Unified History of Amstaad

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Unified History of Amstaad

Post Post #0 (isolation #0) » Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:18 pm

Post by Yaw »

Amstaad was founded thousands of years ago on the southern bank of the Amtuk River, where it meets the Ocean. It was originally a cluster of traditional houses of the Tiktuk tribe, a group of fisherfolk.

The Tiktuk lived in peace until they were discovered by the Passari Empire. The southerners discovered Amstaad about 2000 years ago. Rather than wage war against superior numbers and arms, the Tiktuk willingly conceded their town to the Passani.

The Passani used Amstaad as a waystation between their capital and the boundaries of their Empire, which stretched towards the north. They kept the original Tiktuk buildings intact, but built around them, incorporating them into traditional Passani architecture. The city was walled for protection, and built up into a maze of winding roads and staircases. The first docks were also built along the Ocean to the south of the Old City.

The Passani spread their forces too thin, however, and were turned back by an alliance of Men, Elves, and Dwarves from the north. Upon their arrival at Amstaad around 500 years ago, the Tiktuk and Passani families in the Old City met in secret, and agreed to hand the city over to the northerners to avoid bloodshed. The northern Briaf army was conveyed into the city at night in secret, loyal Passani guards were killed by stealth, and in the morning the Passani awoke to find that only the docks still belonged to them. Those outside the city fought back, but were unable to win against stronger forces in a better position. The docks were razed by the remaining Passani, as they fled to the south.

The Briaf kept the Old City intact. They preferred more orderly construction, and so rebuilt the docks in their own image. Gradually, as peace spread through the land, development of business and artistic districts outside the city walls drew city life away from the Old City. With the strength of the business community, Amstaad was able to obtain autonomy from the Briaf Empire, and now exists as an independent city state.

It is now a shadow of its former self, inhabited primarily by old Tiktuk and Passani families of great influence, aliens from cultures that no longer exist anywhere else in the known world. The Cenotaph at the centre of the Old City is used for ceremonial purposes annually, but otherwise it is generally ignored by the citizens of Amstaad. All other major functions are elsewhere.

So that's what's written up for the old city. Quite a few questions remain that we have to fill in -- how did Amstaad become independent, for example? When and how did the other areas get built up? (Specifically the Civil District -- was it set aside to begin with or reclaimed land?) Plus other stuff I'm sure I haven't thought of. Use this thread to post the history of your area, and to help fill in the gaps so we can get the history consistent.
Last edited by Yaw on Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (isolation #1) » Mon May 29, 2006 2:47 pm

Post by Yaw »

March 19? Feh. When Mike gets back he can add to this.

So the big question -- how did Amstaad become independent? Naturally, being part of an empire means that any independence movement is likely to be crushed with military force. The Briaf Empire was no different. Amstaad couldn't have raised an army to fight as a city state that could have stood a chance against the Empire. So...they didn't.

Instead, the businessmen that wanted independence turned to the nascent Uhura guild of thieves and assassins, which at that time was underground. A delegation of merchants was sent to the Briaf capital to sue for independence. Secretly, the delegation was actually composed of only one merchant -- the rest were assassins that set about on a campaign to threaten the nobility. Some well-placed pressure later, the Empire granted independence out of fear from this new tactic.

Of course, this isn't the official story. The official story is a manufactured fiction to preserve the dignity of both the empire and Amstaad. That said, the city owes such a debt to the Uhura guild that the guild is now effectively allowed to operate openly, with a thin cover as a guild of adventurers.

Some details to fill in:

Why did the merchants of Amstaad desire independence?
What and where is the Briaf capital? Other necessary details about the empire's government?
What is the cover story created to explain Amstaad's independence?
How was this kept consistent when the next city (without assassin backup) decided to sue for independence (and was crushed)?
How much of this is generally known? Should be known to the players?
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Post Post #3 (isolation #2) » Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:14 am

Post by Yaw »

mlaker wrote:Possibly Passani Nationalists wanting to create an economic empire to rebuild the Passani culture.
I really like this, though mostly for the extra depth it adds to politics. This might be a better way to go -- have various groups support independence for their own diverse reasons. We could actually break the city down into a number of subgroups, see what each would gain or lose from independence, then if they'd be supportive or against it and what the new council might have had to do to bring the more powerful opponents onside.

The cover story's still...not quite there, though perhaps it never will be. Perhaps it should have holes in it, to give people a chance to see through it if they want to. At the very least, multiple cultures were already flourishing in Amstaad prior to independence, so that explanation doesn't quite work. I suspect the cover story will have to play up the uniqueness of Amstaad, however, to make it clear that other cities wanting independence aren't going to get it.
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Post Post #5 (isolation #3) » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:36 am

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In my opinion, the more politics, the better. :wink:

I'm starting to think it might be worth making up a generalized map of this world (similar to the Amstaad01 map I made up with Dourgrim for the city so long ago, that just outlined the city sections). Just to give a general impression of what's out there to help with history discussions, as well as context with the wider world. Making it generalized still allows players to have a LOT of input into world-building, as they can fill in specifics.

It might be worth looking at world history a bit -- for example, why independent countries like Luxembourg, Monaco, Lichtenstein, etc. haven't been swallowed up by their neighbours. The key is creating stories that explain Amstaad's independence truthfully, and also the mythos known to Amstaadians and the Empire in general if that's different.
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Post Post #6 (isolation #4) » Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:32 am

Post by Yaw »

First crack at complete (public) history. Will post in a new thread and delete this one if/when it's good to go.

First Settlements

Amstaad was founded thousands of years ago on the southern bank of the Amtuk River, where it meets the Ocean. It was originally a cluster of traditional houses of the Tiktuk tribe, a group of fisherfolk.

The Tiktuk lived in peace until they were discovered by the Passani Empire. The southerners discovered Amstaad about 2000 years ago. Rather than wage war against superior numbers and arms, the Tiktuk willingly conceded their town to the Passani.

The Passani used Amstaad as a waystation between their capital and the boundaries of their Empire, which stretched towards the north. They kept the original Tiktuk buildings intact, but built around them, incorporating them into traditional Passani architecture. The city was walled for protection, and built up into a maze of winding roads and staircases. The first docks were also built along the Ocean to the southeast of the Old City.

The Passani spread their forces too thin, however, and were turned back by an alliance of Men, Elves, and Dwarves from the north. Upon their arrival at Amstaad around 500 years ago, the Tiktuk and Passani families in the Old City met in secret, and agreed to hand the city over to the northerners to avoid bloodshed. The northern Briaf army was conveyed into the city at night in secret, loyal Passani guards were killed by stealth, and in the morning the Passani awoke to find that only the docks still belonged to them. Those outside the city fought back, but were unable to win against stronger forces in a better position. The docks were razed by the remaining Passani, as they fled to the south.

Empire and Independence

The Briaf kept the Old City intact and to the existing Passani and Tiktuk inhabitants. Rather, the new settlers built around the Old City. The attractive location connecting three trade routes (to the great cities on the plains to the south, to the mines to the north, and to the capital of Briven up-river) led to a rebuilding and expansion of the Docks, and the conversion of Amstaad into a major trading centre. Wealth attracted businessmen and Briaf nobles. During this time settlement expanded north of the river, and as Tiktuk and Passani populations gradually declined Elves moved into the Old City.

Governors sent from Briven were in general good for the city, until 100 years ago the Emperor made the mistake of appointing a young noble by the name of Vithis. Soon after arriving, Vithis became a notorious drunkard, setting usurious taxes to fuel his opulent lifestyle. Corruption seeped into the city guards. Even the nobles were privately embarrassed.

In response, there were incidents of civil unrest, and a petition for a recall sent by a coalition of nobles. Also, a merchant by the name of Bylin started a popular movement to agitate for independence. On the same day, he organized a complete shutdown of the city while he presented a proposal requesting independence in the capital. The Emperor capitulated, Vithis was recalled, and Amstaad was left to choose it's own leader.

The City State

The first governor of Amstaad was chosen by a coalition of representatives from the Tiktuk royalty, the Passani families, and the Briaf nobles. One of the Passani, Allel, was selected. Under his guidance, the governor's mansion was converted into the Council Hall, and land was appropriated nearby to build the other functions of government, a university, and a museum. Allel also was responsible for rebuilding the reputation of the city guards, and many other civil works including bridges crossing the river, the sewer system, and upgrading water distribution.

...Needs a concluding paragraph still.
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Post Post #8 (isolation #5) » Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:25 pm

Post by Yaw »

Good catches on the continuity. I'll fix those in the next revision.

Any ideas for a last paragraph? There should also probably be something introducing Aerin and Slith to the city, though that has some questions (notably around the timeline for their introduction, and where they came from if they're not involved with any of the major powers mentioned).

I disagree about having to hold to traditional "good" and "evil" here -- I'm a big fan of "grey" roles. But I think the critique there is relevant in that what precisely happened isn't well-defined. (That is, the guards were killed by whom?) So there are definitely areas that'll have to be fleshed out to make sense.
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Post Post #10 (isolation #6) » Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:42 pm

Post by Yaw »

Nah, it's ok.

I was just thinking when I wrote that last post that we really haven't defined the outside world. In a way, we shouldn't -- Dour's idea was always that it ought to be open enough for players to be able to fill it in. But with that said, it's pretty clear we need some broad strokes filled in for this to make any sense at all. And all that exists right now is in that post.

The only defined faction outside Amstaad still in existence is the Briaf Empire. So there's a large empire, which Amstaad is on the Eastern edge of, composed mainly of Humans, Elves, and Dwarves. Aerin and Slith came from somewhere that's as of now undefined. So feel free to make something and we'll work with it.
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