribe. I'm making Shamir the villain of this tribe and giving her some sassy confessionals.

For Blue Lions, our most complex personalities are (or were) Hapi and Ashe. Hapi gets a lot of attention as the tribe's leader, both in a positive way and a negative way. Her blunder with the party favors is also a dramatic moment in the episode. Ashe narrates the events of the tribe and the events of the tea party. Lys gets one confessional, but it's a negative one talking about how much she is struggling to be invested in the game. Caspar gets some positivity for successfully getting the target off of his back, but Ferdinand is the most positive figure on this tribe as he fights, in vain, to stay.

For Golden Deer, the tribe is a bit more disjointed since we have a lot of colorful characters but not as many reliable narrators. Dimitri receives a lot of attention, both positive and negative, before the challenge loss and throughout the decision-making process for his gimmick. I would include a segment making fun of him changing tenses randomly. Flayn is a given a larger edit than her confessional here, and much of the round revolves around her realizing that she is in danger and fighting to dig herself out. Mercedes is shown as the one who successfully pushes the vote on to Ingrid in order to keep both of her alliances happy, and she gives us our final confessional before Tribal Council. Lorenz also gets a lot of negative attention, as his confessionals and others' confessionals about him set him up to be one of the game's major villains.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2021, 09:08:10 pm by Ladislava »


  • Knights of Seiros
  • Posts: 313
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Re: Ladislavedgic
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2021, 05:12:52 pm »
Egoing to read after work
Greetings Reader! o7
Nothing to report!