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Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 7:12 am
by JasonWazza
In post 145, animorpherv1 wrote:Let's be honest, fire dragon is damn strong and can snowball you out of contention or bring you back in the game.
I always get annoyed when a fire dragon actually does pop up, because i always tend to be on a tank in the games that they do pop up (and thus make 0 use of it)

Not that any dragon is really all that useful for tanks since the nerfed the Ocean dragon.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 7:50 am
by Randomnamechange
Cloud and mountain aren't too bad if you want to roam or splitpush.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 7:52 am
by Iecerint
Mountain is great because it lets you sneak baron really easily.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:19 am
by PJ.
Cloud is great for tanks.

Is elder dragon worth the greater risk vs baron?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:26 am
by mykonian
Tanks. Not voli, darius, or garen. Plz people. Tanks have aoe cc. Bruisers run at people.


Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:28 am
by PJ.
That's a stupid distinction.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:39 am
by Dwlee99
In post 147, Randomnamechange wrote:
In post 135, Dwlee99 wrote:I understand the getting camped thing and it sucks (one game by the 14ish minute mark I had two tf ults bot lane, a tp, a volibear waiting in my bush and multiple other volibear lurking around things) but in that case you need to just farm, not try to.engage and fight (otherwise enemy team just tf ults and tps) but in the case of no tanks: Hopefully you dont have to deal with this but what you can do is try to play a safer adc. For example you could go lucian ezreal or caitlyn. Lucian is super strong rn with his mobility dps and burst damage and a billion other reasons. Anyway, you can stay safe with him using his dashes. Ezreal, long range, short cooldown flash so you can stay sage. Caitlyn, proper trap placement and your range plus net will help you stay safe. I would have to see specific games to give better advice but you should probably just ask gendaberry anyway cause he is much better than me.
Lucian and cait are in my top four adcs (second and fourth). Basically people 4 man you every fight if you play lucian, and if you play caitlyn without a frontline the rest of your team dies immediately before you can deal enough damage and you end up being left with 3 people running you down. Adcs don't have enough kite options at the moment and at my elo most players (including myself to a certain extent) aren't good enough at peeling to keep you safe, and you have to rely on your own kiting mechanics which have to be VERY high level to survive at the moment.
In post 138, mykonian wrote:
In post 134, Randomnamechange wrote:Jokes on you, no one plays tanks in silver because they think the are going to carry the game.
Till you realize it's absolutely glorious to be the only tank in a game. Just go completely full tank, your base damages are significant vs people who buy full offensive. And then they have to deal with you or get out of your way, and there is nothing that can deal with you because they cannot stand long enough next to you to kill you because your teammates will wreck them. So they have to "focus the carries", but have no dedicated engage, while your team has peel (which is you, the god of the rift). Everybody in silver can group up and push mid (I mean, it's that or baron...) and you can hardly lose that fight.

I'm pretty sure last season my galio winrate was inflated because I got into many a game like that (picking mid then realizing my top was squish and their entire team was squish).
Yeah, I've started doing that on Shen.
In post 140, Dwlee99 wrote:yea malphite mumu and sejuani are the gods of silver, no?
Yes, but no one plays them. They're kind of like unicorns. Very rare but when seen they fucking spear everything.
In post 141, KaleiÐoscøpe wrote:Dont forgey darius and garen, although they probably go full damage.

Same with amumu and malphite though
Darius you don't see that often, to be honest garen isn't that great and generally gets shut down or ignored.
Top laners I see the most in silver at the moment are champs like Vi, Tryndamere, or Akali.
If youre playing lucian and getting killed at the beginning.of fights youre positioning incorrectly or kiting poorly ngl

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 8:43 am
by Randomnamechange
In post 156, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 147, Randomnamechange wrote:
In post 135, Dwlee99 wrote:I understand the getting camped thing and it sucks (one game by the 14ish minute mark I had two tf ults bot lane, a tp, a volibear waiting in my bush and multiple other volibear lurking around things) but in that case you need to just farm, not try to.engage and fight (otherwise enemy team just tf ults and tps) but in the case of no tanks: Hopefully you dont have to deal with this but what you can do is try to play a safer adc. For example you could go lucian ezreal or caitlyn. Lucian is super strong rn with his mobility dps and burst damage and a billion other reasons. Anyway, you can stay safe with him using his dashes. Ezreal, long range, short cooldown flash so you can stay sage. Caitlyn, proper trap placement and your range plus net will help you stay safe. I would have to see specific games to give better advice but you should probably just ask gendaberry anyway cause he is much better than me.
Lucian and cait are in my top four adcs (second and fourth). Basically people 4 man you every fight if you play lucian, and if you play caitlyn without a frontline the rest of your team dies immediately before you can deal enough damage and you end up being left with 3 people running you down. Adcs don't have enough kite options at the moment and at my elo most players (including myself to a certain extent) aren't good enough at peeling to keep you safe, and you have to rely on your own kiting mechanics which have to be VERY high level to survive at the moment.
In post 138, mykonian wrote:
In post 134, Randomnamechange wrote:Jokes on you, no one plays tanks in silver because they think the are going to carry the game.
Till you realize it's absolutely glorious to be the only tank in a game. Just go completely full tank, your base damages are significant vs people who buy full offensive. And then they have to deal with you or get out of your way, and there is nothing that can deal with you because they cannot stand long enough next to you to kill you because your teammates will wreck them. So they have to "focus the carries", but have no dedicated engage, while your team has peel (which is you, the god of the rift). Everybody in silver can group up and push mid (I mean, it's that or baron...) and you can hardly lose that fight.

I'm pretty sure last season my galio winrate was inflated because I got into many a game like that (picking mid then realizing my top was squish and their entire team was squish).
Yeah, I've started doing that on Shen.
In post 140, Dwlee99 wrote:yea malphite mumu and sejuani are the gods of silver, no?
Yes, but no one plays them. They're kind of like unicorns. Very rare but when seen they fucking spear everything.
In post 141, KaleiÐoscøpe wrote:Dont forgey darius and garen, although they probably go full damage.

Same with amumu and malphite though
Darius you don't see that often, to be honest garen isn't that great and generally gets shut down or ignored.
Top laners I see the most in silver at the moment are champs like Vi, Tryndamere, or Akali.
If youre playing lucian and getting killed at the beginning.of fights youre positioning incorrectly or kiting poorly ngl

OK. Basically if you go anywhere near the enemy team they immediately dive you. Even in the middle of a teamfight they will stop who they are attacking and dive onto you.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 9:28 am
by PJ.
Spoiler the quote please

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:46 am
by Heat
me, playing jungle rn: *farms for the entire game*

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 12:26 pm
by Dwlee99
In post 157, Randomnamechange wrote:
In post 156, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 147, Randomnamechange wrote:
In post 135, Dwlee99 wrote:I understand the getting camped thing and it sucks (one game by the 14ish minute mark I had two tf ults bot lane, a tp, a volibear waiting in my bush and multiple other volibear lurking around things) but in that case you need to just farm, not try to.engage and fight (otherwise enemy team just tf ults and tps) but in the case of no tanks: Hopefully you dont have to deal with this but what you can do is try to play a safer adc. For example you could go lucian ezreal or caitlyn. Lucian is super strong rn with his mobility dps and burst damage and a billion other reasons. Anyway, you can stay safe with him using his dashes. Ezreal, long range, short cooldown flash so you can stay sage. Caitlyn, proper trap placement and your range plus net will help you stay safe. I would have to see specific games to give better advice but you should probably just ask gendaberry anyway cause he is much better than me.
Lucian and cait are in my top four adcs (second and fourth). Basically people 4 man you every fight if you play lucian, and if you play caitlyn without a frontline the rest of your team dies immediately before you can deal enough damage and you end up being left with 3 people running you down. Adcs don't have enough kite options at the moment and at my elo most players (including myself to a certain extent) aren't good enough at peeling to keep you safe, and you have to rely on your own kiting mechanics which have to be VERY high level to survive at the moment.
In post 138, mykonian wrote:
In post 134, Randomnamechange wrote:Jokes on you, no one plays tanks in silver because they think the are going to carry the game.
Till you realize it's absolutely glorious to be the only tank in a game. Just go completely full tank, your base damages are significant vs people who buy full offensive. And then they have to deal with you or get out of your way, and there is nothing that can deal with you because they cannot stand long enough next to you to kill you because your teammates will wreck them. So they have to "focus the carries", but have no dedicated engage, while your team has peel (which is you, the god of the rift). Everybody in silver can group up and push mid (I mean, it's that or baron...) and you can hardly lose that fight.

I'm pretty sure last season my galio winrate was inflated because I got into many a game like that (picking mid then realizing my top was squish and their entire team was squish).
Yeah, I've started doing that on Shen.
In post 140, Dwlee99 wrote:yea malphite mumu and sejuani are the gods of silver, no?
Yes, but no one plays them. They're kind of like unicorns. Very rare but when seen they fucking spear everything.
In post 141, KaleiÐoscøpe wrote:Dont forgey darius and garen, although they probably go full damage.

Same with amumu and malphite though
Darius you don't see that often, to be honest garen isn't that great and generally gets shut down or ignored.
Top laners I see the most in silver at the moment are champs like Vi, Tryndamere, or Akali.
If youre playing lucian and getting killed at the beginning.of fights youre positioning incorrectly or kiting poorly ngl

OK. Basically if you go anywhere near the enemy team they immediately dive you. Even in the middle of a teamfight they will stop who they are attacking and dive onto you.
Use your dash. Use your 1200 range ult. etc. etc.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 2:42 pm
by Dwlee99
riot logic
I was literally 1 v 5'ing them. what the heck >.<

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 5:04 pm
by zoraster
I don't know. Maybe because you only placed 5 wards the whole game?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 5:06 pm
by RadiantCowbells
Wards, more like boreds.

why not just kill the mid and jungler when the gank comes?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 9:17 pm
by animorpherv1
I place wards then proceed to 1v2 the jungler and top laner as renekton!

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:16 pm
by Dwlee99
In post 163, RadiantCowbells wrote:Wards, more like boreds.

why not just kill the mid and jungler when the gank comes?
This is actually what happened. And then eventually all 5 came mid and I killed all of them.without a tower. I probably should ward more, though.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:37 pm
by Randomnamechange
Shen is so good right now :D Won 5/6 recently and got an S- in the game I lost.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 1:58 am
by Glork
I should probably play this again now that I have a working computer.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 4:40 pm
by Chevre
I know I'm just a newb in an Intro game, but I'm super proud of this fun game as Quinn for the first time:


Her abilities are simple but that was really fun to play!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 4:41 pm
by Maestro
You're also already following Rule #1: do not die! <3
Can we play an intro game sometime, Chevre? I have a smurf.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 4:42 pm
by SleepyKrew
Nice! I suggest moving up to beginner bots ^_^

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 4:46 pm
by Chevre
In post 169, Maestro wrote:You're also already following Rule #1: do not die! <3
Can we play an intro game sometime, Chevre? I have a smurf.
Sure! I get on pretty sporadically, so it's probably best to friend me (if you're not already?) and then I'll check if you're on and willing!

I don't think my play is very interesting, I pick a champion at random and then pick whatever lane looks the least capable (in this case, Lissandra literally died to a turret before minions spawned so I was like "yeah I better go mid") and just try my best! I also just buy whatever items the instructor-thing tells me to (except with Sion, who doesn't have instructions, so I just buy expensive ones that seem like they do good things)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 5:58 pm
by Maestro
In post 171, Chevre wrote:Lissandra literally died to a turret before minions spawned
Yup. Time to move on to Beginner bots.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 9:56 pm
by KaleiÐoscøpe
As a support main I've decided to just ban Lucian all games unless my adc wants to pick it. The two games it got picked we just steamrolled over the botlane and even had one Lucian get a penta. Feel like the champ is busted atm, along with Zed.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 3:22 am
by Ankamius
Yeah Lucian's straight up broken atm.