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Messages - Dorothea

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The Reveal of a Lifetime / Re: YOINK
« on: December 19, 2021, 08:00:45 pm »
Can confirm Dimitri was worth the meet

Dorothea / Re: {Voting Thread}
« on: December 19, 2021, 07:49:51 pm »
Vote Shamir to win.

Sorry i forgot about this.  I had a hard time deciding and came very close to picking Edie here.  I probably would have as a juror but didn't appreciate the libel given to me in her closer.  Felt a bit too targeted and both their games were so close that this little thing was enough to persuade me.

Dorothea / Re: Final Tribal Council
« on: December 18, 2021, 11:06:22 pm »
Ohh dang!  Edie really is afraid of me lol.  Look at that reaction.  That actually makes me feel a little more confident.

Dorothea / Re: Final Tribal Council
« on: December 18, 2021, 08:21:45 pm »
Closing Speech Final

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury,

I would like to say that there is no wrong answer with this final vote.  I personally have a difficult decision ahead of me with the tie breaker vote that I could totally see coming into play.  This game was a joy to participate in and as shown in my opening speech, I wanted to focus on the entertainment value this game gave me.  You were all so unique and fascinating to play with just as the challenges had a vast range of skill required to win.  I met some pretty cool people and likely rekindled some relationships with friends I forgot I had. 

Yes... I'm competitive and yes....I want to win.

But not so much that my closing speech will be slander.  Just like my opening, I want to focus on what made this game great for me and then touch on how I helped make the game great for you, the jury.  Both Shamir and Edelgard worked fabulously to reach the end as champions.  Sorry to Raphael, I know I was never getting your vote so I don't have any issues saying that they played a great game together and managed all 3 core survivor values.  Shamir had a solid social game, an obviously good challenge game, and knew what she wanted each round when it came to strategy.  Edelgard's FTC performance was very solid.  She knows how to mince words and is a solid debater in addition to having her own solid social and strategic game. 

So what do I have?  Welllllll......

Social -

From day 1 till FTC, I have managed a plethora of alliances and maneuvered from player to player to make sure everyone felt they could use me as a resource and would be safe to do so.  I connected in ways I've never been able to do before and it was these connections that kept me safe even when the vote wasn't going my way.  The bottom line is that when you are in every major alliance, it doesn't matter who goes.  I established myself as a player with Raphael/Yuri/Edie/Shamir on Black Eagles
which would come into play during the merge and help me pinpoint the idols.  I created a strong core with Ashe/Hapi/Petra on Faerghus. I found fresh connections with Lorenz that opened up the door to a world of alliances and backstabbing.  I rekindled relations with Caspar on Church, Raphael after the F8 vote so that he would at least not target me, Edie after attempting to blindside her that would eventually play a part in my survival at F4, and Ashe after he continually waffled between alliances. 

With the Jury, I only voted out ONE enemy in Dimitri although apparently that is now two with Raphael.  My social game was always to prepare for the worst with my friends but expect the best and I'm proud of how well I managed that. 

Strategy -

I didn't just make friends to appease people.  I did it so that I could maintain awareness of votes and relationships.  On Black Eagles
, I was aware Cyril's vote meant Raphael had the power and connections that I lacked so I paved a path for me to be friends with Edie/Shamir instead.  On Faerghus, I controlled every vote there by establishing myself with the majority alliance in Hapi/Petra, both of whom would constantly ask me what I would want to do.  Mutinying to Faerghus meant putting your game in my hands.  On Church, it was more of the same even if we didn't have a vote.  I used idol clue information to establish friends and had the majority alliance with Lorenz/Petra/Raphael/Myself all while easily being able to replace any of them with Caspar.  Finally in the Merge, I helped push out the one person I didn't know in Claude giving me a merge full of allies.

I played a dominate game and yes, social was my main strength but I won't let anyone claim I didn't have my own strategy or semblance of control.  I was aware what my goals were and adapted round by round to reach the end despite having no advantages and little chance to win challenges.  I don't think some of you realize how hard it is to reach FTC without being able to win a challenge lol.

Strength -

I should at least touch on this because while it's obvious I had the weakest challenge game, I wasn't just useless.  I may have never won, but I wasn't far off.  Really the important things to note are that I won the Fire Making Challenge with a vengeance and that I won my team the idol clue from Codenames while still managing to win the challenge for us so we didn't suffer any consequences.  I didn't attend too many TC's during Pre-Merge and I want to say that I helped out in this endeavor.  The writing challenge, Codenames, Mysterium, and the bear card game were all challenges I excelled at which helped keep my allies safe for longer so that Merge was just a gathering of all my homies :D

Overall, I played a well balanced game and recency bias can probably make it seem like I was carried.  I'm not so selfish as to not give credit to Edie.  She took a risk on me in the hopes of gaining my vote (which I might just do).  It was something I can't say I would have done in return but I do respect the move and acknowledge she had the power in that vote to choose what she wanted.  The only thing I could do was plead my case and even when Ashe turned me down, I didn't just give up... I looked for alternatives. 

Don't give up my game jury.  Look for an alternative and see that I'm a solid winner for a well designed game. 

Thanks and....



Dorothea / Re: Final Tribal Council
« on: December 18, 2021, 07:58:05 pm »
Sorry finishing now.

Dorothea / Re: Final Tribal Council
« on: December 18, 2021, 02:51:01 pm »
Closing Speech Take 1

There is no wrong answer with this final vote.  I personally have a difficult decision ahead of me with the tie breaker vote that I could totally see coming into play.  For me, this game was a joy to participate in.  The challenges had just as wide a range as the player variety.  I met some pretty cool people and likely rekindled some relationships with friends I forgot I had.  Yes... I'm competitive and yes.... I want to win.  But not so much that my closing speech will be slander.  Just like my opening, I want to focus on what made this game great for me and then touch on how I helped make the game great for you, the jury.  Both Shamir and Edelgard worked fabulously to reach the end as champions.  Sorry to Raphael, I know I was never getting your vote so I don't have any issues saying that they played a great game together and managed all 3 core survivor values.  Shamir had a solid social game, an obviously good challenge game, and knew what she wanted each round when it came to strategy.  Edelgard's FTC performance was very solid.  She knows how to mince words and is a solid debater in addition to having her own solid social and strategic game. 

So what do I have? 

Social -

From day 1 to FTC, I have managed a plethora of alliances and maneuvered from player to player to make sure everyone felt they could use me as a resource.  I connected in ways I've never been able to do before and it was these connections that kept me safe even when the vote wasn't going my way.  The bottom line is that when you are in every major alliance, it doesn't matter who goes.  I established myself as a player with Raphael/Yuri/Edie/Shamir on Black Eagles which would come into play during the merge and help me pinpoint the idols.  I created a strong core with Ashe/Hapi/Petra on Faerghus. I found fresh connections with Lorenz that opened up the door to a world of alliances and backstabbing.  I rekindled relations with Caspar on Church, Raphael after the F8 vote so that he would at least not target me, Edie after attempting to blindside her, and Ashe after he continually waffled between alliances. 

With the Jury, I only voted out ONE enemy in Dimitri although apparently that is now two with Raphael.  My social game was always to prepare for the worst with my friends but expect the best and I'm proud of how well I managed that. 

Strategy -

I didn't just make friends to appease people.  I did it so that I could maintain awareness of votes and relationships.  On Black Eagles, I was aware Cyril's vote meant Raphael had the power and connections that I lacked so I paved a path for me to be friends with Edie/Shamir instead.  On Faerghus, I controlled every vote there by establishing myself with the majority alliance in Hapi/Petra, both of whom would constantly ask me what I would want to do.  Mutinying to Faerghus meant putting your game in my hands.  On Church, it was more of the same even if we didn't have a vote.  I used idol clue information to establish friends and had the majority alliance with Lorenz/Petra/Raphael/Myself all while easily being able to replace any of them with Caspar/Felix.  Finally in the Merge, I helped push out the one person I didn't know in Claude giving me a merge full of allies.

I played a dominate game and yes, social was my main strength but I won't let anyone claim I didn't have my own strategy or semblance of control.  I was aware what my goals were and adapted round by round to reach the end despite having no advantages and little chance to win challenges.  I don't think some of you realize how hard it is to reach FTC without being able to win a challenge lol.

Strength -

I should at least touch on this because while it's obvious I had the weakest game.


Dorothea / Re: Final Tribal Council
« on: December 18, 2021, 02:15:56 am »
speaking of people stretching truths and manipulating the Jury....

She grows contemplative. "For me, Raphael and Petra were threatening in different ways. But one had just voted for me and the other had not. Raph offered us an F4 with Ashe and although I know he probably thought he could be the 4th man in that, he was quite good in challenges so beating us was a possibility for him. So I knew he'd be good for at least that long. The reason it tied simply put is Ashe intended to take Petra to the end and little we did could dissuade him of that. Heck he intended to vote out Shamir for her, of course he wasn't going to listen to us." She flicks a hand in displeasure, spraying lime bits onto a poor passing security guard. "Shamir was immune so it was just Dorothea, Ashe and I. I rather think Ashe would not have changed because this was him standing up to us. Dorothea.." She pauses to think. "I think she wouldn't have changed just because of how angry she was at Raphael at the time. When he speaks of the last thing they said it was the only thing they said for 24 hours. Her social game was so good with most people but it's not exaggerating to say when Raph didn't vote with her she threw a temper tantrum."

She returns to the trap hole with a bag of cats, idly dropping them on Dimitri as he shows his face once more while she speaks. "The question you ask isn't fair. If I couldn't lose to rocks I would have kept Raphael alive in a heartbeat. Whether I should have for the sake of it is something I grapple with, but despite Dorothea's thoughts that he was never a threat at all I rather think he could have given me trouble." She looks down on him. "The Queen always gets the last word, by the way. Unless one of them steal it, in which this is the only last word that counts, I decree it."

Edelgard is doing a great job just speaking for me huh?  "Dorothea thought that he was never a treat at all..." Oh is that what I thought?  Thanks for letting me know. 

Angry?  I was... Angry at Raphael?  No the only time I was ever angry was when Ashe, yet again, decided to change his mind for no net gain.  I threw a temper tantrum? 

Wtf is this?  I was sad yeah..... but Raphael AVOIDED me, not the other way around.  He was a dog with his tail between his legs not sure how to deal with me.  I told him I couldn't trust him and yet that didn't stop me from considering saving him at rocks sooooo.... what is all this about me being angry or upset... or however they want to phrase it?  Fuck I was more mad that he just quit because it took away my ability to make a choice.  Thanks dude!

Anyways, I'm not good at getting all upitty and fighting people on petty things like that.  I'm just annoyed that she will get away slandering me but Raphael called me out for my style.  Shamir/Edelgard or shamedelgard, doesn't fucking make a difference to me.   

Epilogue: The Great Game / Re: Felix
« on: December 18, 2021, 02:09:16 am »
Looks like this is the only question I have left unanswered so I'll respond here and see you guys after closing speeches.  I'll even keep this brief.

There was no specific question that I wish was asked but I do wish the subject of my social game wasn't an afterthought or shrugged off.  There really wasn't much inquiry as to why my social game was good or if there were specific examples of how I persuaded someone to my side.  Most of it was just a blanket statement, "yeah you made friends... good work!" 

That's not to say people haven't asked at all but I do notice how most conversations tend to veer towards what a players weak spots are.   I'll cover this in my closing because at the end of the day, it was social gameplay and social strategy is what got me here and it will always be those categories that give me a chance at winning. 

Dorothea / Re: Final Tribal Council
« on: December 17, 2021, 07:06:48 pm »
I'm kinda happy I pissed Raphael off haha.  If anything, I felt I got revenge against Ashe and Raphael for trying to screw me.  Things honestly could have ended up much better for me if they were just willing to ditch Shamedelgard but nopeeee. 

Dorothea / Re: Final Tribal Council
« on: December 17, 2021, 07:04:01 pm »
Really my flaws this game were just not being able to make shit happen even though I wanted to.  I tried so damn hard to remove the threats but I allied with the weakest people who just didn't want to step out on anything and seriously... 3 idols technically against me like... ooofffffffff

Dorothea / Re: Final Tribal Council
« on: December 17, 2021, 07:02:36 pm »
Hmm so the votes are what... leaning Edelgard probably?

Dorothea - Petra, Hapi
Edelgard - Raphael, Felix
Shamir -
Undecided - Caspar, Dimitri, Lorenz, Ashe

But I could probably break this down even more.

Caspar seems to be respecting Edelgard's game the most as a nice mixture of strategy and social.
Lorenz is leaning Shamedelgard but can't tell which of the two is better.
Ashe respected my game and has a reason to be upset with Edelgard... he probably goes Shamir.
Dimitri is a complete mystery.

Epilogue: The Great Game / Re: Caspar
« on: December 17, 2021, 06:57:22 pm »
Thanks for the input Caspar!  I'll consider that in my closing statement.  My game wasn't perfect but I think I can accurately claim 2 of the 3 survivor values and will attempt to solidify that. 

Dorothea / Re: Final Tribal Council
« on: December 17, 2021, 06:31:29 pm »
Plus yeah... Shamedelgard is kinda a thing.  They decided everything together and made no differentiating moves throughout merge.  If one wins, both win.  Why do you think people are questioning Shamir not voting out Edelgard so much?

Dorothea / Re: Final Tribal Council
« on: December 17, 2021, 06:29:51 pm »
Oh come on Raphael, as if Edelgard isn't laying claim to things she didn't do either.  I wasn't stretching anything until I read her opening speech and thought... oh shit, I better try to catch up.

You're just upset and you should be but I'm not the issue here.  You made mistakes this game and I capitalized. 

Epilogue: The Great Game / Re: Raphael
« on: December 17, 2021, 06:28:27 pm »
I understand we weren't going to see eye to eye during the jury.  Thanks for keeping me in check.

This is a game of perception and you've been listening to them most of the game instead of me so I hope there are no hard feelings that you view the game differently then me. 

Them having idols did help and Lorenz' idol was practically theirs as you were the one influencing Lorenz to use it.  My side never had that advantage and I got here without it.  You can claim what I would have done but at the end of the day, I did vote Edelgard at F7 in an attempt to work with you and save my ally.  No, we didn't trust each other but that doesn't mean I wasn't going to make moves that helped my game and forcing rocks could very well have done that.  You gave up on me several times this game and if that's my fault, then ok. 

See ya after.

Epilogue: The Great Game / Re: Dimitri
« on: December 17, 2021, 05:51:17 pm »
Pawns that make it to the end become queens.

Ok I like this answer better XD

Epilogue: The Great Game / Re: Dimitri
« on: December 17, 2021, 05:34:04 pm »
Chess Piece question...


Epilogue: The Great Game / Re: Dimitri
« on: December 17, 2021, 05:33:20 pm »
That was a strange round compared to the others for sure.  It wasn't just "vote out the easy target anymore" and everyone had something to lose.  I'll break it down based on my perception.

Why -

Raphael was a contender for me all game and someone I thought shouldn't be allowed to reach FTC with me.  About F8 I realized he wasn't as big a social threat as I thought with Shamir/Edie leaving him in the dark on the Lorenz vote.  To me, that meant  maybe we could work together which is why I took the risk in voting with him on F7.  Once he turned me down, I was back to deciding he just needed to go and we probably wouldn't ever be on the same page. 

How -

Ashe was a swing vote throughout most of the middle merge and until the very end.  He couldn't decide which side to join but he did do his best to keep things balanced from what I could tell.  He was meant to vote out Raphael with us on F7 (Caspar/Petra/Me) but he chose to vote out Caspar instead.  He claimed he would vote with Petra/Myself no matter what next round so I was forced to rely on that.  If Shamir lost, I would have almost assuredly tried to push her and attempt to pull even Edie in because we were running out of chances.  Instead I was forced to compromise on Raphael with her immunity.

Edie had told me that round she found an idol while we were repairing our relationship.  I wasn't sure if I should believe her or not but when the vote tied, I knew there was no way she would risk her stake in the game after playing it safe for so long.  An idol meant she had a free pass to Final 4 at least so why go to rocks for Raphael?  Sure enough, Raphael quit shortly after Edie revealed she would be swapping her vote.  The sad part is... I might have swapped.  A tie wasn't the most unappealing thing because it meant I had a 33% chance to take her out without dealing with that issue.  I don't know what I would have chosen in the end but rolling the dice to remove a threat while keeping my close ally still in the game wasn't the worst thought. 

Epilogue: The Great Game / Re: Petra
« on: December 17, 2021, 03:47:18 pm »
Petra you have been an absolute JOY and I am excited for you to read your torch walk.  It's short but I worked hard on it and hope you enjoy :)  You have been exactly what I needed to keep going and if would have no complaints if you were in my position here.  Thank you for keeping me vigilant and honest because I probably would have let the other two just walk all over me otherwise.  I forget my job is to prove to all of you how I'm a worthy winner lol.

Ok listing a positive memory huh? 

Hapi - My favorite individual moment with you was playing Mysterium but I also really really enjoyed how much you leaned on me during Tribals.  It felt good to feel needed and you did that with me which is why I was just so adamant about trying to protect you.  I'd scare anything away from my Hapi!!!

Felix - Working the Bear Card Challenge with Felix was the first moment I saw a connection with you and I desperately wanted to see us elaborate on that shared interest.  Unfortunately, we never really got to that level of familiarity and you being targeted made small talk much harder. 

Dimitri - I enjoyed our rivalry but the most entertaining moment was somewhere around merge when we got new profiles.  I said you looked angsty and he just responded with, "no one gets me anymore."  I definitely chortled a bit at that lol.

Lorenz - Easy.  We bonded over talking about game threats.  I was hooked on Shamir and he was hooked on Hapi so we sat there and discussed for a solid day just on who we would want gone and when.  Lorenz was great to talk with if you wanted to gamebot a bit. 

Caspar - I was a bit disappointed when Caspar didn't choose me for a support link but understood that Mercedes came off as a very active and addictive personality.  When we met again on Church, Caspar was almost immediately remorseful about the situation and claimed he picked wrong.  Idk why but it made me feel genuinely special and was a good building block to our relationship.

Raphael - You always impressed me with how calm and collected you seemed to be.  I felt like nothing was going to phase you and so much of the early game was me considering you the unstoppable threat to win.  This was true with challenges as well as social status as you had Strongest Chat and Leaders Chat keeping you going.  The moment you came to me asking if you were being eliminated was actually positive for me because it showed me that you did care about my opinion and trusted me to help you if you were in danger. 

Petra - Oh boy.... umm.... how about all the compliments?  You were blasting me with positivity ever since we met and I always felt like I wasn't reciprocating nearly as much yet you somehow stuck with me.  Plus just everything I wrote above haha.

Ashe - You finally started working with me on Faerghus which was nice but our greatest moment, and the one that made me commit to wanting you at F3, was when you came out saying Shamir was the wrong person for you to trust and you were looking for a new allies.  I did see you as someone that would be a swing vote but you really convinced me that we were meant to work together and could flip the game if we wanted.  That's why I wanted the F7 flip with you so bad.

I'll answer the fun stuff a bit later! 

Epilogue: The Great Game / Re: Felix
« on: December 17, 2021, 02:43:02 pm »
Not many words so, uh, Doro, why did the Hotties never come up in our conversation given we literally told each other all the group chats we had around merge time? Also wait, were you the one vote to keep me on the revote? When I heard Caspar flipped from Lorenz I assumed it had to be Petra..but was it actually you?

OH simple, we just hadn't formed that yet.  It was created shortly after Hapi was eliminated or maybe just before?  At the time, the Hapi/Petra/Lorenz/Raphael/Me had been the major alliance so that was the most important thing to tell you.  I also never told you about SPADE which was what Ashe created but that's because it formed later on as well.

During the revote, Caspar/Ashe both didn't seem interested in taking the rocks risks even though Lorenz was showing signs of switching sides.  After it became obvious that only Petra/Myself were voting with you, I switched sides.  My assumption was that Petra voted with you still.

I guess I have a question for everyone, what are you most proud of? Could be a game move, could literally be something that has nothing to do with the game.

I'm proud of Shamir for getting that kickass new job :P 

But for real, my most proud game moment is, outside of reaching FTC, giving a 5 clue hint in codenames haha.  I've NEVER connected that many things together before and was kinda impressed with myself.  It's also just amazing that I did so well with the firemaking challenge and I'm still shaking my head at how I did.

Epilogue: The Great Game / Re: Caspar
« on: December 17, 2021, 01:53:55 pm »
I suppose I should emphasize that yes, I didn't have as much control as I wanted but I need to stop downplaying my game so much.  No one is going to vote me out at this point, I don't need to divert attention anymore.  I did have a good semblance of control but compared to Shamedelgard, I'm not as impressive.

That being said, my ideal endgame was Caspar/Ashe/Me but I was fully willing to have an endgame of Caspar/Petra/Me or Ashe/Petra/Me if I needed to.  Petra was a threat to win but in my head, I was able to claim the alliances and moves that were made over her while matching her social game.  I also expected someone like Ashe or you to win Final immunity and Petra would be the one voted out at F4 leaving no real blood on my hands while also getting my ideal F3. 

I think You/Ashe were two players that I trusted to take me over Petra and I had a good hold over when it came to our alliance direction. I had the better social game as Ashe wasn't always present and would come out of left field with some of his thoughts while you also had some slight activity issues and tended to just go with whatever the majority was.  Your biggest strength was being able to reconnect to players such as myself or Shamir but I had just as much authority in that area. 

Epilogue: The Great Game / Re: Lorenz
« on: December 17, 2021, 01:03:36 pm »
So ill ask each of you, why should I consider changing my vote to you (pretend im not voting you if you think I am) and with that I might leave it there…

I'm assuming this is the outstanding question  in this thread for me?

I was holding off on it just because I think answering other more pointed questions might help you understand my game a bit more but I've delayed enough.

Considering that Shamedelgard were a pair that have fairly similar stories, just different execution... I'm going to assume (perhaps incorrectly) that I'm the person in 3rd here with you.  This works out nicely since the whole point of the question is for me to assume that.  The only thing I knew about what you valued as a jury member was that you wanted to see moves be made.  You didn't want people to coast to the end and if I'm wrong about that, sorry I was just basing it off our threat conversations. 

To me, I consider myself to be the biggest risk taker up here.  Here are some examples:

* Told Shamir about Yuri/Raphael/Cyril/Myself attempting to form an alliance on Black Eagles but Raphael voted out Cyril anyways in favor of Ashe.  This was to try and open myself up to Shamir so I could break away from Raphael and put pressure on him as a kingpin type player.  The risk is that Shamir could have been tight with them and immediately put me on blast.

* Risked us losing the challenge to get that idol hint while ALSO revealing the hint to you early to help us build trust.  The risk was that we could have gone to TC because of my actions while also having to trust that you would repay my kindness.

* Voted Dimitri on F10 in the hopes that we could save Felix even though I was in a majority alliance that wanted Dimitri.  I lied to them and said I would be fine with Felix but secretly was trying to create this majority that almost worked onto Dimitri.

* Attempted to blindside Edelgard while also telling Edelgard last second she was getting blindsided in the hopes of pulling an idol and maintaining friendship.  This could be a huge reason why I'm still here actually as Edie gave me that shot at firemaking.

* Stuck to my guns on Raphael at f6 knowing Edie had more to lose then I did and would swap to vote out Raphael. 

Most of the votes in this game were pretty straightforward.  Compromises here and there but nothing flashy... my attempts to stand out always resulted in me having to improvise and come up with a new plan but I can't really say I'm to blame there.  I just didn't have the resources with advantages and I didn't have aggressive allies.  It's why I tried so hard to keep you in check so that we could perform a blindside together.  Hapi was the only name you mentioned that I wasn't going to help you with but I really did want to make moves and wish I had more teammates that I could have made moves with.

Maybe it's on me... Maybe I just wasn't persuasive enough... or maybe I'm completely wrong on what you value in a player haha.  Either way, I think I had an amazing performance in this game and did so consistently.

Epilogue: The Great Game / Re: Hapi
« on: December 17, 2021, 12:44:02 pm »
Ha well... The mods called me Doro in the fire making challenge and that made me think of you.  It's why I called them out on not making the game Hapi Gyul instead of Hap Gyul.  It's the little things....

The idols were rough and definitely a major reasons plans didn't succeed.  You going first round of merge was a poor start to what I was hoping would happen and then the obvious removal of Petra at F5 didn't help.  My plan was always to help guide you as far as you could go but to elaborate, I wanted to actually give people a reason to worry about us while being surrounded by strong social players I could trust.  If I could reach F7 with You/Petra both still in the game, then I was all but guaranteed to reach FTC.  You/Petra were always going to have a similar story something Akin to what Shamir/Edelgard had as you were more active about what you wanted while Petra was trying to play nice.  If I went to an F3 with the both of you, I'd like my chances as I had connections with Black Eagles and a different story then the both of you.  Still, my idea was always that you would take a bullet at some point and it's not that I wanted it to happen, I just recognized you might panic and make a mistake that could cost you the game.  Say Ashe decided you weren't trustworthy and betrays us at F9 or something and majority suddenly flips... I just didn't see an easy path for you to reach FTC if you reacted passionately at every vote.  So my plan would have been to keep you safe as long as possible while trying to pull idols from threats.  The biggest win would have been you pulling an idol from Shamir in a failed F8 blindside while we (Blues/Me) still had majority on 7 to try again.

I apologize if this makes you feel used.  I'm sincere in that my first and closest alliance was always between you/petra and I would have trusted you as long as possible but I think this result was inevitable with the reputation you had going into Merge and no idol to back you up.

Fodlan Ablaze / Re: Welcome to Fódlan Ablaze
« on: December 17, 2021, 12:54:36 am »
I took the night off to hang with my SO on case anyone was waiting on a response from me.  I'll get to it first thing in the morning :)

Epilogue: The Great Game / Re: Caspar
« on: December 16, 2021, 03:18:52 pm »
Tee hee

I hate my job.  All i do is crush cans all day. 


It's soda pressing. 

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