For information on donations, please read the message below. To donate, click the button. There may be a small fee depending on how you choose to pay. General Donation Information - (Updated May 28, 2014) Since its creation 12 years ago, has run free of ads, subscription fees, or any other cost to the user. For the past several years, the generous donation of server space by one of our users has taken care of most of the cost of maintaining the site; however, we have now moved to a dedicated server. If you would like to contribute to the server cost, thanks! A few caveats: 1. Donations are non-refundable. 2. This is not a subscription fee, nor a "VIP" fee. All of our games and features will remain free for everyone. Don't come asking me for favors on the basis of your donation. 3. Donations will of course be appreciated, but in private. I don't want anyone feeling pressured to give me money. 4. Keep in mind that you are donating to an individual (me) who is then turning around and paying for server costs, rather than donating to server costs directly. If you feel like donating loads of money to me, I'm not going to stop you; just don't send me loads of money expecting me to use it all immediately to improve the site, as there may not be any immediate need beyond a certain point. (Current server cost is about $100/month.) |