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Messages - Ashe

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Fodlan Ablaze / Re: House Tribunal 18
« on: December 13, 2021, 07:28:34 pm »
1. Yes, this game has been very enjoyable.

I'm also good with ending the tribunal early.

Ashe / Re: Episode 19: Where to Go?
« on: December 13, 2021, 05:59:35 pm »
I was pretty sure I knew Doro's identity prior to F7 and now I'm next to certain.

Ashe / Re: Episode 19: Where to Go?
« on: December 13, 2021, 05:49:17 pm »
I'm hyped. Anxious? Worried? Excited? Hopeful? I don't really know.

I'm fine if this tribal council ends prior to deadline.

Ashe / Re: {Voting Thread}
« on: December 13, 2021, 05:48:12 pm »
Final 4
Vote: Dorothea

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 13, 2021, 05:46:14 pm »

Quote from: Ashe
gahhhh how do you rotate puzzle pieces
Who is this kid? What's he doing here, at the end of the game? It's probably good for me to reflect on how just absurd it is that I made it this far. I'm very nervous for this FTC but I'm sure it'll at least go fine. I'm trying to decide what the worst realistic case-scenario is. I'll be trying my best to win, that's all I know for sure.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 13, 2021, 05:35:11 pm »

Quote from: Shamir
No, you're not dust, you're an Eagle now! See? The dust is the rest of them! Shake the dust your talons and take to the skies!
Since meeting you I've felt really good about my connection to you and you've always been among my favorite people to talk to. We navigated both the Eagles and Army together (along with three trio alliances), and you're a very impressive player. I wouldn't be sad in any way to lose to you here but am obviously gonna do my best to make that not the case.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 13, 2021, 08:50:33 am »

Quote from: Edelgard
Was that more of a secret than I thought? If you look at the calendar there's a link on the release date of Fire Emblem Three Houses called Moving the Immovable. This hints to look at The Immovable's profile and see the image file in its personal text. It leads to a fairly extensive hunt and Cephrir being a very good kitty.
You always came across as very on top of the game's items and likely to win challenges. So much so that you were being described as a gamebot in the early days. It was nice to get to talk survivor with you. You also did a lot better at connecting with people than I typically gave you credit for; Which is the reason you were able to fly through most of the merge without being targeted.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 13, 2021, 08:00:19 am »

Quote from: Dorothea
I hope this all helps explain things a little and doesn't stress you out more.  Caspar is on your side and definitely wouldn't try anything while he is in danger.
You have had such a high energy for this game! A very strong social player and not lacking strategically either. It makes it so hard to do things that hurt you lol. Like F7 the Caspar vote I knew you would have big pushback to me voting out Caspar there which is something I just didn't know how to handle. Very much a joy to play with and I just hope you didn't get too emotionally involved in the outcome.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 09:45:12 pm »

Quote from: Petra
If you not want to say I okay with that but thinking I just want to make good of connection and make sure that someone you still feeling of the good about.
You were always very considerate of what others wanted; Too considerate imo but we've had that disagreement already. Though it is great to always know that I'll be heard by someone. I was disappointed to see you idoled out, as I had been planning to go to FTC with you since the formation of Happy Gang; I still don't know if that would've been a huge mistake for me or not. I enjoyed your language gimmick and appreciated getting to work with you.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 09:14:18 pm »

Quote from: Raphael
Oh, so you voted for me then?

May I ask why?  I thought we serious had a good thing going.
I believe you were at the top of this game at final 14 and the bottom at final 7, with a gradual descent in between. From the start it was clear you were a very good player and an experienced one at that. I'm still amazed at the way you handled the F10 revote as well as all aspects of the leader role. It took way way more planning and rounds of play to get to a gamestate where you could be gotten rid of than it does for any other player.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 07:59:46 pm »

Quote from: Caspar
Absolutely ridiculous, isn’t it? Alliances? Strategy? I, for one, would never!!!!!
Looking back at it now, I forgot just how much I liked talking to you, just how much everyone liked talking to you, at the very start of the game. It felt like you had lost a good chunk of your personality by merge; maybe it was the amount of messages, maybe it was my fault and you were as before with everyone else, maybe it was something else. You managed to fly completely under the radar for much of the merge, I'm not really sure if you had much of a win path but you reaching FTC was looking very likely prior to the round you went out which is a big accomplishment on its own.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 07:41:32 pm »

Quote from: Lorenz
Theres a whole heap of shit being spread right now that Ive flipped, that ive leaked plans i know nothing about, including a plan to vote Raph.  Its all lies.  Im voting Shamir tonight, and godwilling im voting the mastermind of the chaos: Edelgard tomorrow
If you aren't the main character of this game then I'm not sure who is. I'm still wrapping my head around how two different people gave you idols. And whether or not you would admit it, you were responsible for a lot of the chaoticness and dynamicness of this game. It's also interesting that all three times you were voted followed your 'biggest' stunts (claiming to make Leicester to target a specific tribe to both tribes, Thanksgiving Rumours, and Saying you'll turn on Raphael then backing out) which suggests you don't actually have to tone down your play all that much to have a reasonable shot of in the future winning or making a FTC.

Ashe / Re: Episode 19: Where to Go?
« on: December 12, 2021, 07:24:35 pm »
Note to Future Ashe: Make a list of all of Shamir's strategic 'missteps' this game.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 02:46:39 pm »

Quote from: Dimitri
Yeah, Claude and I are playing chess, so it would be dishonorable to checkmate mid game," he says unsheathing his shield and pointing it to the sky.
I loved the physical descriptions you always gave with what you said. Unfortunately you had pretty much already lost by the time I met you, having an absurd number of people that wanted you out, but I was very happy to help extend your stay in the game a few more rounds. You also seemed very distracted, so to speak, during the game, acting moment to moment rather than trying to plan ahead. Nonetheless, you were still quite enjoyable to play with and talk to.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 02:29:58 pm »

Quote from: Felix
I was undecided when I went to sleep last night and I'm undecided now.
I wish you had been more expressive with what you wanted instead of me having to hear it through Caspar. We have many similar interests as well as considering the card game that part of me had been thinking we may be able to become merge friends but it didn't quite work out like that. I kinda wish I would have tried to form a support connection with you at Tea Party 6 though realistically it wouldn't have made me trust you much more.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 02:16:45 pm »

Quote from: Hapi
Welcome back Ashe. Sorry to drag you back like this
You have had the loudest voice this game. And for the most part, that has been to your benefit, namely in the Alois and Claude votes. However it was also your end, as round after round you were the easiest person for the minority vote to get on, and eventually someone would have an idol. I tried to go as far as I could with you, as you were someone I was confident in trusting and always would feel comfortable expressing my opinion to. It was also remarkable to me how often we agreed on who to vote. Time after time I had left you and was brought back, but I cannot express how nervous I am for this last time.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 11:11:47 am »

Quote from: Claude
I guess if I only look for allies with "qualities I consider important in allies", then the whole thing becomes very boring! Sometimes I bore myself most of all! I definitely am guilty of falling into the trap of going through the Survivor motions.
I think there likely will come a day that I admire your willingness, your desire, to stray the norm, going for what looks most enjoyable instead of necessarily what looks optimal. You, Lorenz, and Dimitri was just a very fun trio and probably what I'd have been rooting for as a spec. You would benefit from opening up to people quicker, I think that's a big part of why everyone who met you late in the game was willing to vote for you.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 10:59:53 am »

Quote from: Yuri
Correct. I was honestly like "holy shit, am I about to be blindsided? :0" for a whole minute. It was a little exciting, but I'm glad that didn't happen in the end.
I've tried to picture your reaction but have struggled; I hope you wrote it down either in confessional or spec forum. Your elimination was just an odd round. For me you were too close to Raphael who looked like he was gonna have too much power over the merge; I cast an idol vote on you for the same reason the previous round. You were extremely good at leaving a solid first impression on people, but were unable to really follow that up with many people, as a direct result of you opting to not talk much about game beyond the vote at hand.

Ashe / Re: Episode 19: Where to Go?
« on: December 12, 2021, 10:45:11 am »
I has finished draft #2 of opening speech, it assumes a FTC of me/Edelgard/Shamir and is 2556 words long.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 09:19:25 am »

Quote from: Mercedes
like yeah, i ain't really happy with voting Hapi, but you gotta write a name in that confessional at some point
I had been waiting for you to do something to save yourself and it felt like you were waiting for someone to extend a hand to you. It was a bad tribeswap for you but I'm not sure you had a good tribeswap there. I, and most people, remain mystified as to why you gave Lorenz the idol but I'm sure it'll make sense after the game is over.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 09:09:14 am »

Quote from: Hubert
I voted Dorothea... clearly you voted Annette
Without a doubt you were the player I was least fair towards this game and I am sorry for that. I had decided I wasn't working with you for reasons completely out of your control prior to your second message to me. I'd like to think things would've played out better between us if we started on the same tribe and thus I didn't already have a strong connection with the most of our tribemates.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 09:02:23 am »

Quote from: Alois
But god damn I just cannot catch a break. Why would you [Annette] even tell someone that??
You really couldn't catch a break. I'm still unsure what happened to get you into that game-ruining feud with Hapi. Lorenz hating you was not your fault from what I can tell. You got shafted out of support connections once or twice, still not sure which. The Eagles were an awful place to start the game with a busy weekend. And in all your time the only true ally you managed to pick up was Lysithea. I would've loved to work with you even if only for a few rounds, but you unfortunately never got to a position where your game wasn't completely on fire.

Ashe's Torchwalk / Re: Your Torchwalk
« on: December 12, 2021, 08:51:00 am »

Quote from: Lysithea
The table flipping is the best part of board games though!
I've discussed it with other members of final five and you getting idoled out was just very unfortunate. I'm glad you were able to step it up after I left the Lions and I was hoping I'd get to see it when I came to Leicester. I know Shamir in particular was looking to make a deep run with you, and although I don't think it would've happened that simply you would've made merge without the idol play.

Ashe / Re: Episode 19: Where to Go?
« on: December 12, 2021, 08:43:10 am »

Alright, cool.

Ashe / Re: Episode 19: Where to Go?
« on: December 11, 2021, 06:20:15 pm »
Why is my answer 8 wrong?
Because if it's that I didn't write out the full equation, I want to protest that the definition of solve is just to find the solution of the equation.
But if it's because capitalization or some third factor I'm not considering then whoops on my part.

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