The Seville Symposium - Mafiascum Mafia. Game over!

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The Seville Symposium - Mafiascum Mafia. Game over!

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:26 am

Post by Phoebus »

The Scum Symposium in Seville!!!


August the 24th and onwards -- until we run out of money, or people, or both!


The Monte Triana Hotel
Clara de Jesus Montero, 24,

Hotel Monte Triana is centrally located in the majestic heart of Seville. Close to the historic centre of the city, the hotel is a short distance from La Isla de la Cartuja, the city's business and leisure district.

Road map


5 day weather forecast

Bring along

A set of playing cards
Lots of money for drinks
Sun tan lotion
Lots of money for drinks
A macintosh (maybe both types) [crazy European weather and whatnot.]
Lots of money for drinks
Some bored games for mish mash times when people get board of mafia (gasp!)
Lots of money for you know...
Books/Games to exchange (optional)
You know...

Currently attending:
  • Cadmium
  • CoolBot
  • Flying Dutchman
  • Fuldu
  • inHimshallibe
  • JereIC
  • Leonidas
  • LoudmouthLee
    replaces Internet Stranger

  • massive
  • mathcam
  • mneme
    replaces mole

  • Mackay
  • Macros
  • NanookTheWolf
  • PBug
  • PookyTheMagicalBear
  • Quailman
  • rite
  • Stewie
  • Someone
  • Soothsayer
  • Sugar
  • the silent speaker
  • Thoth
  • Werebear
Formerly in attendence:

-- who would want to leave this?!
Last edited by Phoebus on Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:28 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sat Aug 20, 2005 2:09 am

Post by Phoebus »

Hello, I'm Phoebus Stargazer, your host for the duration of your stay. Please feel free to page me for anything you need and I will do my best to fulfill your every wish.

Before you are shown to your rooms, here is a little card on the hotel's policies.

Hotel policies:

  • Here in Seville, we have a little different sense of time. Nights here will last around 72 regular hours or so. It dawns no earlier than stated and usually no later, unless the hotel staff are really wasted from the night's partying. A complimentary wake-up alarm service is provided by the hotel. You are encouraged to bash the rooster on its head. That will also be your complimentary breakfast.

  • Days will last as long as the partying, mafia playing and general bickering does. If drinks or money run out, we will impose a deadline. Fork out or get out! If you find a functional ATM, the deadline will be rescinded. We however allow only one lapse with misplaced money each day. If you run out again, we will go to night. If we find your misplaced money, we will keep it as a tip. This has no effect on the service tax which is a flat 15%.

  • Votes must be
    shouted out
    over the general din to be recorded (bold them). If you do not shout your vote, it will not be counted.

  • In case you have a hoarse voice due to the partying and forget or are unable to shout, that's too bad. The hotel staff have enough to do, mop up vomit, clear the trash, without having to ask each guest where their vote resides and whether they really want it there. Be clear! Let us hear!

  • Deciding that someone is not cool enough to be part of this group will require a simple majority of votes. Once a player has reached the necessary majority, his pleas are useless and any attempts to gain favour with the management will be unheeded.
    (We make enough money and have no use for bribes.)
    He will be booed at, hissed at, and generally drummed out in the most unceremonious manner.

  • You may decide to forego hazing someone for a day. A majority of people shouting to no lynch will do the trick.

  • The happenings in the conference room or the hotel bar where most discussion, presentations and other partying will take place are not to be discussed outside of these places unless you are specifically allowed to.
    There are enough conveniences in your room, including free internet access and legalized porn to keep you occupied. You may not invite anyone to your room, not even a creature of the night. We are watching you!

  • Once you have been signed out of the register for guests,
    your death scene has been posted,
    you’re no longer a guest. Don't come back or we'll show you just how unhospitable we can be. Our hospitality is world class and 5-star. Our inhospitality is underwold class and gets 7 stilletos.

  • You can't take back things that you've already said, so don't try and mess with time. It'll only come back to bite you in the posterior.
    Don’t edit/delete previously submitted posts

  • Messages from the management, front desk etc. will be over the phone and cannot be quoted. If you record them and make them public (even if they were lewd or solictious in nature), you might just find a horse's head in your bed and a dagger hanging above it.

  • If you have business at night, please do finish it before the staff goes about with the roosters. Sleep deprivation will not be an acceptable excuse for a shoddy presentation or reduced drinking stamina the next day. If you choose to be lazy and lie in bed all night to avoid the previously indicated happenings, your business

  • If you anticipate being passed out for more than a 48-hour period, please announce as such. Treat this meeting as a commitment. Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging. We'll have to find someone else to light up a joint with.

  • We should post a vote count in the foyer, ever so often, maybe every day or every alternate one. Please feel free to request one should you deem it necessary. Foreign exchange accepted.

  • If you have any questions, requests or complaints, you can contact me (Contact info on the back of this card). I never sleep but I'm into many activities and I'll get back to you as soon as possible, and with the best explanation that I can. You can also contact me if you want to tell someone about your day, or you thought something another player wrote was funny, or just to say hi. Sometimes not sleeping can be a bore and I need the stimulation.

  • I am always pompous, but not always accurate. If I've made a mistake, please contact me as soon as possible. If you try to notify me in public, I'll have to be most impolite to you.

  • If I'm going to be unavailable for more than a day, I'll announce that information and a deputy will likely take over in case of extended absence.

  • Most importantly...we're here to have fun. Do your part.

  • Finally, gay marriages are now legal in Spain and if you need a witness, just contact the front desk. Again, foreign exchange accepted.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:07 am

Post by Phoebus »

Alright then, all confirms are in! We have a deadline!

Night 1 choice deadline: 1200 ET, Wednesday, the 24th of August.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:23 am

Post by Phoebus »

The atmosphere in the bar of the Monte Triana hotel was a gay one - both inside and outside of the closets.
The dinner had been a magnificent one, courtesy of the hotel, thanks to such a large booking - starting with pastel de berenjenas y gambas de Huelva con salsa mariscada (aubergine and prawn terrine with shellfish sauce). The name may be a mouthful but it just melts in your mouth. Next, there was, cochinillo confitado al aceite, pina y cogollo (suckling pig confit in olive oil with pineapple and lettuce hearts) and finally finishing off with the most delectable flan. All the names quite a mouthful and an effort to pronounce as well. With their stomachs full, the crew now sat down with jugs of Sangria a-plenty, to wash down the heavy meal and unwind.

Earlier, as the guests arrived, there were squeals of delight and of recognition as old friends gathered to meet after a long time, or people who had never quite met in person caught their first sight of each other.
Snatches of, "Wolfie, is that you?" and "Pooky! I knew you right away! You're sooooooo cuddly!" were heard.
There was the occasional "oof" and "thud!" as Werebear sneakily tackle-hugged most people in sight. The flash-flash of cameras as Cadmium arrived with a gaggle of gushing girls in tow and the ringing of the service bell as the receptionists paged bell boys to take up all the luggage.
The party had begun!

Now, there was the silent murmur of conversation, the tinkle of glasses offered in cheers and health. The occasional burst of laughter as Someone told a joke. It was a happy group.

Eventually, people started to break up into smaller groups.
Some people gathered around Mackay, asking her about the Wizard of Oz. She sighed inwardly.

Others gathered around Soothsayer, asking their fates to be foretold. He sighed inwardly too. "Don't they get it's just a handle?!", he thought.

Cadmium, Flying Dutchman and Thoth were taking turns telling people all about Amsterdam and its sites and sounds. The coffee houses, the tulip gardens, the dykes. Most of their listeners sighed inwardly. Some desiring to see the city's natural beauty, others just craving the augmented beauty. Still others just fell like getting some coffee!

And so it went on...

felt like he could use a breath of fresh air and he decided to go out for a moonlit walk along the banks of the Guadalquivir.
Musing to himself about the day's events and all the fun people he had met, rite was smiling a little as he met one of his friends beneath a street lamp. Out for a smoke, he offered rite a fag as well but he declined. They got to talking - about the meeting, their routines, interesting happenings in their lives and so on. That's when rite came to hear the story about his friend's iron knee. Something to do with a logging accident and whatnot - a rather long story, not to be related here. rite had seen and heard about wooden limbs before but an iron knee was something new to him and he wanted to see it. His friend was more than ready to show it to him. In fact, maybe a little too eager? As rite started bending down to examine the curious limb, it came up to meet him. Right in the gut. A knee in the gut would probably cause you to pass out at worst but this was iron and it caused severe damage to rite's internal organs. He did pass out, but he isn't going to wake up. Poor rite. He did have time however, to reflect on his friend's doings. He murmured, "I forgive you, for you know not what you have done. But remember, there's the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and by Jove, the Spirit shall come and serve divine retribution!"
He had created life and now, God reflected somewhat amused in how life itself mirrored some of its more inconsequential elements - like mafia games.

rite was God and has passed back into his own realm.

Back at the hotel,
was sitting at the bar. He needed something more stronger than Sangria and was downing shot after shot of cointreau. Not the best of ideas. No one really knew what sorrows he was trying to drown. Maybe the guilt of having eaten all those babies had finall caught up with him. A tall figure sidled up next to him and inHim was far too wasted by the time to recognise anyone. But hey! A free drink, is a good drink! No?
Well, no. Not if it has been garnished with arsenic, rather than salt...

inHimshallibe was InternetStranger and has been poisoned.

He should've known about the girl's brother. Maybe.

However, as the conversation lulled and the impromptu mafia games started, some people decided to head up to bed and the others were too busy arguing their cases to pay too much attention to inHimshallibe.
Eventually, the tiredness caught up with everyone and some just crashed on the couches in the lounge. inHim just remained part of the scenery till the all the cocks crowed. Everyone sat up and bashed theirs on the head but inHim's just went on and on.

That's when the police came and reported having found rite crumpled in a heap on the riverside and all hell broke lose.

It wasn't until the police announced everyone was a suspect and needed to be interviewed that they took a head count.
was found to be missing. The concierge reported that he had checked out immediately after having received an emergency phone call, late at night and seemed rather upset and unsteady and needed a taxi to be called for him.
The switchboard operator, who had been surreptitiously listening in on the phone call reported that one of her children was rather unwell and she was summoned back immediately.

Fuldu was Talitha and has needed to go back to Kiwiland immediately.

Nobody thought much of tracing the number, but if they had, they'd have seen it was from a local call box and was a hoax. Tally kept wondering what exactly was happening in Seville when she got home to find everyone hale and hearty and rather surprised to see her home so early.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:31 am

Post by Phoebus »

Please check your email for night choice results.

It is now day one, 22 people are alive, making it 12 to lynch!
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:43 am

Post by Flying Dutchman »

Vote: Werebear

WB, wb! :D
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:52 am

Post by Quailman »

vote: IS
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:52 am

Post by Werebear »

You know, it's hard to not know a game is up when the mod bounces at you in AIM and jovially lets you know the game's on.

Thanks, FD, thanks, I shall remember this always. And... I must say, I've seen lots of better night 1's, but very few worse ones. Two docs and a cop.

and one last thing - what the heck is a Super Saint?
[color=green]Anyhoo, why is it suspicious that I get confused with a mattress?[/color]
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:38 am

Post by Fuldu »

Stupid kids, always getting into trouble while I'm away. :wink:

It takes a village to raise a lynch mob.
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:30 pm

Post by inHimshallibe »

Aww, man! I really wanted to be IS, too! :P
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:27 pm

Post by rite »

Well, it sucks that I was killed, but it carries on the grand tradition of me getting killed night one.

See y'all around.
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:30 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

vote IS
"I hope one day I can openly play as wolfy as Pooky and get zero pressure for it grumble grumble."

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."

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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:41 pm

Post by JereIC »

Oooh, nifty!

Vote: Sugar
, welcome back!
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:57 pm

Post by mathcam »

1) I'm trying to decide who killed rite. I feel like the metallic knee should be a giveaway clue, but I can't seem to come up with it. Thoughts:

Cadmium - a metal
JEEP - made out of metal
CoolBot - made out of metal.

2) I also wonder why Fuldu was "sent home" and not that just one scum group's way of getting rid of people? Or a vig effect?

3) Finally:
Phoebus wrote:Finally, gay marriages are now legal in Spain and if you need a witness, just contact the front desk.
*proposes to Werebear*

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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 2:40 pm

Post by Quailman »

mathcam wrote:2) I also wonder why Fuldu was "sent home" and not that just one scum group's way of getting rid of people? Or a vig effect?
I was wondering if that leaves the door open for him to return at a later date...
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:17 pm

Post by Someone »

I better post before phoebus thinks I'm lurking...


Hmm. This game is probably going to be confusing, as the roles in the game probably coincide with some of the characters.

This is just here so my posts don't look so ugly when I edit them.
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:08 pm

Post by Thoth »

Wow, only 10 posts into the game and IS already has 3 votes and is nightkilled. He's getting more popular every game :wink: .
Quailman wrote:
mathcam wrote:2) I also wonder why Fuldu was "sent home" and not that just one scum group's way of getting rid of people? Or a vig effect?
I was wondering if that leaves the door open for him to return at a later date...
I think Fuldu's 'bah' post gives that one away. I assume Phoebus would have told him if he could get back in the game. If only so he would keep up with it.
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:40 pm

Post by massive »

Wait, Internet Stranger wasn't Internet Stranger? This is going to be a confusing game ...

It seems like there's a hint in the description of the second kill (the poisoning) as well ... something about someone's sister? I definitely like the idea of CoolBot as a killer, but there was more in that story ... something about a logging accident?

I think I'm going to have to start thinking about what old players could be in this game ... I wasn't expecting God.
"1AM .. not a good time to think I started mixing massive and mathcam" - Totem, DP8
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:09 pm

Post by Cadmium »

mathcam wrote:2) I also wonder why Fuldu was "sent home" and not that just one scum group's way of getting rid of people? Or a vig effect?
With a 25 player game, I would expect at least two scum groups, maybe an SK too. Add to that the accepted vigilante playing style, not killing without info at all, and I think it's more likely we have three different (groups of) scumbags around.

About the MO, it looks like these are affiliated with the player's role. God was "passed on to a better place" and Talitha was "fooled into going home", having to do with one of her children. Which leaves us with IS and "poisoned", the odd one out.
massive wrote:It seems like there's a hint in the description of the second kill (the poisoning) as well ... something about someone's sister?
Take a look at IS's signature ;)!
massive wrote:I definitely like the idea of CoolBot as a killer, but there was more in that story ... something about a logging accident?
How about d8P? He could not log on for a long time.
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:20 pm

Post by Quailman »

massive wrote:It seems like there's a hint in the description of the second kill (the poisoning) as well ... something about someone's sister?
That's probably just flavor. IS's sig reads "I didn't know she was your sister. I swear!" Or something to that effect.
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:32 pm

Post by Thoth »

Ah, missed that completely as well as I have all sigs turned off.
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:14 am

Post by Soothsayer »

vote: Quailman
no real reason just need to get the game cracking and he's as good as any
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:10 am

Post by Stewie »

random vote: nanookthewolf
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:59 am

Post by NanookTheWolf »

... I just love you :roll: :P
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:06 am

Post by Flying Dutchman »

mathcam wrote:1) I'm trying to decide who killed rite. I feel like the metallic knee should be a giveaway clue, but I can't seem to come up with it. Thoughts:

Cadmium - a metal
JEEP - made out of metal
CoolBot - made out of metal.
I think you got it here right away: I think the killer was Cadmium. Best guess we have right now. The ROLE Cadmium, not the player. Wah, this is hard.

Proposal: As an attempt to make a little less a mess of this I propose to reveal to the rolenames with an R in front of them, like "RGod" and "RCadmium".

Mathcam also wrote:2) I also wonder why Fuldu was "sent home" and not that just one scum group's way of getting rid of people? Or a vig effect?
I personally guess it's a vig, as 3 killing groups appears to be a bit much, and this is indeed a more peacefull way of leaving the game than being killed.

Poison killing sounds like a loner (Likely SK) to me...... I don't associate any player here with poison, don't really get this. Can someone else help me out?

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