Mashies Nominations 2023!

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Mashies Nominations 2023!

Post Post #0 (isolation #0) » Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:57 pm

Post by Ircher »

Posts in this thread
count toward nominations
Feel free to submit
nominations in thread by making a post in the format linked above.

Monday, January 8th, 2024 will be the last day to submit nominations
(expired on 2024-01-08 23:59:59)

Hello, and welcome to the new 2023 Mashies Nomination thread! You'll notice it looks just like the Scummies Nominations thread, and will work just the same. You still nominate in thread like we did before; there are merely some formatting and tracking differences to make everyone's job easier. This thread may be used for both nomination and discussion. The awards themselves are handed out during the winter season of 2024 during an awards ceremony!

In addition to submitting a nomination, you can also submit an anti-nomination, speaking against a nomination. These will not be listed publicly; instead, they will be forwarded to the judges to consider.
See the post below on how to nominate someone for a mashie or submit an anti-nom!

The Awards
♩   ♫   ♪
Award Name
Award Purpose
Eligible Parties
Award Description
The Mashies
Best General Mish Mash Game
Moderator Award
Any game that is run in Mish Mash -- other than the ones excluded by the category below -- is eligible for this award. It can be a board game! It can be an endless, continuous game with no end! It can be a game show! Hell, it can be a beauty pageant for all we care! What mod really rocked it out and made their game extra special this year?
Best Social Game
Moderator Award
This award can be given to any game that has a decent number of players and relies on social manipulation. Yes, obviously, your Survivor games and Big Brother games will go here. But so can The Mole, or Amazing Race, or any sort of game that involves a reality-style competition. Running these games can be a long, difficult, arduous process, and nobody is perfect, but if you feel a mod did a great job, toss up their name for consideration. With the exception of marathons, every Large Social Game that runs to completion during this year is eligible and will automatically be considered, but nominations help give the games you love that much more weight.
Smash Mouth
Best Overall Mish Mash Player
Individual Award
This award goes to the person who best exemplified what it takes to be a great Mish Mash Player throughout the year! They were smart, strategic, and tactical? Check. They were enjoyable, nice, and pleasant? Check. Did you sign up for a game when they did because you wanted to play with them? Then this is the award for them!
Best Mish Mash Newbie
Individual Award
This award goes to the person who's fairly new and has made the largest, most positive impact on the community in the short time they've been here. New players are always getting involved with our section of the site, and everyone should be encouraged to be the best they can be.
Best Moment
Individual Award
Did someone say something hilarious in a Mish Mash or Large Social Game? Did they pull off a ridiculous play? Did something happen that was incredibly memorable? This is the award for a moment in any Large Social or Mish Mash game that stood out and should be recognized.
Last edited by Ircher on Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #1 (isolation #1) » Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:57 pm

Post by Ircher »

Submitting a Nomination

Please use the following formatting. There's more you can do after you filled out the form if you want to be nice and make our life easier, so keep reading.
Award Name
date [yyyy/mm/dd] Nominator [This is your name]Nominee [The person you want to nominate]Full Name of the game ["Survivor 20143: Blah Blah Blah" for example. Make sure you use codes to make sure that clicking on the name of the game takes to the game thread or post in question.]Description on why this person should win this award.

Use this award for all awards

Code: Select all

[table][header=5]Award Name[/header]
[cell][url=game link]Full Name of the game or post[/url][/cell]
[cell]-insert your description here-[/cell][/row]


If you want to be extremely helpful, you can color the table and text so that its associated with its award category. I will leave a key below, but the key thing to remember is that when coloring a table background, you do not need to put a # character in, where as with text color, you are required to put in a # character at the beginning of the hexcolor.
for example table=1d232d and color=#d0e4f8
These are the corresponding colors to each category
Mashtermind, Smash Mouth, and Mashterstroke
: #1D232D
Text Color
: #D0E4F8

Best Social Game and Mish Mash Newbie
: #16398a
Text Color
: #7ac8f5
This table is Blue on Blue by northsidegal

Submitting an anti-nomination

Sometimes a controversial nomination comes along. If you wish to register your dissent, the judges will take that into consideration. You may do so privately by sending a PM to the current custodian of the Mashies Nominations thread (xofelf) with the following PM title: "Anti-nomination for [username] for [Award]". Please include detailed reasoning. Public or "empty" anti-noms will not be considered.

Declining a nomination

If you wish to take yourself out of consideration for an award, you may do so. Send a PM to the current custodians of the Mashies Nominations thread (xofelf) with the following PM title: "Request to decline [Award]". Please include a detailed reason why you think this is not your year. This is request is subject to a vote within the Scummies Steering Committee - if a majority of the SSC thinks you deserve to be considered anyway, the nomination will stand.
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Post Post #2 (isolation #2) » Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:58 pm

Post by Ircher »

Date Added
Game & Link
This was a popular game this year that brought people together on Discord throughout the year to listen to music together and get schadd's thoughtful and quirky feedback throughout. schadd added some Easter egg type content with the scoring for more mystery and whimsy in this version.
Running Taskmaster: S2 was almost certainly a marathon given the amount of time it took, and the mods dealt with great hardship in the form of having their youtube account stolen and having a random dude show up in their city and stick a postit note to their forehead. Huge respect for organising everything and running it for the teams :D
The game was a delight to play and allowed for so much creativity and hilarity, with the editing of the tasks together really adding to that. Huge props to the Taskmaster (Cephrir) and the other players for making the whole thing even better too!

xofelf: "While Season 2 of Taskmaster started a while ago, it finished this year. And it was such a fun time for everyone involved. Given how long it took for some of us to finish tasks, these mods deserve to be commended for their endless patience with us. Ceph made a great Taskmaster, and CM1 was a great Alex Horne. Ariel was instrumental in making sure we actually had a running show. If you've got a moment, definitely watch the videos of all the tasks made, a really fun event."
Last edited by Ircher on Sat Jan 13, 2024 5:33 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #3 (isolation #3) » Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:58 pm

Post by Ircher »

Best Social Game Nominations
Date Added
Game & Link
I wanted to call out this game as for a game we did in 7 hours it was very smoothly run and had a lot of excitement from start to finish. It's rare you watch a game and feel like anyone in the cast can win but as we got to the merge from a spectator perspective it felt wide open.
The Genius is an incredibly difficult format to perfect, because the game is about analysing rules and making them work to your advantage. Designing challenges for this that allow for strategic flexibility but don't outright break is difficult, but the challenges in First Encounter felt both fair and open to various strategies. There were plenty of twists and turns in the game itself, both because of a fantastic cast willing to take whatever advantages they could get, and because the challenge designed opened the door for those moves to be made. The game seemed to run very smoothly, despite many of the challenges being very heavy on the adjudication front and some requiring mods to be available at all hours.
First Encounter was a joy to be able to play in, and an incredibly impressive feat to have run.

xofelf - "this was run incredibly well and the mods should be proud, especially by the speed of the game."
Last edited by Ircher on Sat Jan 13, 2024 5:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #4 (isolation #4) » Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:58 pm

Post by Ircher »

Smash Mouth
Date Added
Game & Link
Mist was amazing this game. Not only did they do super well (2nd place) but they fought the heck out in the final. Mist was a delight to moderate throughout the game. Our Discord chat was always bustlin' and kept us all entertained. They also were a force to be reckoned with in the challenges and were seen as a fierce competitor throughout.
Survivor: South Bend, Survivor Village, WWYT XIV, Quixx, Resistance, Chess, Cheese Thief, Telephone Pictionary, IMMM23, Lingo: Pass the Torch, etc.
Mallow has been very involved this year and brings compassion and thoughtfulness everywhere he goes.

Mish Mash
: One of the most prolifically involved people overall and helped fill games like Resistance and Quixx to make them actually run. He nearly won WWYT. He fully solved ambic's timed idol hunt in the IMMM23 event. He won as a spy in resistance and as a sleuth in Cheese Thief.

: He was voted the Fan Favourite in South Bend due to playing and well and also giving great confessionals that helped those who couldn't make it there in person be able to enjoy the game more vicariously. Following that, he helped organize a post-meet social event on Discord to help people keep in touch. He earned 5th place in Survivor: Village and this spectator torchwalk said it better than I can:
"What can I say except absolute legend. Have your whole tribe pagonged immediately, go on a massive immunity run and somehow go to being the frontrunner for the win, and then pull an Eric right at the last moment. You were absolutely incredible."

xofelf - "Nth mallow, always a ray of sunshine and positivity in games."
Snakes, alongside co-mods, ran an absolutely fantastic game this year in the form of The Genius: First Encounter. See my nomination for that for more information there. It was an incredible game, and a very well designed and well run one!
He then came back to play as Sidney Prescott in LCA and not only took the victory, but also took the Best Confessionalist award!
International Mish Mash Month (And too many other things to count)
Ariel is awesome. Whether it be running Telephone Pictionary, being on the mod team of Taskmaster, getting the ball rolling on the revolving walrus, editing the wiki, running an entire month dedicated to various Mish Mash things or just nominating people for Scummies, Ariel is devote to the site and deserves to be recognized. The amount of good Ariel has done for Mish Mash in general, but especially this year, is staggering. My only regret with this nom is I didn't do it earlier.
Village was really the first reappearance but not all I wanna shout out
After a many many years hiatus from serious LSG playing, T-Bone took the plunge to try again. And he did such an incredible job, and has continued to play LSGs and contribute to them where he can and I really wanna give that a nod. But that's not the only reason I want to nominate T-Bone this year. He's been really truly instrumental in trying to bring LSGs into site events like marathon weekends and has really put in an effort to give us whatever support we've needed or wanted, and frankly I think he went above and beyond what was required or just kind of a mafia listmod to do.
September's Marathon Survivor
While not just being incredibly down(ha!) to run a formally included marathon survivor during a marathon weekend, kdowns has been putting in quite a lot of work for our community. Most especially this has included a lot of outreach to other ORG/LSG communities, most specifically SomethingAwful. In many ways kdowns is the reason outside of the Mish Mods for why we've got and been working on crossover games with that community. He's really stepped up to breathe life into our outreach and inclusion efforts this year and should be acknowledged for that.
Last edited by Ircher on Sat Jan 13, 2024 5:47 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post Post #5 (isolation #5) » Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:58 pm

Post by Ircher »

Best Mish Mash Newbie
Date Added
Game & Link
Survivor: Village, a couple other games
I mean if we are going to consider what makes a break out newbie, a winner feels like a nice place to start. Stoive came into the community having a very close connection to DeasVail, but playing in an anonymous setting, this is obviously not known. Stoive came in with an enthusiasm and dedication not often seen in a new player and played as if he'd been playing for years. Along the way he learned, grew, and came out with a really ridiculously compelling story to win the whole game and did so in a 7-3-0 vote. Very few newbies come out swinging on MafiaScum with a win in a major game under their belt. In addition, stoive has been active in other games since playing Village and has done pretty well from what I understand. A positive, glowing, bubbly individual who I see as having a bright future in this community for years to come, I can think of no greater pleasure than to nominate Stoive for Mish Mash newbie of the year.
Balki placed as a juror and operated as a big threat in Survivor: Village and then returned in Survivor: LCA as a finalist and the spectators' fan favourite. In the latter, this newbie beat 20 other players in finding the idol, earned their way back in as a returnee, and steamrolled some much more experienced competition with creativity and strategies in challenges.
I know I personally was excited to see petapan sign up for LSGs this year. And then he started posting in his confessional for The Genius, and it was probably one of the most enjoyable confessionals I've interacted with as a listmod/spectator. His liveblogging of binging through The Genius seasons was a really enjoyable experience. Not to mention, he's also a really smart player. He played more than just The Genius, and I think he's got a bright future in these games and would not be surprised to see him win one in the near future. He also got a group of people together to watch Time Hotel, which was also really enjoyable.
Last edited by Ircher on Sat Jan 13, 2024 5:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #6 (isolation #6) » Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:58 pm

Post by Ircher »

Date Added
Game & Link
In the "Pranks for the Memories" task, het and Skelda pranked Mist by inventing a fake secret task for Mist to complete that Mist enjoys. Very sweet and well-executed.
Spoiler: prank setup chat log
1:35 PM]skelda (he/him): The only idea I have that I could use my students for would be giving them one of those fake spelling tests where I make up a bunch of ridiculous made-up words. And then I could let them tear them up or whatever. I think it would be wholesome. And they might have funny reactions
[1:35 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: wait i LOVE that
[1:35 PM]het (he/him): hahaha that sounds adorable
[1:35 PM] BOT Little Alex Horne: Hello Noraa's Faves (and het).

We sense that you might want something adorable in your life as this game comes to an end, so how about a special task just for your team.

Draw something adorable for one bonus point.
You have 24 hours. Your time starts now.
[1:35 PM]het (he/him): wait what?
[1:36 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: OMG???
[1:36 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: YESSSSS
[1:36 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: YOU UNLOCKED A SECRET TASK
[1:36 PM]skelda (he/him): Hahaha wow
[1:36 PM]het (he/him): haha that is amazing!
[1:36 PM]skelda (he/him): Omg that's crazy
[1:36 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: ok i can draw if skelda does spelling bee
[1:37 PM]het (he/him): yes, perfect!

[2]: Mist's drawing video
Spoiler: chat log of the reveal
[6:50 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: LITERALLY
[6:50 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: WHAT?????
[6:50 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: THE WAY I'M LIKE
[6:50 PM]skelda (he/him): Hahahahahahaha
[6:50 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: LAUGHING
[6:50 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: SM RN
[6:50 PM]het (he/him): hahaha
[6:50 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: I FEEL SO HAD.
[6:51 PM]het (he/him): haha you were just perfect though!
[6:51 PM]skelda (he/him): You did so great!!!
[6:51 PM]skelda (he/him): When you were copy and pasting the entire dictionary I was dying
[6:51 PM]het (he/him): like we were SO excited when we saw your submission
[6:51 PM]het (he/him): lmao yes
[6:51 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: I THOUGHT THERE WERE MORE :(
[6:53 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: this was so good
[6:54 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: i am smiling so much that was so well done
[6:54 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: very good prank
6:54 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: i wish there was a live reaction lololol
[6:54 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: because the way i GASPED
[6:54 PM]het (he/him): and it really can't be overstated how well you did
[6:54 PM]2nd blindest cutie ever: would have been AMAZING
For the "Spreading the Love" task, teams had just one week to design a spreadsheet. the worst designed a clever game that we were impressed by. Video Link.
The Bulge got a lot of compliments on this ending sentence for Chain E. Chain Link.
Sidney's "Vote Steal": During the course of the game items were handed out in response to a challenge and Sidney received a hidden immunity idol. It was soon common knowledge that Sidney had an item as a result. However, Sidney's Ally Rapunzel spread the rumor that the item was actually a Vote Steal, which Sidney played along with. In the short term this made people less scared of an idol but in the long term it meant at F7 and F6 players assumed Sidney had a vote steal, and could essentially choose who went home by stealing a vote, which meant that Sidney ended up with a disproportionate amount of information due to an item they did not actually possess, and was far more utile than the idol Sidney actually possessed (especially since the idol expired at F8).

T-Bone - "nth this affected so much of the early merge"
Allow me to set the scene. A twist had just occured in Survivor: LCA, like any other day. However, for this twist players had to blindly choose another and if two people did that, they could talk for the end of the game. Those who no one chose however, were given an item allowing them to send a 500 word message to anyone in the game, and they could send one back. Such an item could be use to share information across tribal lines, establish a relationship with someone you've never met or a secret third thing to improve your game. King Ghidorah looked at the item and knew what he must do, truly there was only one proper use for such a valuable piece of paper. He was so certain it was the very first one of these items being used. Yes...yes, he'd write to Rapunzel, a player he adored greatly. She received the following:
You open your mailbox to see a letter written to you from King Ghidorah. It read:
"We are here to reach out about your car's limited warranty"

You may send a reply that can be up to 500 words in length.
Last edited by Ircher on Sat Jan 13, 2024 5:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #15 (isolation #7) » Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:50 am

Post by Ircher »

Happy New Year! Don't forget to get your nominations in before the nomination period closes.
As of today, there is a little over a week ((expired on 2024-01-08 23:59:59))
left before nominations for 2023 will no longer be accepted.
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