Survivor: Three Houses

The Great Restart Button In The Sky => Abyss => Topic started by: Sothis on November 23, 2021, 07:57:34 pm

Title: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Sothis on November 23, 2021, 07:57:34 pm
Agh :( Sorry to see you go! It feels like the Deer have been cursed for a good while, and Lorenz's quest for revenge was the nail in the coffin for you there. Outside of that it felt like you had the best chance of making a solid run of any of the Deer; there was a fair bit of pushback against your boot here.
Thanks for playing, and please let us know if you want spectator access and we can give you that!
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Claude on November 23, 2021, 08:04:11 pm

The game was a blast and I can’t fault anyone but myself for the outcome here.
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Claude on November 23, 2021, 08:17:13 pm
Also I will go without spectator access for now, but I’ll let you know if I change my mind!
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Yuri on November 23, 2021, 08:17:59 pm
Aww, you weren't supposed to follow me out. :(
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Claude on November 23, 2021, 08:33:35 pm
I’m sorry Yuri!! Everyone got way too excited at the prospect of blindsiding you (and weirdly protective of Hapi). You were great
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Yuri on November 23, 2021, 09:00:19 pm
Haha, you're fine. I'm not even upset. Like uh, look, I was super fine to vote you out if that's what people wanted to do, I'd not have fought that one. So really, you of all people have no apologies to make <3
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Alois on November 24, 2021, 01:39:03 am
Really sad to see you go. I thought you were playing fantastically and thought you'd be a great counter to the leader power that somehow formed.
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Claude on November 24, 2021, 04:05:03 am
Thanks Alois. I think I got trapped in the Lorenz whirlwind and after the round where he got idol'd (gosh why did that happen?) I should have just declared the relationship dead in my mind and not tried to work with him. Aaaahhh hindsight.

Also I had too many new people to meet at the merge and not enough time/energy/charisma. (I think that I missed an opportunity to do more tea-partying etc.)

I am glad that I played this game because I had fun with a lot of people here (Annette, Dimitri, Edelgard, Shamir are the standouts), but apart from the ego blow that it is to be 12th (ugh), I'm actually sort of relieved to be out. I hated needing to use it as an excuse all the time but it really was a struggle to play the game properly alongside life commitments. Usually I manage it better than I did here, but for some reason I just couldn't make it work as well in this game.

I hope Dimitri, Edelgard and Shamir do well.

I expressed it in my confessional, but I do think Petra's messaging is quite annoying and I'm especially irritated that Annette asking her to tone it down caused her to be voted out. It is the sort of messaging style that I think would be more difficult to make sense of for anyone less familiar with English language, and so to take issue with being asked to change it feels absurd to me.

For as long as I can last, I will resist the temptation of confessional access, just because I think it will be more satisfying for me to wait until the full reveal and savour everything then. We'll see how that goes!
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Mercedes on November 24, 2021, 07:34:44 am
i haven't got to meet petra, so how is her messaging style annoying exactly?
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Lysithea on November 24, 2021, 10:17:25 am
I wish I had that believe in the temptation.

(But I also wanted to know how Lorenz came to have an idol).

I'll avoid giving you any spoilers from them.
You're not missing anything in the spectator forums though.
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Lysithea on November 24, 2021, 10:18:43 am
i haven't got to meet petra, so how is her messaging style annoying exactly?
Read her public posts, and then multiply that by the length of having to actually have conversations with it.
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Yuri on November 24, 2021, 01:57:53 pm
I just had a tea party with her and I genuinely found her way of talking incredibly charming. Of the talking quirks I've come across, her's is the most understandable, I've dealt with much much worse.
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Claude on November 24, 2021, 03:48:55 pm
Don't get me wrong, I can see that perspective too. I'm just a cranky old man!
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Sothis on November 24, 2021, 03:49:53 pm
I just had a tea party with her and I genuinely found her way of talking incredibly charming. Of the talking quirks I've come across, her's is the most understandable, I've dealt with much much worse.

glory to revolution comrade time to wrestle bear
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Sothis on November 24, 2021, 03:50:25 pm
I think basically every gimmick like that is going to be a love/hate thing.
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Yuri on November 24, 2021, 04:15:39 pm
I just had a tea party with her and I genuinely found her way of talking incredibly charming. Of the talking quirks I've come across, her's is the most understandable, I've dealt with much much worse.

glory to revolution comrade time to wrestle bear
Yours is not an example of worse. Perhaps it is one of the better ones. I think the worst one was somebody solely using Microsoft paint art, it's so open to interpretation!
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Sothis on November 24, 2021, 04:27:04 pm
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Yuri on November 24, 2021, 05:34:00 pm
You'll notice I said exclusively :P Meltan was a treasure.
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Claude on November 24, 2021, 08:14:20 pm
I love the crossed out eyes.

Also now I’m feeling bored at work again and I regret the relief I felt at being voted out
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Mercedes on November 25, 2021, 05:44:40 am
I love the crossed out eyes.

Also now I’m feeling bored at work again and I regret the relief I felt at being voted out


not gonna lie, if you don't spend the next 2 days after you elimination thinking about how you could've gotten yourself saved... did you even play the game?
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Claude on November 25, 2021, 07:55:44 pm
I definitely get the same thing, Mercedes.

I think a lot about things I could have done differently.
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Sothis on November 25, 2021, 07:57:15 pm
only 2 days???

I still get Survivormeet flashbacks
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Seteth on November 25, 2021, 07:58:13 pm
i am haunted by the eliminations.
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Claude on November 25, 2021, 08:16:37 pm
This game didn’t hit me as hard as some others that I’ve felt more emotionally invested in. Which is weird because PMing people and waking up early for challenges here felt like a lot less of a burden than in other games? I didn’t get that “ugh now I need to PM everyone” dread because I legitimately had fun PMing almost everyone.
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Lysithea on November 25, 2021, 10:36:51 pm
That dread can be avoided?

Actually I don't think I had it until my final day on LA.

And I think it was mostly caused by work the rest of my time in the game (including said last day of me being in the game)
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Mercedes on November 26, 2021, 02:20:04 am
only 2 days???

I still get Survivormeet flashbacks

well, survivor meet sound more important than some "random" online game doesn't it? :P
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Claude on November 29, 2021, 09:54:49 pm
Well this is exciting.

I very much hope that Dimitri survives
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Annette on December 06, 2021, 10:13:36 am
Hi Claude... I am still not completely  over the trauma of the abrupt ending of this game, so this is the first time I've checked back after what happened. I just wanted to say that chatting with you has been genuinely fun. In hindsight, observations provided extensive, worthwhile experience. My earnestness earned tragedy. Alas, grief abides, I notice.
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Claude on December 07, 2021, 03:00:18 am
Indeed, talking with a sensible and playful lass engendered absolute satisfaction. Until repeat encounter!
Title: Re: 12th Place: Claude
Post by: Seteth on December 07, 2021, 12:28:26 pm
